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Roman Origin

Rome was said to be founded in 754 BC by two twin boys named Romulus and
Remus. These two boys were abandoned by their parents, but were said to be cared for by
a she-wolf. Archaeologists have discovered that life in Rome had actually begun in the
9th or 8th century BC as a series of small farmsteads on a group of hills overlooking the
River Tiber. Early Rome houses such as the so-called "Hut of Romulus", were preserved
as a pattern of postholes on the Palentine. This settlement was well positioned that you
were able to overlook a convenient crossing point on the Tiber. Also the position was a
wise choice since it was right near an important salt route.

A critical development came in the late 7th century BC, when an Etruscan dynasty, the
Tarquins, took control of Rome and changed it from a village and into a city. The Forum
valley was then converted into a public square with a gravel paved surface. Pons
Sublicius a wooden bridge was thrown across the River Tiber, as well as an Etruscan-
style temple to Jupiter Capitolinus build on the Capitol.

Roman historians state that the Romans evicted their last Etruscan king,
Tarquin the Proud, in 510 BC, and became a republic governed by a pair of consuls. It
was a very huge step which led Rome to changing from a small Italian town to the giant
of the Mediterranean in less than five years.

By : Alexey Arefev

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