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Creation of Content using HTML (basic tags, table, form, frame,

link to other Image)


1. Write a Short Note on HTML.

2. Search over learning resources (e.g internet) to find what is markup language.
3.Search for some basic HTML tags over the internet and jot 10 of them and describe their functionality in
one or two lines.(If you don't have internet connection skip this question)
4. What is hypertext?


1.Create an HTML page which will display your name, department and roll number in three different lines
in an web page.
(hint: </br> creates a new line.)
2.Create an HTML page which contains a table. The number of rows will be equal to the number of theory
subjects you have in this
semester and number of columns will be two.In the first columns, display the name of theory papers and
in the corresponding second columns
display the respective course code.
3. Create an HTML page which will display the page of question-1 in a frame above the contents of
question 2.
(hint: <iframe src="" >)
4.Write down the following HTML code in notepad and save it as 4.html with file type 'all files'.

<title>my first form</title>
<FORM action="tgt.php" method="post">
<P> First name: <INPUT type="text" name="firstname"><BR>
Last name: <INPUT type="text" name="lastname"><BR>
email: <INPUT type="text" name="email"><BR>
<INPUT type="radio" name="gender" value="Male"> Male<BR>
<INPUT type="radio" name="gender" value="Female"> Female<BR>
<INPUT type="submit" value="Send">
<INPUT type="reset"> </P>
</FORM> </body> </html>

a)what is the function of 'type' attribute in <input> tag?

b)What the 'post' method does?

5)Display an image in an html page and hyper link it to your college website?
<a href=""><img src =""#" width="" height=""></a>
a)what happens if you put target="_blank" in <a> tag?
(hint:<a href="" target="_blank">)

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