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There͛s no place like it. It͛s ugly and beautiful, ruined and hopeful, a place where ͞nothing ever
happens͟ ͙ until everything happens Ͷ


Grab some hometown fare and head to the Isle for a send-off picnic.

The original downtempo/upscale innovator


An unpretentious and gloriously restored slice of old school elegance tucked away on Park
u    ¦   ¦   

The Eastern Market shopping-stroll-and-big-brunch combo is a pleasure you can¶t pass up


While the standard Old English "D" cap or vintage Bad Boys T-shirt will do just fine, you might
want to mix it up away from the city with one of Pure's fresh D-centric designs


Wandering through Cranbrook -- dotted with architectural gems along with tons of public art
installations, sculptures and gardens -- always seems like a sweet summer outing, but how often
do you do it?


Go to a show, order a can of brew, listen to the music, and stand perfectly still the entire time ²
it¶s the Detroit way.


Get down to the basement of the old church now called St. Andrew's Hall and hear some real
Detroit rap in the house that a lot of hard O.G.'s built, and a certain Slim Shady put on the map.


This Albert Kahn-designed mammoth fell into disrepair years ago. The abandoned interior was
even used as a paintball playground a few years back, but has since seen action only from bums,
vandals and art school kids.


Once the go-to getaway for horny post-war teenagers, there aren't many drive-in theaters left in
America. Detroit's lucky to have this massive old gem still running strong.
 ! "        #"$

‰rom the legendary ‰unk Nights to the well-respected noise festivals to the recent Art ‰ag
Incorporated monthly dance party mayhem, CAID has long been the choice of the ³we¶ll sleep
when we¶re dead´ set.

   ! "   #"$

The relative newcomer to Detroit's established art scene, you'll want to check out this rough-
hewn, Motor City-style contemporary art showplace


Two words: The view

à    ¦ 

The ³oldest continuously operating bar in Michigan,´ the Stonehouse has been serving its
colorful assortment of patrons since before the Purple Gang legendarily made this 150-year-old
Victorian farmhouse their clubhouse/brothel during Prohibition.

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