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About you:

Name of nominator      

Name of organisation (external charity or Zurich/Capita employee)


Telephone number      

Email address      

I would like to nominate:

Name of nominee      

Do you know a Zurich or Capita employee in the UK who Name of nominee’s manager (if known)      

you feel deserves recognition for their individual

contribution to the community?
Four reasons why
It could be for volunteering or fundraising, for a one-off There are four questions to answer. Please try to answer these
as fully
activity or ongoing commitment, it doesn’t matter. Tell us as you can – the more information the judges have, the more
who they will understand just why you feel your nominee deserves
you feel should be recognised as a Charity Supporter of special recognition.
So think widely and generously.
the Quarter.
Question 1: What volunteering or fundraising activity Question 2: When did they do this? (Eg. was it a one off or
has ongoing activity, done inside or outside office hours, what time commitment
your nominee been involved with? (Eg. what did they do, who was required). Remember,
was it for, how much was raised (if fundraising), was it organised by your it must have been carried out since January 2010 and/or be ongoing). Max 200
nominee or through Zurich Community Trust). Max 200 words. words.

Question 3: How has this made a qualities and relationship developed
difference to other people? (How has your with the charity). Max 200 words.
nominee’s involvement helped
the charity and/or the people they support? It could be a
of people have benefited or one person’s life improved as a
of your nominee). Max 200 words.

Thank you for completing

your nomination. It will mean
a lot
to your nominee and we shall
update you regarding the
nomination in due course.
Submit your form, or any
queries, by emailing:

Question 4: The final pitch! Your chance

to say why you feel your nominee deserves

to be a Charity Supporter of the Quarter.

(Eg. their enthusiasm, commitment, their personal

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