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Feedback from what readers

took part in and interests

the readers to see what
Well known magazine so can other people put in
afford to cover it up in places comparison to them.
and it will still be recognised.

A lure- free
calendar to
readers to buy Name of the band
it. highlighted in a bright
colour to stand out and
attract readers

Shows what else is

featured in the magazine

Popular band highlighted in

yellow to draw readers in.
Another lure to interest
the reader into buying the

Popular well known

magazine so can afford to
cover up the masthead

Use 4 colours for the front

page. Blue, Black, White
and Orange

Gives the reader an idea of

what to expect in the rest of
the magazine.

A lure- free cd to
readers to
convince them to
buy the magazine.
Again ‘Rocksound’ is a
well known magazine
so can afford to cover
up the masthead with
Stick to a blue, white and
the main image.
red colour scheme., apart
from the lures and
competitions which they
have in bright yellow to A well known image of
stand out. a band frontman fills
most of the cover.

Bar code down in the

bottom right of the

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