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Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Engineering

Job name: "Development of a culture of quality”

Almazo Aragón Fernanda Paola
Arroyo Díaz Eduardo Alfredo
Bustos Cano Claudia
Hernández Esquivel Carmen Daniela
Jaimes Romero Angel Arturo
Juarez Modesto Maria Fernanda

Instructor: Juan Carlos Chávez Vergara

Cuernavaca Morelos 20/02/2022

The reasons for the change towards a
culture of quality.
Culture is the pattern by which all individuals belonging to a group or society are
educated and incorporated into the group's activity. Culture is mobile and
dynamic, as it changes according to the challenges faced by groups.
The economic war of the next century. Lester Thurow, in his book The War of the
21st Century, mentions four elements that had traditionally been the
competitive advantages of companies and nations:
- The availability of natural resources. In the past, the country with the most of a
certain natural resource used to be the strongest. This is no longer so true since
in the future a country where a certain natural resource is available will not be
able to count on it as an advantage. In other words, the lower costs of having
the raw material at a distance by land transport no longer guarantees that it will
be able to surpass those who have to pay the cost of transport by air or sea.
- Reinvestment of capital. There are countless companies that, in the search for
competitiveness and low wages, have set up in other countries.
Concepts about culture. 
Major changes encompass all areas of a society's life: its income
patterns, its education, the way it works, the way it governs itself, etc.
To speak of quality culture, it is necessary to begin by defining the first
term of the expression. According to Kahan(1975), "culture empowers
man with a broad additional of his anatomical apparatus, with a
protective hunch of defenses and securities, with mobility and speed
through the means in which direct bodily equipment would have let him
down completely the totality of learned social behavior that has
distinguished mankind during the course of history in a more precise
term, cultural also means the traditional way of doing things in a given
Evaluation of a culture
There is no such thing as one culture superior to
another. Salzmann provides a criterion for
evaluating a culture, he mentions that the only
measure that can exist to be able to evaluate a
culture is the degree to which it responds to the
challenges it faces. This means that one culture is
not superior to another by the degree of
complexity or by the degree of economic
development, but by the degree to which it
enables its country to respond to its present and
future needs.
Analysis of cultures: theories and
comparative studies.
Hofstede's studies.
Hofstede analyzes various cultures of the world based on four dimensions
described below:
- Individualism/collectivism: This is the parameter of dependence that individuals
have with respect to the social structure to which they belong. A society with a
tendency towards individualism is made up of individuals who reflect a high level
of self-confidence, entrepreneurship, and initiative in the pursuit of individual
- Distance from power. Indicates the degree to which less powerful individuals
accept an unequal distribution of power.
- Masculinity/femininity. Indicates an opposing relationship between materialism
and humanism or concern for people. Masculine societies tend to be assertive,
aggressive while feminine societies are more humanistic and attach greater
importance to relationships.
- Avoidance of uncertainty. The tendency to deal with the unknown through
rules, procedures and hierarchies.
Organizational culture. 
Within a culture there are subcultures which consist of groups of
individuals that interact within the culture, but are differentiated from
the other groups by the values and behaviors they share. There are many
of these groups that could be defined by age, occupation, hobby, etc.
This term does not deviate from the definition of culture presented
above, some of the effects that determine the culture of an organization
are mentioned:
Individual autonomy: degree of responsibility, independence and
opportunity to exercise initiative organizations allow individuals.
Structure: support given by managers to their subordinates. It requires a
certain degree of concern than with a particular work group or field of
How performance is rewarded: manner of reward and recognition in the
organization (such as salary increases and promotions).
Conflict tolerance: level of acceptance of conflicts that exist in
relationships between co-workers, work groups and management, as well
as the willingness to be honest and open about differences.
Risk tolerance: the extent to which workers are encouraged to be
aggressive, innovative and risk-taking.
Factors that affect the culture of an
History and ownership: a centralized ownership of the organization tends to create high
power environments, where resources are controlled.
Size: a large organization tends to have a well-defined structure, where its members have a
clear definition of their responsibilities. A small organization proposes greater flexibility,
such as multidisciplinary efforts by its members.
Technology: In the case of organizations with a changing environment, as they may work on
a project basis, clear sources of power are required.
Goals and objectives: The objectives of a company vary, as do the strategies.
A growth strategy: requires very clear sources of power.
The environment. It is necessary to analyze this factor at different levels:
- The country. Every company is a subculture within a country, it determines the culture of
that country.
- Change in the environment. requires a flexible and sensitive culture.
- Diversity. It requires a degree of individualism that allows personnel to act with initiative
and respect the work of others.
Personnel. A very important element, each person to some degree accepts but also
modifies its culture.
Organizational culture encompasses everything that is an expression of the collective
feeling of an organization.
Development of a culture of quality in the organization

The foundation of any quality improvement is to develop a

"quality culture" or mindset within the organization and
integrate it throughout the company.

Organizational Culture is defined as the shared beliefs,

values, attitudes, and behavior patterns that characterize
the members of an organization. In a healthy business
culture, what's good for the company and for customers
comes together and becomes the driving force behind
what everyone does.
One of the successful A mentality of "we’re
approaches to develop Ingredient 1:
all in this together" (the company, suppliers, and
quality culture among customers).
the organization is
focusing on the 5 main
ingredients for quality
culture: Ingredient 2: Open, honest communication is vital.

Ingredient 3: Information is accessible.

Ingredient 4: Focused on processes.

Ingredient 5: There are no successes or

failures, just learning experiences.
Personal quality. 
Personal quality is the characteristic of the
person who, while maintaining their self-
esteem, is capable of satisfying the
expectations of the people with whom they
interact. Someone with personal quality will
have the intelligence to be able to maintain a
relationship, relate to society and maintain a
balance in making their decisions, taking into
account whether their emotion will be
intelligent. Personal quality is the basis of the
other qualities
Factors that affect personal
• Among the main factors that succeed motivation would

• Suitability / work environment

• goal setting
• work recognition
• Employee Participation
• Training and professional development
To improve personal quality, we must continually review our attitudes,
conduct, commitments, skills, values ​and work methods. And all of this
needs to be done with certain guidelines, some of which are listed
1. Set personal quality objectives, that is, establish goals that allow
improving the current level of performance.
2- Establish personal quality accounts, which allows knowing where an
individual is regarding a plan to improve their quality standard.
3- Check the satisfaction of others with the efforts made to meet their
4- Discover the root causes that can generate performance errors, to
reduce, correct and/or eliminate them completely.
5- Carry out tasks more efficiently, which implies knowing the scope of
our work and the results that are expected from it.
Life and career planning.
If you have a life and career plan, you will have a greater drive to achieve
your goals. Each person has dreams that keep them moving forward and
thus contribute their talent to the improvement of the environment.
Every planning process goes through three stages:
1-The initial comprehensive diagnosis: refers to identifying one's own needs,
clarifying the own values ​and identification of strengths, skills and
weaknesses inscribed in knowledge, skills, and personal attitudes, as well as
material resources, economic and social.
2- Self-motivation: involves goal selection, goal selection, and decision
making. awareness of the affectivity involved in it.
3- The will of self-direction: it is to go towards the long-term objectives
starting from goals immediate or short-term that allow self-assessment and
feedback permanent.
Personal conclusions. 
Almazo Aragón Fernanda Paola
In conclusion, it is very important to have a good organizational quality, in order to have a good performance in the labor
field and to be able to cover each and every one of the needs of the clients, it is important to buy what other organizations
offer for the total satisfaction of the client and achieve a good organization in its entirety, without affecting personal quality
and achieve their development, focused on their life planning and their social work to be able to fully cover their needs.

Arroyo Díaz Eduardo Alfredo

It is important, before establishing the technical knowledge of quality and its systems, that its implementation requires a
discipline in development, fostering through a culture of quality that establishes new ways of thinking and working within
the organization.
Bustos Cano Claudia
Finally, it should not be neglected that culture provides the organization with an interpretive framework, an instituted structure
from which meaning is assigned to daily actions and organizational phenomena are understood. The analyst must also be able to
mention the parameters established by this interpretive framework, since it is from there that he will obtain valuable elements to
understand internal communication and, eventually, to design the actions to follow. There are two more considerations that need
to be made about organizational culture. On the one hand, to say that the main function of culture is to unite, since within the
framework of an organization, culture generates in the subjects a feeling of belonging. In this sense, it is considered as the social
adhesive that keeps the subjects united around a project. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that the cultural factors of
the environment influence the cultural configuration of the organization.
Hernández Esquivel Carmen Daniela
Something very important within total quality and that is linked to all of the above is the culture of
personal and organizational quality, on which our growth and attitudes depend a lot, that is, a culture of
quality is better to the extent that it helps the members of the organization to face the challenges that
arise, for example, a country will be able to face the challenges of today's global competitiveness to the
extent that it has organizations and individuals that have a culture of quality.

Jaimes Romero Angel Arturo

Creating and sustaining a quality culture that facilitates continuous change and improvement is crucial for long-term
organizational success. Changing organizational culture is a challenging and time-consuming process as it necessitates
changes in the way people think and behave. To ensure success, cultural change efforts must focus onformulating a
clear, compelling and shared vision; securing sustained top management commitment; role modeling of desired
behavior by top leaders; promoting employee involvement and empowerment; appropriate training at all levels to
imbibe the new culture; maintaining open and honest communication; fostering a climate of trust and collaboration;
and embedding cultural changes in the organization’s structure, systems and policies. It is highly important to ensure
that the desired culture is compatible with organizational strategy.

Juarez Modesto Maria Fernanda

The conclusion that was reached is that there are quite a few competitors in the market, and although
the sale of the competition implies that the sale of some of the small companies is affected by its
decline, that is not imposed as an obstacle, however, a greater effort and dedication must be obtained
to solve the aforementioned. However, it must be taken into account that they must have a clean job, a
minimum level of inventories and a long-term continuous improvement.
In conclusion, we can say that the organizational culture is represented by a
set of values, traditions, beliefs, habits, norms, attitudes and behaviors that
give identity, personality and destiny to an organization, distinguishing it
from any other, thus being the fundamental pillar of any organization.
All this tends to be projected in the attitudes of the employees of any
organization, for this reason it is estimated that when the organizational
culture is not attached to its principles and values, the possibilities of
incorporating specific actions are limited, to introduce improvement
processes as well as direction, since culture represents a fundamental
factor for the success of the organization.
5 factores que afectan al rendimiento laboral. (s. f.). Work Meter.

Plan de vida y carrera. (s. f.). Plan de vida y carrera. Recuperado 19 de febrero de 2022, de

Calidad. Recuperado 19 de febrero de 2022, de

Calidad personal. (2013, 21 marzo). wikipedia libre. Recuperado 19 de febrero de 2022, de

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