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How to gain

What is confidence
 generally described as a state of being certain either
that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a
chosen course of action is the best or most
Have you ever looked at yourself in
the mirror and cringed at the image
of yourself? If you are guilty of this
practice then I would advice you to
stop. If you are not happy with
yourself, it indicates that you are
having no confidence of yourself.
ways where you can help yourself in getting

1. Like yourself
2. Attend Seminars
3. Motivate yourself
4. Overcome fears
5. Accept Failures
The biggest reason of being unconfident is shyness

 If you're struggling with shyness you already know

that it can affect your life on many levels, especially
when it comes to interacting with others.
Overcome Shyness And Be More
 Steps To Being More Outgoing 
 Make Eye Contact and Smile
 Change Your Body Language
 Act Like You Aren’t Shy
 Always Look Your Best
 Practice Being Optimistic
 Learn From Watching Others
 at interviews, confidence helps you in clinching that
job. Imagine a scenario where two candidates go for
the interview where one is confident and assured
while the other is a nervous wreck. No prizes for
guessing who impresses the interviewer and gets
the job.

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