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Beach guesthouse

Progression table for class use

The table below can be used for:
• sharing the aims of your work
• self- and peer-assessment
• helping you review your work and improve on it.

Representing Analysing Interpreting and Communicating

Using the Extracting Evaluating and reflecting
booking sheet or relevant Interpreting the Communicating
other format to information effects of decisions decisions clearly,
represent accurately and and other with reasons
decisions working logically possibilities at where appropriate.
Identifying within the each stage, and
factors that constraints to working towards
affect how optimise a better solutions
bookings can be solution

Uses the booking Accurately Initial solution is

sheet provided completes the presented clearly
without any booking sheet for
amendment to the first two
the format booking requests

Extracts relevant Continues to Shows Accurate booking

information from complete the understanding of sheet easily
requests using booking form the booking form interpreted by
the floor plan accurately for through accurately others
data further requests, indicating when
using the room each room is
plan to take vacated
account of
specific requests

Recognising the Provides a Understands and Uses the log sheet

essential solution meeting can explain how to explain when
elements of the needs of most the booking form and why requests
clients’ requests, requests with a and telephone log cannot be met in
coordinating completed can be used to full Acknowledges
requests booking enquiry check how well that there may be
between log each client’s better solutions
booking, enquiry requirements have
and room plan been met

Recognises the Adjusts an initial Understands and Completes a full,

need to balance solution can explain how legible set of

Nuffield Applying Mathematical Processes (AMP) Practical exploration ‘Beach guesthouse’ Progression table page 1 of 2
Supported by the Clothworkers’ Foundation © Nuffield Foundation 2010
guests’ requests appropriately to the booking form records that meet
and the need for accommodate can be amended to the criteria for
rooms to be more requests produce a better each stage of the
occupied on as arrangement task. Explains how
many nights as decisions were
possible made over the final

Nuffield Applying Mathematical Processes (AMP) Practical exploration ‘Beach guesthouse’ page 2 of 2
Supported by the Clothworkers’ Foundation © Nuffield Foundation 2010

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