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Bad Memories

When my grade 3 elementary school, I ever did a bad case. I ever Invited my
frend to took or precisely was stole. I invited my friend he was grade 6 in same
elementary school. on the the moment I didn’t know I as to where. This was morning
Sunday, he just asked me to bike together. On the way we felt thirsty but I didn’t have a
money. He only had a Five Hundred rupias. I invited him to the stall. He bought ice cube
I very confused about it, why he bought it. Whe the owner stall entered. I did guest that
he took a bottle SPRITE. It was entered in his I shirt. After I knew it I very afraid and I
went with him. The spirite we drank in house my friend.

Not only that was made me afraid, but a vailable one case again it was very scary.
The same friend invited me again to went toy store. He said that he want to bought a
tamiya it was kind of toy car. I followed him to shop. He began chose a tamiya. He took
one and gave to me. He asked me to placed in near bicycle I think he already paid it turns
out the owner store knew I placed the tamiya. He took it. And he said you stole this
tamiya with scary face. I very shock and afraid. It turn out my friend didn’t paid but he
stole it. The owner threaten should calling the police. On the hand he holded the phon. I
more afraid and my friend asked apologize. Finally may be the owner pity white us , he
asked we to went. We soon rowed bicycle with fast to went back home.

This case was my bad case in my life. The case gave me learn to didn’t do the bad
case anything. Because it could damage to my him self and another. Until now if me
remembered the case I felt regret and shy whit my self.

Herman. S

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