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Being a Graduating Student

Graduation day is the most exciting day of every 4th yr. students
like me, because this the fruit of our sacrifices and challenges we

Being a graduating student is a hard stuff for me because lots of

sacrifices to take, like many requirements to finish , reports,
projects and etc.

But it’s worth it, because I learn to manage my time, my patience,

to enhanced my skills, and most of all to earn more self-confidence
to take my college life soon.

For now I’m so blessed and honored that I reached this stage of

But the most hardest thing of being a graduating student is living

high school department and the joyous and laughters with friends
fades when the graduation came, even if we are apart I know that
the bond of our friendships still there .

So being a graduating student, I felt this is the most hardest and

happiest part of my life.
Essence of Celebrating Christmas

Christmas is the joyous season of all months where there are

parties, going out with friends and etc.

But the true meaning in celebrating Christmas is to give thanks to

our Almighty, God for the wonderful gifts that He gave to us.

This is the time to renew our love for Him for everything He
provides us, this is also the time to be with our family and loved

In celebrating Christmas it is not important to had an elegant

party, nice dresses or shirts, or an expensive foods, what is
important, is that your family are complete and happy in a simple
way in celebrating Christmas. Like I said it’s the of sharing and

Christmas is the birth of our creator, Jesus Christ, the savior of

all men on earth, so this Christmas let’s celebrate it with love,
peace, and prosperity and thank God for this lovely month.
Being a son
I am hardworking, kind and easy going son sometimes. Honestly I
am lazy and short-tempered boy.

Being a son of them, I don’t helped the household chores and easily
get mad when somebody disturbed or annoy me.

Being a son of them is the most challenging job to take like to be

responsible in every situations I take.

My activities in our house are watching tv, eating and sleeping, how
can I be a responsible man if this are my habits?

So my parents always told me that to had my exercise daily to had

an energetic and active body but I always reject them.

I’m also hard-headed and sometimes naughty.

Beside on this negative sides of mine I also had positive deeds like
I helped in cleaning the house now, I exercised, being funny and
also my main ingredient is being respectful to others.

So being a son of my parents is the most challenging part of my

Overcoming failure

Failures are the challenges in life that can’t be avoided and should
be corrected.

As a student, I also experienced a failure like I failed to pass the

exam, but this serves as an inspiration to me to do better next
time. I study well and listen to the teacher very carefully.

This is one of my failures that I encountered , I know that there’s

so many failures to encounter especially as we age up or to take
our college level. We should be confident and never lose hope when
we overcome a failure.

If I feel that I’ve been drown because of a major problem, I just

seek helped to God, striving hard, doing my part to correct it and
stand up and said “I can do it”.

Failure is not the reason to give up but the reason to be strong, be

responsible, and to be a better man in this country.
Poems about Parents

Parents are special people,

Only dedicated and loving parents

Teach their children love for God

History made records, the progress of a nation

Parents should be loved and cared

Loving and caring parents they should be,

A peaceful home and a concerned family,

Makes their children long for home

Which cares and makes him feel secure

Poem about Love

Love is more precious than gold,

It gives beauty and freshness around you,

There seems to be happiness for everyone,

Loving relationship will surely flow

Loving a friend is virtue,

To who ever cares for friendship and home,

A responsible person is a loving one,

Selected by all in life’s troubled times

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