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Thinking Hats

Edward de Bono
Q.1 Facts
Which hat do you use when
you’re thinking about
 what you know

 what you want to know?

Write down your answer and click the

Q.2 Feelings and intuition
Which hat do you use when
you’re thinking about
 how you feel

 what your instinct is?

Write down your answer and click the

Q.3 Ideas and creativity
Which hat do you wear when
you’re thinking up

new ideas

new ways to do things?
Write down your answer and click the
Q.4 Good ideas for
Which hat do you use when
you’re thinking of

the benefits of a plan or idea

the reasons to go ahead?
Write down your answer and click the
Q.5 Good ideas against
Which hat do you use when
you’re thinking up

the problems with a plan or idea

the reasons not to go ahead?
Write down your answer and click the
Q.6 Thinking
Which hat do you use when you’re
thinking about


what to do next

which hat to use?
Write down your answer and click the
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? ?? ?? ?
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Q.1 Facts – White Hat
Q.2 Feelings – Red Hat
Q.3 Ideas – Green Hat
Q.4 Reasons for – Yellow Hat
Q.5 Reasons against – Black Hat
Q.6 Thinking about thinking - Blue Hat

To recap the Hats click the arrow

The White Hat
The White Hat is concerned with

what we know

what we need to know

the facts and only the facts.
Click the arrow
The Red Hat
The Green Hat
Using the green hat involves:

creating ideas

sharing ideas with no need to

accepting ideas without arguing.
Click the arrow
The Yellow Hat
Good reasons for
Using the yellow hat involves
thinking about:

the good points about a plan
or idea

the reasons to go ahead.
Click the arrow
The Black Hat
Good reasons against
Using the black hat involves:
 the problems with a plan or idea

 the reasons not to go ahead.

Click the arrow

The Blue Hat
The blue hat is concerned with

next steps

setting the agenda

thinking about thinking.
Click the arrow
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