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Compiling Xilinx Libraries for



Xilinx for Questa 1. Using ISE Flow

1 Using ISE Flow

In order to make functional simulation for your design, all design components shall be de ined
in the main working library. For designs that are based on FPGA resources or primitives,
these primitives shall be de ined in the main working library also. If we need then to simulate
a design that is using for instance output buffer of a Xilinx FPGA, we have to compile this
instance in order to take effect in the functional simulation. In this guide, we will see how to
use Xilinx primitives in a functional simulation using QuestaSim.
Xilinx already provides a tool for that purpose. Using the tool compxlib you can compile
Xilinx libraries to be used by Questa. The syntax for this command is compxlib [options]
For example, the following command can be used
compxlib -s questa -arch all -l all -lib all -p /path/to/Questa_executable -dir

Option Declaration
‐s is used to specify the tool for which the libraries are compiled.
‐arch is used to specify which FPGA family is targeted for compilation. You can de ine
the device family explicitly or use ‘all’ to compile for all Xilinx device families.
The following are the available keyword families for that option
acr2 ‐ aspartan3 ‐ aspartan3a ‐ aspartan3adsp ‐ aspartan3e ‐ aspartan6 ‐
kintex7 ‐ kintex7l ‐ qrvirtex4 ‐ qvirtex4 ‐ qvirtex5 ‐ qspartan6 ‐ qvirtex6 ‐
spartan3 ‐ spartan3a ‐ spartan3adsp ‐ spartan3e ‐ spartan6 ‐ virtex4 ‐ virtex5 ‐
virtex6 ‐ virtex6l ‐ virtex7 ‐ virtex7l ‐ xa9500xl ‐ xbr ‐ xc9500 ‐ xc9500xl ‐ xpla3.
‐l is used to specify for which language the compilation shall be. Possible values
are verilog, vhdl, all.
‐lib is used to specify which Xilinx is needed to be compiled. Available values are:
Unisim – simprim – uni9000 – xilinxcorelib – coolrunner – edk – all
You can use all to compile all these libraries. If you need to compile some of
them, for instance two libraries only, you can specify it explicitly like compxlib
–lib unisim –lib simprim …
‐p is used to specify the path of the target simulator executables.
‐dir is used to specify where the output of the compilation process should be. If not
speci ied the output will reside in the following location
Linux $XILINX/language/target_simulator/version/{lin|lin64}
Windows %XILINX%\language\target_simulator\version\{nt|nt64}
Other There are other options that can be used with this command: ‐64bit ‐cfg –e
Options –exclude_superseded –exclude_sublib –f –info –log –source_lib –verbose –w
For more details about these options, please refer to Xilinx Command Line
Tools User Guide.

Running previous example will take long time (around 1 hour) because the target is compiling
all libraries of all FPGA families for all languages. The output is as shown in the igure 1.

Xilinx for Questa 2. Using Vivado Design Flow

Figure 1: Compile Output

What is important from this output is the modelsim.ini ile. In this ile, location of the
compiled libraries is speci ied. Now in order to use these compiled libraries all what you
have to do is to copy this ile into your main simulation directory (directory from which you
run a do ile or directory in which your simulation project resides).

2 Using Vivado Design Flow

Since Xilinx is replacing currently the ISE low with the new one Vivado, previous execution
command can be done using Vivado design low using TCL command as follows
vivado -mode tcl -source vivado_compileXilinx_lib.tcl
where vivado_compileXilinx_lib.tcl is a tcl ile that shall include your tcl command of vivado
that can compile simulation libraries
compile_simlib -language all -dir {/path/to/output_Compiled_lib} -simulator
questa -simulator_exec_path {/path/to/questa_executable} -library all
-family all
Note that compile_simlib has the following available options

Xilinx for Questa 2. Using Vivado Design Flow

Option Declaration
‐directory Directory path for saving the compiled results.
‐family Selects device architecture. Default: all
‐force Overwrites the pre‐compiled libraries
‐language Compiles libraries for this language. Default: all
‐library Selects library to compile. Default: all
‐print_library_info Prints pre‐compiled library information
‐simulator Compiles libraries for this simulator
‐simulator_exec_path Uses simulator executables from this directory
‐source_library_path If speci ied, this directory is searched for the library source
iles before searching the default path(s) found in the
environment variable
‐32bit Performs the 32‐bit compilation
‐quiet Ignores command errors
‐verbose Suspends message limits during command execution

Compile process can be executed also using GUI tool of Xilinx like Vivado. This can be
simply done by clicking in the top toolbar on Tools> >Compile Simulation Libraries. The
following pop‐up shall appear to de ine your parameters

Note that in Vivado only the following architectures are supported

Xilinx for Questa 2. Using Vivado Design Flow

In some cases, some developers have old designs that were built to work with old Xilinx
architectures (Spartan 6 and older FPGAs). They include some primitives that belong to
these old architectures. At the same time they have other designs that are built for recent
architectures (7 series and later). The requirement then is to have one compiled libraries
instead of compiling the libraries for old architectures and recent architecture (having two
compiled operations will result in two different modelsim.ini ile which may be confusing for
the simulation environment settings).
In this case Vivado low can be used to compile for old architectures also if it has been
executed with this option ‐ise_install_path
In our example the command to do that shall be
compile_simlib -language all -dir {/path/to/output_Compiled_lib}
-ise_install_path {/path/to/ISE_DS/ISE} -simulator questa
-simulator_exec_path {/path/to/questa_executable} -library all -family all

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