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Title of Seminar: MEL Crash Course

Presenter: Daniel Roizman

I Scripting Basics ...................................................................................................................................3
What is scripting?.......................................................................................................................................3
What are variables? ...................................................................................................................................3
Declaring Variables....................................................................................................................................3
Syntax ........................................................................................................................................................4
Conditional Statements "if", "else" and "for" ..............................................................................................5
if / else if / else Usage and Syntax: ........................................................................................................5
Additional if / else Syntax .......................................................................................................................5
Formatting and Layout of a MEL Script .....................................................................................................5
Commenting MEL Scripts ..........................................................................................................................5
Wrapping It Up With a Procedure ..............................................................................................................6
Return Values.........................................................................................................................................6
Procedure Syntax...................................................................................................................................6
*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about procedures. ..........................6
Local and Global Procedures.................................................................................................................6
*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about local and global procedures. 7
Executing Procedures ............................................................................................................................7
II Using the Documentation....................................................................................................................7
Reading a MEL Command Doc Page........................................................................................................8
Return Values.........................................................................................................................................9
How to Find What You Are Looking For ....................................................................................................9
Method 1. Use Maya’s UI....................................................................................................................10
Method 2. Root Words ........................................................................................................................11
Method 3. Related Commands ...........................................................................................................11
Method 4. Brute Force ........................................................................................................................11
III Scripting Workflow ...........................................................................................................................11
The 4 Most Important MEL Commands...................................................................................................11
setAttr and connectAttr.........................................................................................................................11
getAttr ...................................................................................................................................................12
The 5th Most Important Command ..........................................................................................................13
ls ...........................................................................................................................................................13
The Swiss Army MEL Tools.....................................................................................................................14
xform ....................................................................................................................................................14
Commands vs. Functions ........................................................................................................................14
Scripting from Scratch..............................................................................................................................15
Reverse Engineering ...............................................................................................................................17
Hacking Maya ..........................................................................................................................................18
IV Regular Expressions .......................................................................................................................18
Expression workflow ................................................................................................................................18
Key Differences Between MEL and Expressions ....................................................................................21
Why getAttr and setAttr Should Be Avoided in Expressions ...................................................................22
V Particle Expressions .........................................................................................................................22
What is Particle Expression? ...................................................................................................................22
Creation vs. Runtime Particle Expressions..............................................................................................23
Differences Between Regular And Particle Expressions.........................................................................23
Variables ...............................................................................................................................................24
Declare variables before using them .......................................................................................................24
Integer and floating point numbers ..........................................................................................................24
Integers ................................................................................................................................................24
Floating point numbers.........................................................................................................................24
Non-decimal numbers ..........................................................................................................................25
Vectors .....................................................................................................................................................25
Literal representation ...........................................................................................................................25
Getting and setting vector values.........................................................................................................25
Strings ......................................................................................................................................................25
Concatenating strings ..........................................................................................................................26
Getting and setting the value of an array element ...............................................................................26
Literal representation ...........................................................................................................................27
Arrays are only one dimensional..........................................................................................................27
Assigning values to variables and attributes ...........................................................................................27
Combining declaration and assignment...............................................................................................27
Chaining assignments ..........................................................................................................................28
Convenience assignment operators.....................................................................................................28
Conditional Statements.........................................................................................................................28
Comparison operators .............................................................................................................................28
Logic operators ........................................................................................................................................29
Boolean values ........................................................................................................................................29
if...else if...else .........................................................................................................................................29
for .............................................................................................................................................................30
for-in .........................................................................................................................................................30
Global procedures....................................................................................................................................31
Return values .......................................................................................................................................32
Local procedures .....................................................................................................................................33
Calling procedures ...................................................................................................................................33
Calling external procedures .....................................................................................................................33
One of Maya's greatest strengths is its robust scripting language, MEL. This year’s Siggraph
sessions are packed with great techniques and workflows that use MEL to both customize and extend
the capabilities of Maya.

If you are new to Maya or haven't had a chance to get under the hood with MEL, this session will help
to familiarize you with it. While this session is not designed to give you an in-depth knowledge of
MEL, it will take you through the broad strokes of the language. Topics covered include variables and
procedures, frequently used MEL commands, scripting workflow, regular and particle expressions.

In Maya 5.0, A|W has done a thorough job of not only documenting MEL commands and functions
but also explaining variables and syntax. Since you are already at Siggraph and most likely do not
have access to the documentation, I have included these pages at the end of this document.

I Scripting Basics

What is scripting?
Scripting is a simple form of programming. It does not involve compiling against libraries and the
generation of executables and such. It can be a quick and dirty method of stringing together several
commands to speed up a task or an elaborate set of procedures and algorithms that become tools on
their own.

There are many different scripting and programming languages out there: C, C++, PERL, JAVA,
ASP, etc. They all act as a layer between you and the 0s and 1s of your CPU. Terms like “if” and
“else” and mathematical functions like “+” and “-“ all get converted down into 0s and 1s. Depending
on the language, you may be very near the 0s and 1s layer, and you may need to do things like
manually allocate memory blocks or cue processes to be sent to the CPU. Thankfully, MEL is several
layers above the 0s and 1s and is full of language and commands that the common person can

What are variables?

Variables are the corner stone of any programming language. They are used to temporarily store a
piece of information for use anywhere within your script. In Maya terms, a variable is to a MEL script
what an attribute is to a node.

Like an attribute, a variable is given a name, ideally an intuitive one, but any name will do, provided
that it,

• is alpha numeric ie. No spaces, no symbols, no slashes, no quotes, etc…

• the first letter of the variable name is a letter, not a number

To differentiate between what is a variable and say a node name, or a MEL command, the $ symbol
is placed at the beginning of the variable. For example, a variable that is used to keep count of how
many surfaces are selected might be called “counter”, but it would written as “$counter “.

*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about variable types.

Declaring Variables
When creating a new variable in a script it is recommended that you declare it as containing a certain
data type. This is done for several reasons, but the key reasons are that depending on the data type
and the operation you are performing on the data, Maya can more efficiently process the information
and certain operations cannot be performed on differing data types. For example, if you had a
variable containing a persons name and another holding a number, you couldn’t multiply one against
the other.

*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about declaring variables.

Each programming language has its own syntax. You can think of syntax as the punctuation of the
programming world. In English, when we conclude a sentence, we use a period “.”. In MEL, we
conclude a command using a semi-colon “;”. In English, we capitalize the first letter of a sentence. In
MEL, we put a “$” (also known as “dollar sign” or “string”) in front of variables.

whereas we can read senTEnces in English with poor punctuation _and #syNtax , MEL will not
understand your good intentions and will return an error.

MEL does have some tolerance for different syntax styles, which is both good and bad. There have
been many discussions on listservers and user group forums about which style of syntax MEL uses
and I have seen people give examples of styles that I had no idea MEL accepted. Apparently, it has
also been discovered that there are some differences in which syntax MEL understands based on the
platform you are using. As a result, a script that runs on Windows may fail on Linux.

For example “getAttr” is a MEL command that functions on a Maya object whereas “mag” is a MEL
function that operates on a piece of data. For MEL functions, there are two syntax’ for storing the
results of the function,

float $x = mag (<<0,3,0>>);
// Result: 3 //

float $x = `mag (<<0,3,0>>)`;
// Result: 3 //

In the first example, no backticks “`” are needed to encapsulate the function. In the second, backticks
are used. Both work, both are valid syntax’ for functions.

However, for MEL commands, you must use the backticks to encapsulate the command, otherwise
an error is returned as shown below,

float $x = getAttr nurbsSphere1.translateX;
// Error: float $x = getAttr nurbsSphere1.translateX;
// Error: Invalid use of Maya object "getAttr". //

float $x = `getAttr nurbsSphere1.translateX`;
// Result: 3.5 //

In my MEL scripts, I always use the backtick approach for storing the results of any MEL command or
Conditional Statements "if", "else" and "for"
When you are writing a programme, you often want to perform a certain function only when a
condition is met, if “this” do “that” else do “the other”. All programming languages have conditional
statements, however many of them have different syntax.

if / else if / else Usage and Syntax:

if ($x > 5){

print “X is greater than 5”;
else {
print “X is not greater than 5”;

You do not have to have an “if” “else” relationship. You can simply write,

if ($x >5){
print “X is greater than 5”;

Additional if / else Syntax

If you only have a single command to be executed after the “if” or “else” statement, you do not need
to put the curly braces “{}”around it.

if ($x > 5)
print “X is greater than 5”;
print “X is not greater than 5”;

*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about conditional

Formatting and Layout of a MEL Script

While there are certain things to watch for when formatting the layout of your program, for example, a
single command must be on one entire line with no line breaks, you are free to format your MEL script
any way you like. Indentations and line spacing are one set of layout tools to help you and others
read and understand your program.

In the above example, I could have removed all formatting and MEL would have understood what
was written, but it would have looked like this,

if ($x>5){print “X is greater than 5”;}else{print “X is not greater than 5”;}

Spaces, indents and blank lines all help to make your code readable.

Commenting MEL Scripts

To make your code understandable you can add comments. Comments are statements in your MEL
script that are for the viewers eyes, and MEL simply ignores them. Anything on a line to the right of
double slash “//” is ignored, anything between a slash star “/*” and a star slash “*/” is ignored. For

this code tests if x is greater than 5
and if it is greater than 5
this code then prints something

// test if x is greater than 5

if ($x > 5){ // x is greater than 5 so print something

print “X is greater than 5”;
else {
print “X is not greater than 5”;

In the sections on Scripting Workflow and Hacking MEL, you will see how commenting code is an
important part of scripting.

Wrapping It Up With a Procedure

Procedures enable you to encapsulate a frequently used piece of code into a single function that can
be executed by entering the function’s name. For example, you have a script that does several
different tasks but each task requires finding out what the shape node of the selected object is.
Rather than putting the piece of code for figuring out the shape node at each task, you would make a
procedure that does nothing but find the shape node of the selected object and return its name. You
would then call that procedure at each task.

Return Values

Procedures can return either a single data value or an array of data values. The value can be a float,
int, vector, or string.

Procedure Syntax

Procedures are declared using the proc statement,

proc myProc(){

If your procedure returns a value, you must indicate what type of value it returns in its declaration and
the procedure must have a return statement. The following declares that myProc returns a float

proc float myProc(){

float $returnValue;

return ($returnValue);

If your procedure returns an array of values, you declare it as the following,

proc float[] myProc(){

float $returnValue[];

return ($returnValue);

*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about procedures.

Local and Global Procedures

By default, procedures are only known locally. This means that if you have a procedure that is written
in a MEL script, it can only be called from within the MEL script. If you were to type the name of the
procedure into the Script Editor, Maya would not know about it and would return an error.

If you put the word global in front of your procedure,

global proc float[] myProc(){

float $returnValue[];

return ($returnValue);

you make it known to all of Maya. This means that it can be called from the Script Editor, a tool shelf
icon, or even another MEL script.

You should use local procedures whenever possible and only use a global procedure for the
procedure that is called by the user from the Script Editor or Maya UI.

*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about local and global

Executing Procedures

To source a MEL script to gain access to its procedures, type,

source “PATH_TO_FILE/myScript.mel”

The source function causes MEL to compile and execute the contents of a script that is stored in a

When you save a .mel file in a directory that is seen by your MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH such as,
$HOME/maya/scripts, if your procedure is a global procedure and has the same name as your .mel
file (without the .mel extension) you do not need to source the MEL script for Maya to know about the
procedure. However, if you make any changes to your script after Maya has called one of its
functions, you will need to re-source it for it Maya to know about the changes made.

*Refer to the attached Maya documentation for more information about executing procedures.

II Using the Documentation

Maya’s documentation is quite thorough and covers the entire spectrum of the software
extensively. While you may be inclined to browse through the docs once or twice before tackling
problems, when working with MEL, the documentation is more of a tool than a reference. There are
hundreds of MEL commands and node types, with dozens of flags and attributes for each so
memorization is not an option. You need to be able to quickly figure out what you are looking for,
where to find it, and how to understand it.
The MEL Documentation Page has several different search methods.

Reading a MEL Command Doc Page

If you understand how to read a MEL command documentation page, you can use the command.
MEL commands all use a similar syntax,

commandName -flags Object_To_Perform_Command_On;


Flags are the options to specify distinct behaviors or functions within the command. Commands
frequently have dozens of flags and you may need to use several of them to get the results that you
want. For example, the xform command has options for moving objects relative to their position and
moving them in worldSpace vs. objectSpace.An xform command that moved an object 10 units in the
Y axis in worldSpace, relative to its current position may look like this,

xform –relative –translation 0 10 0 –worldSpace;

The order that the flags are specified in does not matter.

Some flags are written on their own, others require you to specify information with them. The xform
command’s –relative option does not require any additional information, but the –translation flag
does. The documentation describes the translation as,

t/-translation double double double translation

“double double double” indicates that the flag expects three numbers that are “double” after it. A
“double” number can be an integer or a float value, but not a vector. This is often confusing as a
vector in Maya is basically three float values. Ideally, the command would expect either 3 double
values or a vector, but it doesn’t, so your vector will need to be converted to 3 float values.

Flags, like attributes can sometimes have two names, a long name and a short name. For example,
the attribute translateX can also be referred to as tx . The translation flag of the xform command can
also be referred to as t . The short or long form can be used interchangeably, so if you don’t feel like
typing the long form, use the short.

Query, Edit and Create Flags

Some commands can be used to query, edit and create information in Maya. The xform command is
an example of this. By default, the xform command operates in a “create” mode where it creates
transformational information in your scene. If you were to specify that the command was to run in a
query mode using the –query flag, the command would get information from the scene as opposed to
changing it. Each flag in the documentation tells you if it can be put into a “Q” – query, “C” – create,
“E” – edit mode or “M” – multiple mode.

UI commands in Maya such as the command to create a window, window , tend to have 3 modes,
“Q”, “E” or “C”, as UI can be queried to get a value or check a setting, edited to change a label name
or add a menu bar, or created, to create a new UI element.

Return Values

When you write a MEL script, most of the time you execute commands and capture their resulting
information to be used later in your script. For example, you may create a sphere using the sphere
command and then want to set its scale or translation. The sphere command returns a string (text
data) array with the name of the object and the name of the node, in this case, its shape. By
capturing this data in a string array variable, you can then use the name in a setAttr or move

Most commands have a return value. UI commands may return the name of the new UI element it
created, or the value of a slider. Object creation commands like sphere or particle return the name of
the transform and the shape created. The move command on the other hand does not return any
value. In the documentation under the Return Value heading of the command page, there is a
description of the type or types of data returned. In some cases, the description is quite clear, like
that of the sphere command,

[string[]] (object name and node name)

which tells you that it returns a string[] with the “[]” meaning array, so it returns an array of strings. In
the “()” it tells you that the first element of the array is the object name and second is the node name.

Other commands like the getAttr command, return a variety of data types and formats, depending on
the attribute queried. It is best to know what kind of data you are requesting, so that you know what
type of variable to use to store it.

How to Find What You Are Looking For

The first question to ask is, what I am looking for? Am I looking for a MEL command or information
about what the different attributes of a node are?
If the question is the latter and relates to nodes and their attributes, simply open the Attribute Editor
for the node in question and under the Help menu, select the appropriate “Help on “ menu item. This
will open the node description page of the docs automatically.

However, if you are trying to find information about a MEL command, the task can be more difficult.

When you open the MEL documentation in your browser, you’ll most likely be overwhelmed by the
number of different search methods you are presented with. The interface is not really intuitive and I
often find myself lost in windows and frames, not knowing how to get back to where I just was. That
being said, the docs have been broken down and sorted every which way you can imagine, so there
is usually a route to get to what you need.

I find that there are several different ways to go about finding the information I am looking for, and
they depend on what information I already know.

Method 1. Use Maya’s UI

Whenever a command is executed through the UI, the Script Editor displays the command. In many
cases, the command that is shown in the Script Editor is the exact MEL command used. An example
of this would be moving an object. When you move an object, the Script Editor displays the following

move -r 0 0 8.37974 ;

From the results, I can see that the move command was issued and it used a –r flag. –r is most likely
the short form for something, so I can now use the alphabetized index of the docs to find the move
command to find out more information.

If nothing is returned in the Script Editor after executing the UI function, turn ON the Echo All
Commands flag in the Script Editor. Turning this flag on causes Maya to become extremely verbose
and you will often end up with dozens of lines returned to the Script Editor. Over time, you will learn
how to quickly filter through all the unimportant commands like those that show and hide the menu
you just selected from.

Is it A Command or a MEL Procedure?

Often times, the command that is returned to the script is not really a command, but a call to a MEL
procedure. As Maya’s UI is constructed from MEL scripts, it is not uncommon that a click in the UI is
actually a call to a MEL script that in turn executes a series of MEL commands. It is quite easy to
determine if what is being called is a MEL procedure or an actual MEL command.

The first clue is to see if there are any flags specified. MEL procedures are not designed to take flags
as inputs (hacks can be made to simulate this, but A|W doesn’t use them), so if you see a “-“ sign in
the call, it is most likely a proper MEL command.

If you are still unsure, you can simply use the whatIs command. The whatIs command tells you if the
function being called is a MEL command, MEL runtime command, or a MEL procedure.

*A runtime command is like a MEL command, but it is not documented and has no options
If the whatIs command tells you that the function is actually a MEL procedure, it also returns the
location of the MEL script. You can then edit the MEL script in a text editor to figure out what it is
doing. An example of this would be if I wanted to find the command being used to change the stroke
display quality of my paint effects curves, I would use the Display->Stroke Display Quality menu item.
This returns the following in the Script Editor,
editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu;
setStrokeQuality 25.0;
editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu;

I ignore the two editMenuUpdate commands and see the setStrokeQuality command. Notice that it
doesn’t have any flags, so it is most likely a MEL procedure. Using the whatIs command, I verify this

whatIs setStrokeQuality ;
// Result: Mel procedure found in: D:/Program
Files/AliasWavefront/Maya5.0/scripts/paintEffects/setStrokeQuality.mel //

Method 2. Root Words

If you are looking for a MEL command that has to do with keyframes, try searching for commands
with the word “key” in it. Go to the doc page that has the entire list of all MEL commands and using
the “Find” mechanism of your web browser, find any command with the word “key” in it. This
approach is actually quite fast and often times it will help you to stumble upon other commands that
may be useful and relate to the task you are performing. Other root words that useful are “attr” for
attribute, “poly” for polygonal tools and “get” for getting information.

Method 3. Related Commands

At the end of each command documentation page is a list of related commands. If you know the
getAttr command and you are looking for a command that relates to attributes, you can open the
command page for the getAttr command and at the bottom see that the,

addAttr, setAttr, connectAttr, disconnectAttr, listAttr

are all related to it.

Method 4. Brute Force

I think of the search engine as a brute force approach as it will most likely yield hundreds of results.
But reading documentation is always a good thing and you will stumble across many commands that
do incredibly useful things.

III Scripting Workflow

The 4 Most Important MEL Commands

setAttr and connectAttr

In most MEL scripts, the function of the tool that you are writing is to change the value or property of
something in your scene. Since Maya is a node based architecture at its core, the process of
manipulating those objects is done by changing the values of their attributes. Changing attribute
values is done by either setting the attribute to a specified value or connecting another node’s
attribute to it. If you take a look at a Maya ascii format file in a text editor, you’ll see that any scene is
simply made up of nodes that have either their attributes set or connected.

setAttr Usage:

setAttr nurbsSphere1.translateX;
Common setAttr Flags :

-tye or –type

If you are setting the value for the translate attribute of an object and do not want to specifically set
the translateX or translateZ, you can set all three attributes with one setAttr command since translate
is a type of attribute called a double3 meaning it is made up of 3 components, translateX, translateY
and translateZ.


setAttr –type double3 nurbsSphere1.translate;

Instead of

setAttr nurbsSphere1.translateX;
setAttr nurbsSphere1.translateY;
setAttr nurbsSphere1.translateZ;

connectAttr Usage :

connectAttr nurbsSphere1.tx nurbsSphere2.tx;

Common connectAttr Flags :

-f or –force

If an attribute is already connected to another attribute and you simply use the connectAttr command,
it will return an error. The –force flag forces the command to break the old connection and make the
new one.


connectAttr –force nurbsSphere1.translateX nurbsSphere2.translateY;

NOTE : In MEL, the commands that are used to set and connect attributes are setAttr and
connectAttr. It is important to note that the root word of the command is “attr”, from the word
“attribute”. Why is this important? As I mentioned earlier in this document, there are hundreds of
different MEL commands and it is unlikely that you will ever be able to remember them all. By having
an idea of where to start your search of the docs, you will be able to quickly find what you are looking
for. If you are performing functions on keyframes, you will most likely find the word “key” in the
command, or if you were looking for polygon functions, you would most likely find the word “poly” in
the command. Unfortunately, Maya is not consistent with the location of the root word in the
command name, so most polygon commands begin with the word “poly” while most keyframe
commands end with “key”, similar to the “attr” commands.


Setting attributes values is a method of changing objects in your scene, however, often times, you
need to find out what value an attribute is currently set to so that you can use that value in your script.
The command for getting attribute values is called getAttr.

getAttr Usage :

getAttr nurbsSphere1.tx;
Common getAttr Flags :

There are options for the getAttr flag, but they are for specific functions that are too detailed for this
brief overview.


The first three commands allow you to set and manipulate the attributes of any node in Maya,
however in many scripts, you might need to explicitly create a node that you then manipulate. The
createNode command enables you to create any node in Maya. Once a node is created, you then
use the setAttr and connectAttr commands to adjust its attributes to get the desired result.

createNode Usage :

The createNode command functions differently from most other commands as you must specify the
name of the node to create immediately after the command name, before any flags are specified.

createNode nurbsSurface;

Common createNode Flags :

-n or –name

By default, when you create a node, Maya will name that node “nodeName#” so if I created two
nurbsSurface nodes they would be called “nurbsSphere1” and “nurbsSphere2”. However, using the
-name flag, you can specify the resulting name of the newly created node.

Example .

createNode nurbsSurface –name “door”;

These 4 commands are the backbone of Maya and are the only commands needed to generate a
scene complete with surfaces, animation, lights, deformers and whatever else is needed. If you can’t
believe that it is that simple, once again, take a look at your Maya ascii file.

Note however, that in a Maya ascii file, the setAttr commands do not specify the node name that they
are operating on and simply specify a “.attributeName”. As nodes are created in the ascii file, they
become the currently selected object and as such, the setAttr command will default to using the
currently selected node to operate on when a node name is not specified. There are no guarantees
that copying lines from a Maya ascii file and executing them in the Script Editor will work as there
other subtle differences between how Maya may evaluate a Maya file vs. a MEL script.

The 5th Most Important Command

3 of the 4 most important commands are also the most frequently used, setAttr, connectAttr and
getAttr. They give you the ability to manipulate the data in your scene. However they don’t answer
the question, what data do I need to manipulate?


The easiest and most intuitive way to tell your script what objects you want to perform your function
on is to simply select those objects in your scene and then run the script. To find out what objects are
currently selected, the ls command is used. ls comes from the UNIX command, ls which lists the
contents of a directory. In MEL terms, ls list objects in your scene. ls on its own will list ALL objects
in your scene.
Common ls Flags :

-sl or –selection

This flag will list only the selected objects

-typ or –type

To only list objects in your scene of a certain node type, you would use the –type flag followed by the
node type.


ls –type nurbsSurface

This would return a list of all nurbsSurface shapes in your scene.

While these commands will enable you to create a scene from scratch, there are hundreds of other
commands that make that process much easier.

The Swiss Army MEL Tools


If you need to perform any queries or change the transformations of an object that are more complex
than simply setting or getting their translate, rotate and scale, use the xform command. For example,
moving an object that is parented under joint 10 units in the axis in world space, simply setting its
translateX axis to 10, will not take into account the transformations of the joint above it and will not
give you desired result. The xform command has dozens of flags for transforming, rotating and
scaling an object in world space or object space by a percentage of its current value, using the
specified pivot and more.


If you are working with keyframes, the keyframe command can handle most operations. It can offset
keys in time or value, operate on a selected range of keys as well as return information about

Commands vs. Functions

There is a gray area between commands and functions that is important to understand. On one
hand, they both perform an operation and in most cases, return a result. For the most part,
commands work with or relate to nodes and their attributes. Functions, on the other hand, work with
data and values or with system requests, or environment variables. The distinction is gray because
while they are all MEL commands, their syntax can differ when it comes to capturing their results.

Examples of capturing the results of the getAttr command :

float $x = getAttr pCylinder1.tx;

// Error: float $x = getAttr pCylinder1.tx; //
// Error: Invalid use of Maya object "getAttr". //

float $x = `getAttr pCylinder1.tx`;

// Result: 5.5 //
Notice how for the getAttr command to properly return a value, Maya requires a single quote, “`” , to
encapsulate the command.

Examples of capturing the results of the rand function :

float $y = rand(1);
// Result: 0.176643 //

float $y = `rand(1)`;
// Result: 0.041631 //

Notice how the rand function successfully evaluated with or without the use of the single quote.

Initially, when I first starting working with MEL, I encapsulated anything that I wanted to get the results
of in single quotes. I found that visually, I could understand my scripts better by being able to see
when I was calling functions and commands. Over time, I stopped encapsulating my functions with
single quotes. The choice is yours.

When calling functions in MEL scripts, you do not need to use the single quotes, as MEL scripts and
procedures are types of functions not commands.

Scripting from Scratch

Scripting is the process of writing a script. Like most stories, a MEL script is about a character (you)
who overcomes a challenge (how to rename 500 textures automatically) by devising a cunning plan
(script outline) and executing it using the tools available (MEL commands). I find that by following this
type of workflow, I can write a script to solve almost any problem.

Here’s an example:

You have a Maya scene with 50 point lights and you wanted to connect all of their intensity values to
a master control node, but you don’t want to manually make each connection.

1. Open a text editor to write your script into.

You do not want to use the Maya Script Editor window for anything more than executing
single commands as it is too easy to accidentally delete its contents and it also doesn’t show
things like line numbers or have niceties like search and replace.
2. Outline the problem at the top of the script using a commented section.

given the selection of point lights in my scene, connect the light’s intensity
attribute to a master control node

3 Refine the outline into step by step processes and try to replace plain language with MEL

given the selection of point lights in my scene, connect the first selected light’s
intensity attribute to all of the other point light attributes

find out what’s selected

create a master control node
add an attribute to it called “intensity”
check if it is a point light
If it is a point light, connect the first selected light’s intensity to it

4 Add the MEL command required for each process

given the selection of point lights in my scene, connect the first selected light’s
intensity attribute to all of the other point light attributes

find out what’s selected – “ls –selected”

create an empty transform node – “createNode transform”
add an attribute to it called “intensity” - ???
I need to check if it is a point light – ????
If point light, connect the first selected light’s intensity - “connectAttr”


5 Find out which commands you don’t know and find them in the docs

The two commands that are unknown are how to create an attribute on a node and how to
find out if a selected object is a point light.

There are two methods for finding out a command, execute something in the UI that performs
the command you are looking for and then check the Script Editor to see what command was
used, or find the command by searching through the docs.

In the UI, I know that there is a GUI for adding attributes, so I try that first. I create a locator
and then open the Modify->Add Attribute window. I type “intensity” and add the attribute. In
the Script Editor, I see the following results,

addAttr -ln intensity -at double transform1;

setAttr -e -keyable true transform1.intensity;

From the results, I can see that two commands were issued. The first was “addAttr” with some
flags specifying the “-ln” and “-at”. What do those flags do? They must be short for something.
From here, I go into the docs and look up the addAttr command and find out that “ln” is short for
“longName” and “at” is short for “attributeType”. So I now understand the command that was
issued as reading,

addAttr –longName intensity –attributeType double transform1

The second command executed was “setAttr” and it used a “-e” flag. Again, I go back to the docs
to find out what the “-e” is short for. And in this case, and in all cases, “-e” is short for “-edit”. You
find the “-edit” flag used primarily in UI creation commands but also in some MEL commands like
setAttr. In this case, it tells the command that you are not changing the value stored in an
attribute but instead changing something about the attribute itself, in this case whether or not it is
keyable. If an attribute is keyable it is displayed in the channel box, which is what we want.

The next command that we need to find is one that tells us what type of node an object is. Since
I don’t know of anywhere in the UI that does, I need to go into the docs. Unfortunately, “node” is
a very common term in Maya and a search for “node” yields hundreds of results. My next best
guess would be to check the “createNode” command and see if it has any related commands that
do what I want. No luck here either, but a good try. Next, I list all commands in the docs and do
a find for the word “node”. This last approach quickly yields success and after a dozen or so
finds, I come across the “nodeType” command.

6. Fill in the blank sections of missing commands

given the selection of point lights in my scene, connect the first selected light’s
intensity attribute to all of the other point light attributes

find out what’s selected – “ls –selected”

create an empty transform node – “createNode transform”
add an attribute to it called “intensity” – “addAttr” “setAttr”
I need to check if it is a point light – “nodeType”
If point light, connect the first selected light’s intensity - “connectAttr”

7. Write your MEL script based on your outline

// get the selection

string $objects[] = `ls –sl`;

// create the locator

createNode locator –name “lightControls”;

// add the intensity attribute

addAttr –longName intensity –attributeType double lightControls;

// set the attribute to be keyable

setAttr –edit –keyable true lightControls.intensity;

// for each node in selection,

for ($node in $objects){
// check if object is a point light
if (`nodeType $node` == “pointLight”){
// connect the lightControls to it
connectAttr –force lightControls.intensity ($node + “.intensity”);
else {
// tell the user that the object is not a point light
print ($node + “ is not a pointLight\n”);

8. Execute your MEL script and debug any errors

This script has several limitations. When you select an object in your scene, by default Maya selects
the transform node, not the shape node. As a result, the script fails to find any shape nodes. You
could add additional lines to find the shape node under the selected transform and check if they are
pointLights, or you could simply pickwalk down after selecting your objects and then run the script.
You could also add a “pickWalk -d down;” command as the first line in the script and then list
the selected objects.

There are dozens of different ways to solve the same problem. Using a storyboard or script writing
technique makes finding those ways much easier and helps to simplify a complex task.

Reverse Engineering
Whether you need to customize a part of Maya’s UI by editing one of its default scripts or you need to
modify someone else’s script to fix a bug or add a feature, you will at some point be faced with the
task of disassembling and interpreting someone else’s code. Sometimes, this can be a valuable
learning experience. More often than not, you will tear your hair out and curse the author’s name as
you try to figure out their poorly laid out, uncommented code.
I have been in both of these situation many times. In fact, much of my formatting and commenting
styles have been learned by viewing other people’s code and seeing what is easy to read and
understand and what is not.

Either way, I recommend that you work your way back from the final code to the story behind the
• start by commenting any variables that are declared
• search for any MEL commands being executed and comment those, they are your actions
and tell you what the script is actually doing when it is not engaged in for loops and math
• search for for loops and add comments to them next, the majority of data processing is
usually done in for loops as many programs involve iterative processes
• add comments to any remaining steps
• copy and paste comments into the top section of the script, between the /* and */
• order the comments as they appear in the script

Now you can quickly read what the script is doing and figure out where to insert your additional code.

This process can be tedious, but it is an incredibly powerful learning tool. You may be new to MEL
and feel nervous about opening a script with 500 lines of code, but this technique will allow you to
quickly gain confidence in your abilities by demonstrating how even the most complex script is made
up of simple parts.

Hacking Maya
The whatIs command is the key to Maya’s gateway. By turning on the Echo All Commands in the
Script Editor, you can quickly discover what makes Maya’s UI tick and where to find the files to hack

NEVER modify a MEL script located in Maya’s installation path. Copy the MEL script to your local
scripts directory and make changes there. When Maya loads, it looks in your local scripts directory
first, to find the procedures that it needs, so your local copy will be used instead of the one in the
installation directory.

IV Regular Expressions

Expression workflow
Expressions are customizable nodes. They allow you to write your own functions for how the node
behaves and they can have an unlimited number of inputs and outputs. Whereas a nurbsSurface
node takes points in space and weights as an input and outputs a surface, expressions take input
connections, apply user defined functions to them, and outputs data. To illustrate this, try this simple

1. Create two spheres.

2. Open the expression and enter the following,

nurbsSphere1.tx = nurbsSphere2.tx;
Expression Editor containing expression.

Open the hypergraph for nurbsSphere1 and view the connections.

Expression node is created between nurbsSphere2 and nurbsSphere1.

As you can see, there is an expression node called “expression1” in-between nurbsSphere2 and
nurbsSphere2.translateX is connected to expression1.input[0]

If you view the connections, you can see that nurbsSphere2.tx is connected to

expression1.output[0] is connected to nurbsSphere1.tx

and expression1.output[0] is connected to nurbsSphere1.tx.

4. Delete nurbsSphere2.
5. Open the expression for the expression you just created.
The input connection from nurbsSphere2 is gone, but a placeholder remains, .I[0]

The expression still exists, but instead of it reading that nurbsSphere1.tx = nurbsSphere2.tx,
it reads nurbsSphere1.tx = .I[0];

The connection to the expression is missing, but the expression is still valid, it just doesn’t have
anything connected to its input. You could now connect any attribute of any object to the of the
expression and it would now drive nurbsSphere1.tx .

When you write “myObject.attribute = “ you are making a new output for the expression.
Anytime you write “something = myObject.attribute” you are making a new input.

Key Differences Between MEL and Expressions

There are very few differences between how you write a MEL script verses how you write an

Inside an expression, you access attributes by typing their nodeName.attributeName. In MEL, to get
and set attribute values, you use getAttr and setAttr commands.

Expression nodes automatically have a connection to the time node which allows you to access the
values for time in seconds and frame number directly. In MEL, you use the currentTime command to
query time.

Expressions have the ability to automatically create unitConversion nodes which act as convenience
nodes to do things like convert rotations from Maya’s internal units, radians, to degrees, or convert
time data to float data. In MEL, any conversions of data types must be done through math functions.
If an input to an expression changes its value, the expression automatically recalculates itself and
executes its functions. In MEL, you either need to setup scriptJob functions that monitor Maya for
certain changes and then execute a function or execute your MEL script manually.

Even with these differences, you can run any MEL command or procedure from within an expression,
which means that you have access to all of Maya’s power from within an expression. You can run for
loops, create and delete geometry, assign shaders, execute system commands, etc.

Why getAttr and setAttr Should Be Avoided in Expressions

One of the benefits of having expressions create connections between inputs and outputs in the
Dependency Graph, is that it ensures that they are evaluated in the correct order. By having a
connection between the inputs of an expression and the outputs, it ensures that when an input
changes, the expression evaluates itself and the output is updated. If your expression uses a getAttr
command to get an attribute’s value, a connection is not made and the expression does not know
when that attribute changes and will not update itself. Connections are the key to stability in Maya
and while MEL gives you the ability to set and get attribute values, it bypasses this stability.

Another key reason for not using getAttr and setAttr commands in expressions is that if the object that
the command is functioning on is renamed, the expression will fail because the command is looking
for a specific name and not relying on a direct connection. This problem always rears its ugly head
when you reference or import files with expressions as the node names change. In the case of
referenced files, you cannot edit the expression manually to reflect the changes because they are
locked, leaving you with a broken file.

V Particle Expressions

What is Particle Expression?

Particle expressions are simply optimized for loops. A particle system is made up of hundreds of
individual particles that can be thought of as an array of individual points. Particles have attributes
that have unique values, stored on a per particle basis. rgbPP for example, allows you to assign an
RGB value to each particle in the system. Since a particle system is an array of points, you can think
of point 100’s rgbPP value as being rgbPP[100] and point 120’s rgbPP value as rgbPP[120]. The
following is a FICTITIOUS illustration of this concept using a MEL syntax :

create a custom particle system with 500 points in random positions
for 100 frames, increment the position of each particle in the Y axis by 1

// create an array to store positions

vector $position[];

// create 500 particles

for ($particleNumber = 0;$particleNumber < 500;++$particleNumber){
// set the position to be a random position in space
$position[$particleNumber] = `sphrand (1)`;

// from frame 1 to 100, increment the position in Y

for ($i = 1;$i < 101;++$i){
// loop through each particle
for ($particleNumber = 0;$particleNumber < 500;++$particleNumber){
// get the position of the current particle
vector $currentPosition = $position[$particleNumber];

// increment the position in Y

$currentPosition = $currentPosition + <<0,$i,0>>;

// store the new position

$position[$particleNumber] = $currentPosition;

This FICTITIOUS script is an extremely simplified version of what a particle expression does. Maya’s
particle expression are much more user-friendly.

Maya executes its particle expressions for each particle in the particle object whenever time
advances. It also updates the current value of any of its per particle attributes to be that of the current
particle that it is evaluating. This way, you know that if you are using the position attribute in your
expression, you are always getting the position of the current particle that it is evaluating. Another
nice thing about particle expressions is that you do not need to refer to attributes of the current
particle as nodeName.attribute like particleShape1.position, you simply refer to the attribute as
position . Here is how you would write an expression to do what the code above does,

// store the current position

vector $currentPosition = position;

// increment the position

position = <<$currentPosition.x,$currentPosition.y + 1,$currentPosition.z>>;

As you can see, this is much cleaner and much more simple than the FICTITIOUS MEL example.

When you reload your expression, Maya will automatically replace the attribute name with the
nodeName.attribute formatting. The expression will then read as,

vector $currentPosition = particleShape1.position;

particleShape1.position = <<$currentPosition.x,$currentPosition.y + 1,$currentPosition.z>>;

Creation vs. Runtime Particle Expressions

A creation expression is evaluated when a particle is first created or born. A runtime expression is
evaluated every frame after the particle is born.

Creation expressions are useful because they allow you to initialize a particle’s attributes with
characteristics. You may want each particle born to have a random mass or color that will keep with
it for the rest of its life. Or, you may use the creation expression to initialize the size of a particle
sprite when it is first born and then use a runtime expression to have it grow by 20% for each frame of
the rest of its life.

The key point to remember is that a Create Expression is evaluated once at birth and Runtime
Expressions are evaluated for every subsequent frame..

Differences Between Regular And Particle Expressions

Regular expressions function at an object level, and do not contain any of the niceties that particle
expressions have for dealing with arrays of attributes as a for loop. Regular expressions can be
connected to any node type, particle expressions only function on particle objects. Regular
expressions are nodes, particle expressions are built into the particle object itself.

You use variables as symbolic names for values. Variables can hold different values at different points in
a script.

Variable names always start with a dollar sign ($). The name can contain letters, numbers, and
underscores (_). The first character of the name (after the $) cannot be a number.

Variable names are case sensitive. MEL considers $X and $x to be different variables.

Some examples of valid variable names:

To keep your MEL script clear and understandable, use a variable name that describes the variable's

Variable names such as $x, $t, and $wtb are not as informative as $carIndex, $timeLeft, and
$wingTipBend. However, do not be too verbose. For example, $indexForMyNameArray, is overly

Declare variables before using them

Before you can use a variable you need to declare it. Declaring the variable tells Maya you intend to use
a variable with this name, and specifies the type of values the variables can hold.

To declare a variable, use a explicit type keyword followed by the variable name. For example:
float $param;
int $counter;
string $name;
vector $position;
Having to declare variables before you use them prevents a set of common problems where misspelled
or misplaced variables create hard-to-find bugs. The MEL interpreter will complain if you try to do the

• The MEL interpreter comes across code that tries to access a variable you haven't declared.

• You try to declare the same variable twice with different types.

Integer and floating point numbers

Integers are numbers without a fractional part. For example:
5 –20 0 32000

Floating point numbers

Floating point numbers (or floats) have a fractional part. For example:
3.1415926 2.0 -6592.582 0.0
MEL and Maya maintain the distinction between integer and floats because computers can work with
integers many times faster with integers than with floating point numbers. Whenver you are doing
something that does not require fractional precision (for example, simple counting), use integers instead
of floats.

Non-decimal numbers
You can type integers using hexadecimal (base 16) notation by adding 0x to the beginning of the number:
0xA0 // equals 160
0xFFF // equals 4095


A vector is a triple of floating point numbers (usually representing X, Y, and Z). It's convenient to have a
triple-float data type in MEL because so many operations in 3D involve manipulating X,Y,Z values.

To declare a vector, use the vector keyword:

vector $victor;

Literal representation
The literal representation of a vector is three floats separated by commas, surrounded by << and >>. For
vector $roger = <<3.0, 7.7, 9.1>>;
vector $more = <<4.5, 6.789, 9.12356>>;

Getting and setting vector values

You can read the individual numbers from a vector variable using the .x, .y, and .z accessors. You must
surround the variable and accessor with parentheses:
vector $test = <<3.0, 7.7, 9.1>>;
print($test.x) // 3.0
print($test.y) // 7.7
print($test.z) // 9.1
You cannot use the accessors to set individual parts of a vector:
vector $test = <<3.0, 7.7, 9.1>>;
($test.y) = 5.5 // ERROR
However, you can use the following trick to set individual values:
// Assign a vector to variable $test:
vector $test = <<3.0, 7.7, 9.1>>;
$test = <<$test.x, 5.5, $test.z>>
// $test is now <<3.0, 5.5, 9.1>>
Scientists often use the word vector to mean a magnitude and direction. In Maya, a vector is
simply a related group of three floating point numbers.


Strings are sequences of characters. The literal representation of a string is surrounded by double
quotes. For example:
"MEL is fun!"
Within strings you can use codes to include some special characters:

Code Character
\" quotation mark

\n newline

\t tab

\r carriage return

\\ backslash

Concatenating strings
You can stick strings together (concatenate them, in programmer parlance) using the + operator:
"MEL" + " is fun!"
// This is the same as "MEL is fun!"


An array is an ordered list of values. All values in an array must be of the same type. You can make
arrays of integers, floats, strings, or vectors. Arrays grow as you add elements to them.

To declare an array variable, use:

• the keyword of the type which this array will hold,

• then the variable name,

• add square brackets ([]) to the end of the variable name.

int $ari[];
You can set the initial size of the array by putting a number inside the square brackets:
float $arf[4];
string $temp[3];

Getting and setting the value of an array element

To assign a value to a certain element in an array variable, put the element number (known as the index
to the array) in square brackets after the variable name in the assignment statement:
$arf[2] = 45.646;
$temp[50] = "Glonk!";
To get the value of an array element, just use the variable name with the index in square brackets:
print($arf[2]); // 45.646
$temp[51] = $temp[49];
Remember that the numbering of the elements in an array starts at 0. The index of the first element is 0,
the second element is 1, and so on. This means that the maximum index of an array is always one less
than the number of elements in the array.
string $array[3] = {"first\n", "second\n", "third\n"};
print($array[0]); // Prints "first\n"
print($array[1]); // Prints "second\n"
print($array[2]); // Prints "third\n"

Literal representation
The literal representation of an array is a list of values separated by commas (all of the same type, of
course), surrounded by curly braces:
{1, 2, 3, 4}
{"blue", "red", "black"}
You can assign literal values to an array variable with or without explicit declaration:
$rip = {1, 2, 3, 4};
string $hats = {"blue", "red", "black"};
string $shoes[3] = {"black", "brown", "blue suede"};

Arrays are only one dimensional

Arrays can only hold scalar values. You cannot create an array of arrays. However, you can use the
matrix datatype to create a two-dimensional table of floating point values.

Assigning values to variables and attributes

Once you have declared a variable you can assign values to it using the = operator. The variable on the
left side of the = operator is assigned the value of the expression on the right side of the operator. For
$x = $y * 10;
If you assign a value that does not match the type of the variable, the MEL interpreter will try to convert
the value into the variables type.

For example:
// Declare the variables...
float $foo;
float $bar;
int $baz;
// Now assign values...
$test = 5.4;
// value of $test is 5.4
$bar = $test + 2;
// value of $bar is 7.4
$baz = $bar;
// the value of $baz is 7
// MEL converted the value to an integer.
An assignment evaluates as the assigned value.

Combining declaration and assignment

For convenience you can assign a value to a variable when you create it. For example:
float $param = 1.5;
int $counter = 10;
string $name = "Alice";
vector $position = <<1.5, 2.5, 3.5>>;
If the type of a variable is obvious from the value you assign to it, you can leave out the type keyword. For
$name = "Alice";
$position = <<1.5, 2.5, 3.5>>;
This is called an implicit declaration. However it's good practice to use the always use the type keyword to
make your scripts more readable.

Chaining assignments
When you are assigning the same value to several variables, you can chain the assignments together:
$x = $y = $z = 0;

Convenience assignment operators

The following type of expression occurs often when you are programming:
$x = $x + 1;
This is so common that MEL provides several convenience operators to accomplish this with less typing.
For example:
$x++ // adds 1 to the value of $x
$x-- // subtracts 1 from the value of $x
$x += 5 // adds 5 to the value of $x
$x -= 3 // subtracts 3 from the value of $x

Conditional Statements

Comparison operators

Expression Meaning Evaluates to

(5 == 10) 5 is equal to 10 false
(5 != 10) 5 is not equal to 10 true

(5 < 10) 5 is less than 10 true

(5 > 10) 5 is greater than 10 false

(5 >= 10) 5 is greater than or equal to 10 false

(5 <= 10) 5 is less than or equal to 10 false

Logic operators

Symbol Logical equivalent True only if:

|| or either left-hand or right-hand
side is true

&& and both left-hand and right-hand

sides are true

! not right-hand side is false

Boolean values

MEL uses 1 to represent true and 0 to represent false. When operators return boolean values, they use 1
or 0.

MEL also lets you use true and false as well as on and off for boolean values to help readability.

In a logical operator, any non-zero value evaluates to true (1), and zero (0) evaluates to false. However,
remember that in MEL, a value may evaluate to true, but not be equal to true:
int $xsv = 5;
if ($xsv) print("true\n"); // True
if (true) print("true\n"); // True
if ($xsv == true) print("true\n"); // False
Avoid trying to compare values to "true".

if...else if...else

You'll often want you program to make decisions and change its behavior based on testing some
condition. For example, only print a value if it is greater than 10. Like most languages, MEL has an if
control sturcture:
if ($x > 10) {
print("It's greater than 10!\n");
You can also specify code to run when the condition is not true with the else keyword:
if ($x > 10) {
print("It's greater than 10!\n");
} else {
print("It's not above 10.\n");
print("It's safe... for now.\n");
You can specify several alternatives with the else if statement:
if ( $color == "blue" )
else if ( $color == "red" )
else if ($color == "yellow" )
print("I give up!\n");


A for loop has this format:

for (initialization; condition; change of condition) {
The brackets after for statement must contain three parts, separated by semicolons. It's very important to
understand the relationship between these parts:

• The initialization sets up the initial value of a looping variable, for example $i = 0 or $i =
$v+1. This expression is run only once before the loop starts.

• The condition is checked at the start of each iteration of the loop. If it's true, the block executes. If
it's false, the loop ends and execution continues after the loop. For example $i < 5 or $i <

• The change of condition is run at the end of each iteration of the loop. This expression should
make some change that gets each iteration closer to the end goal of the loop. For example $i++ or
$i += 5.

A for loop evaluates the termination condition before executing each statement. The condition compares
variable, attribute, or constant values.
int $i;
for ($i = 10; $i > 0; $i--) {


The most common use of a for loop is to iterate over every element of an array. MEL has a special form
of the for loop that lets you do this very easily.

The for-in loop has the form:

for (array-element in array) {
string $carType[3] = {"Porsche", "Ferrari", "BMW"};
string $car;
for ($car in $carType) {
print("I want a new ");
print($car + ".\n");
This prints the following lines in the Script Editor:
I want a new Porsche.
I want a new Ferrari.
I want a new BMW.
The loop executes three times, once for each array element in $carType.


You can define your own functions that work like MEL's built-in functions. User defined functions are
called procedures. Use procedures the encapsulate a series of commands you use often into a reusable

Like any function in MEL, a procedure can take any number of arguments (including no arguments),
perform calculations, and return a value.

In other languages procedures are sometimes called subroutines.

Global procedures

Once you define a global procedure, you can call it anywhere: from any script file, within any function, or
from the command line. The general form of a global procedure declaration is:
global proc return_type procedure_name ( arguments ) {
• the global keyword makes the new procedure available everywhere.

• The proc keyword indicates you are defining a procedure.

• After proc you can add a keyword for the return type of the procedure. For example, if the
procedure returns an integer, type int. If the procedure does not return a value, you can leave this

• The name of the procedure.

• A list of arguments in brackets, separated by commas. Each argument is a variable name (with
the $ at the beginning) preceded by its type (for example string).

• A block of code to execute when you call the procedure.

Return values
If you specify a return type for a procedure, then you must use a return operator somewhere in the
procedure's code block to return a value.
global proc float square(float $x) {
return $float * $float;
If you don't specify a return type for a procedure (indicating that the procedure will not return a value),
then you cannot use the return operator in the procedure's code block.
global proc add5(int $x) {return $x+5;};
// Error: global proc cc(int $x) {return $x+5;}; //
// Error: This procedure has no return value. //
Here are some example procedure declarations:
global proc string sayHi() {
return "Hello!\n");
global proc float square(float $x) {
return $float * $float;
global proc int max(int $a, int $b) {
if ($a > $b) {
return $a;
} else {
return $b;
global proc msg() {
print "This proc has not return code\n";
Local procedures

If you leave the global keyword off the beginning of a procedure declaration, the procedure is local to
the file in which it is defined.
// This is a local procedure
// that is only visible to the code in this file.
proc red5() {print("red5 standing by...\n");}
This is very useful for making "helper" procedures that do work for other procedures. You can expose just
one or two global procedures, hiding the helper code from other people using your scripts.

You cannot define a local procedure in the script editor, they are only available in external script files.

Calling procedures

Using a defined MEL procedure is the same as using any other MEL command or function. To execute
the above MEL procedure helloValue, enter the name of the MEL procedure in a script, the Script Editor,
or the Command Line.
helloValue( 1, "Jake" );
// Result: Hello Jake, number 1 //
The helloValue procedure requires an integer and a string argument in order to be successfully called.
Another way to execute a procedure does not use parentheses or commas. For example, to execute the
helloValue procedure this way, enter the following:
helloValue 7 "Torq";
// Result: Hello Torq, number 7 //

Calling external procedures

If Maya encounters a command without a definition, it searches through the script paths for a MEL script
with the same name as the command (minus the .mel extension on the file name).

If it finds the file, it declares all the global MEL procedures within that file, and if the procedure you called
exists in the file, it executes.

For example, you have a file sayWhat.mel in one of the script folders with the following contents:
// This is a local procedure
// that is only visible to the code in this file.
proc red5() {print("red5 standing by...\n");}

// This is a global procedure. When this file

// is sourced, this procedure will become
// available.
global proc GoGo() {print("GoGo online\n");}

// This procedure has the same name as this file

// (without .mel on the end).
global proc sayWhat() {print("sayWhat online\n");}
Now if you try to call the function sayWhat on the command line:

1. Since there is no internal command sayWhat, Maya searches through all its script paths for a file
called sayWhat or sayWhat.mel.
2. If it finds the file sayWhat.mel script in one of the script directories, it sources the contents of the

In this example, the global procedures sayWhat and GoGo are declared.

3. Maya checks whether a procedure with the name you tried to call exists in the file. If it does,
Maya calls the procedure. In this example, a procedure named sayWhat exists in the file and so it
executes and prints:
sayWhat online
4. Since the GoGo global procedure has been declared, you could now type GoGo in the Command
Line or Script Editor to execute the procedure.

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