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Pyramid Meditation

Open sides pyramid


minimum of 5 Meditators to run the session

Meditation inside the Pyramid

You will practice meditation under a real pyramid which is as big as the room. The pyramid is set on the sam
geometrical basis of the Great pyramid of Giza i.e the Golden Mean/ Ratio (Phi=1.61803398874...) and 5105
angle of inclination add to it being aligned to the North (for harmony, resonance and activation). The Golden
ratio has a reputation that underlies all "Creation" and pyramid powers have been recorded under Pyramidolo

What does the pyramid add to meditation?

The pyramid helps to achieve greater heights in Meditation, it showers good health, wealth and prosperity on
meditator. The use of a pyramid in meditation can give rise to feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a positive

How/Why does this happen?

The Geometrical structure of the Pyramid (Vastu) transfers Cosmic and Universal Life Force energy into hum
body. Why? Because all energies are absorbed from the sides of the pyramid into its base of which they are l
transformed into positive energy and released through the top point of the pyramid (this is known as
Neutralization process).

Why is it significant?
Feng Shui practitioners consider pyramids as high significant figures for its ability to Neutralize negative
energies caused within any premises due to incorrect Vastu. So you can easily see pyramids placed in the sec
of the Feng Shui Bagua.

What happens when I meditate under, or inside of a pyramid?

Early experiments with test subjects connected to an electroencephalograph (EEG) shown signs of increased
Alpha and Theta brainwave production, higher frequencies and greater amplitudes. Alpha and Theta brain w
appear to increase with higher amplitudes, when one is in a meditative, intuitional creative state of mind.

Why should I meditate in a pyramid?

You align yourself with a perfect geometrical design that brings coherence and harmony to your mind, body,
and spirit. The pyramid acts as an amplifier to the life force energy and thus increases the natural healing the

The session is ordered as follows:

1- Theory of PM and instructions for 15'
2- Practicing PM for 15'
3- Sharing experience/ open Quests for 5'
4- Practicing PM for 20'
5- Sharing experience/ open Quests for 5'

You can meditate the way you used to otherwise you can learn healing meditation prior to this session.

This is a chance for all lovers of "Meditation" and "Pyramid" to experience a special lift

in their consciousness and deep levels of pure silence.


For conducted researches and applications on pyramid energy:

Scientific Breakthroughs in Pyramid Research:

Reserve your place now

Multihealing /Guerison center. 4990 rue de Salaberry , H4J 2P1

Montreal Quebec, Canada

we abide by the Rules and Regulations set by ANQ (Associations des Naturothérapeutes du Québec)
by its Code of Ethics and its Educational Guidelines

multih ealin g/ multiGu eris on Ce nter is a r e gist er ed ent er prise a t Regi st rai re
de s en trep ri se s Q ue bec

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