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› These are the emissions of the carbon dioxide gas in
excess released in our atmosphere from various
human/non human activities.
› Human activities includes various activities like
burning of fossil fuels, usage of cfc,s , burning of
forested area for land acquisition etc.
› Non human activities includes volcanic eruptions,
geothermal energy, forest fires etc.
› Due to these emissions the concentration of carbon
increases very abruptly causing very serious problems
like global warming, ozone depletion etc.

› t is the gradual increase in the earth's average temp.
due to a phenomenon called Green house effect.
› This effect is caused due to excessive emissions of
green house gases like methane (CH4), carbon dioxide
(CO2), oxides of nitrogen (Nox),water vapours etc.
› These gases allow the radiation from sun to reach the
earthǯs surface but doesn't let them escape from the
earthǯs atmosphere leading to global warming.
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› Yelting of polar ice caps & glaciers.
› Rising of sea level leading to submergence of low lying
› Extinction of rare species like arctic fox, polar bear, etc.
› Raising the earthǯs avg. temperature very rapidly.
› Giving rise to numerous skin diseases.
› Uneven precipitation leading to frequent flash floods
on one region & severe draughts at another region.

    The chief danger at regarding
global warming, is the excess emission of carbon dioxide due to the
burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of the tropical forests.
› G 

     Tragically, at present
great areas of tropical forests are being destroyed by fire, bulldozing
and chainsaws. Temperate forests are also being damaged, by industrial
pollution. Stopping this is an essential priority, for forests are a major
source of important materials, they perform vital functions, and their
destruction adds to the build up of CO2 in the atmosphere.
›       Climate change may be a big problem,
but there are many little things we can do to make a difference. f we
try, most of us can do our part to reduce the amount of greenhouse
gases that we put into the atmosphere.
› Ú mechanism suggested for tackling climate change and warming has
been the idea of using £  G£ to soak up carbon dioxide. To
aid in this, reforestation, or planting of new forests, have been
suggested. This is a popular strategy for the logging industry and
nations with large forests interests, such as Canada, the United States,
various Latin Úmerican nations, and some Úsian countries such as
›    were defined in the Kyoto
Protocol (COP3) as different ways to achieve emissions
reduction as part of the effort to address climate
change issues. These have been highly controversial as
they were mainly included on strong US insistence and
to keep the US in the treaty. These fall into the
following categories discussed in further detail below:
1. Emissions Trading
2. Joint mplementation
3. Clean Development Yechanism
› Emissions Trading: - This is also known as carbon trading . t
involves trading of carbon emission credits b/w nations

› Joint mplementation: - Joint mplementation (also known

as Úctivities mplemented Jointly) is where developed countries invest
in emission-reducing activities in other industrialized countries, and
gaining reduction units as a result.

› Clean Development Yechanism: -The Clean Development

Yechanism (CDY) is similar to the joint implementation, but where
developed countries invest in Southern, or developing countries. t is
aimed to be a part of a program of sustainable development.
› Emissions Trading, or Carbon Trading as it is alternatively known,
involves trading carbon emission credits within nations.
› Úllowances are created, thereby making emissions a commodity that
can be traded between industries.
› The Kyoto Protocol says that it is ok to trade in emissions, but that it
should not be the major means to achieve oneǯs commitments.
› Supporters say that this mechanism will bring in private corporations
and with that will come market pressures driving for efficiency,
innovation and the best results.

› Deflecting heat away from the Earthǯs surface with solar
shields or satellites with movable reflectors - The idea was
inspired by the cooling effects of large volcanic eruptions such as Yt.
Pinatubo in 1991Ȅthat blast sulphate particles into the stratosphere.
These particles reflect part of the sunǯs radiation back into space,
reducing the amount of heat that reaches the atmosphere.
› Sequestration - the storage of CO2 either deep underground or deep
in the ocean. Some of the nationǯs largest utilities, which are also
Dzwashingdz coal to filter out impurities, are working on ways to capture
the CO2 they emit and store it miles below the Earthǯs surface
› Ocean fertilization - this entails scattering iron powder throughout
the worldǯs seas, providing nutrients to boost the amount of
phytoplankton that thrive in the waterǯs upper layers. Through
photosynthesis, these plants absorb CO2, which in theory stays with
them when they die and fall to the ocean floor.
› Engineered weathering -This entails replacing some of the
oceansǯ carbonic acid with hydrochloric acid. This, the theory goes,
accelerates the underwater storage of CO2 otherwise destined for the
atmosphere. Úccording to Harvard Earth and Planetary Science Ph.D.
Kurt Zenz House, engineered weathering Dzdramatically accelerates a
cleaning process that nature herself uses for greenhouse gas


› Lack of consumer awareness.
› Higher initial costs for implementation of newer technologies.
› Lack of industry incentives.
› Lack of effective policy.
› º 
i. provide convenient and cheap transportation infrastructure to encourage citizens
to use public transportation.
ii. Reforestation and conservation programs.
iii. ncreased awareness of public.
iv. Úllow tax incentives for environment-friendly choices.
v. Úllow industry incentives to encourage adoption of environment-friendly
vi. Lower capital costs for adoption of new technologies.
vii. Provide incentive and encouragement for Research & Development funds.
viii. Ratification of international policy: Such as Kyoto Protocol
› Policy and Education are tools to overcome the constraints. However, there is a
continuous demand for new, cheaper and more efficient technologies to deal with
greenhouse emissions. Technological advances, be it in areas of science or engineering,
are ultimately enabled by education, awareness and, policy.
› Technological solutions for climate change
› The basic concepts are promotion of energy conservation, introduction of cleaner energy
sources, technology transfer, and innovative technological breakthroughs with a view to
coping with population growth and increasing CO2 emissions. Energy conservation and
the introduction of cleaner energy sources will certainly help to improve living standards
while maintaining a balance among the "three Es." Út the same time, major technological
breakthroughs are indispensable in the search for truly effective solutions.
› Ú strategy for mitigating "three Es" issues, that is, a strategy for environmentally
sustainable economic development. Herman Daly's well-known three conditions for
sustainability are as follows
1) The consumption rate of renewable resources is not higher than its recovery rate.
2) The consumption rate of non-renewable resources is not higher than the rate of increase
in renewable resource supply.
3) The emission of pollutants is within the absorption capacity of the environment. (Daly,
1990: l-6)
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› Try to employ alternatives when possible i.e. plant-derived
plastics, biodiesel, wind power, etc.
› Encouraging Energy-efficient buildings and improved cement-
making processes .
› mproved agricultural practices along with paper recycling and
forest management.
› While purchasing wood products, such as furniture or flooring,
buy used goods or, failing that, using sustainably harvested
› Unplugging or switching off those appliances which consume
more energy like televisions, stereo equipment, computers,
battery chargers etc.
› Purchasing energy-efficient gadgets can also save both energy
and moneyȄand thus prevent more greenhouse gas emissions
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› Cheap ways to convert solar energy directly into
electricity, which can be used to convert water into
fuel, like hydrogen, that can be turned back into
electricity on demand.
› What we need is something as basic as paint that is
engineered to capture electrons from the sun and
make the electrons march into our utility lines.

a) Yinimize high altitude aircraft flights (oxygen reduction
and water vapor deposition)
b) Yinimize rocket flights (water vapor deposition)
c) Encourage growth of plants that produce oxygen,
discourage deforestation
d) Decrease / control releases of high temperature steam /
moisture to the atmosphere
e) Eliminate production and release of known ozone
depleting chemicals (such as CFCs and HCFCs) where
remotely possible. Subsidize production of safer
alternatives where possible.
f) Establish controls to assure that new compounds to be
used in high volume, are surveyed for effect on ozone.
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› Using "Ozone-Friendly" products.
› Ensure technicians repairing your refrigerator or air conditioner
recover and recycle the old CFCs so they are not released into the
› Vehicle air conditioning units should regularly be checked for
› Úsk about converting your car to a substitute refrigerant if the a/c
system needs major repair .
› Help start a refrigerant recovery and recycling program in your
area if none already exists.
› Replace halon fire extinguishers with alternatives (e.g. carbon
dioxide or foam).
› Suggest school activities to increase awareness of the problem
and to initiate local action.
Î Save more: - save transportation fuel by moving closer to work, use
mass transit, or switch to walking, cycling or some other mode of
transport that does not require anything other than human energy
Î Consume less: -The easiest way to cut back on greenhouse gas
emissions is simply to buy less stuff. Whether by employing a reusable
grocery sack, cutting back on consumption results in fewer fossil fuels
being consumed around the globe.
Î Think green when making purchases.
Î Be efficient: -
Good driving & good car maintenance, such as making sure tires are properly inflated
can limit the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from a vehicle.
Choosing food items that balance nutrition, taste and ecological impact S ÚNOTHER
WÚ .
mproved agricultural practices along with paper recycling and forest management
balancing the amount of wood taken out with the amount of new trees growing could
quickly eliminate this significant chunk of emissions.
› Ozone layer : - it is a layer surrounding the earthǯs atmosphere that
restricts sunǯs harmful radiation & protects the earth from itǯs harmful
› Ozone layer is getting depleted mostly from carbon compounds like
chloro flouro carbons i.e. cfcǯs.
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› Destroying the CFC's molecules when they are in the
troposphere with high-powered infrared lasers located
on mountainsides.
› Únother possible plan developed was to chemically
stop substances from developing into ozone depleting
substances. This would be done by dumping about
50,000 tons of ethane or propane into the Úntarctic
stratosphere each spring. These chemicals would
transform active ozone-depleting chlorine into non-
ozone depleting HCL.

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