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{...} Any fool can blow something up. Any fool can destroy.

But to see these guy

s, these firefighters and
these policemen and people from all over the country, literally with buckets, re
building... that's extraordinary.
And that's why we have already won. It's light. It's democracy. They can't shut
that down.
They live in chaos, and chaos can't sustain itself. And it never could, it's too
easy and too unsatisfying .
{...}The view... from my apartment... was the World Trade Center... Now it's gon
e. They attacked it.
This symbol of... of American ingenuity and strength... and labor and imaginatio
n and commerce and it's gone.
But you know what the view is now? The Statue of Liberty.
The view from the south of Manhattan is the Statue of Liberty. You can't beat th

If you haven't contemplated murder, you ain't been in love.

If you haven't seriously thought about killing a motherfucker,
you ain't been in love. If you haven't had a can of rat poison
in your hand and looked at it for forty-five minutes straight,
you ain't been in love. If you haven't bought a shovel and a
bag and a rug to roll their ass up in, you ain't been in love.
If you haven't practiced your alibi in front of the mirror, you
ain't been in love. And the only thing that's stopped you from
killing this motherfucker was a episode of CSI: "Oh man, they
thorough. I better make up. They might catch my ass."
Se você nunca considerou assassinato, você nunca esteve apaixonado.
Se você nunca pensou seriamente em matar um desgraçado, você
nunca esteve apaixonado. Se você nunca ficou encarando um pacote
de veneno de rato em suas mãos durante 45 minutos seguidos, você
nunca esteve apaixonado. Se você nunca comprou a pá, o saco de lixo
e o tapete para enrolar o desgraçado, você nunca esteve apaixonado.
Se você nunca praticou seu álibi na frente do espelho, você nunca esteve
apaixonado. E a única coisa que te impediu de acabar com a raça daquele
pau no cú foi um episódio de CSI.

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