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3 unique ways your office can ‘Go Green’

Going ‘green’ in the office isn’t just a trend anymore. It’s a growing policy that’s being implemented into
more and more offices nationwide. But going green doesn’t stop at recycling bins and buying recycled
paper. Here are three unique ways your office can be green:

1. Battery Recycling—Disposable batteries die about 4-5 times a year in a typical office which can
amount to over 1,000 batteries filled with heavy contaminating metals thrown away each year. For less
than $50 your office can purchase an iRecycling Kit from that helps you safely
dispose of your battery usage.

2. Paperless Filing—We are all getting used to saving files on our computer or network and emailing
them to share them with colleagues. Now offices can fax directly from their electronic filing cabinet and
even comment and annotate on files right from the web browser. Document Management software
enables you to accomplish this and more.

3. Composting—Office plants that are outdated or dying can be recycled into compost. Start a
composting program within your office and tell the plant watering girl not to throw away the table fern
that didn’t get enough water last week as its leaves are great compost ingredients.

4. Letterhead Recycling— When your business logo changes, there’s no need to throw away the 10
boxes of letterhead and envelopes. One different way of recycling paper is donating old and outdated
letterhead to other businesses or clients. This letterhead can be used for printing on the backside and is
great for scratch paper.

Click on one of these links for more information about document management and document imaging.

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