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Textul 1

Lasa-ma sa iti spun ! Asta-vara l-am intalnit pe Tom. Parea un baiat bun asa ca ne-am
intalnit la un restaurant. Mi-a spus ca sunt frumoasa si nu sunt ca alte fete. Eu l-am crezut.
Dupa ce am plecat de la restaurant el a vrut sa imi arate un loc special. Am mers intr-o
parcare, a oprit masina si s-a uitat la mine. Deodata, mi-a aratat o cutie si din ea a sarit un
iepure. Mi-a spus ca acela este fratele lui Billy care este divortat. Tom voia sa ma duc la o
intalnire cu fratele lui pentru ca el credea ca am putea fi perfecti unul pentru celalalt. Cand am
vazut cat de nebun putea fi acel om am deschis usa masinii, mi-am luat poseta, l-am pocnit si
am plecat. Sfatul meu pentru tine este sa ai grija cu cine te intalnesti pentru ca nu poti stii ce
nebun este barbatul cu care te intalnesti.

Textul 2

-Unde este fiul meu ?

- Nu te panica ! Calmeaza-te ! Este in gradina, citeste.
Mama a deschis usa si s-a dus in gradina.

Ce faci ? Ti-am spus ca trebuie sa mergem la doctor.

Ma pregatesc pentru doctor, a raspuns fiul cu o voce calma. Citesc o carte de
despre corpul uman. Dup ace termin cartea putem pleca.
Mama l-a lasat in gradina si a intrat in casa.

-Nu stiu ce sa fac ! Fratele tau este atat de speriat de doctor. Se preface ca citeste in
Cand am vazut ca mama nu stie ce sa faca m-am dus in gradina si i-am spus fratelui
-Jack,nu mai mergem la doctor ! Mergem sa luam dulciuri, hai grabeste-te.
Cand ma auzit, Jack a sarit din leagan si a fugit la masina. Asa l-am convins sa se urce
in masina si l-am dus la doctor.

Text 3
My friends were in the living room and I was in the kitchen trying to cook. I took five
frozen pizza and I put them in the oven. After that I tryied to make a salad. I know that salad
and pizza are not good together but I am such a bad cooker and I didnt know what to do.

When the food was ready I put in on a big plate and I went in the living room. I took the
glases from the table and I put the food with a confident air. My friends started to laugh
because the pizza was still frozen in the middle and the salad looked like dog food. I started to
laugh to. We decided to order some chinese food. After the food came we ate and we felt
much better. After that we watched a film and I dont know what happened next because I felt

Text 4
It is not good to lie, my mother said to me when I was just a little girl. Now I know that lies
are bad but then I thought that she was just protective. She also told me it is not good to steal
because you can be punished. I found out that my mother was right las year during the
summer holiday. I was with my older cousin in his house. We were bored so we decided to go
for a walk. We saw a nice bike across the street. Il looked like it was left there on purpose. We
tought to take it. My cousin went first. He took the bike and he left. I was sitting there waiting
for my cousin. A strange man came and asked my if I saw his bike. He scared my with his
strange face and I said that I didnt saw it. He thought I stole his bike and he warned me to
call the police. In that moment I started to cry and I told the truth. He forgave me and we
waited for my cousin to came back with the bike. You see this is why its not good to lye or to
steal. I know that you dont do that but your sister doesnt always listen to me and one day she
will be punished.

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