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Installing OrCAD 9.

(1) Disable Anti-virus programs

(2) Run the program setup.exe
(3) Choose: Standalone Licensing
Install Product on Standalone Computer
(4) Enter the key Codes:
(5) Enter the authorization code: 12345
(6) Click YES to override all .dll files and extensions
(7) Finish installation

(8) Run PDXOrCAD.exe from the CD under the Crack\ folder

(9) Brows for C:\Program Files\Orcad in the tab shown
(10) Click Apply then ByeBye
Drawing Circuits (Capture CIS)

A. Start a new Project

(1) Run “Capture CIS” from the Start menu
(2) Run: File Æ New Æ Project
i. Write a Name
ii. Choose Analog or Mixed A/D
iii. Brows a location under My Documents\
iv. Click Next
v. Choose “Create a blank project”
(3) A blank page named “SCHEMATIC1” is created

B. Add Libraries
(1) Click on the blank sheet
(2) Run: Place Æ Part or click on the icon on the right panel
(3) Click Add Library
(4) You need, at least, the following libraries from the directory:
C:\Program Files\Orcad\Capture\Library\PSpice\
analog.olb for resistors, capacitors, and coils
source.olb for voltage and current sources
diode.olb for diodes
bipolar.olb for BJT transistors

C. Draw Circuits

(1) Place Æ Part or click

i. VSIN from Source Library
ii. 1N4376 from Diode Library
iii. R from Analog Library
(2) Press Esc after placing a part to place other types
(3) Press “R” while placing a part to rotate it
(4) Double click on the part value to edit their values

(5) Place Æ Ground or click and add “0/SOURCE”

(6) Place Æ Wire or click

D. Simulations
1 2
On the nodes you need to simulate, run: 1N4376

(1) PSpice Æ Markers Æ Voltage Level or click VOFF = 0

(2) Place these probes on every node you want VAMPL = 1
FREQ = 1000 1k

(3) Run PSpice Æ New Simulation Profile

(4) Write a Name and click Create
(5) In the simulation window (Analysis tab) choose:
Analysis Type: Time Domain (Transient)
Options: General Settings
Run to Time: 5ms
(6) Run the simulation by: PSpice Æ Run or click or press F11
(7) To change the simulation end time, click PSpice Æ Edit Simulation Profile
(8) To make a smoother simulation, assign the “Maximum Step Size” = 1us

Exercise: Build the following amplifier and check that its voltage gain is about -100 V/V.




R3 1k

R8 C1 10k C2

10u 10u
V4 10 Q2N2222A
VOFF = 0
VAMPL = 1m
FREQ = 100k R4 R7
5k C3 2.1k

PCB Layout (Layout Plus)

A. Inserting Test Points

When producing the PCB layout, all the input voltage and current sources including the
ground point will not be part of the components placed in the layout. In fact, we need to
place some pins in the layout to later connect to them from outside the PCB. Thus, we
need to add these ports or test points in the design before generating the layout netlist:

(1) Inside the CIS, add the library

C:\Program Files\Orcad\Capture\Library\Connector.olb
(2) Place a “TEST POINT” from this library on every input or output port of your
(3) Note: a warning will be given when you try to simulate your design, since Spice
does not recognize this component. However, the simulation will run correctly.

B. Generate Layout Netlist

(1) Inside the CIS after you are done with the schematic, click on the project window
to highlight it
(2) Under the Design Resources, highlight your project xxx.dsn object
(3) Now, run Tools Æ Create Netlist
(4) In the new window, select the Tab “Layout” and press OK
(5) Under the Output object, a file with extension .mnl is generated

C. Layout Technology
(1) Start the program: “Layout Plus”
(2) Run File Æ New
(3) Choose the default technology file under:
C:\Program Files\Orcad\Layout_Plus\Data\DEFALUT.TCH
(4) You will be asked to load the .mnl netlist you generated, brows it
(5) Now save this work under the same project directory
(6) The components and their connections will be loaded one by one

D. Footprints
Some of the components already have their footprints assigned in the original library,
e.g. all PSpice libraries. For the TEST POINTS, you might need to assign footprints to
them. If any component has no footprint assigned, this window will appear:
(1) Click “Link existing footprint to component” button
(2) You will have different libraries and different footprints exist
(3) For TEST POINTS, choose LAYOUT library
(4) Then choose “TP” form the list below and click OK
(5) Repeat this procedure for every unassigned component

Resistors & Capacitors Footprints

(6) For resistors, highlight the component and right click to edit its property to assign
the AX/R05 footprint (the ¼ Watt) from the Axial library TM_AXIAL
(7) For ceramic capacitors, select from the TM_CYLND for cylindrical capacitors or
TM_CAP for ceramic capacitors
(8) Always print the footprint for your layout on a paper and match physically with
your components before final PCB printing

E. Assigning Layers
Not all layers are needed when routing the PCB. Thus, you should only keep the
following layers: TOP, BOTTOM, and DRILL. To do so:
(1) Run: Tools Æ Layer Æ Select From Spreadsheet
(2) In the shown table, double click on the Layer Type for the unwanted layers and
choose Unused.
(3) Make sure the layers TOP and BOTTOM are of type Routing and the DRILL is of
type Drill
(4) Close the table
(5) Run: Options Æ System Settings and choose Millimeters as the Display Units

F. Define the Routing Area

You need to define the area where you want to draw your PCB:
(1) Select the Yellow layer named Global Layer
(2) Run: Tools Æ Obstacle Æ Select Tool
(3) Start drawing the area you want and watch for its size on the dimension scale on
the bottom of the screen
(4) Once you finish drawing the PCB area, press ESC to exit the mode

E. Placing & Routing

(1) To move and place the components, make sure this button is pressed, or run:
Tools Æ Component Æ Select Tool
(2) Click the component and drag it then click again to place it.
(3) Press “R” while dragging the component to rotate it.
(4) Run: Auto Æ Autoroute Æ Board to automatically route the PCB
(5) Zoom in to view the layout

(6) You may replace the component again, but first Unroute the board.
F. Gerber Outputs
To be able to print your layout, this layout needs to be produced in Gerber format. Before
running the process, make sure that the Place Grid size is 2.0 instead of 1.27:
(1) Click: OptionsÆSystem Settings
(2) Change Place Gird to: 2.0
(3) Click: Auto Æ Run Post Processor

Other details will be announced when printing your project with other teams’ layouts in
one board.
File Æ import Æ LMD
then locate the board
press All+ Æ start

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