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Sample Question(s) and indicative answers

Q7: Critically evaluate the value of cultural models in helping

become more effective communicators?
 Define cultural models: “Typical societal ideal
representations, norms, and values”
 Define the value of different cultural models: Allows us to be
able to compare different organisations and understand the
values, behaviours and communication patterns
o Hall: Communication implicit or explicit, based on
long or short term relationships
o Handy: Ability for the individual to influence, flow of
o Hofstede: how will people communicate? (5 factors
considered: power distance,
individualism/collectivism, masculinity, uncertainty
avoidance, long/short term orientation)
 Limit of cultural models: Never one unique culture
 Solution: When in Rome do as the Romans do.
Q8: Where does organizational culture come from, how is it
sustained and what is its relevance to a successful business?
Define organisational culture:
Organizational culture is an idea in the field of
organizational studies and management which describes
the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values
(personal and cultural values) of an organization. It has
been defined as "the specific collection of values and
norms that are shared by people and groups in an
organization and that control the way they interact with
each other and with stakeholders outside the
Where does it come from:
Usually from the founders of the company
How is it sustained:
Through management and the employees. It is unclear how it is
sustained and whether the new joining employees can actually
influence the culture of the company but it seems more likely
that the managers tend to recruit individuals that fit in the
culture and that those who don’t fit leave. It is communicated
through the mission and vision statements of a company.

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