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1) I, Susan, have the detailed plan known as time as time is a geometric shape. Einstein
proposed this and he is correct. It exists all at once or all now. I have the shape and I
have the unit – time as mass or volume or capacity, a form of energy - thus the universe
is a matter of timing. This answer lies WITHIN the original governing documents. I, Susan,
never vested any belief in the fakes. I never once believed the corrupted 1871 versions,
as they are not reality but only the belief of unjust men who did not reason it as you can
never ever reconcile the reasons named with actual reality. I tell a joke about Earl
Warren in my brief as what version are you ruling upon? If you argue 1871 and he opines
on 1871 then it might be the correct application. Be specific. Now I tell a joke about
Scalia: He told you there’s a comma in number 2, kids. The 1871 versions match the
unjust men who wrote it – lawyers - not the universal law at work; if you’re motive is
liberty and your intention is justice you’re covered either way but the originals are
“elegant” which is the highest ‘praise’ a mathematician can give something. The original
versions DO match universal law. It’s the structure not merely the flat words or the flat
punctuation. Who deliberately chooses inelegance? A person who truly believes they are
less than! But this thing known as timing might be something only I could know as two of
my best clues were: Carol Moran could not understand how I knew a Moebius strip, that
mathematical principle, when I experienced it in the world at large such as when I saw it
in The Constitution or in other people and when some of you used a metronome I could
not wrap my head around what you NEEDED it for as it seems bizarre to use it to time
absolute pieces of a whole work. The absolute piece is elegant or not; what aren’t you
hearing as the whole itself is also absolute??? The universe is like music to me: I
experience it that way. To this day the metronome is lost on me as: Just play it; listen to
the timing as I’m experiencing it. Moral authority? Invoke it; sing that song as it has a
definite rhythm. You can describe things exactly and in detail w/o ever saying them as
I’ll know the truth thus I’ll go directly to that not tap dance around it. People
communicate in other ways than words! It’s even more than body language. It’s
emotional. I’ll hear the emotional truth of you uniquely within the universal truth. I’ve
even dreamed original music, music like a song made up of notes. If you, all lawyers in
every field, asked me correctly as your questions are terrible on paper as ego makes you
want to be perfect so you end up performing like trained monkeys for other lawyers then
I could have told you:
2) The Winchester repeating rifle will never become the Winchester repeating procreating
rifle. Hold on to your seats, federal judiciary: It seems some clown physicists among us
who are Nazis, that form, truly, actually believe with their whole heart and soul that
they can build a computer like Big Blue that will be able to defeat you when we play the
game known as Constitutional Law not chess. A wise machine. You know how Bobby
Fischer played Big Blue and went nuts as they were tied for months and months so he
defected to Iceland when he couldn’t beat a machine? His problem in life is: you can’t
beat a computer at a game with a set of rules as a machine will do a repetitive action
more times more often with more precision than a man – that’s perfection; that’s the
nature of rules - but play a game with a set of laws when one of those laws is an ethic
aka moral authority? That machine will go down hard, as it can’t gain wisdom via life
experience. “How many times how often?” is a legal question about rules. A crook might
do it over and over but is it law? No, as that crook’s pattern is rule or he wouldn’t be a
crook. Machines do not possess motive and intent. They don’t mean or intend anything!
Crooks play by the rules well but not by the law well and machines do not have a chance
against a human. Machines know the rules and SOME law but only what you put inside
them and you can’t put “constitutional law” inside them. You can’t place the unknown in
a computer! Constitutional law? It happens in the moment! Crooks are animalistic and
reptilian like not human if they do it too many times too often. They need to plot; they
do not spontaneously commit crimes. Crooks become like machines. They come to have
diminished capacity so can’t best an honest person. Conversely those so us who act
human and aspire to a Creator-like state of being INCREASE our capacity like a machine
or a crook never, ever will. Machines? They aren’t willing! They do not volunteer! The
kind of power play Jefferson, me, both Marshall’s and Rhenquist pulled? That’s not rule
as that’s law; it’s not something you can program into us. We had to act our whole lives
to do it on the spot. We can evolve but that’s not then programming as we choose to go
here upon full knowing and informed consent in the moment thus you don’t dictate it to
us. Garbage in then garbage out. The corrupted versions – the lies or the Euro trash -
never went in me! BVG is my proof, as I knew every stunt the lawyers - and the crooks -
pulled. My mother did not program me. I wasn’t brainwashed or conditioned with fear.
She denied the existence of my Eurotrash background as did my father. We are: American
so you’re stuck with America. Who fears the truth of America? I spent a life standing
down fear in all of its forms via thinking, speaking and acting honestly. By the time I was
here, at BVG? Measure the Herculean effort made against me. If lawyers can’t program
me thus can’t program judges then what? LIBERTY! My vote is the only American vote
never held captive. It’s still wild and undomesticated as you couldn’t break me with law
school. It’s natural born. It’s my currency.

3) These guys truly believe a MACHINE decides the vote!!! As if machines reason the law!!!
You know, they count first so the number then has motive and intent. I confess: When I
finally saw The Matrix this year? I laughed and laughed. No wonder these Hollywood
Buddhists have you confused! I named my second petition “In Re Thomas Jefferson” as if
I were Mary Shelley and as that hammers the point of law home but maybe I should have
named it “In Re The Matrix”. No wonder scientists claimed wisdom is a fairy story! As
men came to wrongly believe that they are splitting atoms and that they cracked the
human genome they also came to believe in their own delusional selves. Science? It
ignores and denies common rare X in the West and most DNA claiming it is “junk”. If a
lawyer walked in with BVG and told you everything else is junk constitution, would you
believe him? YOU DID.

4) Now I’m going to turn into Mr. Peabody and you can play my pet boy, Sherman. For the
purposes of this complaint you are a VOTER only. The reader is not a lawyer, judge or
paid Officer. You’re not a scientist. VOTER IS YOUR ONLY OFFICE. We will climb into the
Way Back Machine and travel to 1774 when Lord Calvert has an idea: An error in one
direction only was uncovered by the surveyors Mason and Dixon. At the same time,
Thomas Jefferson is acting to save his life as in 1774 he published his “View” as he too
recognizes as error in one direction: "The God who gave us life," he wrote, "gave us
liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them."
Jefferson was busy, so occupied with fighting a Revolution was he that he had no idea
what he actually measured:

The Mason-Dixon Line: As such, the Mason-Dixon line approximates a segment of a small circle
upon the surface of the (also approximately) spherical Earth. An observer standing on such a
line and viewing its path toward an unobstructed horizon would perceive it to bend away from
his line of sight, an effect of the inequality between the amount of curvature to his left and
right [If you apply this circle all over Earth then what you get is a picture that looks
exactly like the structure of an atomic bomb, the Manhattan Project!]. Among parallels of
latitude, only the Equator is a great circle and would not exhibit this effect…Mason is an
astronomer; it was noted that the measure of acceptable error when they surveyed this very
interesting circle was too great and to one side; imagine a pendulum swinging too far to one
side. They used a circle to create a squared shape. This is so interesting to me as Washington
secured some sort of degree in surveying from William & Mary and Jefferson created the East-
West map grid. From my friend, a nexpert in sacred geometry, who’s name is actually Cort

“Thomas Jefferson established the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) in the United States in
1795. This system was initially known as the township system and resembles a magic square that
is used in Sumerian numerology and the occult. Jefferson numbered each 6 mile x 6 mile
township in squares 1-36 starting "backwards" in the NE corner and working as the numbers
progress to the southeast end of the square. This is known in Kablalistic and occult terms as a
"Devil's Square" and all the numbers from 1-36 add up to 666.” This magic square is elgant and
we still use it on our maps. All sorts of “things” line up along it but people only look at the
physical not the metaphysical: WHO restored Williamsburg? My old nemesis: Rockefeller. That’s
not physical; do you know how many connections I have to Williamsburg directly? So why did the
Mason-Dixon Line ever become so important? The Missouri Compromise, that’s why. The guy who
wrote “American Sphinx” told me that Jefferson was a crazy old man ranting about Missouri
after just telling me he complained about Madison on his deathbed as in “he still doesn’t get it”.
Correct but what doesn’t HE get? as this guy lied about being in Vietnam; WHO does that? I know
who. But I’m constant; I do get constitutional authority so let’s line it up:

The Missouri Compromise is an agreement passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-
slavery factions in the United States Congress, involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the
western territories. It prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the parallel
36°30' north except within the boundaries of the proposed state of Missouri. Jefferson on the
Missourri “Compromise”:

“but this momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I
considered it at once as the knell of the Union; it is hushed indeed for the moment but this is a
reprieve only, not a final sentence. A geographical line, coinciding with a marked principle,
moral and political, once conceived and held up to the angry passions of men, will never be
obliterated; and every new irritation will mark it deeper and deeper”, Jefferson. A line of
demarcation down your heart and then down your nation. You are manifesting a corrupted and
false belief. In Re Jefferson: You cannot say you believe one thing then live out another; lie to
yourself enough and so participate in the delusion and you’ll become delusional, exactly like
King George III. I’m not delusional: We eventually went to war and lost the most Americans –
suffered the most casualties - of any war. We’re still dropping like flies. “He who permits
himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time till at length it
becomes habitual.” Jefferson again and so conversely the truth can become a habit plus you
might need to do something once in 1787 but not twice. Can you make a Great Compromise and
so make a greater one or do you only make a lesser one? The issue is human potential.

If you compare notes thus check the Founders they do not contradict themselves or lie; Adams
and Jefferson are constant: HONEST. If their belief changes as they gained more experience thus
proof aka wisdom they tell you their belief has changed thus they are wiser. Jefferson did not
lie; he did not hide his children from anyone and you too would be able to claim miscegenation
was one of the greatest evils of slavery if it harmed you and your children irreparably. He knew
the evil of it as he lived it! We never needed DNA to know Jefferson had children with
Hemmings. If the exact words coming out their mouths or their pens were not exactly true?
Their motive and intent is the same or is constant, it is always liberty and justice, as they might
have no other choice as it’s about ACTUAL SAFETY. I can read anything and know if it’s
authentically that person; I know what that person is originally meaning and intending to convey
while historians are mistaken: Jefferson and Adams exchanged letters about equality but
historians claim they’re about the act of sex as Adams was not going to let a female servant
copy them. Correct as I truly believe Adams said he was not so stupid as to start a war with the
other half of humanity when it is a war he had lost from a time before it began; what if that
woman is another Abigail Adams but not married to you thus ekeing out an existence as a
servant? The jig is up, that’s what. The smallest reasoning for not asking a woman to copy them
is that the idea of the act of sex is within them but those letters are not about the act of sex
itself but human sexuality. Some of the Founders had my same talent: Franklin could see ideas
in his head, physical and metaphysical, and then execute them in reality while Jefferson was
deadly accurate judging someone else’s character. Adams was deadly accurate judging his own.
They were all willing. Faithful. It’s not one fact or one single quality of each person but the
whole person I’m hearing. They are unique patterns or fingerprints; I can recognize them
anywhere. But only Jefferson owned the knowledge of constitutional authority. It’s: UNIQUELY

So Congress used the old Mason-Dixon Line never fully comprehending it as they never fully
comprehend anything in life acting as a political body. They had no understanding of what Mason
& Dixon accomplished or what this error in one direction meant. Once that error in one direction
was uncovered by Mason and Dixon? Somebody had a big idea: Let’s see if we can use that to
measure the weight of Earth. I could have saved Lord Calvert some time: It’s very, very heavy
but not too heavy; all I did is STAND THERE & PLAY CATCH as Atlas was confused by BVG's bad
math, out whack order of operations with subtraction first not last and its string theory-like
legal basis. Lord Calvert: God won’t let you volunteer for a burden you can’t carry. Or: one
that you can’t catch. He’ll invoke his power of veto over you or help you carry it until you can
carry it on your own.

Calvert of Maryland knew something about surveying so he dispatched Mason to find a mountain
they could weigh once that error was revealed: The Schiehallion Experiment was an
eighteenth-century experiment to determine the mean density of the Earth. Funded by a grant
from the Royal Society, it was conducted in the summer of 1774 around the Scottish mountain of
Schiehallion, Perthshire. The experiment involved measuring the tiny deflection of a pendulum
due to the gravitational attraction of a nearby mountain. Schiehallion was considered the ideal
location after a search for candidate mountains, thanks to its isolation and almost symmetrical

The experiment had previously been considered, but rejected, by Isaac Newton as a
practical demonstration of his theory of gravitation. However, a team of scientists, notably
Nevil Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal, were convinced that the effect would be detectable and
undertook to conduct the experiment. The deflection angle depended on the relative densities
and volumes of the Earth and the mountain: if the density and volume of Schiehallion could be
ascertained, then so could the density of the Earth. Once this was known, then this would in
turn would yield approximate values for those of the other planets, their moons, and the Sun,
previously known only in terms of their relative ratios OR SO THEY MISTAKENLY BELIEVED. As an
additional benefit, the experiment provided cartographers with contour lines, devised to
simplify the process of surveying the mountain.

A pendulum hangs straight downwards in a symmetrical gravitational field. However, if a

sufficiently large mass such as a mountain is nearby, its gravitational attraction should pull the
pendulum's plumb-bob slightly out of true. The change in plumb-line angle against a known
object—such as a star—could be carefully measured on opposite sides of the mountain. If the
mass of the mountain could be independently established from a determination of its volume
and an estimate of the mean density of its rocks, then these values could be extrapolated to
provide the mean density of the Earth, and by extension, its mass.

Isaac Newton had considered the effect in the Principia, but pessimistically thought that any
real mountain would produce too small a deflection to measure. Gravitational effects, he
wrote, were only discernible on the planetary scale. Newton's pessimism was unfounded OR
SO THEY MISTAKENLY BELIEVED: although his calculations had suggested a deviation of less than
2 minutes of arc (for an idealised three-mile high mountain), this angle, though very slight, was
within the theoretical capability of instruments of his day.

An experiment to test Newton's idea would both provide supporting evidence for his law of
universal gravitation, and estimates of the mass and density of the Earth OR SO THEY
MISTAKENLY BELIEVED. Since the masses of astronomical objects were known only in terms of
relative ratios, the mass of the Earth would provide reasonable values to the other planets, their
moons, and the Sun. The data were also capable of determining the value of Newton's
gravitational constant G, though this was not a goal of the experimenters; references to a value
for G would not appear in the scientific literature until almost a hundred years later OR SO THEY

Chimborazo, 1738

A pair of French astronomers named Pierre Bouguer and Charles Marie de La Condamine were
the first to attempt the experiment, conducting their measurements on the 6,268-metre
(20,564 ft) volcano Chimborazo in Ecuador[a] in 1738.[5] Their expedition had left France for
South America in 1735 to try to measure the length of one degree of latitude near the equator,
but they took advantage of the opportunity to attempt the deflection experiment. In December
1738, under very difficult conditions of terrain and climate, they conducted a pair of
measurements at altitudes of 4,680 and 4,340 m.[6] Bouguer wrote in a 1749 paper that they had
been able to detect a deflection of 8 seconds of arc, but he downplayed the significance of their
results, suggesting that the experiment would be better carried out under easier conditions in
France or England. [3][6] He added that the experiment had at least proved that the Earth could
not be a hollow shell, as some thinkers of the day, including Edmond Halley, had suggested.

Schiehallion, 1774

The symmetrical ridge of Schiehallion viewed across Loch Rannoch (Loch Raven, in Balitmore;
look up the symbolic nature of the raven, a key to a lock )

That a further attempt should be made on the experiment was proposed to the Royal Society in
1772 by Nevil Maskelyne, Astronomer Royal. He suggested that the experiment would "do honour
to the nation where it was made"and proposed Whernside in Yorkshire, or the Helvellyn-Skiddaw
massif in Cumberland as suitable targets. The Royal Society formed the Committee of Attraction
to consider the matter, appointing Maskelyne, Joseph Banks and Benjamin Franklin amongst its
members. The Committee despatched the astronomer and surveyor Charles Mason to find a
suitable mountain.

After a lengthy search over the summer of 1773, Mason reported that the best candidate was
Schiehallion (then spelled Schehallien), a 1,083-metre (3,553 ft) peak lying between Loch Tay
and Loch Rannoch in the central Scottish Highlands. The mountain stood in isolation from any
nearby hills, which would reduce their gravitational influence, and its symmetrical east-west
ridge would simplify the calculations. Its steep northern and southern slopes would allow the
experiment to be sited close to its centre of gravity, maximising the deflection effect.

Mason however declined to conduct the work himself for the offered commission of one guinea
per day. The task therefore fell to Maskelyne, for which he was granted a temporary leave of his
duties as Astronomer Royal. He was aided in the task by mathematician and surveyor Charles
Hutton and Reuben Burrow, a mathematician of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. A workforce
of labourers was engaged to construct observatories for the astronomers, and assist in the
surveying. The science team was particularly well-equipped: its astronomical instruments
included a 12-inch (30 cm) brass quadrant from Cook's 1769 transit of Venus expedition, a 10-
foot (3.0 m) zenith sector, and a regulator (precision pendulum clock) for timing the
astronomical observations. They also acquired a theodolite and Gunter's chain for surveying the
mountain, and a pair of barometers for measuring altitude. Generous funding for the experiment
was available due to underspend on the transit of Venus expedition, which had been turned over
to the Society by the King.

Susan: Mean, mean density to determine weight but not converted to mass as in to kg. as it’s
volume or capacity. You’re squaring the circle. My big idea: Uniformity, energy as a matter of
mass having volume and weight not only properties and differentials! I, Susan, can and will
weigh the energy Earth and time is!
The Schiehallion experiment was repeated in 1856 by Henry James, director-general of the
Ordnance Survey, who instead used the hill Arthur's Seat in central Edinburgh. With the
resources of the Ordnance Survey at his disposal, James extended his topographical survey to a
21-kilometre radius, taking him as far as the borders of Midlothian. He obtained a density of
about 5,300 kg·m−3. An experiment in 2005 undertook a variation of the 1774 work: instead of
computing local differences in the zenith, the experiment made a very accurate comparison of
the period of a pendulum at the top and bottom of Schiehallion. The period of a pendulum is a
function of g, the local gravitational acceleration. The pendulum is expected to run more slowly
at altitude, but the mass of the mountain will act to reduce this difference. This experiment has
the advantage of being considerably easier to conduct than the 1774 one, but to achieve the
desired accuracy, it is necessary to measure the period of the pendulum to within one part in
one million. This experiment yielded a value of the mass of the Earth of 8.1 ± 2.4×1024 kg,
corresponding to a mean density of 7,500 ± 1,900 kg·m−3.

A modern re-examination of the geophysical data was able to take account of factors the 1774
team could not. With the benefit of a 120-km radius digital elevation model, greatly improved
knowledge of the geology of Schiehallion, and in particular a computer, a 2007 report produced
a mean Earth density of 5,480 ± 250 kg·m−3 OR SO THEY MISTAKENLY BELIEVED. When compared
to the modern figure of 5,515 kg·m−3, it stood as a testament to the accuracy of Maskelyne's
CORRECTLY DISCERNED THE ANSWER. This then leaves you at Thomas Jefferson as it’s not
mean denisty and as Calvert is wrong while Jefferson is right and he was closer to the
magnetic North Pole. All the PC model did is check the addition and subtraction! Garbage in
then garbage out.

You CAN’T use Calvert’s observations to then prove the theory is a law aka actual reality!!!
Your observations are used to propose a theory but nature is used to prove that theory is a law.
You predict something in nature – behavior – that you do not yet know. All these programmers
did was plug in the original observations and so calculate it that way thus using the observations
to prove or disprove Calvert! No; you use observations to prove your theory is based in reality,
you author it on those observations so it has a basis in reality, and then you must choose
something in nature than has not yet transpired and predict it like an eclipse. IF that event
transpires and we then know your theory is proven we call it law. WHAT did these guys use to
prove Calvert? NOTHING! A MODEL THEY ALREADY HAD!!! It reads the benefit of a 120kg model
implying they used something in nature. Nope as all they did was generate a computer model
and compare that to Calvert’s notes! Let’s predict computers: I predict if you plug in Jefferson's
numbers and mine and Ray’s numbers you’ll get something else. My absolute proof? I know how
and why the magnetic North Pole moves.

I discovered something new: nobody knows what Jefferson did! They have no clue as to what he
measured and even if they do they have no idea as to WHY he removed the metal rod in a
pedometer and replaced it with a wooden rod. We have warring pedmoeter factions. I went
looking and people claimed he did not invent the pedometer but only made an improvement;
yes, but when is an improvement a new idea? Who owns it? I stopped dead: ARE YOU BRAIN
YES!!! Not just scientists: very few people know of it. Once I say it and why then they know!
How did Susan know? I’m embarrassed to tell you:

When men went nuts objecting but named nothing sensible? They named no actual reason? They
acted hysterically? Irrationally? I said “What would I do?” WOODEN ROD so I typed in JEFFERSON
and PENDULUM and up came the Jefferson Encyclopedia with a part of a letter in which he says,
not exact, “I believe a wooden rod will solve my problem.” Exactly what I would do. That’s
independent confirmation. I knew his measurements had to be right – correct - based on my
own and later Ray’s. We make up measurements like linear time; we agree to believe the lie
like we agree to believe santa clause but you’re supposed to be aware of it. Linear time is based
upon soemthing scientific but is not the actual reality of the universe. You’re supposed to know
this. Santa? It’s Danish. Like: The false and wrong Copenhagen Model by Bohr. Jefferson took
elegant measurements. As Jefferson did not patent anything and most people do know this -
they do not know what Jefferson was up to tinkering with an astrolabe - then they merely
chalked the “pedometer” up to a meaningless improvement or some story they heard that is not
true. They argue if his work with pendulums and pedometers was even reality let alone
valuable. It's been ignored. Not one scientist thought to look at his measurements.

MIT grad, do you know wood does not work like a magnet? Do you need a PhD for that
observation? That wood does not attract things like a magnet or pull things? I told a person who
is a “professional” scientist and he looked at me and I knew: He feels stupid. Like lawyers did. I
can’t be faulted for that! Neither can or may Jefferson.

Historians say when it seems as if when Socrates was made to drink hemlock then Greece fell as
if SOCRATES was a point of no return; the Greeks were immediately "sorry" as in while he died
they knew they were wrong not in error or mistaken and what did he talk about? JUSTICE, the
experience for feeling of it like the feeling of liberty. How can you know thus own justice if you
have never felt it? That's Allegory of the Caves so shadows on a wall; Paul's dark glass.  The
death of Socrates symbolizes the death of the truth. It is symbolic. Susan Herbert knows the
‘secret’ to the dark glass, those shadows, the Greek mean and The Parthenon: It’s timed.

The very injury that occurs from prejudice and discrimination that turned into authoritarian rule
and now kleptocracy - a politburo in the making – is the same as ancient Greece but is now
realized in all fields. WE ARE LIVING IT OUT OVER AGAIN. OF THE TRUTH OF IT. Check: The
Parthenon? After it was built greek style McMansions went up around it and people like Socrates
objected as that’s ego. If you study law this corruption is in whatever field you study. In all
fields. Law of English? Broken thus you can and do switch out words and steer decisions; it’s a
subtle form of brainwashing. Law of math? Broken! Rhenquist wants you to catch it as he
advertised it loud and clear – he wored it exactly and named exactign numbers - so what lawyer
or wealthy person does not know math?  The first date I have for it? The early 50’s. After Korea
a police not military action and after the rise of standardized testing so that kids blindly
accepted anything; we were encouraged and brainwashed into becoming little cookie cutter
copies of eahc other. Expert Susan Clemons dates this to the 50’s as in school all she had was
multiple choice questions; later we had Vietnam – not a war on paper but a war in actuality - so
the injury escalated but it was inserted - that’s the best word I know - into the population
politically in 1973 with the Nixonian cabal upon his resignation as the 25 th Amendment contains
an extra “S” someone placed there with deliberation and then scientifically in 1980 as you had
string theory rise. “Law”? It went off the deep end! Every field adopted this corruption
regarding absolutes and wholes = plurals and singulars - after grammar schools did. In the 50’s
you had not only the public school system change but the baby boom and ‘new’ math. The
corruption upon paper rise with the people! Then you had the worst corruption ever perpetrated
upon American kids or so I believe: WHOLE LANGUAGE READING. I happen to be one and so I
read spontaneously; what does that mean? I was immersed in written language like most kids
aren’t so I slowly read a word or two and then could read BUT if I had never learned phonics and
the rules? I would not be this. I needed the absolutes and the wholes, the parts within the
whole. I comprehend the existent relationship between all fileds of study. All the English they
teach you in law school and so all of those NUN tricks not nasty lawyer tricks? I learned that in
grammar school as I went to private school. Old nuns taught me old school. I did not memorize
anything; I had to incorporate it into my body of knowledge. I own a whole body of knowledge
while you own pieces. My pineal gland, hippocampus and amygdala work properly alone and
then together as a whole. I had to have my own ideas. I wasn’t allowed to claim “I didn’t know”
or “so and so did it thus I did it”. Blame was not acceptable and neither was making less of
yourself. As a child I was to know the difference between correct application and an agenda as
personal liberty is not whatever laywers say it is and liberty? It’s not personal belief but is
universal law.

This then leaves you at Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson played with pendulums. He conducted
serious measurements and even designed an astrolabe. He was asked to come up with a plan for
coinage so had a big idea: A coin is round; a person is round; Earth is round; a pendulum wings in
an arc; it makes sense to use a pendulum to measure it so he played with pendulums figuring out
the mean himself. Think DaVinci’s man arms outstretched in a squared circle. It led to the
pedometer as Jefferson invented an independent mechanical one based upon his own
measurements. I wonder what a pedometer would read if you walked to the ends of the
universe and back again? He thought to use a wood rod from which to hang the pendulum
weight instead of metal wire to negate error due to magnetism! People have means, like the
corner of your eyes are about one-third of the way down your head, right at the line where your
top of your ear is attached. Or the two halves of your brain. Earth rotates; we had a Revolution:

“The idea of basing units of length on nature had been advocated far before it reached
definitive success with the advent of the French Revolution. Though there were also proposals
to relate the unit of length to the size of Earth the unit that came out quite naturally was the
length of a pendulum oscillating with a given, well defined period. The Plan for establishing
uniformity in the Coinage, Weights, and Measures of the United States was presented at the
other side of the Atlantic to the House of Representatives by USA Secretary of State Thomas
Jefferson. Again, the unit of length was based on the regular oscillation of a pendulum, though
the technical solution of an oscillating rod rather than a simple pendulum was preferred.” You
can read about his experiments, which were deadly accurate especially for that time as he
wrote about them in his letters reprinted in the “The Jefferson Encyclopedia”. He's one man
measuring time, distance, motion, gravity, etc. etc.  – one absolute man against the whole of
Earth – armed with what is (basically) a stick and a rock. Graphing calculators became an actual
EP&DP case. Can you believe it? Vote for it? What kid can't solve his problems with a stick and a
rock? Voters NEED actual graphing calculators? The slide rule as an EP&DP case? Highly unlikely
– HIGHLY - but maybe however not graphing calculators. It's 1 rock; it’s 1 vote. Jefferson's
calculations are now known as:


I kid you not: Jefferson's system actually resembles the metric system in many ways. “Its biggest
shortcoming is that Jefferson didn't hit on the idea of using prefixes to create names for
multiples of units. Consequently, his system was burdened with a long list of names. For
example, he divided his basic distance unit, the foot (it was slightly shorter than the traditional
foot) into 10 inches. Each inch was divided into 10 lines, and each line into 10 points. For larger
distances, 10 feet equaled a decade, 100 feet was a rood, 1000 feet a furlong, and there were
10 000 feet in a mile (making the Jeffersonian mile about twice as long as the traditional mile).
His basic volume unit was the cubic foot, which he proposed to call a bushel (it was about 3/4
the size of a traditional bushel). The basic weight unit was the ounce, defined so that a bushel
of water weighed 1000 ounces. (This is very similar to the metric system, in which a liter of
water weighs 1000 grams).”

Congress gave this plan serious consideration, but because it lacked independent support from
other scientists it was easy to criticize [I, Susan, possess independent support rising to proof].
Ultimately, Congress took no action. This left Americans with a version of the traditional English
weights and measures and the incorrect math. It left us with Calvert’s mistaken model and gave
us Niels Bohr’s WRONG model as another American, Hugh Everett, corrected Bohr when he was
alive while I corrected Calvert long after he died. The metric system originated in France in the
1790's, a few years after Jefferson's proposals.

The Missouri Compromise; BVG; Obama. Inertia. The void. So it, particle physics, goes to
France of all places. Oh no it doesn’t! The natural born voter can and may act:

I own the knowledge that Jefferson built a clock and he made a mistake in his calculations thus
the weight could not drop so he cut a hole in the floor to accommodate it. THE TRUTH. How do
you re-argue Roe V Wade and end up scaring SCOTUS employees? You know about that clock and
the law at work so you argue: What weight is great enough to drop upon a lever thus move
Earth? I AM, The Declaration and Constitution. I had zero clue that you did not COMPREHEND the
circle until SCOTUS told me so. IMPOSSIBLE. I thought, WHO can’t cut a hole in the floor of
SCOTUS? It says TROY NY right on it; I said you had better watch your guard and even warned
them I was coming over and over and they still let me, a Trojan horse, in. Then again they
never had the power or authority to keep me out and this crafty American can move through
solid stone. It, this capacity, is known of as “The Pass of the Rook”. It’s the Greek mean as it’s
straight edged and curved edged.

This shoe has dropped, November 5th, 2008 and now so has the other, July 2 nd, 2010 (Date I
confirmed nuclear fusion not fission). What do they call the Patent Office Archives? The shoes.
And who was our first patent clerk? Jefferson! He had true beliefs regarding patents; he did not
patent his discoveries not even the pedometer. Discoveries not inventions, as how many ideas
are purely and absolutely original? Name THE human who first had the idea of “the number 1”.
That’s the Neanderthals not the Arabs as the idea is spatial relationships and the Neanderthals
created cave drawings that began to resemble actual nature as they contain what
anthropologists refer to as “an incredible sense of motion” or 3-D as compared to earlier
drawings. Some of the last Neanderthals known to exist painted these very drawings inside a
cave in…France. I can only name one person, an exact and unique person, who had an absolutely
and purely original idea: Eve, she ate the apple! Thus government on Earth by man is (later that
same day Adam invented politics; he cast the first vote when he too took a well reasoned bite
upon informed consent as Eve did not hold him down and force him at gunpoint to take a bite.
The idea of guns won’t be involved until around the 10 th century in China). The fight has been
the same ever since as “clothes” are the very first institution that arose after The Fall.

5) What else do I know? The death of Socrates as Greek rulers began to indoctrinate the public with a Greek
tragedy that equated the honor killing of a woman to justice. We will travel in the Way Back machine
again to Greece:

The Oresteia: In this tragedy, it is explained that mothers are not related to their children; that
mothers are no parent but only a nurse. It states that murdering your mother is not a crime! Why
would we ever read this in school and why would any Greek write it? I can tell you that we would
read it as men would want us to as there are only about 11 intact Greek tragedies and men would
never recognize the truth of what they are advocating due to denial. They do it and are it so they
deny it. They create it. Men blindly agree to placing this tragedy in school textbooks but do not
include historical fact such as context. Nobody could answer me when I asked WHY? Besides only
11 tragedies surviving the reason this play was performed over and over when originally written
was to indoctrinate the Greek people. Riane Eisler who once entered an Americus Brief to the
Court writes this in “Reality Stood On Its Head Part I” from her “The Chalice and The Blade”;
while I agree with some of her ideas it was this piece of the puzzle concerning Oresteia that
reasoned why every kid in my class blindly accepted this ‘story’ as if it were true and fact, as if
Oresteia was perfectly ‘normal’ and is law plus is biological reality thus no child but I realized
they were advocating the funding of their own deaths; no other child objected; I find Eisler’s
ideas interesting and her perspective intriguing even if I do not agree with all of it as an idea is
supposed to make you ‘see’ what you otherwise might not so complete agreement isn’t necessary:

The Parthenon & Greek mean:

[I wrote it as a letter to Jefferson to overcome a mistaken belief people have. Which one of
you can crunch some huge numbers and which one of you can skip over the fact, from fact to
fact to fact, to then land in the US, in Philadelphia? Your clue is: A Spanish woman was the
first European to set foot in the US, in FL, that we have any written record of; she came with
Ponce De Leon and one of his ships was named the Santa Maria de Consolacion so you might
want to start in a place other than Philadelphia such as your own birthplace]:
RIGHT is a 2 dimensional direction as in right or left; N or S. RIGHT is a state of being as in
perfect or imperfect and RIGHT is righteous, as in right or wrong, a metaphysical point in
space. Right? Be careful as if you make a mistake and so you assign a condition to a right you
make your nature conditional, or, dependent and co-dependent. It’s Independent, you
declared Independence. Think about a compass, a clock and a sundial all laying on top of one
another; WHAT are you discerning? Now pile on Vitruvian Man. Starting to 'see' it?
Parthenon & US Constitution
BVG recount: I want every Hollywood Buddhist to be counted as I sorely underestimated their
numbers. Are you ready for this? Michael Caine said he wanted to write books but his lawyers
kept yelling at him for naming people in fear of being sued so he was talking to Kirk Douglas
about writing who said, "Write fiction. Then you can tell the truth." 
My best legal advice is: Stop violating Art. 4 Sec. 4 as you're only making yourselves crazy.
Pro-active matter dictates a universe that negates will and liberty; there would be no space
for me to steer my own destiny and fate; if I KNEW my fate as its all time now and that I am
my own event and so my own event horizon thus the trick is to see it, hear it or feel it coming,
then how could I move in that direction if I had no capacity? How can I meet that bar if I never
had the ability to know it or develop the capacity to know it or once I did know, have no
control of myself at all? And a portion of this group said, my words attempting to
communicate an idea I heard:
We are forced to lie thus condition ourselves by our own hand, our own refusal to live our
lives without some ignorant, random, nebulous authority telling us what to do every second
so must force Susan out or leave as independence begetting wisdom is a contagious, fatal
disease and so we died when we are born, once Susan told us the truth:
‘There's no imaginary gun in your head that's going to become reality unless YOU put it there
after first thinking GUN and then going out - ACTING - to buy one and even then you have to
load, point and shoot. Determinism??? And then, what if you do not die and stay dead? Who
"determines" that one??? President Pro-active Matter?  Gun alone without bullets, free market
economy, steel, ball point pen, Wal-Mart name tag or law school is a pretty complex "idea" for
pro-active matter to manifest by itself. Guns creating guns that reason and shoot all by
themselves? Only if "America" is a science fiction novel with the emphasis on FICTION. Go look
it up, as it’s recent history; if gun is so damn easy then what took you so long to invent it? I
suggest you discover not invent sulfur first, then you sail with Marco Polo adding a few
centuries of denial to the mix as you were there but the rest of Europe was not and
then Winchester will come up with the "repeating rifle".' I'm still waiting for the pro-creating
HEAD! A GUN LOADED WITH WISDOM NOT AI !!! Is the Pro-active Matter Party for reality or
against it?
"Dear Thomas Jefferson,
It's me, In Re Susan. I have met you at the bar and now I will exceed you by lifting this weight
from you as you're coming with me as I can't divest you from my person and still be In Re
Susan. If I do I reason the whole universe then ripping apart as I can cross bridges Einstein
could not. I'll never fall for the old "cause of the first cause" gag: You are not fundamentally
responsible for the universe. You're not The Creator of it all. And guess what else? Marbury V
Madison did not "create" what was not there already as you always had the potential to
become a dictatorship as it exits and always did exist in the continuum between President and
Commander. Marbury is the opportunity or way out.
I must conquer the space-time 'divide' - the illusory nature of it all - then reach back into the
mists of time to the very moment the godspark flaked off and so will and liberty, God
consciousness aka aspiration, is vested in humanity. There's a point work becomes actual
endeavor and I will the truth into being as: I'm not God. I merely realized I had the answer as
everybody whoever came before me warned me, lol, so I was never not going to file in
SCOTUS. Once I alone knew I could never avoid the truth. I was then and am now consciously
aware I stumbled upon uniformity thus I have to deal with the piece of the truth I did not plan
upon tackling but must:
I know the structure of time or the universal consciousness  - what it looks like - and that you
can discern a mean or standard unit of time - energy - that has mass or weight. The third
dimension is the illusion people can't seem to get past because of ego-centric thinking in
response to the truth; they do not understand their reactions are for the large part personal
thoughts and feelings thus a chemical reaction in their brain and that this itself is mostly the
product of the conditioning they've been subjected to like religion, school curriculums and
nuclear family beliefs, any beliefs inflicted upon them as if they are law you can't violate or as
if a lie is the truth thus the law.
Somebody said you, Jefferson, couldn't get elected today and somebody else said first he'd
have to get on the ballot so I went inside SCOTUS and asked the clerks: The NY Times said God
is dead. Is He or is Jefferson dead? Is it suicide or homicide? I believe the truth has died so
let's conduct an experiment: Would Thomas Jefferson be recognized by the clerks and if so
would he then be elected as he'd be on the ballot? Would voters only know him under that
name or could we disguise him and so are voters then voting for the name alone or the truth?
More people bought their vote back on Ebay when you were disguised as a church and for no
fee in the Appellate when you were disguised as a motion to reconsider your own destiny and
fate than they did when you were on the SCOTUS docket, the ballot for Election 2008. To be
fair I let the thing in you that your contemporaries called "feminine" rip (which was your need
for the validation of the emotional truth both yours and theirs). Jefferson might seem like an
emotional tornado but can you defeat his reasoning and his math when you are in the eye of
the storm? The federal judiciary would keep you off the ballot by pulling documents,
destroying documents and holding documents in every conceivable manner legal or not until
"Thomas Jefferson" caused a federal judge to strike The People from the record by first
equating them to a dollar amount and then to a form or a rule so he said "strike The People
because of no form", lol. No form? Do you mean The People or the original governing
documents? This is where style meets substance. Our form is the same; we are uni-form. NOW
is exactly where I exceed you:
Can you fit a square peg into a round hole? You may attempt it but I'd take my cue from the
Greeks as they built the Parthenon which has almost no right angles and in which each piece is
unique thus the whole mimics the actual reality of the universe with wooden "squared" pegs fit
onto a round template (male/female parts) and then into the round marble bases on the
bottom with seams so airtight they are perfectly preserved. If you check, the entire building is
a monumental optical illusion that then moves you with an emotion to "create" an image
reflective of nature and how it works. A part of this creation is YOU as the viewer must buy
into it and then start asking questions. It works perfectly as its "timed" in conjunction with the
curve of the Earth versus the straight edge of human limitations; its meant to play to your line
of sight:
If you place a book on one end of the front piece of the building and stand at the other the
book seems to "disappear". There's a curve or slope that's so gentle against a long line - spread
out - that you wouldn't necessarily know it and even then you'd have to understand its meant
to mark the mid-point between man and Earth; the Greeks were comparing a human to the
universe and so replicating nature in the form of builder/building to mimic creator/creation;
they were proving themselves and intended to leave this behind; it's an intentional
statement symbolizing man's ability to turn knowledge into power like a creator god. You,
Jefferson, might know Greek and you might know Herodotus and Socrates but: Do you know
how the Greeks did it?
Thomas Jefferson, if you do not know you did it with your own measurements then how could
you put the pieces of The Parthenon back together to know not only did the Greeks use the
sun as a giant compass - a giant sun dial discerning a mean on the wall of another structure
[think round amphitheater] that they then "shrunk" in height and length not width which gave
them the ratio you find. If you, Jefferson, did not know could or would The People know?  I
find this funny as they named the Library of Congress after you and believe it or not if The
People told me they wanted this answer I could have told them where to get it YEARS ago:
That the accounting for width, energy as mass or this capacity, lies in a book the fragments of
which were found burned and buried in Greece's ruins. This book astonished scientists. This
book contained what we call advanced modern knowledge regarding mathematics that the
Grecian rulers may have thought was dangerous but that the Greeks already knew, as the
wisdom wasn't to be found in this book but in The People as not one Greek thought it was not
possible to build the Parthenon - if they took a direct popular vote it then IS - so that idea "I
can't" was not in their persons. And that's what sunk them as it's the "We can't" you need to
worry about. I own the knowledge in that book; it was not that selfish "I" as it is:
"Did the average human being back then have the capacity to learn this knowledge and then
reproduce it and, even if he did, then did he have a way to transmit it? Would thought follow
action - the building of the Parthenon would disseminate the information in such a fashion
they owned it? Or is that ‘If you build it they will come’ is idiotic as action follows thought and
thought follows consciousness but first you have to prove it to them - make them aware - as
they could actually be a part of the construction crew of the Parthenon but they have no idea
the columns they planted are gently curved like gravity bending light so that when you cap it
off the column resembles man's chest expanding outward when he lifts a weight over his head?
Will anyone think it's like a tree known as liberty? Are the builders  too close to the building to
see the truth of their own work? Are the voters then and now too close? Were the builders the
same, were the builders of the Parthenon also the Greek voters?  
Thomas Jefferson, at this ivory tower I'm tempted to say "open sesame" but Einstein said if
tempted count to four:
1, Rhenquist had cancer so he was bald; he wore a PURPLE BERET and if that's not truth in
advertising I do not know what is so you, Jefferson, won't hear me say "open says me" as
Rapunzel will not be letting down her hair but only a floppy French hat and this is no hat trick.
It's not French either: I have vascillaries but I don't vacillate and I never fail to act.
2, You might hear "open sesame street" in lieu of “open says me” if you're acting in your
official capacity as a Justice and/or an Officer known as natural born voter, also a lifetime
appointment, or if you are a public broadcaster. You might actually be named "Jefferson".
Voter, public broadcaster, town crier, Jefferson - it's all the same to me - as I will be telling
you a joke about America, children, humans, wisdom, TV, infamy, fame, celebrity, zero and
motive and intent. If you do hear me say "open sesame street" it's up to you to reason and
decide if you're acting in any official capacity. I would wonder how we ever ended up in the
same room if you aren't.
3, If the crown known as constitutional authority were too heavy for me to lift? Then Patrick
Henry would not have reasoned if - IF - this is treason then make the most of it so let's find
out by acting independently thus experiencing Britain's reaction, smelled a rat so skipped the
Constitutional Convention nor wondered at our First Great Awakening if our very action to
remove the church as an authority so then it seemed as if there is  no authority would lead to
anarchy thus be the nail in our coffin as it is PRECISELY within these ruins that his well-
intentioned triumphs and mistakes, as he possessed the ability and capacity to emotionally
reason  an issue, are then perfectly "Nuclear Capable Patrick Henry" which is different and
unique from Nuclear Capable Jefferson and then Nuclear Capable Susan but the same. So if
he's waving a purple beret as a flag of surrender? I'll answer it by using a tool known as a
phone as Bell beat the other guy to the patent office by twenty minutes and the person I call
then answers the phoned in case making me the authority as my suspicions about the truth
known as "AMERICA" and the absolute proof known as "SUSAN HERBERT" are: INDEPENDENTLY
CONFIRMED. In February of 2007 I rang the clerk’s bell then The People’s bell: The Liberty
Bell. This is Constitutional Republic-ization, not religious confirmation, not canonization and
not coronation. This is the proving ground like the one found at Aberdeen: Can you crown
another person king independently??? First you have to conscript yourself:
4, "Open says I" as I AM, In Re Susan Herbert. Open says I not open says me. If you are a clerk
waiting for Godot? Sorry to disappoint you but the closet thing around here to 'pro-active
matter' is Jefferson (Can you believe this Thomas Jefferson???) and if I were waiting for his
body to rise out of an actual grave in VA you would not have spoken to me on the phone
DIRECTLY and be reading this DIRECTLY:
The Greeks left a message for you: Bush V Gore is a tie as it was INDIRECTLY entered as it
began life as Gore V FL; my case is not the lie BVG is as BVG will never be actual original
jurisdiction as those lawyers did not sue The People, the Chief Justice in his legal capacity or
Bill Clinton. In my case a fundamental fact changed so the clerks who ARE lawyers and ARE
voters asked me to make it a matter for The People to decide as one "Henry Adams" - a
relation of John or so I suspect - named SCOTUS exactly thus opened the door for any licensed
lawyer with the guts to meet us at the bar as Bush V Gore shut all licensed lawyers out. It
turned upon a dime in that moment as I knew as I went 'before' Adams and then read Henry
Adams ruling; this then caused the US to "waive their right" so the 1871 version of The
Constitution fell. I told the Solicitor General I was seeking to uphold the original governing
documents upon direct appeal. "Waiving the right" is a free pass; it's the Officers defaulting on
the 1871 version as they could not counter math and chain of command theory. (Can you
“believe” this, Thomas???)
I then returned as I promised I would and in 08-6622 that never saw the light of day in any
other court the US or The Officers failed to respond - failed to act - so we can and will go all
the way back thus you, whoever you are, meet me and any other Founders milling about at the
bar as any tavern will do and when you open your mouth to sing your siren song I'll know if you
just asked me for a drink when you showed up already drunk and if you ARE then no problem
as long as your drug of choice is liberty as you had to know the door was open and where it
was and then go in first. I did not call you nor did the Parthenon as  the Parthenon is a dead
institution and does not have opposable thumbs but only appears to have them which is two of
the reasons it lay in ruins; you the Voter called me after the Greeks and I left a message for
you in a bottle, at the Supreme Court of the US. You came to me representing "A Summary
View" and I expect Thomas Jefferson to pull a ship out of a bottle as easily as he  builds one in
a bottle. If you build it they will come?
I don't expect that. That sounds like magical thinking. You can build it in 1871 but will I move
in and call it a home if the 1787 version is most perfect and you continue to harm me? No, I'll
stand on the doorstep reasoning, "If you construct it then they will deconstruct it so go
straight to SCOTUS with a loose affiliation of strict constructionists in tow as its what's under
your foundation that's shaky: you moving in, you moving with, you moving through and you as a
part of the universe; synchronize yourself by testing Marbury". Jefferson, you set this in
motion so I could build a different mousetrap; I built the Parthenon out of paper and as I'm the
Susan Constant writing this to you, Thomas Jefferson, from within this house of glass?
When The People discover the "constitutional" craftsman calling themselves physicists and
politicians are advocating a Pro-matter Party built upon a platform of human intellect alone
devoid of any wisdom thus devoid of the X factor known as your life experience or: arguing
your own existence does not matter then I expect a bottle neck when you, the voters, charge
the front doors. If you must hit yourself over the head with a legal sized rock as you're the
priority but I can think of a few houses in Washington DC that could use the services of an
exterminator. You own them and since when can a cop arrest you for destroying your own
intellectual property? Prepare a plea: "Officer, I'm creating my own property not destroying it
as I am what I am."
What does the message in the bottle read? What else but: "In the name of liberty, 'Drink me'
In Re Susan
GREEK MEAN [Written to Ray Morton, one of the class]
If you looked at the Parthenon you'd see it immediately with a tiny piece of information:
The Greeks did not know what they had. If you check they had a chart of measurements
converting them into a whole; they displayed each system and I was told this is where you see
a man's footprint for the first time as the standard foot. It's like the Founders coming from all
over and The People who were alive then coming from everywhere else. We all came together
and look - it worked. Now, when you see the wall the sun fell on as they used it as a giant
sundial they tell you "compass" only I knew no, SUNDIAL. Modern Greeks realized drawing it
out on the ground that it would form a one mile arc too big to be useful but if you witness the
sun moving and falling and then you see the mean you'll know sundial and that then made me
"see" it:
The Greeks were using energy as mass or time as a standard and did not know it. The shape
they came up with has straight edges and a curved edges so when you shrink it to the
practical scale they used it becomes apparent that modern scientists are not accounting
for the curved edge so that they say width but no as it’s curved, it has capacity, as that then
reasons why they looked for the golden ratio by looking at the building not the mean and
found another one. So they have the difference only Greeks then and now have no idea what
they're dealing with. Here we are: Whatever the Greeks do not know or whatever you do know
is so obvious to me that I, Susan, can't name it. Whatever I'm using to link this knowledge
together? It's a part of my nature as a unique person so you would have to tell me. I wrote
what you might not know about the curved Greek mean. I can reason the Parthenon inside out
and upside down; I can compare it to my own legal code. I can't reason your life! The reason
for the higher western point of the roof: That's the Greeks seeing themselves in the universe
and reflecting it back to you, the viewer. It’s tipping its hat toward us. You’ll find an amount.
You would have to look and tell me. Think about how your eye works.
In the US today it seems as if you're looking at a negative of The Constitution then tipped on
its head. You are as its perverted and exclusionary today. This is why they call the Parthenon
a reverse optical illusion; that’s about yourself. Think of seeing your own reflection then
“presenting” it to another viewer thus you reverse the illusion as before, so the viewer sees
only the illusion. Like a beam of light going through a prism whereby the spectrum is then put
through a prism again: what are you intentionally reflecting back, or, in the reverse? If you see
yourself in the underworld with Satan than you will reflect that back thus fall. If you aspire
upwards to God? If it's universal law then you will make out like a time bandit as you do have
the moral authority. You'll reflect god aka brotherly love. You know, the truth of your own
conscience? There's a golden standard and a mean; we come to know the standard,  the idea of
God which for an American is huge - universal - as we deliberately included a spiritual
bent, and then we, the mean, act in that direction.
You do not realize you're doing it but you're "discerning" the difference and correcting for it.
When I say that I am not including myself; I always knew this is what I am doing. I'm acutely
aware of my actions and always accounting for them. However when I began to talk to others
once they knew of the case? Ray, when they say no moral authority they mean zero. The idea
that you do something only as its righteous IS NOT within them. You get some type of reward
or you do not do it and you never volunteer. Thus you are always afraid and always under the
"control" of another when really that's a delusion you're maintaining.
The Greeks voted on every aspect of that building exactly as the Founders voted on US law
even editing The Declaration. We both beat the same odds, lol. A group reflecting what's
universal via a majority. But then our vote is equal and unique; it's absolute at our person but
not as you rise. In 1776 it was like this. The last piece of this puzzle?
Imagine a guy in France asking you for the Map, the Plans for "America". He's looking at what
you created in 1776 & 1787 and he wants to know how you did it; he asks you for your Plans.
You mean my conversion chart? No, he means for the last 200 years; he means how did
Jefferson and Adams know to avoid Philadelphia and so come to France accounting for Susan
Herbert, the Civil and Spanish-American Wars accounting for Hawaii, how JFK knew to be shot
accounting for LBJ and the Berlin Wall falling, Warren Berger sitting and when the CIA was in
Laos accounting for the French having been in Vietnam first; he wants to see with his eyes
your detailed plan or map for every action ever and you keep saying that's the cause, THE
VOTE, as it's a physical thing but also a metaphysical concept known as the EP&DP clauses that
then translates or turns into everything else like taxes and birth certificates but he's in denial
as some scientists are actually arguing over: Can you be a cause? Is it possible?
The single most effective federal program ever is the 47 cent postage stamp as I mailed this
answer in, literally. I heard a Greek archaeologist saying, "All I want know is where are the
written plans as we can't find them. The builders had to have written plans. We've looked;
we've never been able to find the plans. They must exist." THEY VOTED!!! THAT'S THE PLAN!!!
France: History transpires despite the paper. I can show you a map titled DECLARATION
and CONSTITUTION and I can show you a map titled SUSAN HERBERT but the architectural
plans you want to see with your eyes? THE HISTORICAL RECORD OF EARTH AND THEN THE
Leave it to France to ask to see the written plans for the circle, accounting for Marbury thus
will and liberty. They could care less why they rolled over when Hitler came knocking but if
we show them the circle then they might figure out the lever and later the pulley. They want
plans as in a machine. Machines? How many are there? Jefferson listed them once as he was
involved in a patent infringement case and he wrote fulcrum and I'm thinking, every machine
on Earth is based upon these simple machines so only in America could you sue Jefferson
for using the idea of a fulcrum w/o a permit.
Wisdom is not produced by a machine but only The People. Sometimes the truth really hurts:
"The French Connection Machine".

6) And again, let’s go way back to currency:

From another letter:

"I have a job but guess what? It pays no cash; I'm an expert in a particular field and I volunteer as
if I did not then no person would benefit. Some of my knowledge is unique so if I did not give it
away, what would be the point? It's frustrating at times as people value all the 'wrong' stuff but
that's exactly what I work to change: Unjust systems. I spend most of my time educating people
about people as everything in the US is caused by People, or, an idea a person has. People
'convert' knowledge into technology; some convert it into wisdom which is why Jefferson devised
an elegant system of currency based upon a unit of time but per usual CONGRESS rejected it. I
know, it's complex but it boils down to:
Physics. I'm a "physicist for free". I know: Unbelievable. Here's what's unbelievable to me: You
confused MINTING or COINAGE with MONEY and then confused that with CURRENCY when they are
three different things. They are three different concepts. As you confused them mixing them
altogether into one thing today you have a system of money not a sytem of currency and the only
thing being minted is a delsuion as it's inherently unjust as all systems of "currency" are unjust -
unnatural - if you use  a standard like "money" that is based upon an arbitrary or outside judgment
value. Your standard can't be dictated by popular vote; you can't be determined by popular
vote as it never once worked and never will work. Determining you by force? That's pretty damn
close to super-nature as it does not exist in this universe except for being  an existent idea in your
own head. It's actually mentally ill to vest your belief thus your power in the current "currency"
as it's 'value' is on par with the Monopoly money it now resembles...legally?
You may draw up your own currency - create any form - and as long as you 'convince' another
person to accept it as 'legal tender' as you are the mint? If you manage to do this in a store so it
enters the IRS tax records as a legal transaction aka a contract subject to sales tax that counts as
a salary thus is income? Your SIGNED currency can sell for $20 grand at Christie's as somebody did
it and the store owner or store clerk then auctioned it off, lol! It's a poll tax from heaven.
It’s pure art as art, artist and viewer become one person and then one people and its tribute
compounded as much as possible but without criminal intent. It's the joke, a masterwork of
comedy, that I'm telling you compounded as many times as possible: How hard and how long can
you laugh before you will cry? CHRISTIE'S SLAVE AUCTION HOUSE IS BRITISH.
Jefferson's system mints A People, turning us into the US Treasury in actuality. Work becomes
endeavor. We're one and the same then.
You'll laugh: I printed up business cards with Lady Liberty on the front and with Jefferson over the
Earth on the back - you can see Florida behind him on the globe - that read "Constitutional
Physicist" and "All Authority Belongs To The People" and I once wrote in an email that I'm an
"astro-beach bum" which is funny as I live on the beach in FL, home of Gore V FL that 'magically'
turned into Bush V Gore, where we launched people not a rocket to the moon using physics not
money but then we named a spaceship not a person "Endeavor". People as money: That's
Congressional rule at work for you when reality -  your vote - isn't suspended by the machinations
of Nancy Pelosi's gang-banging gavel!
You know what else is funny? That I, the expert on money, am forever broke!
Trust me: Money is not the solution to every thing - that's the truth - and if I feel sorry for anyone
it's for ppl who have it as they are living what is a lie and that illusion is very, very deceptive. It
only seems as if as you can escape the consequences of universal law. You can't; no human can.
That's why so many wealthy ppl are "old money crazy" - as they're caught by the universe; the
universe arrests them thus stops them. Now that I dissolved the old form by telling you the truth?
The Deliberate Natural Born Citizen As My Vote Is Also A Warrant Simultaneously And I Own The
Truth Of It,
Susan "In Re Endeavor" Herbert.

7) I can and did resolve Uniformity. A member of the class who owns his own consulting firm,
has this written out in the symbolic language known as physics. Ray can speak for himself as
he has his own ideas and as Ray’s uniqueness lies in the way he can describe the physics as I
can’t; he can describe this dance differently than I and his argument regarding a war power
while the same as my own sounds better when he expresses it. No matter how long and
hard I study physics Ray will always do this better than I will as it is an example of how we
were born into the world as something but that talent develops uniquely. In science court
Ray will seemingly mop the floor with me! Also, Ray’s only ‘crime’? He was born a man!
Like me Ray Morton never blamed anyone for the choices he has made. People may believe
they forced us to do something or subjected us to injury but we made a choice. Ray wore a
uniform too so he has a different perspective than I do. Me? I almost wore a uniform. We
have the same reasoning for never telling anybody about our intellectual property: Once you
say it or write it down then you no longer control it. Custody, care and control of an idea is
yours only until you express it; it is only a secret and only private if you never express it so
that it remains between you and The Creator. One of the mistakes men make over and over
is lying to themselves and telling themselves they can control knowledge when they can’t.
We lived through the nuclear age, long enough to see Oppenheimer become a broken man as
that’s the price you EMOTIONALLY pay for treason, when treason becomes a mortal sin
devoid of any religious context. People can and do believe they are different, that this time
they’ll be careful, but it never works that way. They are attempting to violate universal law
as if they are gods. We waited as we had a choice to make and no person on Earth can know
the details of this unless you are me or are Ray. Guess all you please: whatever you assign to
us is not reality but only your real. If any person in the US acts to stop us as if they have a
secret to protect? Not only are secrets not reality but: Ray never named names and I only
named people involved in the courts so what would you be doing by reacting, pleading
guilty? Unjust men are terrified to live in a world whereby they must achieve on their own
without crutches; they like to control you by controlling knowledge; they can only achieve
by keeping you down.

8) Law school did not teach you to look for mathematical principles in the governing
documents; law school did not teach you to look for patterns or symbols and it did not teach
you chain of command theory. The reason no judge was willing to hear the case? Judges do
not allow pro se litigants to enter as judges believe if they send a ruling ahead to SCOTUS
that the lawyer is arguing HIMSELF thus not their ruling, the judge’s work. Judges believe
their work won’t be critiqued but the lawyers argument will. Wrong: That lawyer is supposed
to be picking apart the ruling arguing law; instead lawyers argue case law to then support
case law; they argue theory to then support theory as law once a judge participates in the
delusion. Lawyers are taking rulings and making up facts to fit their models – their versions
of the law. Their polices and arbitrary beliefs. They enter federal court stating what is an
illusion. Federal judges bite and rule upon theory not law. Now it is delusion and lawyers run
with it into SCOTUS and it seems as if they are not critiquing the judge. Wrong as what
person ruled on Carhart first? No matter what argument these people made if a case that is
entirely composed of men enters but the point of law has to do with pregnancy I’m tossing it
as MEN have no case. Schiavo? You can’t discern or define death without first defining life.
How can you LEGALLY put women to death when you have never accorded them EP & DP
yet??? WHO is issuing these rulings? How does any argument go from equality to death not
life? Gonzales: three dead girls. The pattern is: THE DEAD BODIES ARE ALWAYS WOMEN. The
pattern is: Incapacitate a woman and then somebody is murdered. The pattern is: I have
innocent sons as one is named in the state of FL as a legal unborn person; he’s now 14. He
was then injured in PA after he was born as all 50 states failed to protect us, as did the
federal government.
9) The difference is: I’m still alive. I am the sole survivor. No matter how you count it? Homo
Sapien gave way to Homo Americanus. I was wholly unafraid of the unknown; I wanted to
know the unknown as that’s my only choice once I achieve equality as there’s no place else
to go but up. It’s the ascent of man not the descent.

10) Lawyers create an argument like a scientific model. They then victim shop so that they can
force the facts to fit the model which is not our Constitution. They enter what is an illusion;
once a federal judge rules on it, as judges believe the Voters are beneath them as is
anybody not a lawyer? Then it is delusion so what it entered to SCOTUS is a double negative.
SCOTUS then rules on it, canceling the one negative so you believe a ruling like Citizens
United is wrong. No as it reads, if you know BVG is a tie and that Obama purchased the
office with private money, since Obama bought it then the rest of you can buy it! When I
state the obvious you then are stunned. Imagine The Constitution in reverse, as a negative.
That’s what you’ve been arguing since BVG. At Obama you tipped it on its head so now it’s a
double illusion, delusion, and lawyers are arguing these delusions; as SCOTUS doesn’t not yet
know they are hearing delusion? SCOTUS accidentally by design is canceling out the lawyers
motive and intent thus reflecting back only one negative not both! It works just like a human
eye works only its auditory and emotional as well as visual. The layers of insulation between
SCOTUS and the citizen prevent SCOTUS from knowing plus it would not have a reference
point as no non-lawyer ever appeared and it never hears a case in the 1 st person only in the
third; it must hear a case in the 1 st person to know – exactly like you. 3rd person pronouns
condition you. I will give you an example so you understand this: John woo. His argument to
lock up the innocent citizens if they revolt against foreignization and criminal corruption is
garbage. No matter how good it sounds it only seems as if. He has no idea that I caught him
or that he is being used. Plus: John Woo’s words? They ARE imminent as unjust men in
charge BELIEVE the paper and keep discussing this; they intend to realize it. Realization is
not actualization; realization is when you manifest whatever you believe is real rather than
what is actual reality. If you believe you CAN lock up citizens via use of the military and if
you believe you can install socialism? You’ll realize it if nobody checks you. Thus I’ll check
Woo by reversing his delusion:

“The "crazy" feeling you get reading physics or legal arguments that I give you sometimes? The
slippery nature of English. These people wandered so far down the garden path to hell that they
then HAD to begin denying their own work and contradicting themselves. They came full circle
only realize they don't make sense so they go into denial but as it's about reconciling the truth
and the subtle differences in words  across fields of study most people do not hear it. Hearing
and emotion never line up! If they hear it they do not feel it and vice versa.
All I did was take the illusion these people put up, reverse it by using their own words against
them in light of actual fact, law and logical reasoning - THE TRUTH - so that I'm the reverse
illusion.  If you're a crook I'm the reverse illusion shattering your false and mistaken beliefs - the
delusion - so a sane, honest person might hear or read it and feel 'crazy''re not a crook!
Reverse Illusions:
Now that I know why officers have no idea they are people but only rationalize they're alive -
they're thinking their TITLE pro-creates or maybe tax dollars pro-create - and why people said
"materialism" when I'm clearly anti-freely floating money, I can write this up so the reader
understands they are the case so they are the matter thus the pro-active matter versus pro-
active anti-matter camps will demonstrate the futility of ideological warfare, or, arguing against
yourself when you don't have a case nor a leg to stand on as your creator - you - believed matter
could and would give rise to consciousness. Unlike starfish legs your legs will not be reappearing
before the court. They call it a "runaway jury" for reasoning.
Gravity: you GIVE greatest weight. You aren't weighed down. You throw your weight; if you
throw your weight behind a dollar thus anchor it? Not free floating but supported by you. Throw
your weight behind yourself - anchor yourself like a tree planting roots - so that you can throw it
behind me. Native Americans have a story: You see those two massive oak trees standing  so
closely together? They're not beating each other when they reach out. Susan says: Yes, but they
do not vote either. Science says: Right, matter gives rise to consciousness. Susan: Wrong as I
discerned and measured the difference thus have the WEIGHT of CONSCIOUSNESS or TIME. You
not only anchor yourself with weight but you balance the load by accepting the weight; you can
jump on the scales of justice or "move" across to the other side like a bead on an abacus;
"gravity" under the law does not always mean burden. You're supposed to obtain lightness of
being making moral and ethical decisions over your own life so that you can Preside and
Command, flying like time's arrow. You, the experiment and result, are supposed to turn a
talent into a skill set thus you then do accord others safety which liberty guarantees.
Usually you do not experience this so immediately as chain of causation or custody means you,
the cause, injure another so effect that person who in turn may or may not cause new effects.
The injury you are and harm you cause spread out like ripples on a pond but if you keep it up
and keep it up? You'll strike out and harm your own self; it comes back to you then and
there. It's like throwing a stone at yourself. It's: Jail, insanity or death. On the other hand if you
understand you're energy effecting yourself then you can powerup, "target" your mark and drop
an atom bomb in their laps: I acted and acted until I was and now am opposite and diametrically
opposed...the authority and power is mine as I can cast the idea of my unique person out from
me and land on my mark; I the person does not need to "go" anywhere. It's fission and fusion as
you're not actually smashing and splitting atoms. Actually smashing and splitting atoms? That
mistaken belief as the appearance of the illusion is so good then led to the God delusion and
maintenance of this delusion, nuclear energy as a threat or means to control you with physical
and emotional force, led to the God delusion tipped on its head. First you tell me nukes are
what you're afraid of and today you say it's Obama and if not him "they the government". Who,
me? Who's this mysterious "they"? YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT. You're afraid of your own self!
Why, what's so scary if you don't have a vote to hide behind? An In Secret ballot?
The truth is: LAWYERS did not believe it was possible for The People to enter directly; The
People? Not one of them told me it was impossible. LAWYERS have a mistaken belief about
People that they adopted as law via mere belief and failure of lawyers to police themselves
which every lawyer holds endemically that they then dumped upon you. Lawyers protected
other lawyers thinking you could not sue as in it is not possible. Obama has this idea in his head
as if it's inviolate law, that you can't enter directly. Yes, you can, as first it enters your head and
then you act upon it; who needs an actual building or sitting Justices? The venue is Me; it's You;
it's here. It's why Obama reacted when I landed on his desk - he may not have known something
until I told him. Like:
The greatest weight would be YOU, you are the detailed written plans everyone's been looking
for that don't exist as the plan is to vote thus there is no time. Vote Now, as in every second of
every day not along lines. As time is consciousness and is all now then what exists outside of it
or around it must too be conscious.  "All That Is”: You can argue this once you know the pattern
- the equation - but if you do?  This is the infinite number that will leave you catatonic so you
can know the NATURE of it but cannot know it exactly. You can know it exactly ONLY within
your human limitations but know it, the WHOLE ALL THAT IS? Never. As a human being I
experienced this; I know the nature of this and i know exactly but only within my human
limitations. I had a peek at what exists in the state we call "chaos" and the actual structure of
time and I had a taste of what ruminating upon that infinite number feels like and is. You can
know the truth of nature's law and nature's God thus the universe within the limits of your
humanity.  Limits upon unjust men? If your proof is more paper you have no limitations.
On paper they're arguing nature - they believe they are - when actually they're arguing the
nature of the injury not nature itself. They are arguing theory NOT nature, US law. They,
deluded men, also believe you can't know the human psyche so that they can keep secrets so it's
criminal but in plain sight, but they believe you don’t know it’s criminal or if you do that you
can’t do anything! Once you tolerate this in plain sight crime? You have created the delusion for
them! This is what always sinks a government: Criminal corruption in plain sight that the voters
sit back and accept as well as then maintain. This indicates: Your will is broken. If you had no
other reason to stop the 2008 election it was and is women as domestic violence is meant to
change the conditions to then keep the disenfranchised powerless and nobody can justify the
nonsense men who are lawyers act out in an attempt to maintain the delusion that they're
stronger. Better. Smarter. WORTH MORE MONEY!!! Greater than women so it was only a matter
of time, literally and figuratively, until you weighed your own selves down instead of up. MEN
came to be valued at a dollar amount less than the fools they, other men, elected.

You are utterly powerless against the truth - The Creator - so your only actual power lay in being
honest. Honesty with my own self & God was my best policy and lucky for me that turned out to
be the essence of the EP&DP clauses.  The language is "slippery" like a reptile is. It feels
"Carry that weight" - tell the truth of you and your actions - to then lighten your load. If you
can't tell the truth as you're pathological or sociological or if you won't tell the truth? I'll create a
reverse illusion in writing then shattering your delusion when I hit you between the eyes with
the truth of you, the truth that you believed you had hidden or that nobody knew. 
Trust me, it can make me feel seasick. I lap myself on paper and forget which end is up, lol.
They argue 'nature of injury', injure you further and then argue 'injury from arguing nature of
the injury not nature itself'. Then I'm writing: "Okay: injury from injury from not arguing nature
itself but arguing nature of the injury? You just argued your paper did it to you, as if you the
innocent lawyer were attacked  by words on pieces of paper that arose out of matter and have
no conscience, or, that you did not write your own self. No conscience? That's you the lawyer
not the paper. That's you the injury or you are your own willing victim not the paper so it might
actually be you the person. Based upon this legal argument The People might consider a plea of
insanity and might make you insane by writing it down. If you ARE a lawyer and some how, some
way came to sit as President who then needs a lawyer outside of himself to avoid ever having to
argue as a lawyer live in court before and after the election -  you know, FOREVER - thus you
really can't defend your own self then: Are you the US President who actually does have an
actual fool for a client? Personally, I believe only an actual criminal who is a fool would throw
this one to The People and/or claim that as he produced no paper we can't sue the paper thus
can't sue him. As for the words on the paper or lack thereof: You can only violate the letter of
the law so much; eventually you the lawyer will discover the pronoun known as 1st person as it's
a letter that is by itself independent and a part of the team known as the alphabet at the same
All they fine-tuned from Nixon's heyday to Cheney's and Co. is they decided to have a legal
excuse down on paper BEFORE they violated the law. You sue and they produce their
prearranged argument as if they BELIEVE they'll get off or never be charged to begin with then
they go for it. Now it's "don't even think of suing". This would be case law proving case law to be
US law in spite of what the Constitution reads already and in spite of time, "We Won The
Revolution And Know About It; We're Consciously Aware Cornwallis Surrendered, Nixon Resigned
And Then Susan Entered The Office Directly Upon Constitutional Authority". Ideally this board of
anti-constitutional gluttons is supposed to scare you away without you making an attempt (it
would constitute failure to act on your part) when they never had anything real over you and
then they decided to have no paper, lol, so it's imaginary. This is where they nailed you with
Souter as Rudman and others wanted you to believe he had no paper trail when Souter had a
mile long state court record it's all federal as it all rises automatically as it begins with you and
ends at you. Wakey wakey kids:
Q: David Souter, what did you know, when did you know it and when did you first act upon it?
See Marbury.
A: "The first lesson, simple as it is, is that whatever court we are in, whatever we are doing,
whether we are in a trial court or an appellate court, at the end of our task some human being
is going to be affected. Some human life is going to be changed in some way by what we do,
whether we do it as trial judges or whether we do it as appellate judges, as far removed from
the trial arena as it is possible to be. And so we had better use every power of our minds and our
hearts and our beings to get those rulings right", or, 'This is me, David Souter, acting upon the
truth of The Constitution as I know I'm a judge affecting you, humans, right now." I, Susan, fell
out laughing as WHO didn't hear this? I still don't know if it's the best or worst SCOTUS nominee
testimony I ever heard. This is why I keep saying, "The only thing that surprised me about BVG
was David Souter's silence." After his testimony you would think BVG would clue him in: He's A
People. The only actual point of law is the fairy story they aren't telling: test of Marbury as
now, these guys are testing my limits. BVG is the breach by lawyers; Souter was you breaching
it as if you had been honest Rudman could not have done what he did or maybe Nixon is. Maybe
you never should have won the Revolution. Don't be silly. When's the first realistic opportunity
you had? In Re Susan.

Illusory legal arguments are the problem as they make case law and what is fantasy then seem
to be law. Who enforces opinions? They're only re-writing the Constitution in that you keep
following along. Does David Souter really hold the power of life and death over you? Is he
affecting your life? It's possible: He affected my life so I sued him right back. The illusion makes
you feel powerless when the truth should make you feel powerful. Can and may a lawyer, an
Officer of the Judiciary, sue any other Officer in their legal capacity within the Judiciary, a
civil court? No, so lack of a law license is golden. So then, after Nixon as it was made to seem
as if a tape recording or paper is the proof as Nixon was pardoned and as people started to
sue over "policy" they then decided no paper is the key. They mean to play against your unrest
with women, race, feelings of powerlessness and no paper trail thus causing you to question -
"Africa + no paper = no slave now when really its all slave now”. Slave owners used to worry that
slaves would FORGE the manumission documents if they could read and write. Lawyers and
Administration Officials are worried that if you learn constitutional law and logical thinking
you'll forge a SCOTUS case against them? Make as in create an actual case in your own defense?
Learn the truth of BVG and/or In Re Susan and you'll revolt again with or without a paper court
ruling as you don't need nor do you want the permission of a criminal?
They do not realize they're canceling their own selves out. Like this: You have no paper ruling
from SCOTUS and guess what? Neither does Obama, lol. Unfortunately we know no paper means
Obama does not have the Constitution. But they impart this lie to you: If Obama has no birth
certificate and has no paper record then you can't sue him, Obama thus us, the Officers and
Officials; no paper trail means you can't know the truth so you can't sue...seriously, as if you
CAN'T sue the person but can only sue the paper, lololol! When you tell me that I need paper to
sue like I need 12,371 ballots, 34,012 chads, a HA COLB, work in Harvard's law review, a
SCOTUS opinion calling me not you a liar, a Nobel Peace Prize for Politicking or $1 billion? I can
and did sue to tell the truth thus create paper, one vote on the SCOTUS docket as that's paper
trail enough. You know how you track an animal? His poop or lack thereof. No joke.
Sue the paper? Okay:
Susan V Harvard Law Review as "paper" is a pretty complex idea for Harvard Law the
Corporation to have all by its self as first it has to have “tree”. I met the bar but Harvard?
Their counsel is Obama. He has no paper so how and when is he going to have tree if he is
not even at or on paper? Harvard, you sue the paper by suing the Chief Justice testing
Marbury thus uphold the law upon appeal. THE TREE IS LIBERTY. THE PLAN, PAPER AND
REALITY, IS THE VOTE. You planned to hijack the vote while I planned to sue you, HARVARD.

PRO SE is a reverse auditory, visual and emotional illusion. I'm reversing the illusion for you.
Undoing the harm. I have built "The Parthenon of Paper". I was able to go back and run them
around and write about it today, as if it's self-fulfilling prophecy when I merely used the natural
forces and what I knew to be law of the universe as it matches US law. I also used what I know
about the human psyche; it's rather easy to affect lawyers. You too could do this easily; you can
use their own nasty tactics against them. I'm the reverse, the obverse of a lawyer, tipped right
side up.
Try the reverse of John Woo: "We have no argument. John Woo told me he is a master
criminal via his actions. He went to work for Dick Cheney. The legal presumption is he is telling
the truth. Therefore as I now have cause to doubt he is a "master" based upon "The John Woo
Memos" as no self-disrespecting Nazi would claim this as his own work. I'm suing him for: Illegal
malpractice for if this isn't ideological warfare what is?  A master criminal would not be caught
or if caught successfully avoid a panel of Congressmen - you, know, other criminals who aren't
masters? What master criminal lawyer can't successfully scapegoat himself thus can't rise above
the likes of Congress? I give you a master, one who can and did rise: In Re Susan."

11) Susan Clemons is the expert who can tell you all about the illusion and how language can be
used to condition you plus how delusional thinking reinforced by action then causes mental
illness a form of which is crippling fear. The reason to falsely up the terror threat level as
Tom Ridge admitted he did is to terrorize citizens; Officers want the citizens to feel needy
thus act – to vote for them or to passively accept the injury. The reason to terrorize people
with bad science and ridiculous science regarding chemical weapons and then tell them they
can protect themselves by sending away for duct tape and plastic is to instill fear and then
once they act out of fear to actually get that silly kit that might help in the event your
neighbor wages war upon you with Windex? Because once you act upon the thinking you
cement the fear inside yourself; you realize fear as in you become a frightened cow. Unjust
men do it on purpose. I have been citing the fake emergencies unjust men have been
creating, as BVG itself is an example as it was never an emergency and neither is the Patriot
Act. The creation of false emergencies is meant to entice other officers into participating as
then they control you as it’s a gang mentality and they have something “over” you.

12) It’s delusion to believe The Bill of Rights creates a class of officers. The only office any of us
hold is voter. You’re not a judge or a lawyer: You’re a voter. The Bill of Rights names the
separation of power between Unpaid Voters and Paid Voters, that’s all. You came to believe
Officers and lawyers are some specially protected class.

13) And what do we have here that beats the Greeks and is supporting proof of Jefferson and I
and our measurements? CHACO CANYON, NM NEAR TRINITY SITE. The Chacoans used the
short cycle of the sun and long cycle of the moon to devise a more perfect mean. These are
the only known structures in the world aligned with the long cycle of the moon. The moon
moves from north to south across the horizon as it rises and sets so there are two extreme
points [remember: all stars are in rotation including the Earth]. This happens over a 9 and
1/4 year cycle so it takes 18 1/2 years total to move from one point to the other [fact check
that number]. The Chacoans were aware of this cycle and aligned their buildings with it –
they timed them. They also multiply marked the noon equinox; when you watch the sun fall
on petroglyphs they are complex calendars of shadow and light as are the very buildings
themselves. One wall? The shadow formed by the arcing sun in morning slowly disappears
until it’s completely 'missing' at noon as if it dissolved into the wall!  The Chacoans outdid
the Greeks.  The mean they used? It’s a spiral. If you plot out the two extremes of the moon
drawing a straight line then the least extreme lands on the outer edge and the greatest
extreme lands on the center of the spiral and each one of these corresponds with the
summer and winter equinoxes. A “shaft” of sunlight shaped like a shard of glass or a knife
blade falls and points to each extreme on that day. So lay those lines on top of that spiral
and you have a mean that has a straight edge and a curved edge – it looks like the Greek
mean but it spirals inward and this spiral is not closed but left open - so they were
measuring energy as mass or as having weight thus capacity. Like the universe resembles a
hurricane eye and all? This mean resembles the eye of God and the godspark flaking off and
then returning. We also see this eye symbolism in another place, the Eye of Horus found in
Egypt, as that symbol is actually a system of measurements. The Chacoans knew the
structure of time. They came very close to resolving uniformity. They reflected nature in
their physical structures including this elegant timing mimicking the relationship of Creator
and Creation as it’s both intrinsic and relative.


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