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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 464±470

On-line tool condition monitoring and control system

in forging processes
L.X. Konga,*, S. Nahavandib
Centre for Advanced Manufacturing Research, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia
School of Engineering and Technology, Deakin University, Geelong, Vic. 3217, Australia
Received 17 December 2001; received in revised form 8 February 2002; accepted 20 February 2002


Cold bulk metal forming has made large-scale production of small complex solid parts economically feasible. Tooling used in metal
forming poses many uncertainties in the preliminary cost estimation and production process and continual tool replacement and maintenance
dramatically reduces productivity and raises manufacturing cost. In order to tackle this, an on-line tool condition monitoring system using
arti®cial neural network (ANN) to integrate information from multiple sensors for forging process has been developed. Together with the
force, acoustic emission signals and process conditions, information developed from theoretical models is integrated into the ANN tool
monitoring system to predict tool life and provide the maintenance schedule.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Forging process; On-line monitoring and control; Arti®cial neural networks; Model integration

1. Introduction The application of arti®cial neural networks (ANNs) in

metal forming can be seen in the process planning of metal
The process of bulk metal forming, such as the forging forming operations. Osakada applied ANN techniques to
process, involves several dies and punches used progressively determine suitable forming methods from the ®nal product
to form a part. Tooling is critical to the bulk forming process shape and for the prediction of the number of forming stages
and presents many uncertainties in the preliminary cost esti- required. Osakada and Yang [2] also predicted the location
mation and the production process, and can be responsible for of the die fractures and surface defects in the ®nal product
5±30% of the manufacturing cost [1]. Due to the high initial using ANNs. ANNs have also been coupled with the ®nite
costs for tooling and set-up, this metal forming process is only element method to predict forces and initial billet sizes, to
economically viable with large-scale production. design the tool geometry, and to predict loading forces
Continual tool replacement and maintenance will drama- during the metal forming process.
tically reduce productivity and raise the production costs per To detect any tool abnormality, the development and
piece. With the replacement of tooling there will be costs implementation of an on-line monitoring tool is desirable
incurred in the down time of the machine, reworking of tools for bulk metal forming industry, which ensures the replace-
and the post-handling of repaired tools [1]. There are a ment of defective tools, elongates the tool life, maintains
number of different operational aspects leading to tooling product quality and reduces machine down time. An on-line
failures, e.g., fracture, pick-up, plastic deformation and tool condition monitoring and control system is developed in
wear. These tooling defects have a direct negative in¯uence the current work for a forging process using ANN and data
on the quality of ®nished products. Any tooling degradation fusion methodology. This method can be used for other cold
can result in surface and dimensional defects. Catastrophic bulk metal forming processes as well.
failure with tooling and machinery contributes to a rise in
manufacturing costs. The inability to detect and replace
defective tooling in bulk forming operations will result in 2. On-line tool condition monitoring system
the manufacture of considerable amount of scrap.
A multi-layer feed forward network with error-back-
Corresponding author. Tel.: ‡61-8-8302-5117; fax: ‡61-8-8302-5292. propagation was used to monitor tool conditions of a cold
E-mail address: (L.X. Kong). forging process. Based on incremental information acquired

0924-0136/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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L.X. Kong, S. Nahavandi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 464±470 465

using a speci®c data acquisition system, a data management There are many types of ANNs available depending on the
system was developed to preprocess the data, compare it to application. Multiplayer back-propagation feed forward
the designed tool life and real tool history, predict the ANN is one of the most popular ANNs used for industrial
remaining tool life, and provide an optimum tool mainte- applications. What type of ANN model to use depends on
nance schedule after taking account of the tooling usage the complexity of the problem. The selection of the neural
conditions. network, the number of neurones in each layer and the
There are three major components in the tooling monitor- transfer function of each layer will affect the performance
ing system: material properties, processing conditions, and and the ANN decision-making capabilities.
the model used to predict and monitor the tooling conditions. ANNs are capable of performing complex functions such
Material properties include those of tooling, lubricant and as adaptation, generalisation and target learning. The princi-
workpiece material. The processing conditions are velocity, ple of neural networks is that the input layer sends the input
pressure, temperature and other parameters which vary signals to the hidden layers and then to the output layers. At
during the production. The theoretical model which corre- the output layers, the desired and the actual outputs are
lates the material properties and the production conditions to compared. From this the system error is evaluated. The error
the tooling life should consider the processing history and is then employed to adjust the connection weights amongst
the quality of products. the neurones in the network. This is commonly known as the
Adequate digital signal processing hardware and acquisi- error-back-propagation. Initial weights between the neurones
tion software to measure acoustic emission and forces will is established during the training stage based on the presented
be used to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. Acoustic input signals [4]. Within each iteration, the network becomes
emission sensors will be used to collect signals of the in-feed more knowledgeable about the system to which it is applied.
material and to monitor the state of the tooling. Piezoelectric There are numerous works in the application of ANN in
sensors will collect force signals generated during the metal machining processes as an on-line tool monitoring system.
forming process. Any abnormalities occurring in the pro- Much of the work investigates the use of various input
cess, either from the tool, in-feed material or machinery will parameters and ANN architects to monitor tool wear asso-
be recorded on the acoustic emission and force signals. ciated with machining [4].
Acoustic emission and force signals are highly sensitive An ANN consists of nodes all connected together in a
to any forms of fracture, deformation, material removal and particular structure and organised in layers [4]. This multi-
material pick-up. The on-line tool monitoring system (Fig. 1) player ANN has three layers: input, hidden and output
will provide the state of tool wear and indicates whether the layers. If there is no hidden layer in an ANN, it is a linear
tool needs to be replaced. ANN. Although more than one hidden layer can be used,
ANNs, which are based on the principle of human brain an ANN with one hidden layer generally can solve most
process, will be used in this work to predict the tooling of the problems. The input layer of the proposed network
conditions and to monitor the forging process. The ANNs will include acoustic emission signals of the workpiece
can solve complex and nonlinear problems, with the ability material and the tool, the force generated during metal
of using current and historical data [3]. The use of historical forming, and process parameters such as tool temperature,
data is of particular importance in this work since the tooling stroke rate, and lubrication condition of the in-feed mate-
conditions are in¯uenced, not only by the current processing rial. The outputs provided by the network will be: state of
conditions, but more heavily by the previous processing the tool wear (tool diameters and die edge pro®les) and an
history. The current processing information is a contribution indicator to establish whether a tool is usable or not
of the processing history and the current machine set-up. (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the ANN application in metal bulk forming. Fig. 2. Diagram of the proposed on-line tool monitoring system.
466 L.X. Kong, S. Nahavandi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 464±470

3. Monitoring techniques to tool wear, which in turn, in¯uences force signals in the
following cycles.
Tool monitoring techniques can be divided into direct Traditionally, the most important parameters for a forging
monitoring and indirect monitoring. Direct monitoring pro- engineer when selecting the correct forging equipment have
vides accurate results but is dif®cult to implement. Hence, in been maximum load and the energy requirement. Load
the developmental stage, the indirect method will be used, versus displacement curves (force signals being a time-
since the parameters to be monitored change as a result of based equivalent where displacement is a function of forging
increasing tool wear. press velocity) are therefore familiar to this industry. For a
Due to the development of sensory technology, tool wear given part geometry, characteristic shapes occur (Fig. 3(a))
can be monitored by force, vibration, acoustic emission, for each of the various forming operations [8], with the
motor power, noise level and eddy currents. For the applica- absolute load values varying primarily with the ¯ow stress of
tion of monitoring the tool wear in these forging processes, the material and with the frictional conditions [9] in an
force and acoustic emission will be suitable. The correlation extrusion process. From Fig. 3(a), the force increases
of the measured force and the acoustic emission to the tool abruptly at the early stage of the extrusion process with
condition is performed using ANN. The force and acoustic the header pushing the material through the die. As the ram
sensors will collect signals corresponding to the particular retracts off the workpiece during the return stroke, the force
characteristics of the tools used in the forging process. The reduces providing relief to the material. However, in the
signals are collected through a data acquisition system. upsetting process, the force signal (Fig. 3(b)) is quite
different from the one observed in the extrusion process
3.1. Force signals (Fig. 3(a)), which means that different model has to be used.
Strain gauges and piezoelectric sensors have been used to
Breitling [5] successfully used various in-die sensors to assess force signals for process monitoring purposes in
monitor force signals generated in a stamping process. Force industrial applications. Data acquired during normal pro-
signals have also been collected and used effectively for tool duction operations (Fig. 4) describe how an increasing
monitoring purposes in turning operations [4,6,7]. In bulk forging force for consecutive parts in an upsetting operation
metal forming process, an axial force is developed as the correlated with a tooling misalignment. It is found that
forming punch is used to form the metal workpiece. among the force patterns for 85 parts shown in Fig. 4(a),
Any geometrical changes to the tooling due to progressive most of them are very stable with only a limited variation in
wear are expected to be evident in the associated forces peak stress. However, after part 75, the peak force begins to
generated. Changes to the workpiece, both on the surface increase to a level much higher than the normal conditions.
and dimension, can be observed as an indication of varia- The discrepancy was observed by the operator and the
tions in the generated force. The lubrication conditions will machine was stopped to have the production line checked.
contribute signi®cantly to the force signal and consequently, The force patterns for parts 1 and 83 are compared in

Fig. 3. Typical force signals [8]: (a) forward extrusion; (b) upsetting.
L.X. Kong, S. Nahavandi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 464±470 467

Fig. 4. Measured forces in an upsetting process: (a) peak forces for a series of successive parts: (b) measured forces for parts 1 and 83.

Fig. 4(b) and it is found that there was an increase of 10% in the sensor at an easily accessible location where it will not be
peak force between the two parts. prone to damage. However, such locations are typically
The increase in force during the constrained upset portion remote from the tool±workpiece interface and consequently,
of the process (typically the time of maximum load as the acquired force signals have to include dynamic effects of the
deforming metal is being forced into corners of the die) was press, in addition to information about workpiece deforma-
found to be due to an extensive pick-up of metal inside the tion. Certainly force patterns acquired from in-die sensors
die. The misalignment was causing the shank of each part to will be more accurate if the sensors are closer to the die and
scrape on the die as it entered resulting in deposition of workpiece surface. The difference in the force pattern taken
metal. In contrast to this fault, which was clearly indicated in with sensors at different locations is shown in Fig. 6.
the measured force, another fault arose due to the rotation of It is apparent that for a bulk deformation process in a
the part between the process stages. This caused pronounced production situation, the quality of acquired information and
deformation but did not dramatically affect the force pattern the effectiveness of monitoring in detecting deviations using
(Fig. 5). one response variable are only dependent on the sensor
The relative insensitivity of the force pattern to the process location and the response of interest. While process varia-
variation that produced defective products can be explained tions have been found to in¯uence the generated force, the
by the location of the force sensor. When considering mon- data support the proposition that a multisensor approach is
itoring in a production environment, it is desirable to mount necessary for effective monitoring of tool wear. As a con-
468 L.X. Kong, S. Nahavandi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 464±470

Fig. 5. Comparison of force patterns for normal and deformed parts.

sequence of the advantageous features, the piezoelectric and grain boundaries, phase transformations, delamination,
sensors, embedded in dies, will form an important part of etc. [10]. Acoustic emission signals can be classi®ed into
the tool monitoring system. two types of signals: continuous (low amplitude and high
frequency: 100±400 kHz) and burst-type (high amplitude
3.2. Tool acoustic emission monitoring and low frequency: 100±150 kHz). Acoustic emission sig-
nals can be analysed by fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) or by
Acoustic emission signals are high frequency stress waves statistical analysis.
due to the rapid release of strain energy by materials sub- Much work has been conducted in employing acoustic
jected to fracture, deformation, movement of dislocations emission signals in tool condition monitoring. Inasaki [11]

Fig. 6. Extrusion force signals: (a) sensor in press ram; (b) in-die sensor.
L.X. Kong, S. Nahavandi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 125±126 (2002) 464±470 469

employed acoustic emission sensors in tool condition mon- rate

P which is the ratio of proportion of the life consumed,
itoring in machining processes and found that the acoustic i Li , over the period during which a part is produced and
emission signals were affected by physical events. indexed as j. The period is indicated by Dt.
As part of a tool, for tool condition monitoring in bulk The Robinson's life fraction rule was initially developed
metal forming, acoustic emission will be used to monitor for life assessment of components at elevated temperatures.
tool wear and indicates any onset of any abnormal or It is modi®ed in this work for the life consumed in every
catastrophic tool failure during the process. cycle to have the contribution of current processing condi-
tions involved:
3.3. Sensory fusion
Li ˆ f …smax ; s; W; m; . . .†; W ˆ f …s; e; t; T† (2)
Multi-sensor integration improves the performance and The life consumption during the production of every part is
reliability of process monitoring. Sensors developed so far related to the peak stress, the stress variation history, the
have limitations in machine tool monitoring. Data fusion of working temperature, time consumed in manufacturing the
multiple sensors can be approached statistically or can be part and the frictional conditions. Eq. (2) has a component W
approached through methods that require training such as which is the work done during the current cycle i and varies
least-squares regression, the group method of data handling with stress, strain, time and temperature.
and neural networks. This work focuses on an ANN to With Eq. (2), contribution of any abnormality to life
perform sensory fusion. The advantages of neural networks consumption will be counted. The equation can be modi®ed
integrating and fusing sensory information are their cap- to consider the in¯uence of other parameters on the life
abilities of adapting instructed environments, robustness to consumption.
noise, fault tolerance and simultaneous processing. The
work will be fusing force signals and acoustic emission
signals together. 5. Conclusions

Application of on-line tool condition monitoring into bulk

4. Integration of the theoretical models metal forming processes has been of importance to industry
to reduce machine down time and improve productivity. An
Continuous production rather than an occasional abnorm- on-line tool condition monitoring system for forging process
ality is the major cause leading to tool damage in bulk is under development using a multiplayer error-back-pro-
material processing such as forging. When occasional diver- pagation network. Force, acoustic emission signals, process
gence of the process, re¯ected from the variation in the parameters (tool temperature, stroke rates and surface lubri-
signals of force and acoustic emission, yields defective cation condition of in-feed material) and life consumption
products and exerts negative impacts on the tool, the tool evaluated from a theoretical model are used as inputs of the
has the capacity to deal with a certain number of these neural network model to predict the tool condition, main-
abnormalities. The history of the tool being used is the main tenance schedule, and tool replacement. The technique can
concern for the theoretical model to include the effect of be applied to other metal forming processes.
each part production on the remaining tool life.
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