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advertising - effectiveness?

Judging the effectiveness of advertising

How can the effectiveness of an advert be judged?

The answer depends on what objectives or tasks were set for the advert.

The table below sets out some possible objectives/tasks and how the effectiveness of
the advert might be measured:

Advertising objective How success can be measured

- Number of enquiries from advert
Stimulate an increase in sales
- Number of enquiries converted into sales
- Test customer awareness both before and after
Remind customers of the existence
the advertising campaign
of a product
- Number of enquiries
- Test customer awareness
Inform customers
- Number of requests for further information
Build a brand image -Test customer awareness of brand recognition
and perceived values
Build customer loyalty and - Levels of repeat purchase
relationship - Levels of customer retention
- Measure demographic profile of purchases
- Measure type of goods ordered by new
Change customer attitudes
- Compare with previous data

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