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Name: Princess Xylene R.

Group: 26
Date: January 10,11,12
Clinical instructor: Mr. Peter Cabauatan

General Objective:
*To enhance and expose nursing students in the hospital setting
on the proper application of their nursing skills, attitude and knowledge through

Specific Objectives:
*Providing technical and other forms of assistance
*Assessing health services to the patient
*To give best angle in doing health education
*To raise public awareness regarding the disease process
*Reduction of health problems
*Improving self confidence in dealing with patients


Nursing profession is a continuous paradigm shift. It always goes through changes
and development, a growing profession which is really significant to the upliftment of the
quality of life of a certain individual not only its physical status but also its economic.
What we get n life are called blessing. And blessings are God given in order for us to
share not only by sharing but also by means of caring. As what they say “do what you
love and love what you are doing”.
Exposure at NSDPH is different compared to community setting. It is here where
we experienced to assist patient with illnesses. I learn that even though we are still
student nurses we should build patience into our hearts to render a holistic care that even
in our own special way we can help regarding their health status in the best of our ability.
Alertness is one of the greatest ally being a medication nurse of the patients in order to
give the best shots in giving medications by following the R’s. Not only the experience is
important but the service to the Filipino people that matters most, as like Napoleon Hill
stated “Render more service than that for which you are paid for and you will soon be
paid for more than you render. Our camaraderie as group has built a great foundation to
function well as a part of the health care providers.
The learning we acquired during the case presentation of other group will serve as our
weapon in the future battle field. And as our rotation here ends, I accomplished feeling of
fulfillment within my exposure.

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