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Rubric for Formal Essay

Student: Task:
Date: Assessor: £ Self £ Peer £ Teacher
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Ideas, £ shows limited £ shows some £ shows £ shows thorough
concepts, understanding of understanding of considerable understanding of the
themes the topic the topic understanding of topic
the topic
Literary forms £ shows minimal £ shows some £ shows £ develops ideas
and terms knowledge of knowledge of considerable with a high degree of
relevant literary relevant literary knowledge of logic and coherence
forms and terms forms and terms relevant literary
forms and terms
Analysis £ develops ideas £ develops ideas £ develops ideas £ develops ideas
with limited logic with some logic with considerable with a high degree of
and coherence and coherence logic and coherence logic and coherence
Use of £ incorporates £ incorporates £ incorporates £ incorporates highly
evidence minimal evidence some well-chosen, considerable well- effective, well-
relevant evidence chosen, relevant chosen, relevant
evidence evidence
Use of essay £ limited command £ some command £ considerable £ extensive
form of essay form of essay form command of essay command of essay
(thesis or (thesis or form (thesis or form (thesis or
controlling idea, controlling idea, controlling idea, controlling idea,
organization, organization, organization, organization,
conclusion) conclusion) conclusion) conclusion)
Language £ language and £ language and £ language and £ language and voice
and voice voice are often voice are generally voice are are highly effective
inconsistent and appropriate and appropriate and
sometimes consistent consistent
Language £ applies grammar, £ applies £ applies grammar, £ applies grammar,
conventions usage, spelling and grammar, usage, usage, spelling and usage, spelling and
punctuation with spelling and punctuation with punctuation with a
limited accuracy punctuation with considerable high degree of
and effectiveness some accuracy accuracy and accuracy and
and effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness
Citations, £ few citations and £ some citations £ most citations £ all citations and
references, references are and references are and references are references are
bibliographies correctly correctly correctly correctly documented
documented documented documented

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