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for Engineers

Edited by
W J R H Pooler

Copyright © W J R H Pooler 2002

This book is a record of the maths notes made while at school, at university and after
university. I found they covered all I needed to obtain a Class 1 Honours Degree in
Engineering at Cambridge University and later on as a practising engineer.

The book is an aide memoire or reference book rather than a textbook. The aim has been to
develop the theory as concisely as possible which is not always the best way for a textbook.
Nevertheless, everything has been developed logically from first principles so that nothing has
to be taken on trust (with the exception of Taylor's theorem which in any case has limited
application and is not used again). The notes were arranged so that the minimum amount of
information had to be committed to memory. Results that were memorised are coloured in
red. All the other results can then be quickly derived as and when needed using the methods
shown without the need to memorise them.

My notes contained many examples. These are included as they demonstrate how the
various results are applied to solve actual problems. However, I do not know where they
came from. If anyone considers that they are an infringement of copyright, please let me
know. In fact my only claim to copyright lies in deciding what to include in the book and in
particular what should be committed to memory.

I must acknowledge the helpful comments that Ms Pat Shaw has given me. Much of the book
is a transcript of notes made fifty years ago and I was not sure of their relevance today. Ms
Shaw, who recently retired from teaching maths at Plockton High School, has been a great
help to me in this.

John Pooler

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