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I want to start off by giving you an example.

If you want to do well on an exam, you have to study

regularly, attend lectures, practice problems regularly. The word regularly is important here. Studying
regularly reinforces the information and helps us understand concepts. The more you are exposed to
the information, the better the retention. Another study habit for success is being proactive rather
than being passive. I had many friends who say, “I read the chapter 10 times but understood nothing.”
That’s because they were reading the chapter passively without paying attention and asking questions.
That’s the way to keep ourselves focused on studying for exams.

Similarly, in order to stay focused on religion we have to constantly remember Allah. Remembrance of
Allah should be an active process with reflection. Allah has repeated in Qur’an about people who
reflect on his signs. (59:21) “Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have
seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We
propound to men, that they may reflect.”

Consistency in remembrance is very important. As Maliha quoted the hadith in her response: Prophet
Muhammad (saw) said: "The most beloved deeds to Allah is the most regular and constant even
though it were little" [Narrated by Al Bukhari]"

I highly, highly and highly recommend listening to lectures by Nouman Ali Khan, Yasir Qadhi, Abdul
Nasir Jangda, Muhammed Al-Shareef. They explain us hadiths and Quranic ayats which if we read by
ourselves might interpret or apply incorrectly or without wisdom.

Again, the key is being consistent and I am not saying that you will right away become a very pious
person. “Righteousness in a process , not an event” – Imam Abdullah Smith. Just keep trying and Allah
is here to help.

Allah wants us to do good – “…Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He
makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.” (2:221) ;

(4:27) “Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to
digress [into] a great deviation.” (4:28) “And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and
mankind was created weak.”

When it comes to religion, it’s a bit difficult to be focused in contrast to studying. Firstly, we all want to
be successful, our parents want us to become doctors, engineers etc. If we are struggling in a course,
we seek tutoring because we are worried about the immediate future. We try our best to excel
because the reward (money, status) or punishment (poverty) is right in front of us which is a huge
motivation. When it comes to religion, we are faced with many obstacles. Satan is working 24*7 to
keep us distracted which is not the case for studying.

(7:16) “[Satan] said, "…I will surely sit in wait for them on your straight path.”
(7:17) “Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on
their left, and you will not find most of them grateful [to you]."

Secondly, we have friends that motivate us to study by forming groups before exams, doing all nighters
etc. Similarly, if you want your iman to increase, stay in the company of righteous people. The Prophet
(saw) said, 'A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look whom you befriend.' [Abu Dawood
and at-Tirmidhee]

In another Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The example of
a good companion and a bad companion is like that of the seller of musk, and the
one who blows the blacksmith's bellows (respectively). So as for the seller of musk
then either he will grant you some, or you buy some from him, or at least you enjoy
a pleasant smell from him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows then
either he will burn your clothes or you will get an offensive smell from him."
[Bukhari & Muslim]

In his commentary of this Hadith, Imam an-Nawawi said that the Prophet (peace
be upon him) compared a good companion to a seller of musk and spoke of the
virtue of having companions who are good, who have noble manners, piety,
knowledge and good culture. Such are those who grant us from their virtue. And he
(peace be upon him) forbade us to sit with those who do evil, commit a lot of sins
and other bad deeds, as well as with innovators, backbiters, and so forth. Another
scholar said: "Keeping good company with the pious results in attainment of
beneficial knowledge, noble manners and righteous actions, whereas keeping
company with the wicked prevents all of that."

Build a relationship with Allah through Qur’an and Salah. Believe it or not but once I started praying
salah 5 times a day, my imam significantly increased. The same concept applies here: you are
remembering Allah at constant intervals.

The significance of prayer lies in one's maintaining a continuous link to God five times a day, which
helps the worshipper avoid misdeeds if he/she performs the prayers sincerely. In addition it promotes
discipline, God-consciousness and placing one's trust in Allah alone and the importance of striving for
the Hereafter. Thus, man moves from one prayer to another until he meets with his God. The Messenger,
peace be upon him, said:

"Consider a river running by your door in which you wash

yourself five times a day. Would that spare any soiled spot on
your body? (His listeners) said: "Certainly not" He said: So do the
five daily prayers with which Allah effaces the sins."
(Authenticated by: Ibn Majab)

Now imagine you read Qur’an, do dhikr, listen to lectures along with praying 5 times. That would make
our iman very strong provided that we are proactive in all the acts. Sometimes we pray but don’t benefit
from it. That’s because we prayed passively. We can be active in prayer only if we understood what it
means. Try understanding the meaning of small surahs that we recited frequently , meaning of surah-
fatiha, tashahud and other parts of the prayers. There are lectures that explain the meaning of
components of salah.

Read Qur’an with tafseer or listen to a scholar explain Qur’anic tafseer. I can’t stress this enough. It is a
very powerful way of being steadfast.

Al-Bayhaqī relates in Shuʿab al-īmān on the authority of Ibn ʿUmar (R) saying, “The Messenger of
God (PBUH) said: ‘This heart rusts as iron rusts when exposed to water.”  It was asked: ‘O Messenger
of God what is its purifier?’  He said: ‘An abundant remembrance of death and recitation of the

I don’t want to make this very long. I will end by summarizing

1) Pray regularly 5 times. If you are a brother, pray with Jam’ah for at least Fajr and Isha at the
masjid regularly.

2) Ask Allah for guidance regularly. Dua is a weapon of believer.

2:186 And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to
the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and
believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.

3) I highly, highly and highly recommend listening to lectures by Nouman Ali Khan, Yasir Qadhi,
Abdul Nasir Jangda, Muhammed Al-Shareef and other respectable scholars regularly. They
have a better understanding of religion.

4) Read Qur’an after fajr or during tahajjud according to your ability.

17:78 Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night
and [also] the Qur'an of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed.

Qur’an is a very very powerful reminder IF understood properly :

(8:2) “The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful,
and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they

(38:1) -“…By the Qur'an containing reminder.”

5) Try to be in the company of righteous people as much as possible.

6) Be patient with friends or family if they aren’t religious. Remind them wisely.

The key is be consistent, consistent and consistent 

You might be wondering, how can I do so much ? Believe it or not we spend hours and hours on
entertainment without realizing. Try reducing the time you spend on movies/youtube and replace it
with Islamic lectures. It takes time but the first step has to be taken.

Remember to do dua for me too I am not by any means better than you. I need to do everything that
said to you. I ask Allah’s forgiveness for any mistakes that I made.

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