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Title Page................................................................................................................... ....................

Copy Right........................................................................................................................ .............

Dedication........................................................................................................... ........................... ^c

Table of Contents............................................................................................................ ..............

The Overture............................................................................ ......................................................


Islam: The Ethical Basis of War..............................................................................................


Religion: Why Islam is Never One..........................................................................................


Why Mohammed Was/Is Not A Prophet.................................................................................


Why the Koran is a Conjectured Book for Deception and Irreligious......................................


What You Should Know About the Islamic Sharia....................................................................


The ³Useful Idiots´ in Islam.......................................................................................................


Meanings to Islamic Symbols.................................................................................................. ...


The Media Support Islam........................................................................................................


Defining Islam Our Enemy.........................................................................................................

Islam as Ethical Basis of War..........................................................................................

The Strategy....................................................................................................................

The Way to Remain Free.................................................................................................. åc

Attack the Near Enemy...................................................................................................

The Plateau Pains and Agony.........................................................................................

Conclusion................................. .......................................................................................

Appendix..................................................................................................................... ................




This book is dedicated to people who have woken up to the reality of islam on the Plateau,
Nigeria and the world. These have ceased to treat islam as a religion but a deadly enslaving
system that have come to hurtle our people in another form of slavery to Saudi Arabia, and will
do everything to stop that. These acknowledge that islam is the cancer of mankind! Islam has c

many appendages such as boko haram, al-qaeda, taliban, etc. but all are jihadists. All these are
cowards as they cannot face the public but always hide under different covers to carry out the
inactions/actions of Allah!

Meanwhile, the 24/12/2010 deaths on the Plateau and elsewhere from the jihadists¶ heartless
attacks are fondly remembered even as words of encouragement are past tothe loved ones left
behind and the µgood¶ people of Plateau State who have bought the Plateau Ideology and will not
sell it out.

Acknow   ntc

I am sincerely grateful to Yahweh through Yeshua(Jesus) who holds us together. Unlike the arabian
idol(A ) which delights in sending people constantly on pogroms, massacres, carnages, genocide
and bombings because it lives on human blood flow, Yahweh has persistently loved all and defended
the righteous. This same Yahweh has assured that islam is coming to an end. I appreciate all who Ëc
have refused to be µuseful idiots¶ but have openly rejected islam as a µreligion¶ and won¶t give it any
recognition except as the cancer of mankind. I finally appreciate those who have wakened up to
decisively deal with islam as the deadliest system of our time.


 c tu c

The world is awakening to true islam. Even muslims are now questioning and admitting the dark
realities of their faith. The world tastes islam¶s fruit and spits it out every second. Throughout the
world devout muslim men and women dedicate their lives to fly planes into buildings, blow up
trains, murder little children, and butcher humanity in various ways. That is islam at its best! 'c

Hardly a week goes by without yet another fresh atrocity committed by these devout muslims.
These men spend months, if not years, planning these attacks. Islam keeps planning/hatching
nano-, micro-, and mega- evils against mankind, all over the world with no exception. These
make the system quite adventurous those making the youth more vulnerable. They will never lack
willing youth, children, and mothers/fathers who are addicted to it. They know full well that they
would or could possibly die, not in committing suicide, but as brave muslim soldiers giving their
lives for Allah in jihad. This is even called martyr. What a misnomer! Islam turns things from up
to down. It kills others and calls it the right way. It loots and calls it wealth. It rapes and calls it
pleasure. Islam enslaves and calls it freedom. Islam is fully anti-civilization and calls it religion.
Factly speaking, the strangeness in islam is the strangest which baffles me as a natural person that
it has followers and has been called a RELIGION. n cup cubcb ctoc ccc on!

These inhuman and dehumane acts are well planned, programmed, sustained and propagated.
This deliberate wickedness on mankind in the name of a religion has forced me to get to the root
of the matter: why and what is islam?

The facts are truly revealing. I have found out that all non-muslims who recognise islam as a
religion in any way are the true useful idiots(dhimmis). These are the real propagators of islam.

The conclusion is: ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION. Islam is an ideology that has been polished
over the past 1400 years. Mohammed never formed islam but Mohammedans. Mohammed must
convert to become an islamist if he were to be alive today. Several points proof clearly that
Mohammed did not even call himself a prophet rather he accepted to be demon-possessed just as
his own quarysh people described him, thus his most popular local name µ"u ¶(trouble
maker). I will encourage you to read the revealing facts yourself to STOP viewing islam as a
religion but like any human systems such as Nazism, communism, socialism, narcissism,
imperialism, and many other invented self-centred human ideologies evolved to protect or
propagate parochial interests. If you refuse after all, you then become a USEFUL IDIOT.

Read to know who are the µuseful idiots¶, what is the sharia, why the koran is a conjectured
bizarre book with no focus. Two humane words are missing in the koran: Æ and "%. Phese two
missing words completely turn the followers into robots. All muslims are therefore koranimals.
The koran reveals nothing except hatred for the non-muslims throughout the world, and how to
kill them for Allah to have breathing space and enough land not actually for cmuslims, but
finally for the arabs only. I feel for the beroms, ngas, mwaghavuls, europeans, pakistans, indians, ƒc

americans, kenyans, gambians, libyans, egyptians, sudanese, nigerians, britons, etc. who have
joined the leagues of slaves in the name of religion, who must die on the road to Mecca before
reaching it finally.  tc
ct c con c onc
con cco nc c c oun co$cno- tunc
toc" cc. History is packed full with the arab slave trade that Mr. Mohammed personally
championed in with none alive today. The same thing must occur sooner or later to all non-arab
muslims from all over the world. Thus, when muslims must face Mecca when praying or must go
to Mecca once in their lifetimes, these slaves to islam have foolishly refused to read the
handwriting on the wall and thrown away history. Acw oc  c on ccout co$ct c
bc  ctu c  ct   cc uncb n. Islam is a degrading system thus we
have the continued production of suicide bombers and other types of bombers daily! This is
beside the daily production of assassins, murderers, killers, islamothugs, jihadists, barbarians,
rapists, oppressors, suppressors, slavers, torturers, etc., all out of islam to achieve world¶s
conquest. The µuseful idiots¶ dine with the jihadists thinking they are together. Failure for each of
us to see islam as our enemy and must be decisively dealt with draw our gloom and doom closer
to our door posts. Ignorance is no longer on our side. And so is foolishness. When islam is
viewed as the true enemy of mankind, everyone will now fight this cancer as a do or die issue.
That spells out the end of islam!

C Rc cc

:ccc"c #c&#c

&c cc' #cc#(c" ccc#ccc#c

ccccccc)#*c#ccc #cc+,,-.c

¦c #ccc#cc

¦c Ýuc cbobcttc ctoct cc tc

¦c  cAK-47c$  cc boco$ct cwoc
¦c Aw cnckcwt ckonccncptoncbo cp c
¦c  c tcc p t cwt c t 
c n
c noc
cnc c

Islam is supremacist and the koran is a declaration of war against the non-Muslim world. Vc

Among all the conjectured µdeities¶ of the world only Allah is defended by its rabid
followers. Others allow their µdeities¶ to defend them. c
Libyan Leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi: Europe and the U.S. Should Agree to Become Islamic
or Declare War on the Muslims. Muslim students are being taught to despise unbelievers, i.e.
the kafirs, µthe infidels¶, or disbelievers, as filth. The 150 million islamists today are more
than all the communists and fascists who ever lived.

Islam is a religion based on a warrior code. Leading islamic clerics herald the coming
conquest of Rome. Islamists are involved in over 22 active conflicts across the globe. The
bloodletting against nearly every civilization from Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish,
Chinese to African animist and even Muslim countries, demands attention: some of the worst,
most hate-driven violence in the world today is perpetrated by Muslims and in the name of
Islam, in China | India | Sudan | Algeria | Afghanistan | New York | Pakistan | Israel | Russia |
Chechnya | Philippines | Indonesia | Nigeria(£t ucÝtt cncptcu) | England |
Thailand | Spain | Egypt | Bangladesh | Saudi Arabia | Ingushetia | Dagestan | Turkey |
Kabardino-Balkaria | Morocco | Iraq | Yemen | Lebanon | France | Uzbekistan | Gaza | Tunisia
| Kosovo | Bosnia | Syria | Mauritania | Kenya | Eritrea | Syria | Somalia | Iran | Iraq |
California | Kuwait | Virginia | West Bank | Ethiopia | Iran | Jordan | United Arab Emirates |
Scotland | Louisiana | Texas | Tanzania | Germany | Pennsylvania | Belgium | Denmark | East
Timor | Qatar | Maryland | Tajikistan | Netherlands.

The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of civilizations. It is a clash
between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between
barbarity and rationality. It is a clash between freedom and oppression, between kind
leadership and dictatorship. It is a clash between human rights, on the one hand, and the
violation of these rights, on other hand. It is a clash between those who treat women like
beasts, and those who treat them like human beings. What we see today is not a clash of
civilizations. Civilizations do not clash, but compete.

So far this Christmas, islamic devotees have bombed a church in the Philippines, blown up 45
flood refugees waiting in line for Western food aid, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting
in Oregon and a recruitment centre in Maryland, massacred over 86 innocents in attacks in
Nigerian churches⣠   
    , planned to poison American
food buffets and implant bombs in human bodies, plotted the slaughter of civilians in
Holland, London and a newspaper office in Denmark..And even set off the first suicide blast
in Sweden, which was intended for Christmas shoppers.





à on:c cÆcÆc  cn c

The word µreligion¶ seems to convey peace, right living, high moral standard, love, and ultimately a
haven! Religion should be able to define what evil is and is not. And what constitutes righteousness!
However, by humanly interpolation , religion can be viewed in a myriad of ways as put: Groups,
practices and systems that we identify as "religion" are so diverse²e.g., not all religions refer to God
or gods, not all religions are concerned with morals, not all religions have beliefs about the afterlife,
not all religions see the sanctity of life, many religions keep passing through new phases, and while
many old religions are fizzling out new ones are sprouting up with a determination to achieve hence
will mix beliefs. These have made it no easy task to bring them all under one simple definition. No
one joins any µreligion¶ without a good intention with a blissful end in view, unless there had been a
deception at the onset. This is not so in islam as: fear, lusts, power thirst/hunger for wealth initiated it,
barbarism sustains/propels it seemingly, and doom awaits it certainly!  ncwt cct cckco$c
nocb/ c $ntonco$c oncco cnotc tcn c u c ct oncnc ctcc  $ tc
cou cctockc
cncunct cuct   
cnc wco$cwocconu t ! There is no
definition of evil in islam.
Of course, this difficulty has not stopped people from attempting to define religion. The definitions
are quite wide-ranging: some emphasize the personal, others the social; some the beliefs, others the
uses; some the structures, others the functions; some the private, others the public; some the mundane,
others the transcendent; some the truth, others the illusions. In many cases, a person's definition of
religion is actually a definition of his or her own thinking of what same believes. Islam has over the
years hidden under these several terms and phrases to commit its nefarious atrocities. Factly talking,
the reason for any confusion in religion is islam. Islam has behaved deleteriously to mar any positive
meaning in religion. Including islam among the religions of the world is the first worst and most
terrible misnomer the world has done! Therefore, with the claims and counter claims islam has made
itself, there is certainly the need to be bizarre in knowing what religion really is.  cw o cco$c
cctnccw c t cnct cc oncb ctc  ntcctoc $$ ctccon$uoncc
w c ccpop ctoc tb ctcpotcc oo .

If we fancy the fact that religion cannot be defined, then we play ourselves cheaply into self
destruction. It then means evil systems such as islam will continue to have their field day and sway on
mankind. But when a system is defined, then sifting of what is false from what is true is achieved
becomes plain. Since man and books have failed to adequately define religion, then consider this
definition from the Christian Scriptures:

Æ$cn cnconc ouc ctocb c ou

cncb t cnotc ctonu
cb utc c  t c cownc
ct cn'c onccn.c£u c oncncun $ cb $o cocnct c t cct 
octct c$t  cncwowcnct c$$cton
cnctock pc  $c unpott c$oct c
wo(Yaákov(James) 1: 26-27)(emphasis mine).

Here, religion has been grouped into two major types only: the Pure and Impure. The former refuses
to be polluted/ruined/contaminated/spoiled/stained/soiled/infected or even accepted by the world and
its standard hence suffers being rejected by the world¶s systems. This certainly does not affect the
latter. Humanitarian services are not criteria to make a religion good. Today, the United Nations,
countries, international agencies such as FIFA, the Red Cross, etc., states, counties, LGAs,
communities, homes, institutions, agencies, etc. are panel beating their rules and regulations to finally
arrive at a constitution that fits and tolerates islam as the only religion the world deserves. All other
religions are minors! All these in the obvious killings, genocide, pogroms, assassinations, rapings,
inhumanity, suicide bombings, enslavement, oppression, suppression, and all acts of wickedness
replete in islam!

But because the end of this evil system has come, we now see these ugly acts on the Plateau as it is
found wherever islam is. oucwc cwt c ct tc  nct ou ct cn ut c $ntonco$c
cw cwouc  c nctocoucctt c  nc$ocot cknown
co n 
c  op 
c $ub 
c $n 
c on
ncotccu ntc ouc t 
con cc cntn cc  oun cun c
cknco$cco ct  c400c 
cnc ncncnt nt cct c cocb
c utctocnn t c
unt conc t cocot w cuntcccubu cb cA ! When anyone fights on behalf of its
µdeity¶ you should simply know that such a deity either does not exist or is conjectured. Islam fits here
perfectly. And the world leaders see, hear, feel, sense, and smell all these, but have been rendered
handicap. Sad news really. ~ven the media have gone moribund hence lost their integrity in reporting
anything factly on islam. No more honest and factual reporting of issues, especially involving islam.
Leaders, policy makers, the rich, the poor, the intellectuals, etc., all bow at the µfeet¶ of islam! We all
watch it as freedom is snuffed out of us. Yes, even in the face of increasing persecution of other
faiths, particularly the Christians and others. On the Plateau none is spared especially the indigenes.
Infact, we simply turn into useful idiots(dhimmis) seeing all these since we stand aloof. What a shame
on us.

The Scriptural quotation above once again makes it bare that the world makes, mars and smears
religions, panel- beat and convert them for its own use. Æcccnc c oo
cpu  conc
 cucounctocc   cwo c n. Thus in islam evil is ill defined: whatever promote islam
is not evil no matter what, who or where, while anything or person that halts its progress is evil.

What does an µimpure religion¶ mean? It simply refers to being soiled or infected by the standards of
the world. In the Christian Scriptures again:

³Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the
Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof:
but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever´(Yochanon-Aleph, i.e., I John 2: 15 ± 17)(emphasis

Islam is permeated from first to last with secularism. It wants the world even if there are no more
people to inhabit it. Except the arabs only, probably, because all non-arabs who are muslims
ultimately shall be slaves once again. The current determination of islam in place today is the total
enslavement of the world as never happened before, for those who will survive it!  u
c onct tc cbutcc t ct tc n 
cnckcutt  c  nc$con ccc

What comes to mind when the word µreligion¶ is heard? Do you have one? Please consider this
viewpoint again:cThe essential standpoint of religion is the practical or subjective. The start and end of
religion should cover

6c  cw $
6c  cton
6c  cutt c$ ct co$cn .

All these are hooked to relation of man to the Supreme Being or a conjectured supernatural being(like
Allah). It then becomes evident that where inhumanity and dehumanization are dignified, that so-
called µsupreme being¶ is a conjectured one. This perfectly fits islam as witnessed these past 1400
years of existence. I absolutely agree that even Christianity showed ugly features over the years of its
growth, to which it was ashame to the religion, but the story has changed. We are definitely
influenced by what we worship! We are either good or evil because we are linked to either. Every
people group and in some cases clan, family or individual seem virtually hook to such a deity. In the
Christian faith Yahweh is the realised salvation of the soul, or the unlimited power of effecting the
salvation and bliss of man. The Christian religion is above all distinguished from other religions in
this, ± that no other has given equal prominence to the salvation of man´. While religion might refuse
a single definition, but the welfare, salvation, and ultimate felicity of the adherent are key issues to
appreciate. One¶s wellbeing affects us doubtlessly. Æncctutoncw  cnc  ntctocc$t c
t  t n
c n cnockcnot cnct cn co$cuc cc oncccop t  coutc
o$cpc .c con cknockco$$cccc on. The core teaching of islam(islamism) anchors on

jihadism(producing jihadists to achieve jihad) which is an endless war politically, culturally and/or
radically against all non-muslims wherever they are found until Allah¶s religion is alone on earth and
Mohammed alone its(his) prophet, exists. This is absurd! All muslims fight for Allah and not Allah
doing the job. A deity should fight to defend its adherents; however, in islam muslims fight to defend
Allah. Good and true prophets have died for the course of their messages but Mohammed instead
killed/murdered, massacred, raped, and assassinated myriad of souls to get noticed, giving rise to what c
is called islam today and producing mohammedans that do all ills/wickedness to establish the figure
of Mohammed. In others like Christianity, we are asked to µlove¶ those who kill us. Consider this

³These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended( stumble}They shall put you
out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that w oo  ck t c oucwct nkct tc co t c
oc c . And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor
me´(John 16: 1-3)(emphasis mine).

This is now strange! Yeshua(Our Messiah) never led in war once. He was rather killed and
admonished His followers to be prepared for such peradventure. "utc"o  cp 
ccott c noc
cnc cnc cwt ct cwoc
ncp $ ctc t co$ct cn$ .c con ck c$unco$cccc on.

Salvation means a number of things, with and/or without eternity in view. But true salvation
must/should have to with µafter this life¶ also. For instance, salvation is seen as delivering, rescuing,
or recovering someone from harm, death or danger. Yes, one¶s escape from a doom is salvation. One
is not saved until the person has changed position, attitude or life pattern. This change should be done
willingly and not by compulsion. Hence the saved must be coming from somewhere(where the
problem is) to another(where the haven or safety is). In addition to the security, joy, happiness,
wellbeing, and assurance one finds when saved, FREEDOM is prominent. However, both the saved
and the ou play clear roles. Is Mohammed the saviour of muslims? No! Is Mohammed the way,
truth and life of muslims? Yes! Is Mohammed the idolized object of islam? Yes! Therefore if
Mohammed raped, massacred, enslaved and traded in slavery, committed genocide, lied, robbed,
reduced the non-muslims to nothing in his days, what would one expect from the Mohammedans
today? Mohammed never called his system islam but his latter followers. Islam is a false substitute to
Mohammedans/Mohammedism. Now ask the muslim: where is he/she coming, why is he/she where
he/she is, and how shall the end be with him/her. The answers to all these questions are completely
UNCERTAIN. At best, the answer may include ONLY ALLAH KNOWS; the individual has no say
in his/her salvation. There is no word like salvation in the koran. Read what Mohammed said when
asked about the same question:

Ýay: I am no new thing among the messengers (of Allah), { { 

 . I do but follow that which is inspired in me, and I am but a plain warner(Surah 46:
9)(emphasis mine).

Mohammed followed what was inspired in him but lived fully in doubts of the future. He was warning
people but against what? Well, to me Mohammed has somehow exonerated himself since he has been
able to tell his followers then and would be of the pending doom of uncertainty that bedevilled his
ideology and its hopeless end. How I wished Mohammed changed then!

Yes, salvation and freedom resulting from it is sure. Islam kills freedom completely even among its
adeherents. This again helps you to see that islam is not a religion but a draconian ideology with
world conquest in view at the expense everyone and everything. Think about it! Factly speaking,
should islam have its way, islam will end up killing all the muslims itself. Ask definitely with a
definite answer: Does islam save? Who is the saviour in islam? And why? Mohammed woefully
failed in every respect/sense of the word to be any form of saviour. Some one that can have sexual
relationship with a six year old has disqualified himself to save any. And since Allah allowed such a
thing, no matter the culture at the time, Allah is unfit to be a deity as such reveals wickedness and
total lack of knowledge of who a six year old having sex with an over 50 year clairvoyant is. In my
judgement Mohammed picked Allah for mischievous reasons. Islam cannot save meaning all muslims
will never be saved hence their world conquest philosophy through Universal Jihad. If there was
salvation in islam, muslims will not kill to establish Allah¶s religion as the only one, but will do
everything to save others like Christianity is apparently doing. Ponder also on this!

The ultimate in any religion is man¶s felicity. I have carefully gone through the Koran to get
acquinted with exactly what makes islam strives on and what is the ultimate end of muslims. The zeal
that majority of muslims possess and display now can be frightening as it tends to present its hope
palatable. I then found out that all that is µaljanah¶(the islamic paradise) can contain only 70,000
people. I doubt completely if there is still any space for the teaming number still alive today. Unless
Allah will build another one again! While in this áljanah¶ there shall be fresh milk, wine, and honey.
The winners shall sit on executive cushions discussing how they lived while on earth and now finally
made it to the paradise. There shall be a quiet stream of water flowing with clacking sound for the
entertainment of the ears. Virgins in their numbers shall be there to serve the canal needs of the
islamic victors. Those who have martyred themselves already are enjoying this pleasure with 72
virgins per person. I do not think Mohammed is having such pleasure now even though he enacted the
ideology, because he did not die as a martyr. As for the female muslims who kill themselves as
martyrs they may be given 28 male virgins, but for the ones that die naturally, uncertainty of what
becomes of them trails their paths. There shall be no halleluah there. Allah will be entertained also

with cry of the µinfidels¶ as charcoal of fire will be poured on them while at the same time boiling
water will be forced through their throats. The islamic victors will sarcastically mock/laugh at the
non-muslims who are µoutside¶ the aljana. Now think along. The best muslims in the sight of Allah
are those who die as martyrs. Now who is the martyr? Somebody is killed/murdered in the cause of
discharging his lawful religious obligations. Note again: he is killed. Now do we refer to it as martyr
when one kills/murders others for not being in islam and in the process kills self? The response is 'c
definitely NO. Emphatically no! That is islam for you. All things in islam are upside down. What is
called white by normal people islam calls it black.

Considering these immediate past paragraphs islam falls short of being a religion in everything. Islam
simply plays its hypocrisy among its islamic community(ummah) that it is peaceful, caring, hopeful,
nice, and loving. But the evidences in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, Pakistan,
Nigeria(particularly Plateau State) prove far beyond enough facts that islam respects no human life.
Muslims kill both muslims and non-muslims at all times.


 c"o  cÆcotcAc£op tc

One who claims to be a messenger of a µgood deity¶ is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be
given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war
criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin. The true global view of islam is that of a murderous,
immoral, and draconian system, void of humane manner: one is either a muslim or be killed. Even
being a muslim is not enough as the chances of live and death are 50:50. Mohammed and all his past
and present cohorts have been webbed in all these. Thus the uncalled for rabid fear of islam globally.
Even muslims now trapped in this ideology face these facts and realities. Surely, most muslims cry
out louder and are more burdened under the yoke of islam than can ever be imagined!

One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the
vices of the people of his time. But Mohammed never for once hid his true nature as any other with
demented personality. Infact, most of the questions asked Mohammed in his days were asked out of
amazement. The sunnah is full of such questions by the adherents to islam. The barbarisms of
Mohammed were devastating. Here are a few:

.c Muhammad¶s life is that of a gangster godfather.

b.c He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and
enslaved the women and children. Sudan in Africa is just one least example in enslaving and
expert in dehumanising.
c.c He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it
is okay to have sex with their captives and their ³right hand possessions´ (Quran 33:50).
.c He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and
 despot of Arabia. Till date islam hates all forms of criticism and
rationalization. There are many unanswered questions in islam due to uncertainty.
.c Muhammad was bereft of human compassion. Allah ordered him to be harsh and to strife
with the µinfidels¶(Repentance(SurahIX: 73).
$.c He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who
stood in his way. No wonder, allah told him to declare: ³retaliation is prescribed for
you...´(The Cow(Surah II: 178)).
.c Muhammad was a narcissist like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin: these all had their ideologies of
centrism. Why all others failed or became permanently weakened is that none attached
religious test to theirs. But Mohammed and the Mohammedans are wiser!

.c He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less
evolved than that of a 6-year-old child.
.c He simply could not feel the pain of others.
.c He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. The Sunnah
speaks well about such inhuman dealings.
k.c His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he šc
pleased and commited all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds were/are justified.
.c If Mohammed and the Mohammedans insist he was/is a prophet of Allah, then that Allah
must have been a draconian hater of mankind. For short, all that Mohammed has done must
have been a complete reflection of who this Allah was/is. Well, what we see in the jihadists is
100% the reflection of Mohammed, covertly or openly. That is why they(the jihadists) should
be called Mohammedans and not muslims( because muslim means µslave¶ and islam means
µsubmission¶. No more any definition). When we call them Mohammedans, then the full
imitation of the self-made prophet is obvious. All the above are seen in sincere and dedicated
muslims! Acts speak louder than even sweet names!
.c Mohammed had a double faced character as revealed by the koran itself:

a)c Lo! I have turned my face toward Him Who created the heavens and the earth, con cb c
ntu cup t, and I am not of the idolaters(Cattle(Surah VI) v79)(emphasis mine)
b)c We narrate unto thee(Muhammad) the best of narratives in that we We have inspired in
thee this Qu¶ãran, t ou c$o t ct oucwtco$ct c   (Joseph(Surah 12) v
3)(emphasis mine).
c)c So set thy purpose ( O Muhammad) for a religion ccncb cntu cup t... (The
Romans(Surah XXX) v 30)(emphasis mine). See also Jonah(Surah X) v 105.

Attempt to understand the above quotations and you will notice that both Allah and Mohammad did
not know who was who. For instance, Allah described its prophet in these verses as by nature
heedless(reckless) and upright(truthful) at the same time. But Mohammad insisted that he was by
nature upright!  c t$ctoncon cu$ c"o cccpop t.


¦c c !c#cc!c !)c cc 0c#c#c

 ##*c !1!c
ccc#c!* #cc ccc##cc
.c M  cllctcc 
 c c c tlc l c i c lc c
 ccc2cc3 c4*c cccc#c cc c
#c cc3.c lccllc  l
c c cc citcc

c c cc  li c c

ct c
cM   c  tc cci icc
cl c
citc c citci c

ccc76c!c cc8c cM  c" c!ll  cl i cccc
cc# c6#c  c i #c ci cillittclct cc c
itcc icli ct tctillc i ct c! c
Mc t  cc i t c cit ct i c llc i c lc c c% c cictt
 cc c tc ilic tct c t c
c l c t t t cB
ciiclti c c c c
ct c i cc ic ctct cc citict i c i c% lc
cRlii c cci  lc tc
 ct cc cc ct   tct c M c&c icli%ct tc
c i c
i tc
 lc lc  cRlti ct c ct cM  cit c
ct c c
c!ll c" c!ll  c t c' ct tcc c ctc c  c
l i cccc c i #ci c!ll  c $ i c' c ti c tc
ct c t c
M ciclitcctt c$ ci ct tc ict ci  c it ctllic c tct  c
c i citcctc ctcc t cict ct tctilc ci
c cit ct  c
ilc c tc
c cl c lcc $  c t c ci lc ct cc
t  c i c ict c$  c tc ct cM  ccict c( lc
! ct  c
:c tc ct c)  cit ct c) c cC i ti c

were able to believe him regarding anything that he sleep in the manner he slept; purify themselves
said. (through ablution and ritual washing) in the manner
2. Muhammad (may Allah¶s blessings and peace be he purified himself; and adhere to his practice in
upon him) also foretold of everything that would the way they eat, drink, and clothe themselves.
occur to him and his community after him, Indeed in all aspects of their lives, the believers in
pertaining to victory, the removal of the tyrannical Mohamed adhere to the teachings he spread among
kingdoms of Chosroes [the royal title for the them and the path that he travelled upon during his
Zoroastrian kings of Persia] and Caesar, and the life. During every generation, from his day till our
^ c
establishment of the religion of Islam throughout time, the believers in this Noble prophet have fully
the earth. These events occurred exactly as adhered to his teachings. With some, this has
Muhammad foretold, as if he was reading the reached the degree that they desire to follow and
future from an open book. adhere to the Prophet¶s way in his personal matters
3. Mohamed (may Allah¶s blessings and peace be regarding which Allah has not sought of them to
upon him) also brought an Arabic Koran that is the adhere to in worship. For example, some will only
peak of eloquence and clarity. The Koran eat those specific foods or only wear those specific
challenged those eloquent and fluent Arabs of his garments that the Messenger liked. Let alone all
time, who initially belied him, to bring forth a that, all those who believe in Mohamed repeat
single chapter like the Koran. The eloquent Arabs those praises of Allah, special prayers, and
of his day were unable to contest this Koran. invocations that he would say during each of his
Indeed, till our day, none has ever dared to claim actions during day and night, like: what he would
that he has been able to compose words that equal- say when he greeted people, upon entering and
or even approach-the order, grace, beauty, and leaving the house, entering and leaving the mosque,
splendour of this Glorious Koran. entering and leaving the bathroom, going to sleep
4. The life history of this Noble Prophet was a and awaking from sleep, observing the new
perfect example of being upright, merciful, crescent, observing the new fruit on trees, eating,
compassionate, truthful, brave, generous, distant drinking, dressing, riding, travelling and returning
from all evil character, and ascetic in all worldly from travel, etc. Let alone all that, all those who
matters, while striving solely for the reward of the believe in Mohamed fully perform-even to the
Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and dealings, minute detail-every act of worship-like prayer,
he was ever mindful and fearful of Allah. fasting, charity, and pilgrimage-as this Noble
5. Allah instilled great love for Mohamed (may Messenger (may Allah¶s blessings and peace be
Allah¶s blessings and peace be upon him) in the upon him) taught and as he himself performed. All
hearts of all who believed in and met him. This of this allows those who believe in him, to live
love reached such a degree that any of his their lives in all aspects with this Noble Messenger
companions would willingly sacrifice his (or her) as their example, as if he was standing before them,
self, mother or father for him. Till today, those who for them to follow in all their doings.
believe in Muhammad honor and love him. Anyone 8. There has never been nor will there ever be a
of those who believe in him would ransom his own man anywhere upon this earth who has received
family and wealth to see him, even if but once. such love, respect, honor, and obedience in all
6. All of history has not preserved the biography of matters-small and large alike-as has this Noble
any person in the manner it has preserved the life of Prophet.
Mohamed, who is the most influential human in 9. Since his day, in every region of the earth and
history. Nor has the entire earth known of anyone during every period, this Noble Prophet has been
whom every morning and evening, and many times followed by individuals from all races, colors and
thereafter throughout the day, is thought of by peoples. Many of those who followed him were
those who believe in him. Upon remembering previously Christians, Jews, pagans, idolaters, or
Mohamed, the believers in him will greet him and without any religion. Among those who chose to
ask Allah to bless him. They do such with full follow him, were those who were known for their
hearts and true love for him. sound judgment, wisdom, reflection, and foresight.
7. Nor has there every been a man on earth whom They chose to follow this Noble Prophet after they
is still followed in all his doings by those who witnessed the signs of his truthfulness and the
believe in him. Those who believe in Mohamed, evidences of his miracles. They did not choose to

follow Mohamed out of compulsion or coercion or brought for all spheres of human activity ± like
because they had adopted the ways of their fathers buying and selling, marriage and divorce, renting,
and mothers. Indeed many of the followers of this testimony, custody, and all other contracts that are
Prophet (may Allah¶s blessings peace be upon necessary to uphold life and civilization on earth.
him), chose to follow him during the time when 11. It is impossible that any person conceive
Islam was weak, when there were few Muslims, wisdom, morals, good manners, nobleness of
and when there was severe persecution of his characters as what this honorable Prophet (may
followers on earth. Most people who have followed Allah¶s blessings and peace be upon him) brought.
this Prophet (may Allah¶s blessings and peace be In a full and complete manner, Mohamed spread a
upon him) have done so not to acquire some teaching regarding character and manners toward
material benefits. Indeed many of his followers one¶ parents, relatives, fiends, family, humanity,
have suffered the greatest forms of harm and animals, plants and inanimate objects. It is
persecution as a result of following this Prophet. impossible for the human mind alone to grasp all of
Despite all this harm and persecution, this did not that teaching or come with a similar teaching. All
turn them back from his religion. My brethren! All of that unequivocally indicates that this Messenger
of this clearly indicates to anyone possessing any did not bring an) of this religion from his own
sense, that this Prophet was truly and really Allah¶s accord, but that it was rather a teaching and
messenger and that he was not just a man who inspiration that he received from the One Who
claimed prophethood or spoke about Allah without created the earth and the high heavens above and
knowledge. created this universe in its miraculous architecture
10. With all this, "u  came with a great and perfection.
religion in its creedal and legal make-up. Mohamed 12. The legal and creedal make-up of the religion
described Allah with qualities of complete that the Messenger, Mohamed, (may Allah¶s
perfection, and at the same time in a manner that is blessings and peace be upon him) brought
free of ascribing to Him any imperfection. Neither resembles the engineering of the heavens and the
the philosophers nor the wise could ever describe earth. All of that indicates that He who created the
Allah like such. Indeed it is impossible to imagine heavens and the earth is the One Who sent down
that any human mind could conceive of an existing this great law and upright religion. The degree of
being that possesses such complete ability, inimitability of the Divine law that was sent down
knowledge, and greatness; Who has subdued the upon Mohamed is to the same degree of
creation; Who has encompassed everything in the inimitability of the Divine creation of the heavens
universe, small or large; and Who possesses such and earth. For just as humanity cannot create this
perfect mercy. Nor is it in the ability of any human universe, in the same manner humanity cannot
being to place a perfect law based upon justice, bring forth a law like Allah¶s law that He sent
equality, mercy and objectivity for all human down upon His servant and messenger Mohamed
activity on earth like the laws that Mohamed (may Allah¶s blessings and peace be upon him).

The above proofs would have helped but Mohammed declared he was unsure of what he was either
doing or lied ahead and of those following him(see Surah 46: 9).

"o  ctt pt cuc c  ct cnc c$ cuntc c co$c$  cnc  c$ co$c
w tc ccpntcncw tcwouc$oowcn t.c c cptc o$c$ tcncucccwoknc
nccucto cwt cp kcnt nt !

The author here has been thoroughly brained washed and left to wallow in the quagmire of islamism,
alone, awaiting when to kill himself or others. I believe this man does not know why he repeats ³may
peace of Allah be upon him´ each time Mohammed is mentioned. He further falls spiritually low to
know that Allah and Mohammed is one in one thing: each manipulating the other. Ýubttutnc

"o  c$ocA ccncc c cccb tt cconuctcc½c c  nt. The true summary of who
Mohammed was can be:

c cc
 cc cc cc
cc c ccc
c â
c cc c
c  c 
c câ cc  c

c  c cc  c
 c cc
c ccc
c cc cc ccc
cc c 
cc c


c c c c 
c!c"#" cc

c c cc
cc c cc
c c 
cc c
 ccc$cc%c cc 
c c cc c

cc c
c c  c
cc ccc c c

 cc ' 
cc c 
c c
c cc(c

% cc)c
c cc
 cc c c c
% cc)c  c c
c  c
c c 
 c  c c
c câ cc c c c cc

*c+ccc c%c

c c% c cc ' c c
cc c

c-c cc
c c
c% c c
cc c c

cccc c c c
c c

c ccc

c c
 cc cccc 
c !c
 c c c/c

Accepting Mohammed as a prophet is only absurd backed with who Mohammed was and what we see
in the Mohammedans today! The hands, heart, eyes, and paths of Mohammed are smeared with
human blood and other heinous acts. All sensible people can never call such an apostle, unless an
apostle of death. And prophet of doom!

Dear reader
c"o cc. Muslims are commanded to follow and obey Mohammad. His
teachings, his life, and his actions are studied intensely. These muslims adore Mohammad, they dream
about him, they imitate him. In their imaginations they eat with him, fight alongside him, and endure
with him. They feel his pain and weep when they remember his early sufferings. They speak of his
life and say that they wish they could have been there to aid Mohammad, to fight and die for him. I
know this firsthand. You can hear it in their voices. These muslims today receive the same spirit that
Mohammad received. The spiritual force that commanded Mohammad continues to live in these
muslims today.

If Mohammad and the early muslims could commit those types of crimes then muslims today are
certainly capable of committing similar crimes. And we are seeing this happen!

Let me recap on a world wide scale: muslims in Thailand murder Buddhists, muslims in Kashmir
murder Hindus, muslims in the Philippines murder Christians, muslims in Indonesia murder
Christians, Sunni muslims in Pakistan murder Christians and also Shia muslims, and muslims from
Chechnya murder children in a region that is not involved with their conflict (North Ossetia). Muslims
in Spain blow up trains of commuters, muslims in Turkey murder various types of non-muslims, or
nominal muslims, or atheists, muslims in Iran murder Christians and Bahais, muslims in Egypt
murder Christians, and muslims in Iraq murder Christians and other muslims. Muslims in Sudan
murder other muslims, Christians, and Animists. I could go on but by now you should have caught my

We are seeing that the spirit of islam present, is the same as the spirit of islam past. It is dark and
brutal. Ætcwcu cn c cu ctoccotcnc ut$ ccc . Osama bin Laden has said that he has a
religious ruling that allows him to murder civilians because they pay taxes which support the military.
In his view Islam allows him to kill civilians because they are indirect combatants. That point can be
argued but many Muslims agree with and support his view.

£t ucÝtt ccn cctt ct tc  c nct t wk ct ou ct cup t cp  nc co$c
tu cw oc"o  cwouc  cb ncnc$u c $ ct cb ct c"o  ncnow .
Nigerians will only waste their time looking at Aghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, etc. to exactly
know what islam is, when Plateau State is a perfect case example of islamic barbarism. Followers
reflect the followed. Absolute leadership is reflected in the led. The head controls the body. Those
who fight the course of islam from the top are the greediest and fearest sets in the hierarchy of islam
hence the continued generation of the ignorant fools(the jihadists or true muslims) at almost the
lowest cadre in the same ladder, to protect and keep the top relevant and functional.

All that Mohammed did remain the highest virtues in islamic practice today no matter franctic efforts
to cover up.   cucp ctocb ck c"o  .cow  
cn cuc  c
o tk nc"o  cto cb cb concuc cbob cunknownctoc"o  .
Mohammed refused to commit suicide in the interest of islam, leaving that his followers! The only
µperfect¶ role Mohammed played is the well laid foundation of the evil the Mohammedans would
perpetuate long after! " ccn cbnc"o  cwt ccb ut$ucn cnctt con c
 nccuoucncc $uctocccnc$ut c $ut ct c$ctct tcncwcnotcc
pop tc nc ccnotcc on. Every muslim under the sun aspires to be like Mohammed
hence the mentioning of his name myriads of times per day per all islamic invocations. Even when
blood of the innocent flows every one second!

The spirit ruling islam is suicidal in nature. All who are possessed with this type of spirit either kill
themselves or delight in killing others even if it includes them. On this basis the imams, sheikhs,
ayatollahs, etc. will continue to generate suicide bombers. Or killer squads! These killer squads are
abundant in the Nigerian army, police, navy, airforce, etc. Please look out. The recent bombings in
Plateau State on the eve of the Christmas of 2010 were pure acts of killer squads(jihadists) very much
abundant in the Nigerian army. ^c



 c cKoncÆcAcon ctu c"ookc oc c ptoncAncÆ ouc

The current religious manifestations seen in the practice of islam evolved over the years in the
Mohammedans in their bit to subdue, enslave, suppress, oppress, repress, and subjugate the arabs first
before others that would join the queue of islam latter. Frankly speaking, should Mohammed come to
life today, he will be amazed to see what he started on a personal note has become. Mohammed must
have to be initiated again to become a Mohammedan to fit the islamic ideology. Nowhere is it found
in the 114 surahs of the koran that a muslim should pray five(5) times in a day, for instance. Another
instance is that Mohammed has never for once visited Jerusalem but because he was a copyist and
conman, a plagiarizer in absolute terms, he had ordered his few followers then to face Jerusalem when
praying. As he gathered momentum and followership improved in quantity and quality, being a
quarysh Saudi man, he changed to facing Mecca. It is sad to note today that all muslims pray facing
Meccah. P



 { .
Any muslim who fails to go to Meccah once in life time forfeits the paradise designed for the 70,000
people only!

For the 1400 years of islamic dehumanising activities on earth hardly is there record of such in
historical books. Why? The wickedness Christianity displayed in its formative years, particularly
when Constantine and his forebears and others influenced the faith to suit their ambitions, these are
well recorded for all to see, but not islam. Christianity has since accepted such and set to amend it
permanently. This continued hidden fact about islam only proves the crookedness and wicked
intentions of the religious ideology. Yet the world that wallows in darkness keeps giving upper hand
and uncalled for recognition to what kills it perpetually - islam. Islam is evil to the umpteenth time!

The koran is fettish book.There are many Arabic words and terms in the koran that explanations are
lacking, leaving for conjectures to be made. A common example is ³A$.c9.c" ´. These three
words occupy the first verse almost throughout the 114 surahs in the koran. The footnote explanation
to this is: ³"any surahs begin thus with letters of the alphabet. Opinions differas to their significance,
the prevalent view being that they indicate some mystic words. Ýome have opined that they are merely
the initials of the scribe. Phey are always included in the text and recited as part of it´.

But one must ask: who owns the koran ± Mohammed or Al-ilah(the god of the Arabs, now
popularly called Allah or Allah Ta¶ala)? If Allah was supreme and gave the koran as popularly
claimed by the muslims, the rubbish in the koran would not appear. The koran does not contain these
two words:  and . By Allah rejecting these two words in its document meant to save life, Allah
has simply turned humanity into punching robots. Allah has no feelings and cannot content such.

Allah has become a draconian monster that gloats only when man is dead, however. Allah has again
shown that man has no other option in life, no choice, yes, simply nothing. It also shows that Allah
cannot be the creator of man as the man we know is replete in frailties, weaknesses, prone to fall,
forgetful, and full of limitations. Otherwise, Allah would have made enough provisions to carry man
along. Now the koran is constantly bent to satisfy the yearnings of mohammed. If Mohammed woke
up with a thought to marry a six year old child, Allah would support him with a befitting revelation ^'c
for that! If Mohammed wanted another man¶s wife, Allah would smartly provide the methodology to
get the particular woman. Æn$ct
c"o  ck ptcnputncA cncc c ct ou outc
t ckon
ctocc   cw tc cb tcb cput:cunn
c $
c tccnc
wo . The contents of the koran clearly reveals that allah has no purpose or reason in creation!

The contents of the koran are at best described thus:

A.c is a book of an imperfect scripture,

".c filled with errors, contradictions, stupidities, historical inaccuracies
.c not arranged according to importance, continuity, sacredness, biography, chronology,
significance or sequence of any sorts, but simply by length: the longest chapter, followed by
the next longest,
.c verses are disorderly arranged and jumbled up in unrelated subjects/topics,
.c has no prophecy, no chronology, no geography, no biography of anybody (except bits &
pieces of Muhammad¶s), no ministry, no history, no proverbs, no parables, no miracles, no
psalms, no sequence of any sort,
.c it's generally a manual of  and {, like an instruction manual of a vacuum cleaner, with
punitive punishments, reprisals and rewards specified in it,
.c is, undoubtedly, not a book created by an intelligent being, and is unfit for the intelligent and
rational thinking persons,
.c it is a book fraught with fraud, stupidity and logic and reason, which makes it a complete lie,
Æ.c it is a book meant for the arabs only. All others are intruders and include the Jarawas,
Anagutas, Beroms, Irigwes, Mwaghavuls, Tals, Tarohs, all the so-called Hausas, the fulanis,
etc. who have joined the bandwagon of the Mohammedans,
ù.c harmful attitude against humanity including hatred, jealousy, killing, war, fight, make up over
60% of the total content of the koran,
K.c it is a book bedevilled with the copyist and plagiarizer¶s attitude. The koran is deadly
misleading lacking coherency in communication,
.c If truly Al-ilah(Allah) is the author of the koran, then that being must be fickle minded and
completely deceptive. Such a thing or being is to be rejected totally:

³Such of Our revelations as We abrogate (cancel, Naskh) or cause to be forgotten, we bring

(in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that al-Ilah is Able to do all
things´(Surah 2: 106)¶

".c It has initiated, propagated and sustained the ethics of war against humanity. Thus the koran

.c best as µ

b.c worst as µ
 {¶ and
c.c in-between as µ

.c There is no single surah of the 114 surahs that there are no enough contradictions to warrant
throwing the koran into the dustbin of total rejection and oblivion. For instance, the longest
surah is The Cow(surah 2)(A-") show the following contradictions:

Allah created the mankind; they should worship Him.
Contradiction: 3:97, 35:15 say Allah does not need mankind and the jinns; He is free of all want.

^:^ c
Allah created the earth (first) then He perfected the seven firmaments (heavens); He has the perfect
knowledge of all things. (This verse indicates that Allah started creation by creating earth, and then
He made heaven into seven heavens. This is how building usually starts, with the lower floors first
and then the top floors²ibn Kathir).
Contradiction: 79:27-30 says Allah created the heavens first.

All the angels bowed to Adam except Iblis. He was haughty and a disbeliever.
Contradiction: 16:49 says every creature in the heavens and in earth prostrates to Allah.

Allah forbade Adam and his wife to approach the tree of knowledge. (Allah spoke directly to Adam²
ibn Kathir.)
Contradiction: 42:51 says Allah never speaks directly to a human; He speaks either from behind a veil
or through a messenger.

Adam learned the words of inspiration from Allah. Adam was the first Muslim.

Contradiction: 2:131 says Abraham was the first Muslim.

Contradiction: 6:14 says Muhammad was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 7:143 says Moses was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 26:51 says some Egyptians were the first Muslims.

Allah ordered Adam and his wife to descend on earth and to preach on people whatever message they
received from Allah.
Contradiction: In verse 20:123, before sending Adam on earth, Allah told him humans on earth would
be enemies of one another. This means there were already people on earth when Adam descended on
it. So Adam was not the first human created by Allah.

Allah blesses the Children of Israel more than other believers; He has preferred them above all beings.
Contradiction: 3:33-34 says Allah preferred Adam, Noah, the house of Abraham, and the house of
Imran above all beings.

Allah parted the sea (Red sea); saved the Children of Israel (i.e., Moses¶ people), and drowned
Pharaoh in front of the eyes of the Children of Israel.
Contradiction: 10:90 says Pharaoh submitted to Islam.
Contradiction: 10:92 says Allah saved Pharaoh.

Despite their sins of idolatry, Allah forgave the people of Moses.
Contradiction: 2:63 says Allah raised the Mount Sinai above the Children of Israel and threatened
them to submit to Him.
Contradiction: 7:152 says Allah punished them.

Then Allah asked the people of Moses to humbly enter a city (Jerusalem or Jericho²ibn Kathir)
through its gate so that they could find all the provisions they needed for their sustenance.
Contradiction: Allah says in 7:137 He let Moses¶ people inherit the land east and west, that is, the
land of greater Syria.

Muslims/Jews/Christians/Sabians²anyone who believes in Allah and the last Day and does a
righteous deed will get rewards.

Contradiction: 9:17 says unbelievers will go to hell.

Contradiction: In 3:85 Allah says He only accepts Islam.
Contradiction: 4:150-151 says Allah will severely punish those who deny Allah and Muhammad and
those who separate Allah from His messengers.
Contradiction: in 5:33 Allah commands Muslims to Crucify or behead those who criticize Islam and
Muhammad or do not convert to Islam. ^Vc

^:7 c
Those Jews wrote their Book with their own hands, and faked that as the Book from Allah, Allah
curses them.
Contradiction: 6:34, 6:115 say non has the power to change the words of Allah.

Whatever verses Allah abrogates or causes Muhammad to forget, He replaces them with similar or
better verses (Muhammad did forget some Qur¶anic verses²Walker, p. 166).
Contradiction: 6:34, 6:115 say non can change the words in the Qur'an.

The dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah; there is no protector besides Him.
Contradiction: In 13:11, 41:31, 50:17-18, and 82:10 Allah says angels are our protectors and guards.
Contradiction: 5:55 says Allah¶s messengers are our protectors.

The Christians belief that Allah had begotten a son is untrue; Allah possesses everything in heavens
and on earth, everything worships Him.
Contradiction: 3:180, 15:23, 19:40, 19:79-80, 21:89, 28:58 say Allah inherits from infidels/other

Allah creates instantly, by decree; He says 'be' and it is.
Contradiction: 7:54, 10:3, 11:7 and 25:59 say six days of creation.
Contradiction: 41:9±12 say eight days of creation.
Contradiction: 6:101 says Allah could not create a son for himself because He does not have a consort
(a wife or a concubine).

Allah asked, and Abraham cheerfully submitted himself to Allah (Abraham was the first Muslim²
ibn Kathir.)

Contradiction: 2:37 says Adam was the first Muslim.

Contradiction: 6:14 says Muhammad was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 7:143 says Moses was the first Muslim.
Contradiction: 26:51 says some Egyptians were the first Muslims.

^:3 c
å c
The Islamic, the Jewish and the Christian Allah is the sameAllah, do not argue on this. Allah will
reward each group according to their deeds.
Contradiction: 9:30 says Jews and Christians are idolaters.
Contradiction: 3:118, 5:51, 5:57, 58:14 and 60:13 say not to be friendly with unbelievers, including
Jews and the Christians.

Every nation has a qibla; Allah has given each group of people a law and a way of life.
Contradiction: 25:51 says if willed Allah could have sent messengers to every nation to instill fear;
but He didn¶t.

Those who plead for another chance, Allah will disown them and send them to hell to dwell there
Contradiction: 6:128 says as long as Allah wishes, not forever.

As a guide to mankind, Allah sent the Qur¶an in the month of Ramadan (the ENTIRE Qur¶an.)
Contradiction: 17:106, 25:32 say Allah sent the Qur¶an in stages.

^:^ c
Wines and gambling are Satan¶s handiwork²there are some good but great sins.
Contradiction: 47:15 and 83:25 say Allah will serve Satan¶s handiwork, wine, in Islamic Paradise.

Do not marry idolatresses until they believe. A believing slave woman is better than a non-believing
free woman; do not get your girls married to unbelievers until they (the unbelievers) convert to Islam.
Contradiction: 9:30 says the Jews and the Christians are idolaters, but Allah allows Muslim men to
marry their women without converting to Islam. According to ibn Abbas, µI do not know of a bigger
Shirk than her saying that Jesus is her Lord!¶ This means that the Christian women are idolaters.

Some apostles (messengers) are above others; to some of them Allah spoke (i.e., Allah has graded His
messengers, He had spoken directly to a few of them); to Jesus, Allah gave clear signs and the Holy
Contradiction: Allah says in 4:152 He makes no distinctions among prophets.

Unbelievers (non-Muslims) are the real wrong-doers; they will have no intercession on the last day.
Contradiction: 2:255 says Allah might appoint intercessor for anyone He wishes, including some

Allah sustains and protects all that exists. His throne extends over the heavens; no one can intercede
without His permission.
Contradiction: see 2:254 above.c

^:^5 c
Allah caused a man to sleep for a century, then raised him up, and questioned the man how long he
thought had been in sleep (in this verse Allah is directly speaking with an ordinary person).
Contradiction: 42:51 says Allah speaks only through a veil or through a messenger.

Even if you are a muslim you need the koran to verify these facts. Similar contradictions are obvious
in all other surahs. I picked this one because it is the longest and seems to summarise the whole
contents of the islamic book. Now think about the various false claims of muslims over the centuries
that the koran is the Greatest Miraculous book for mankind, which came directly from Allah(where
this idol call the allah is situated) with a copy reserved with it(him) µthere¶. One contradiction directly
from a perfect being such as Allah as they claimed is far more than enough to reject the koran. Thus
see the fallacy of islam yourself.

.c Being the most noble book in islam, the koran has no definition of evil, wickedness,
inhumanity or dehumanisation. Rather, over 60% of the total contents hammers on war,
killing, pains, etc. No clear hope or salvation for any human being, particularly the non-

Any living person who still has little sense cannot consider such a book to be useful to mankind.
Factly speaking, when the muslims massacre, maim, kill, murder, rape, loot, etc. and run to the koran
for defense, no one seems to bother! Even a fool will reject any positive thing in the koran based on
these facts.


&c: c cc! cc c#c

c å^c

P c  

c c c
cc c

c ccc

cc c c c c ccc  ccc c

c ccc c

c  c  c c





&c!ccc&cc;#c! c c c<c


"c! #c1c #cc #c#1c#ccc#cc #c


&cc#c cc#c(cc

Mc  ct tc ici cit c  l c c  ,tlc i clilct c lc  li cc
 cllcltc lcictilccii ciclct tc icillc c c!cit c

the increasing presence of islamists in government, sports, education, security, etc., the country is
tiptoeing into the hazard and deadly experience of sharia. Where sharia is development ceases in all
its ramifications. Freedom is dead. Crime in its peak definition is institutionalised. Humanity is turned
into apes. That is islam!(see the picture above). Below is the best indepth explanation of what sharia
really entails and pending doom overshadowing Plateau State(and Nigeria definitely) if we pretend to
look the other way. åc

c Jihad is defined as ³to war against non-muslims to establish the religion of Allah´ is the duty
of every muslim and muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim caliphs who refuse jihad are in
violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.
^c A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.
3c A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery,
robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.
4c A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad. This is the zakat erroneously called
zakka(10%) by the hausa speaking Christians.
5c It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.
6c A caliph must be a muslim, a non-slave and a male.
7c The muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects islam.
8c A muslim who leaves islam must be killed immediately.
c A muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber.
Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.
0cA muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-muslim.
cSharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be
punished for killing his slave.
^cSharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of
cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery.
3cNon-muslims are not equal to muslims and must comply to sharia if they are to remain safe.
They are forbidden to marry muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their
scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from
building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque
without permission. A non-muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a
muslim woman or if he leads a muslim away from islam.
4cIt is a crime for a non-muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against
muslims. Non-muslims cannot curse a muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the
prophet, or islam, or expose the weak points of muslims. However, the opposite is not true for
5cA non-muslim cannot inherit from a muslim.

6cBanks must be sharia compliant and interest is not allowed.

7cNo testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or
a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners
cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.
8cA non-muslim cannot rule even over a non-muslims minority.
 cHomosexuality is punishable by death. åËc
^0cThere is no age limit for marriage of girls under sharia. The marriage contract can take place
anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9.
^cRebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband¶s obligation to support her, gives
him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.
^^cDivorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: ³I divorce you´ and
becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it.
^3cThere is no community property between husband and wife and the husband¶s property does
not automatically go to the wife after his death.
^4cA woman inherits half what a man inherits.
^5cA man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is
^6cThe dowry is given in exchange for the woman¶s sexual organs.
^7cA man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the
enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.
^8cThe testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man.
^ cA woman looses custody if she remarries.
30cTo prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.
3cA rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money (dowry) without marrying the rape
3^cA muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered ³Awrah,´ a sexual
organ. Some schools of sharia allow the face and some don¶t.
33cA muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the
opposite is not true for women since he ³could be married to the woman he was caught with.´


c c#cc# cc#cc
$ c cclctcl cici l cicctci  c
tc c
c- iti cc
ittti c
ct c% c it ccM   cli
cc ccict c
ll i: c
Mc cc1c!c # c!c78cc#1cccc c
c c#c c!
Mc cc#1ccccc#cc cc!ccccc
cc)*ccc cccc1#c!
Mc cccccc##*c*c*c#*cccc
 c cccc1# c c#c#.c
Mc ccccc1*c# #*cc)c1#!cc ccc
cc' c c).c
Mc c! c# ccccc1c cc#cc#ccc c# c
Mc c *c7  c8*cc#*c##*c#*c *c)*ccc
1cc cc)c ccc#c#ccc c cc c c
Mc c#ccccc #c cc c1#cc0 ccc
ccccc cc ccD 7c0 8.c
Mc cc#c #c#c#c#c.c
Mc #cccc#1cc!#!#c1#c#1cccc cc
# cc c#c#c #c4cc;c#c#c#.c
Mc #c# cc#!c  #ccc1cc)#cc c!cc
Mc  cc!c!)cc c*cc#ccc!cc#cccc
ccc1#c#c!cc#c1#cc#7 ccc c

c t t cttonco$cct ckon:cct  cnotconcouncb $o c
"o  ctun c cn.c
Mc "o  cu  ccc$ut ctoc .c
cIslam is "a supremacist, tyrant and totalitarian ideology that uses its peaceful followers as a
shield to exploit religious freedom for political ends." This forms the basis of the sharia law.c




 c% $ucÆotcncÆ:ct c  c

Islam has a way of using all levels/categories of people to promote its belief without the µbeing used¶
knowing it. Islam even uses the non-living to spread itself! The spread of Allah today in Plateau State
has mainly been done by the hausa Christians in addition to other terms, phrases, hausa proverbs, åšc

culture, etc. Most of the successes islam has recorded on the Plateau were achieved through naive
indigenous people. The wealth, houses, cars, businesses, etc. own by muslims in the State are through
the Christians and others. Now, anyone who has played any form of role, under whatever cover,
known or unknown method, approach, idea or even suggestion at the instance of the muslim, is a
USEFUL IDIOT. I am not the one that give this label but islam itself! We have very many of such as
actors, artistes, musicians, models, singers, tailors, comedians, authors, philosophers, footballers,
athletes, farmers, doctors, pastors, students, journalists, engineers, architects, lecturers, vice
chancellors, apologetics, the military, the police, the navy, the air force, educationists, politicians,
teachers, associations such as interfaith organizations, peace movements, NGOs, humanitarian rights
groups, lawyers, health workers, business men/women, etc. Any person who talks positively, supports
anything islamic, speaks well about islam, defends islam, does not work against islam, ignore the
mischievousness of islam, becomes indifferent about the acts of islam, sympathises with islam, under
play the machinations of islam, or appease islam in anyway, cÆÝccAc"%ÝÆ"
%Ý %cÆÆ .cc 
cn bo cw oc 
ct nk
coc cn t ncoocboutccwt outc
b nccuccc%Ý %cÆÆ c If Nigeria has 45% of its total population as muslims,
over 30% of the non-muslims are USEFUL IDIOTS.  cwoccw cok cwt c%Ý %c
ÆÆÝct tccw cccnnotcb c nc conc cnc$oc . After all, what is 1.4 billion
muslims to the remaining 5 billion non-muslims if we want to eradicate this deadly political ideology!
Besides human useful idiots, we also have documents such as cA%ÝAc"Æ" , HAUSA
NORTHERN attachment, the UNITED NATIONS through International Islamic Relief
Organisations(IIRO) and Organization of Islamic Countries(OIC), the RED CROSS International,
FIFA, etc., are channels useful to get more µuseful idiots¶. Infact, the events, people, activities, etc. in
Nigeria are replete with USEFUL IDIOTS. Take it or reject it. Period!
Useful idiots" are pervasive in the Nigerian government, bureaucracy,health, politicians, schools,
law enforcement and judiciary.  ccu ntcooco$ct c ncA c ncAbcc
n$t ntcnct cAbccncptonconct c nco$$cccu nc
cwt cco$cucunctc
wt outcn c bowc cpo c owcn c%Ý %cÆÆÝcw c  cnc  ! Islam
knows how well to continuously generate USEFUL IDIOTS, using appointments, employments,

promotions, politics, religion, poverty, scholarships, locations, gifts, corruption, hypocrisy, weakness,
etc. µUseful Idiots are all appeasers of islam.
Now know! All the churches in Plateau State and other states in Nigeria who have been µconquered¶
by islam and now use hausa for whatever spiritual transactions with ALLAH well adored, societies,
groups, heads of states, governors, ambassadors, diplomats, etc. who either use any hausa/islamic
terms, phrases, words, statements, proverbs, etc. such as bisimillah, wawa, shege, banza, alhamdu, åVc
ubanka, wakili, tsarki, sardauna, mai-angwa, turaki, galadima, or answer Audu, Ali, Mainasara,
danjuma, Nuhu, Musa, Ibrahim, Haruna, Yahaya, Yohana, Markus, Bitrus, Ishaya, Dauda,
Yesu(instead of Yeshua), Salamatu, bishara, etc., are all USEFUL IDIOTS. Or our accepting to dwell
on our own lands but named Bukuru, Barkin Ladi, Mangu, Shendam, Dogo Nahawa, Jos, Tudun
Wada, Pankshin, Bokkos, etc, has also classified us at best as USEFUL IDIOTS. Unless we turn to
To quote Sir Winston Churchill: "{½½

PP {


 cpob c$ocuccct tct  cbck-b nncpp  co$cuc c nbnct c
coco ctoc tcuctoo. Islam eats all after destroying the µinfidels¶. FEED OR SHOW
con$ct tcccnnotcb cc oncbutcc unc t ctt c cpoton ctockc
c/toncncnu$$coutc$ oct ou ct cpouctonco$cbbn  t .cc

Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among the non-muslims: A new generation of ³Useful
Idiots,´ the sort of people Lenin identified living in liberal democracies who furthered the work of
communism. This new generation of Useful Idiots also live in liberal democracies, but serves the
cause of islamofascism²another virulent form of totalitarian ideology.

Useful Idiots are naïve, they are foolish, they are ignorant of facts, they are unrealistically idealistic,
they are dreamers and they are willfully in denial or deceptive. They hail from the ranks of the
chronically unhappy. They are anarchists, they are aspiring revolutionaries, they are neurotics who are
at war with life, the disaffected alienated from government, corporations, and just about any and all
institutions of society. The Useful Idiot can be a billionaire, a movie star, an academe of renown, a
politician, or from any other segment of the population. Arguably, the most dangerous variant of the
Useful Idiot is the ³Politically Correct.´ He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging,
doubletalk, and outright deception.

The Useful Idiot derives satisfaction from being anti-establishment. He finds perverse gratification in
aiding the forces that aim to dismantle an existing order, whatever it may be: an order he neither

approves of nor feels he belongs to.

The Useful Idiot is conflicted and dishonest. He fails to look inside himself and discover the causes of
his own problems and unhappiness while he readily enlists himself in causes that validate his distorted

Understandably, it is easier to blame others and the outside world than to examine oneself with an eye
to self-discovery and self-improvement. Furthermore, criticizing and complaining²liberal practices
of the Useful Idiot²require little talent and energy. The Useful Idiot is a great armchair philosopher
and ³Monday Morning Quarterback.´

The Useful Idiot is not the same as a person who honestly has a different point of view. A society
without honest and open differences of views is a dead society. Critical, different and fresh ideas are
the life blood of a living society²the very anathema of autocracies where the official position is

Even a ³normal´ person spends a great deal more energy aiming to fix things out there than working
to overcome his own flaws and shortcomings, or contribute positively to the larger society. People
don¶t like to take stock of what they are doing or not doing that is responsible for the conditions of
which they disapprove.

But the Useful Idiot takes things much farther. The Useful Idiot, among other things, is a master
practitioner of scapegoating. He assigns blame to others while absolving himself of responsibility, has
a long handy list of candidates for blaming anything and everything, and by living a distorted life, he
contributes to the ills of society.

The Useful Idiot may even engage in willful misinformation and deception when it suits him. Terms
such as ³Political Islam,´ or ³Radical Islam,´ for instance, are contributions of the Useful Idiot. These
terms do not even exist in the native parlance of islam, simply because they are redundant. Islam, by
its very nature and according to its charter²the koran²is a radical political movement. It is the
Useful Idiot who sanitizes islam and misguides the populace by saying that the ³real Islam´
constitutes the main body of the religion; and, that this main body is non-political and moderate.

Regrettably, a large segment of the population goes along with these nonsensical euphemisms
depicting islam because it prefers to believe them. It is less threatening to believe that only a hijacked
small segment of islam is radical or politically driven and that the main body of islam is indeed
moderate and non-political.

But islam is political to the core. In islam the mosque and State are one and the same²the mosque is
the State. This arrangement goes back to the days of Muhammad himself. Islam is also radical in the
extreme. Even the ³moderate´ islam is radical in its beliefs as well as its deeds. Muslims believe that
all non-muslims, bar none, are hellfire bound and well-deserve being maltreated compared to
believers. c

No radical barbaric act of depravity is unthinkable for muslims in dealing with others. They have
destroyed precious statues and sacred monuments of other religions, and bulldozed the cemeteries of
non-muslims²a few examples of their utter extreme contempt toward others.

Muslims are radical even in their intra-faith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other
sects and sub-sects as heretics worthy of death; women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights;
hands are chopped for stealing even a loaf of bread; sexual violation is punished by stoning, and much
much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of the mainstream ³moderate´ Muslims living under
the stone-age laws of Sharia.

The ³moderate´ mainstream of islam has been outright genocidal from inception. Their own
historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and the son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help
of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the prophet himself. The sel-made
prophet of Allah and his disciples took the murdered men¶s women and children in slavery. Muslims
have been, and continue to be, the most vicious and shameless practitioner of slavery. The slave trade,
even today, is a thriving business in some islamic lands where wealthy, perverted sheiks purchase
children of the poor from traffickers for their sadistic gratification.

Muslims are taught deception and lying in the koran itself²something that Muhammad practiced
during his life whenever he found it expedient. Successive islamic rulers and leaders have done the

All non-muslims, the so-called kafirs, the islamic unbelievers, who defend any islamic course are
classed Useful Idiots. Beware! Be warn!

I wish to conclude on this sub-topic thus: You are now informed. You definitely know that one ceases
to be a spiritual or mundane leader, not mention offices such as prophet, apostle, teacher, etc. if such
person¶s life is not above that of the society he lives(d). You also know that it si impossible to commit
genocide, rape, or kill others in the name of your ideology and claim a right place anywhere.
Mohammed has done more evil than one can imagine. Words run out of use to describe the grotesque

of a character of Mohammed. Even if we refuse to acknowledge who Mohammed was/is the

Mohammedans are the real/actual replica of Mohammed.

Islam, under the guide of its adherents in its ingenuinity has since classified the inhabitants of the
world into two groups only:

a.c The muslim(meaning slave) ^c

b.c The kafir (non-muslim)

Islam is bedevilled with horrific weaknesses hence chose to use the kafirs to not only spread islam but
to also get its new converts more easily. Infact, islam is a very difficult religious ideology to believe
in based on just mere reason hence it cannot withstand any form of criticism, rationalization or
questioning. Thus, there may be 1.3 billion muslims world wide, and if there are 2.1 billion
Christians, mostly roman catholics(1.2 billion), then not less than 3.0 billion non-muslims are
 (useful idiots), mostly without knowing. They are all characterised with the general attitude
described in islam as  
. Today we have the thriving    (another camouflage
for democracy, but different because it is composed of muslim(islam) appeasers).   
never see, say, or admit anything wrong against islam even when the pogroms, massacres, carnages,
assassinations, murders, killings, raping, enslavement, regression, oppression, torture, and many other
evils emanating from islam simply beat man¶s imaginations. These still think that there is µgood¶ in
islam probably because they are either beneficiaries of the system or out of share ignorance.

Some of the obvious identifying features of the   are the following:

.c Acnucw occknow  cccc onconcccpt$occn cot c

$t cnct   cnotcu.c
^.c All presidents, governors, ministers, ambassadors, diplomats, etc. who give c
 contonccc onc$oc onco$cpoput  even though they are not muslims.
3.c All federal parastatals, agencies, institutes, etc. such as the Universities, research schools, etc.
who give unu c contonctocccc on, even with the presence of one Christian.
4.c All associations such as ASUU, NASU, SSANU, in sports, etc. found in Christian areas that
give  contonctocccc onc$oc  c onc pt ctc n ntcpotcc
 oo c cu $ucot.
5.c Acoup
cnt $t con/ton
c concto conoc t -coc
nton cocnt nton cb 
cw oc cccc onc$ocw t  c on
c  nc
w ncuc c c$o cb c tncocot c$t 
c cu $ucot .
6.c All Christian or other faith movements, other than islam, who  pt / cwt cccc
 oncnc oucb c con c cu $ucot.c

7.c Ac tncocot c$t conct c£t u

cnct cwocw oct nkc
o$cocuppotccncn cw ccc onctocb c con c u c cu $ucot.c
8.c Ac$oco$c contonco$cccc onc$ocw t  cpupo by the non-muslims
turn the non-muslims into USEFUL IDIOTS.
.c All those who hold firmly to islamic cultures even when they are non-muslims are useful
idiots. åc
0.cAll non-muslims who for the political, economic, or security benefits see anything nice in
islam are useful idiots.
.cAll countries, individuals, groups, societies, co-religious NGOs, who see islam as a religion
and would want to integrate them.
^.cAll individuals who simply µsit down and look¶ even as muslims often go on rampage without
acting otherwise.
3.cAll those who have lost their cultural values to islam even though they remain animists,
pagans or Christians.
4.c Acnucw oc $u ctoc cb ct cn uncctt co$ccwt c  c
ttc cbutc  cun c$un
ct ot
c ou
c o 
c tc.c cu $uc
ot. Even if it is out of ignorance!
5.cAll those who refuse to resist the evil of islam but either see it as a religion or turn the eye the
other way. You must know that you belief and that of islam are not on the same platform.
6.c Act o cw oct nkcco cnotc nctocc   ctcwocconu tc oo
cwt c
£t ucnowc  conct ct c cu $ucot .
7.cAll those who deliberately choose to be ignorant about islam and can choose to defend it as a
8.cAll those who have accepted that there are µmoderate¶ and µradical¶ muslims who practice
islam are useful idiots. Islam chooses faceless names and shades for diversionary reasons
only. All are muslims!
 .cAll non-arab muslims are useful idiots because they either ignore history or are ignorant of
what the arab slave trade has done to their ancestors.
^0.cAll those who accept any gifts from muslims and in turn refuse to condemn their inhuman and
dehumanising acts are useful idiots.
^.c  nccucck ctocop ncocco cc$unctoncwt cc$oco$cp  organised by
Christians or other faiths, or in a Christian dominated area, the organizers are USEFUL
^^.cThe inability of the non-muslims to unite against islam, the only foe of mankind, in order to
trash it presents the scenario in clear terms as µuseful idiots¶.
^3.cAny form of romance with muslims hence islam by the non-muslim turns the latter a µuseful

^4.cAny non-muslim who gives up rejecting islam and its evil nature is a µuseful idiot¶.
^5.cAll that have taken the advantage of Plateau Sate or even individuals in the State to enrich
themselves are called µuseful idiots¶.
^6.cAll those who have taken Plateau State for a ride and never see its liberation a need as
indigenes are seen as useful idiots.
^7.cAll that have aided and abetted in devastating the State for political, religious, or any c
parochial reason are termed useful idiots.
^8.cAll that have the capacity to invest on the Plateau but refuses for whatever reason is also a
useful idiot. The enemy(islam) saps away. Only the indigenes build up their own State.
^ .cAll professionals who fail to first and last of all impact on the Plateau as indigenes are useful
30.c Act tccon ct c£t ucp c ntcc op  con c cu $ucot.
3.cAll that fuel, propagate, defend, insinuate or promote disaffection among the indigenes, being
indigenes too, on course of islam, are useful idiots.
3^.c All those who see unity among the Plateau people as impossible because of the decades of
islamic devastation among us are useful idiots. We should rather deliberately choose to be one
33.cAll those who see themselves as µhaving arrived¶ and now live in their µcomfort zones¶ while
the State is under fire are useful idiots, should they refuse to participate in combating the
islamic ideology.
34.cAll that will bequeath a jihad-torn State to their progenies when they could have done µa
thing¶ to make a positive difference are useful idiots.
35.cAll those who are either serving or have served Nigeria, West Africa, Africa, United Nations,
America, UK, etc. at the expense of Plateau State as indigenes are useful idiots, even when
they have been ignorant. Or still ignorant.
36.cAll that use favourable terms such as terrorism, terrorists, crises, etc. to describe the jihadists¶
inhuman and devilish actions/inactions are useful idiots.
37.cAll that think there exists a parleying, converging, or agreeing ground/point/level with the
muslims are useful idiots.
38.cAll that parade themselves on the premise that dialogue, trialogue, etc. with muslims is
possible are useful idiots. Muslims believe cleanly in monologue which must be completely
based on the islamic view only.
3 .cAll non-muslims that fail to reduce islam to the minority level(including disregarding the
system as not a religion) wherever on earth are useful idiots.
40.cAll that use µbaban riga¶ are reminescensing while encouraging others to remember how islam
truly came and enslaved us are useful idiots. This may seem foolish but just think about it.

4.cAll that see nothing wrong in the use of µnorth, northern Nigeria, arewa¶, and similar islamic
under covers are useful idiots.
4^.cAll that have accepted the use of terms, words, phrases, etc. such as minority, majority, class
D states, initiated, propagated and retained by the jihadists without total rejection are useful
43.cAny that thinks there are µgood and bad¶ muslims in existence is a useful idiot. Ëc
44.cAll that fear islam irrationally, intentionally, ignorantly, or persuasively and take up to
support it in any way is a useful idiot.
45.cAll that refuses to show clear hatred to islam while devising a method to rescue the muslims
unless otherwise is a useful idiot.
46.cAll that use any arabic or hausa word, term, phrase, sentence, etc. such as Allah, bishara,
aduá, wakili, without a clear knowledge of their roots are useful idiots.
47.cAll that have left or despised their cultural heritage to using the hausa/arabic are useful idiots.
48.cAll that accept the unjust rulership of any muslim in any government as in the army, police,
navy, airforce, etc. or non-government setting are useful idiots.
4 .cAnyone who refuses to oppose the evil of islam openly that is sadly swallowing Plateau State
and the country is a useful idiot.
50.cAll soldiers, police, etc. who see and even support other people being killed, tortured, or
manhandled with the obvious protection of islam are useful idiots.
5.cAll so-called peace-keepers who are Christians or other faiths on the Plateau who watch or
look the other way or even go into terms with the muslims to aid and abet as indigenes,
Christians, animists, pagans, etc. are killed, tortured, enslaved, wounded, etc. sometimes with
their support as they either keep mute or do not fight back, are useful idiots.
5^.cAll that refuses to cry out against the injustices in the land as meted on us by islam at all
levels in this country that has answered the call of islamization is a useful idiot.
53.cWhatever a non-muslim does, says, thinks or portrays in favour of islam places the same as a
useful idiot in the sight of the muslim. Thus we have such enough among the clergies, police,
army, civil servants, politicians, who will see their own being demoted, tortured, killed,
molested, rejected or ignored but these useful idiots will choose to remain passive, quiet or
even turn the eyes away, without a sharp rebuke in opposition.
54.cMost behaviours/attitudes non-muslims portray towards the muslims hence making islam
superior, relevant, a religion at par, etc, turn them into useful idiots.

How many µuseful idiots¶ do we then have? You could be one! Plateau people, cease to be µuseful
idiots¶ immediately. £t u!cActcow. Can Nigerian non-muslims join? Can other African countries

join? Can other continents of the world join? Listen!  { 
   r(on the road of no-return). Beware. Be warned!
Now throw off islam as a religion. PERIOD! Stop giving islam that undue recognition as a religion.



cc c!c

  l c  ci

tct i ct ct icl  c cici l c   l c  c-tlct c

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koran, the hadiths is considered binding when multiple trustworthy sources agree on their authenticity.
Following are some examples of hadiths on images:

.c "Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) having said: Those who
paint pictures would be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it would be said to them:
Breathe soul into what you have created." (Sahih Muslim vol.3, no.5268)
b.c "This hadiths has been reported on the authority of Abu Mu'awiya though another chain of
transmitters (and the words are): Verily the most grievously tormented people amongst the
denizens [inhabitants] of Hell on the Day of Resurrection would be the painters of pictures"
(Sahih Muslim vol.3, no.5271)
c.c "Narrated [Muhammad's wife] 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, 'The painter of these pictures will
be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them, Make alive what you
have created.'" (Bukhari vol.9, book 93 no.646)
.c "Narrated µAisha: The Prophet entered upon me while there was a curtain having pictures (of
animals) in the house. His face got red with anger, and then he got hold of the curtain and tore
it into pieces. The Prophet said, µSuch people as paint these pictures will receive the severest
punishment on the Day of Resurrection.¶" (Bukhari vol.8, book 73, no.130)(See also Surah 4:

This again hastens our conclusion that islam puts one off reasoning and creativity, which are gifts
from Yahweh. Æccnotcc oncbutc unc cpo concccon ctu c t .c tc
 c cnotcccwc ctconct  cb $.c ctop -   c
  nt "o  nct nkconcb $co$cA .


 c" cÝuppotcÆc

The media talk very positive about islam. Freedom to write and express one¶s opinion, idea, or
suggestion against the evil nature of islam has been killed. Here are few positive excerpts in
international media and individuals:

Ë c
ëIslam is the fastest growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our
people...ë Hillary Rodman Clinton

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country. Newsday

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United Ýtates...ë New York Pimes

What USA TODAY said about Islam?

"Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group..."


The population reference bureau,

Feb. 17, 1989, p.4A

What Encyclopedia Britannica said about Islam?

"Muhammad is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities."

Encyclopedia Britannica

What US NEWS said about Islam?

"Five to 6 million strong, Muslims in America already outnumber Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and
Mormons, and they are more numerous than Quakers, Unitarians, Seventh-day Adventists,
Mennonites, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Scientists, combined.

Many demographers say Islam has overtaken Judaism as the country's second-most commonly
practiced religion; others say it is in the passing lane."


USNEWS (7/20/98)

What TIMES MAGAZINE said about Islam?

"Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America." TIMES MAGAZINE


What CNN said about Islam?

"Islam continues to grow in America and no one can doubt that!"


December 15, 1995 Ëc

What Los Angeles Times said about Islam?

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our

Our reportage is today moribund because of islam. We now have barbaric, useful idiots, jihadists,
islamists, etc. mishandling all that is called the media. Watch out. These use phrases, terms, words,
sentences, etc. that take us far from the actual facts on ground. We simply have diversionary reportage
today. The non-muslims should watch out carefully.

Having carefully attempted in all honesty, fairness, and sobriety to let us know that islam is not a
religion but fits perfectly human endeavours to make a caricature of mankind through fighting
civilization, freedom, enslavement, oppression, pogroms, massacres, genocide, raping, and all
dehumanising activity that can fall short of human thinking, islam should no longer be seen as a
religion but a political ideology determined the conquer the world. Not a religious system at all!

We, the non-muslims should treat islam as man¶s greatest enemy on earth. A world without islam is
what the remaining population of the world should vigorously pursue! ocnotc cn c$oco$c
 contonctoccnccc ouc t . When we refuse to acknowledge this fundamental
truth, we will soon be swallowed by islam. Already, we are being chopped off daily with our eyes
widely opened but seeing nothing! Islam is your enemy. Islam is my enemy. Islam is our enemy.
Islam is their enemy as well. Let us team up to exterminate islam and save the muslims, land,
ecosystem, and our future!


c #cc##cc!c ccc78c# c



 $nncÆcucn  c

You must know that you have an enemy even if you are a muslim. That enemy is islam. There are
enemies but islam physically champions the true picture of who and what an enemy really is like. Any
living being that have not know that islam is the enemy of mankind is on his own and can be termed
either the most ignorant or deadliest among us or wherever such is found. That is why all muslims are
bbn(not terrorists as wrongly put) as a basic requirement to remain the ideology. Each muslim
is nice and show kindness only to give a deadly blow the next available moment.

The word islam means submission.cSubmission´ is a political thought.

Islam claims that all who do not submit are unbelievers (kafirs). It is time to reject being named by
Islam. We are not ³unbelievers.´

Muslims are the slaves of Allah. We are not the slaves of Allah. We do not submit. We are the Free.
Instead of muslims and nonbelievers, it is muslims and the Free. "u
ct  $o
c ct cun-

The story of Islam starts with the Jews since Islam is a Jewish heresy. The Koran endlessly adapts
Jewish stories such as those of Moses and Noah to show that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah. The
Ten Commandments is a good place to start looking at Islam. They fall into two categories²religious
and ethical.

Ten Commandments²Religious

1. Do not have any other gods before Me.

2. Do not make an image or any likeness of Me.

3. Do not swear falsely by the name of the Lord.

4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

Ten Commandments²Ethical

5. Honor your father and your mother.

6. Do not murder.

7. Do not commit adultery.

8. Do not steal.

9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. Do not covet your neighbor¶s property. Ëc

The only religion that follows all the religious commandments is that of the Jews. Christians do not
follow the Sabbath commandment and some would argue that the Catholics and Orthodox sects use
images that violate the image commandment. Hindus, Buddhists and atheists don¶t follow any of the
religious commandments. There are no two religions that agree on the Ten Commandments.

unt ccnnotc conc on.

But let¶s look at the ethical commandments. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and most atheists
agree that lying, theft, murder, destroying the sanctity of family, and lusting after other people¶s
property is bad behavior.

Upon reflection, all of these prohibitions prevent harm to others. We don¶t harm others and we don¶t
want to be harmed. We all want to be treated well and this is the best way to treat others, hence the
Golden Rule: ocuntocot 
cc oucwouc  ct cocuntoc ou .

The Golden Rule is an ethic of unity. Everyone is treated the same. One ethical system for all
people.This has been said in many ways in many religions and cultures. But there is a religion and
culture that does not agree with these ethics and it is islam.

Æcct ccc

What are islamic ethics and where do we find them? Everything in islam is based upon the Koran
(what Mohammed claimed that his god, Allah, said) and the words and deeds of Mohammed (called
the Ýunna). A muslim repeats endlessly, ³  ccnococbutcA
cnc"o  cc c
pop t.´ The Koran repeats again and again that Mohammed is the model or pattern for the ideal
muslim.   { 


{. There are
absolutely no exceptions.

And where do we find Mohammed¶s words and deeds?


1. The Traditions (or Hadith) are collections of everything Mohammed did and said. The best and
most honored Hadith is by Al Bukhari.

2. The Sira is the biography of Mohammed and is written by Ibn Ishaq. The Sira is to Mohammed as
the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are to Jesus.

There was not enough information in the Koran to create Islam. The Sunna (Hadith and Sira) define
almost all of the doctrine of islam.

The collection of Koran, Sira, and Hadith is called the Islamic Trilogy. The Trilogy contains the
complete political doctrine of islam. Christians have two sacred texts²Old and New Testament.
Muslims have three sacred texts. For 1,400 years, these three texts have only been read by islamic
religious and political leaders, but today these texts have been made easily understood.

The Trilogy overflows with ethical statements such as these from Bukhari¶s Hadith.)

B9,85,83 "ohammed: ³A "uslim is a brother to other "uslims. He should never oppress them nor
should he facilitate their oppression.´

B8,73,70 "ohammed: ³Harming a "uslim is an evil act; killing a "uslim means rejecting Allah.´

B5,59,369 "ohammed asked, ³Who will kill Ka¶b (a Jewish poet), the enemy of Allah and
"ohammed? ´Bin "aslama rose and responded, ³O "ohammed! Would it please you if I killed
him?´ "ohammed answered, ³Yes.´ Bin "aslama then said, ³Give me permission to deceive him
with lies so that my plot will succeed.´ "ohammed replied, ³You may speak falsely to him.´

A muslim should be a brother to other muslims (not the rest of humanity). A muslim should not kill
another muslim. A muslim may lie to non-muslims to advance islam.

So for Islam the ethical statements are:

1)c Do not kill another "uslim.

2)c Do not steal from another "uslim.
3)c Do not deceive another "uslim.

Islam divides the entire world into islam and nonbelievers and has two sets of ethics, one for islam
and another for the rest. The Golden Rule has the equality of all humanity as its basis. It is not: Do
unto some people, as you would have them do unto you, but do unto all people as you would have
them do unto you.

Islam denies the universality of the Golden Rule because islam starts with the division of the entire
world, all humanity, into two different groups²islamic and non-islamic. Every aspect of islamic
ethics is based upon this separation. Having two distinct groups leads to two different ethical codes.
Said another way, islam has dualistic ethics.

Deceit, violence and force are optional actions against the unbelievers. Believers are to be treated as
brothers and sisters. Islam¶s ethics are based upon:

c Î ccw t  cnc cÆ.cc

^c ccw t  c tcÆ.

 cnco$ct c£otcco$cÆc

Mohammed preached for 13 years in Mecca and only acquired about 100 followers. Following the
death of his protector and uncle, the wealthy class of Mecca ran him out of town. He left with his
followers and went to Yathrib, to be latter called Medina after the mohammedans conquest, a town
located less than a hundred miles from Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia. There he preached for
another year and obtained a hundred or so more followers.

In order to support himself and his followers, he sent men out to rob caravans from Mecca and
generously distributed among them the wealth they brought back, keeping a portion for himself. Part
of the wealth obtained from these raids were captives which Mohammed also distributed among his
men as slaves and in some cases as wives. Slaves who agreed to convert to Islam were freed.
Mohammed was never motivated by money as much as by power, although he desperately needed all
plus sex. He considered money a tool that could be used to fund jihad and to support his followers.
These are all political actions.

Mohammed moved into a profoundly political mode. Ýu n ct cn wccb c cpopu. It
was not simply a religion that would assure the poor a place of honor in a gilded paradise, but a
political system that could provide them with wealth, sex and power, all to be had for the taking from
the Free.

The word of Allah, as received and reported by Mohammed, is divided into two records:

c The Koran of Mecca was based on religious precepts.

^c The Koran of Medina, however, became clearly political in scope and direction.

The belief that only muslims are protected by Allah meant that non-muslims were not afforded the
usual considerations of morality, such as equality, honesty and compassion. Examples we see from

Mohammed¶s life show that non-muslims can be mocked, raped, cursed, threatened, tortured, killed,
robbed, or enslaved to advance the cause of Islam.

This dual system of ethics paved the way to jihad: {

{{   , and are
reflected in the islamic world view:

c  cnco$cubonc

In contrast, the prevailing non-muslim world view is that all people at some fundamental level are
equal, although they are not necessarily the same. Not all people are of the same ability, although all
deserve to be treated fairly, compassionately and honestly. The ultimate ethical statement is: ³Treat
others as you wish to be treated.´ In this view ³others´ and ³self´ are equal and all of humanity is to
be accorded the same consideration. This is the ideal. We frequently fail to live up to the ideal, but
that is the ideal nevertheless.

The dual ethics of islam are not as simple as a separate set of ethics for the non-muslim. What makes
political islam so effective is that it has two stages of ethics for the non-muslim. It has the ethics of the
Meccan Koran (early, religious text), and the ethics of the Medinan Koran (later, political text). Æc
cnct tct cnon-ucw 
cbutccncn$ oc Konco$c" cc
coct tc ccnc n  co$c
A c Konco$c" n . Both actions are sanctioned as sacred in the Koran. Islamic apologists
always refer to the Meccan ethics. The moderates in islam claim to dwell here, but they are truly
powerless. Factly speaking, islamic moderates are viewed more as hypocrites than believers in the eye
of the true muslims ± the jihadists. This deceptive position by muslims actually decapcitates them,
nonetheless. Moderates can be equally dangerous to a standard moral system.


Ethics are of primary importance. Ethics determine how you treat someone else. The ethic of unity is
the basis of democracy, the Declaration of Independence and the National Constitution.

Ætcwct co ncÃu ct tc ctoct c nco$c  . All civil rights were based upon the Golden
Rule. Notice this is about politics, not religion. The Golden Rule goes beyond religion.

Èc   c con ctwoct p co$c t c:cunt

Èc Ancoct  c ctwocc/ton:cc
Æ.c That based upon ethics of unity
ÆÆ.c And that based upon dualistic ethics.

This is the crux of the matter. Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, and most atheists subscribe to the
Golden Rule. A Hindu has the same ethics as a Christian. Both are workers, hold family in high
regard, and don¶t lie, cheat, or steal. Of course, some do, but they can be judged, shamed, and
condemned on the basis of the Golden Rule ethical system.

A muslim is not subject to the Golden Rule, and so does not feel shame at the suffering of the Free.
Take slavery for instance, Christians can be shamed over slavery.

Æc cc400- c to co$c 

cncuncunnnct c ct ct tcoct c
A$cnctoct c tn.c  c cnocÆccbookct tc cct c ct coc p cn c

There has never been a book written wherein a muslim recalls the historic suffering of jihad and
expresses remorse or shame.   c to co$c  ccoou. Mohammed killed and enslaved the
Free and established the ideal pattern for all muslims. Mohammed never felt remorse or shame, so a
muslim feels no remorse or shame over any suffering caused by jihad.

This lack of regret or sorrow is what should be expected of a dualistic ethical civilization.

The Free cannot unite on the basis of religion, but we are already united on the basis of an ethics of
unity. We just need to understand our common ethical ground. If we understand that we are all
members of an ethic of unity civilization, we can also unite to defend ourselves against the attack by
the dualistic ethical system of Islam.


Throughout the world, islam is perceived as a religion, but it moved quickly from strictly religious
teachings into one of the world¶s most successful political systems. Political islam has an unbroken
1400-year history and continues to spread rapidly today through immigration and population growth
as well as violence and terror. The most recent of these wars of conquest is that of the islamic regime
of Khartoum, which is actively engaged in a genocidal war against Sudanese Christians and Animists.

In its early years, the spread of islam both as a religion and as a political and military force was
explosive. Within ten years after Mohammed established an islamic city-state in Medina he had
absorbed the divided tribes of Arabia into one nation.

à ouc.c£otccÆc

Religious islam is focused on Five Pillars:


a.c Repeating the creed, ³There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his final prophet.´
b.c Praying five times a day facing in the direction of Mecca.
c.c Contributing to charity to benefit other muslims(Zakat, which the hausa Christians have
erroneously described as Zakka, i.e., the 10% or tithe).
d.c Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
e.c Going on pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in one¶s life time. ËVc

You must note: on co$ct c  c£cncu ct cnon-ccwo.cù 

cw c cc
ncub ntconccu
cco t cc ct cÝt c£
cbutct c$tc$ cpc c
 oucnc  ccpotc .

You must remember:

A.c Religious islam strictly deals with muslims.

".c Political islam is the doctrine that drives all islamic policy about the Free.

£otccut c

In the Sunna²the part of the Trilogy that records Mohammed¶s actions²jihad, slavery, killing,
and oppression are clearly considered ethical when used to advance islam. It is this ³us´ and ³them´
mentality that results in an ethical inequality, the duality, which is inherent in islam. And, according
to muslims, the laws of islam are eternal and cannot be changed, reformed or altered. It is
permanent and universal. No one has the right to amend or reform it.



 { ½ 

½   . From that viewpoint, all governments must become islamic in order to preserve
peace, because muslims can use the violence of jihad on any Free who do not submit.

Mohammed was a master of this dualistic thinking. He used the tribal jealousies and conflicts to
convert, conquer, and unite on a global scale. Populations quickly recognized that they would fare
better as muslims under islam, than as ³others,´ or unbelievers.

While the Free are unimpressed by islam¶s threats of Hell, they do care about how they are treated
ethically and legally in this plane of existence. However, islam declares that all non-muslims are
second-class citizens.

In the islamic Trilogy, the Free can be treated well only if they submit to the demands of islam. The
sacred texts of islam are adamant that the Free must submit to islam.

Ýt co$cut c

Islam has two modes of Koranic behavior²the Koran of Mecca and the Koran of Medina. In Mecca,
Mohammed was weak and islam was beginning and the Koran of Mecca is religious.



  { {

' c




Mohammed is the perfect muslim. Atc$tc cwcnc

ct nc nn
ct nco nt . Demanding
as in: if you don¶t do what islam dictates, first come the threats and then comes the violence.

So the ³good´ muslim is a Meccan muslim.

In Medina Mohammed transformed the religion of islam into a political system. Killing, theft, and
rape became sacralised. He became powerful and the koranic message changed. A barbarian follows
the koran from Medina, a Medinan muslim.

£ ½




These Koranic verses contradict each other. How do you tell which one to follow? Simple. According
to the Koran, the later verse replaces the earlier verse. And wherever there is contradiction, the later
koran of Medina abrogates (annuls or cancels) the earlier koran of Mecca. [This rule of abrogation is
given in the koran]

But knowing which verses to follow is much more complicated than that. The ³nice´ koran of Mecca
is still to be used if islam is weak in political power. When islam has the strength²force is the
answer; use the koran of Medina. All verses can be used as needed. The koran is dualistic.

The koran also establishes a different form of logic. Since the koran is both true and contradictory it
violates the normal rules of logic. In unitary logic if something is contradictory it is false. But the
koran is contradictory and true. This is dualistic logic. So islam operates under a different form of
reasoning from the rest of the world.

c c£ctc co$cÆcc£otccc

The practical outcome of this dualistic political thinking is the following:

1.c Force, pressure, demands, and violence are always options.


2.c Sharia (islamic) law must replace all other forms of law and government.
3.c Jihad must be practiced by all muslims.
4.c Jihad must be everywhere, in all aspects of private and public life in the dar al harb (land of
5.c The jihadists must imitate history¶s model of the perfect political muslim: Mohammed.

Islam is not just the faith of another immigrant group. No, political islam is here to ³islamicize´ us.
Right here on the Plateau. Right here in Nigeria. Our culture must submit to the culture of islam. That
has been islam¶s mandate towards every other culture for 1400 years, and here and now it¶s no
different. Islam is devoted to an unchanging doctrine, to follow Mohammed¶s plan until all the earth
is islamic. This goal is repeated again and again in the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith.

In short, all muslims agree with the goal; they just differ on which method of their dualistic ethics²
peaceful tactics or violent ones²is the most efficient way to reach the goal of dominance.

The political nature of islam is to control 100% of the public sphere: t cn wc 
cpo t
ct cw
ct c cout. If something is in the public domain, then
islam must control it.

Note:  tc nct cbookcocn t nc  ct tctk coutct c$un ntc tco$ct c  cc
$ob ncb c .

Political islam has another feature: it never acknowledges and never apologizes. In the last 1400 years
jihad has killed more than 270 million of the Free, yet political islam denies having killed a single
soul. Islam denies its role in slavery, even though every black slave sold to a white man was
wholesaled by a muslim. Islam has even carried on the slave trade in the 20th and 21st centuries and
has never made a single acknowledgment or apology; there is no guilt. Muslims feel shame if they fail
but never guilt about their successes in war and slavery. After all, their ethical doctrine supports all of
their positions.

ucncù c

The dualistic ethical system of the Islamic Trilogy prepares the foundation of jihad with one set of
ethics for muslims and another set of ethics for the Free. The ethics for the Free include two ways to
behave. One is to think of them as inferiors but act in a kindly way. The other is pressure, threats, and

Jihad is a unique word. Its actual meaning is struggle or effort. Islam speaks of two types²the lesser
jihad and the greater jihad. The greater jihad is spiritual effort or internal struggle, to stop smoking,

for example, or control one¶s greed. Only 3% of the Hadith refer to the greater jihad, inner struggle.
The remaining 97% are about war, the lesser jihad.

ù c

The following hadith summarizes all the key elements of jihad.


B1,7,331 "ohammed: ³I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me:

1. Allah made me victorious by awe, by His frightening my enemies for a distance of one month¶s

2. Phe earth has been made for me and for my followers a place for praying and a place to
perform rituals; therefore, anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due.

3. Phe spoils of war have been made lawful for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me.

4. I have been given the right of intercession on the Day of Resurrection.

5. ~very prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.´

Only the fourth item, the Day of Resurrection, is purely religious in nature. It tells us that the whole
world must submit to islam; nonbelievers are the enemy simply because they are not muslims. To
achieve this dominance, islam may use barbarism and violence. It may use psychological warfare,
fear, and theft. It may take the spoils of war from non-muslims. Violence and barbarism are made
sacred by the Koran. Peace comes only with submission to islam.

The story of the Trilogy culminates in the dominance of political islam through jihad. The Trilogy
teaches that islam is the perfect political system and is destined to rule the entire world. The
governments and constitutions of the world must all submit to political islam. If the political systems
of the unbelievers do not submit, then force (jihad) may be used. All jihad is defensive, since refusing
to submit to islam is an offense against Allah. All muslims must support the political action of jihad.
This may take several forms²fighting, proselytizing or contributing money.

The Trilogy lays out the complete strategy, tactics, and vision of political islam and jihad. "otco$ct c
o ccboutc owc"o  c tcwt ct o cp op cw oc cwt c  . Over half of
the Koran is about how to treat the Free. Violent political action with a religious motivation was taken
against non-muslims. Under islam, their only route to political freedom was to submit. P


{{ {

Duality of ethics was the basis for Mohammed¶s greatest single innovation²jihad. Jihad is dual ethics
with sacred violence. The key religious element of the dual ethics is that Allah sanctifies violence for
complete domination. A non-muslim must submit to Islam.

ù cc/toncc

Jihad uses every aspect of civilization as an element of war. Violence, education, fear, psychology,
sociology, sex, population, immigration, public relations, corruption, and religion are all used in jihad.
Military force and barbarism are the smallest aspects of jihad. The second reason that jihad is
civilizational war is that the purpose of jihad is to annihilate every aspect of the non-islamic
civilization.   cn c tco$cccutu cutcb co cc.

The greatest error in understanding jihad is to think of military force and barbarism. Jihad does not
have to fit the Geneva Convention¶s rules. A jihadist is a civilian in the army of Allah and can move
back and forth from soldier to citizen. Giving money to an islamic ³charity´ is jihad. Writing a letter
to the editor about how well islam treats women is jihad. Having eight muslim children is jihad.

The koran could not be clearer²every muslim is to be a jihadist. Jihad is laid out in all three of the
Trilogy texts.   ccnoccwt outc   .

Islam has been waging civilizational war for centuries. Before the muslims arrived, Egypt and North
Africa and the southern coast of the Mediterranean were Christian. There was a Buddhist monastery
in Egypt. Turkey was Buddhist and Christian. Persia²now Iran²was Zoroastrian. The Hindu culture
covered an area of the world twice as large as it is now.

When Napoleon invaded Egypt, he discovered that the muslim population knew nothing about Egypt
before islam. The 5,000-year-old culture of the Pharaohs had been annihilated. There are no Buddhists
in Afghanistan. Baghdad was once home to the oldest community of Jews in the world, brought there
as Babylonian captives. Today it is estimated that there are no more than a few dozen Jews left in
Iraq. All cultures living within the borders of islam are annihilated. People either leave, convert or die.
Languages disappear to be replaced by Arabic. There are no exceptions over time.

Once jihad has conquered a civilization, there is never another revolution. Even if the form of
government changes, it remains muslim.  con ct cc c $tcncoccup ct to c c
b ncb cu ctcwc$oc coutcb cncout c .

Ãp cc$ c

Mohammed encouraged the rape of female captives after battles. This is reported in the Sira and
Hadith and approved in the Koran. In the ethics of jihad it is not considered rape to have forced sex
with a woman as long as she is a non-muslim captive or slave. This is true even if she is married. In
the muslim world, the act is rape when committed against a muslim. Again, the dual ethics of islam
prevail. There is one rule for muslims and another for the Free.

B3,34,431 One of the captives was a beautiful Jewess, Ýafiya. Dihya had her first, but she was given
to "ohammed next.

4:24 Also forbidden to you are married women unless they are your slaves or captives.

Rape was one of Mohammed¶s tactics of conquest because it worked. Forced sex with women whose
protectors had been killed was supreme domination. If a woman is captured, raped and absorbed into
the captor¶s environment, her helplessness renders her totally compliant and her submission is
complete. To protect her children from slavery, many widows and rape victims readily agreed to
conversion and their children were raised as muslims.

Forced sex is far more than rape in political islam. It is a method of war, a tactical strike which is not
a crime or sin because it is jihad. It is practiced against the unbeliever and is sanctioned in the Trilogy
of the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith.

Rape is pure dualistic ethics, one rule for muslims and a second rule for the Free. Islamic ethics deny
the Golden Rule.

 c co$cù c

These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-muslims through the political use of jihad.

Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa. About 25 million slaves were delivered to the market.
But the wars to obtain slaves killed about 120 million, including the young, old, and sick left behind.

120 million Africans killed


The total number of Christians martyred by Islam is about 60 million.

'0 million Christians killed


{ c

The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad.

š0 million Hindus killed

0 c 'Ëc

Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is
roughly 10 million.

10 million Buddhists killed

000ck c

This gives a rough estimate of ^70conckilled by jihad.

Æ/tonco$ccutu c

The Sira gives a dynamic picture of how islam enters a culture. When Mohammed started preaching
in Mecca, he did not encounter animosity. Æcwc$tcpot cccocccontnutonco$c
t cnt cAbcc on. Then Islam claimed to be a ³brother religion´ to Judaism. Next it
became not just a better religion but the best, and all of the other religions were wrong. Islam was
publicly confrontational, attacking every aspect of the host culture. Hostility developed between islam
and the Meccan culture of religious tolerance. The Meccans tried to placate the muslims, but there
could be no compromise. Islam turned increasingly to violence that culminated in a treaty of war with
new allies in Medina.

When the muslims emigrated to Medina, they were peaceful. But when the Jews said that Mohammed
was not a prophet in the Jewish tradition, islam became hostile. Up to this point, the process of islam
in Medina was the same as in Mecca.

The muslims were very poor and there was little growth of the religion. In Medina Mohammed used
jihad to obtain money and settle old scores with the Meccans who had never submitted to islam. The
solution was political²jihad against the Meccans, the Jews, and their neighbors. By jihad, political
islam conquered all of Arabia in nine years.

 cà $oco$cÆc

When people first learn about the actual doctrine contained in the Trilogy, a frequent response is that
islam needs a reform similar to what Christianity went through over the last two centuries.

First, what does it matter if the religion reforms or not? It is the politics that produce fear.

The doctrine of islam is proclaimed to be eternal, universal, and perfect. ³Eternal´ means unchanging
and final. Mohammed is the final and last prophet of Allah. ³Universal´ means that is applies to the
entire world and ³perfect´ means that the doctrine needs no change.

A huge problem with proposing islamic reformation is the amount of political doctrine in the Trilogy.
About 67% of the Koran of Mecca deals with punishing unbelievers for merely disagreeing with
Mohammed. Over 50% of the Koran of Medina deals with hypocrites and jihad against unbelievers.
Nearly 75% of the Sira deals with jihad. About 20% of the Hadith by Bukhari is about jihad.

You must note:

Mc  c ot co$ct cccoctn ccpotccnctccco nt.c c

Mc à onct coctn cwouc to
Mc   ccnoccwt
Mc   ccnocuc ct ncccpu  c ouc.c

And what body of Islam has the authority to reform it? There is no such authority. Some group of
muslims might decide to drop all of the violent and oppressive political doctrine, but what authority
would they have to tell any other muslim to follow them?

Why would any muslim want reform? Demographic jihad (immigration and high birth rates) will
cause Europe to be islamic in less than a century. Islam is winning. Why reform a winner? Oh!
Plateau people hear and wake up. Oh! Nigerians, you are in deep trouble until you hate islam.

Æcc t cownctoct c tcctonco$c$ cncn . This vast quantity of detail allows
very little room for interpretation or change, let alone reformation.

There is the matter of islamic dualistic ethics. How do you reform the ethical system that is at the core
of islam?

And lastly, islam discourages criticism of another muslim or the doctrine. There is no self-criticism of
islam, nor is it needed. How can there be reform without self-criticism?

The doctrine of islam cannot be reformed any more than a triangle can be reformed by changing the
number of sides. It is logically impossible. Islamic doctrine is defined as unchanging and beyond
reform. The Koran is perfect and eternal. Mohammed is the final prophet and the ideal model for all
humanity for all times. Phe reformation of political islam is logically impossible due to the way the
doctrine is defined.

 cà cÆcc

What is the real Islam? Radical Islam? Fundamentalist Islam? Moderate Islam? Meccan Islam?
Medinan Islam? There is only one islam. Æcck ccnbow. Those who argue that the real
islam is moderate or that the real islam is fundamentalist are like those who would say that a rainbow
is red or green. A rainbow is not red, not green. No, a rainbow is all the colors. Islam is peaceful and
violent. You can no more remove the aggression than you can remove the red from the rainbow. The
islamic political doctrine always has two choices because political islam is profoundly dualistic.

The real islam is the doctrine found in the Trilogy of Koran, Sira, and Hadith.

Knowcu  c

Therefore I say, ³Know the enemy and know yourself. In a hundred battles you will never be in
peril´(Sun Tsu, Phe Art of War).

 oc ct c  cc

The Free are those who are free of Mohammed and Allah. The Free are condemned to islamic hell
because we don¶t accept Mohammed as any kind of prophet or leader. We are the dhimmis, the
slaves, and the slain of every continent.

ct c  c ct cnont
ct cunknown
cnct c$  t n .c c cnontcboutc
t c^70conck cnct cn co$cA .


.c Almost none of our diplomats and ³experts´ have ever read any of the Trilogy, nor
were they taught the doctrine of political islam in college.
b.c Jews and Christians do not know about the Arabian Annihilation (the elimination of
all Jews and Christians from Arabia).
c.c People don¶t know that white women were the slaves of choice among muslims for
1400 years.

.c Our media and intellectuals do not acknowledge rape of the Free as a weapon of war.
.c Christians don¶t realize that they lost half their territory and 60 million people to
islam in Turkey, Syria, and North Africa.
$.c Political islam destroyed half of Hindu culture.
.c Political islam annihilated most of Buddhist culture.
.c Islam destroyed all of the native religious culture of Africa in islamic areas. 'šc
.c The theory and history of jihad are not taught in any military academy, Foreign
Service school, or law enforcement school.
.c The heat against the Plateau people intensifies every one second in form of
propaganda, threats, barbarism, etc. yet, many still play the indifferent attitude.
k.c Nigeria is passing through its last lap of islamization using the useful idiots to get this
done without a tint of knowing.
.c The so-called Christian politicians are stooges in the hands of muslims and no one
cares to understand it.
.c There is no political future for the Free in Nigeria, a thing that must compel us for a
rethink. Use politics and islam becomes the most prominent. Destroy politics and
islam loses its all.
n.c Islam is against you. You only! Getting you is getting the next, and next, and next.
And Plateau is gone! And Nigeria becomes n Ab!
o.c I cry out! The politicians/politics have failed us and made us far cheaper in the hands
of the jihadists. The military has aided and abetted the spread of islam far more under
its draconian tyrancy. The religious body has imbibed all kinds machinations to
render us helpless, thoughtless, directionless and u $ucot (dhimmis). What last
option does the Plateau man have? What last option does Nigeria have? Above all,
what last option do you have? This last response is the most important. You! You!!
p.c There is no hope for any democracy in Nigeria or even Plateau State in the face of
islamism. We need our own ideology. I simply mean the Plateau ideology. This alone
will work out deliverance from the pangs and fangs of the islamic ideology.
.c Islam is far from being a religion of truth. Islam is a hoax. It is hallucination of a sick
mind and nothing but lies and deceits.

These facts about political islam are like an elephant at a tea party. It¶s not the elephant that is weird;
what is weird is that no one refers to it.

What is significant about the Free, non-muslim, response to islam is the same: we have done nothing;
we know nothing. It is this ³nothing´ that must be explained.

 cAcc ptnc co$cÆnonc c

We know more about Mars than we do political islam. Mohammedans have been killing, enslaving,
and raping for 1400 years and we ignore it. Why don¶t we even know we are ignorant? Denial.
Profound denial.

We accept violence and fear from islam. Any author who writes a book critical of islam can share
Salman Rushdie¶s fate²a death sentence handed down by islamic clerics. We don¶t protest. We show
no outrage. How can we have come to this? Have we no sense of decency left? No honor? No shame?
No common sense?

"o ttonco$ct c"nc

The Free, non-muslims, accept violence and threats from islam without protest. This acceptance of
violence is the sign of a profoundly molested psyche. The Free are like the battered wife and molested
child of islam.

[o ntco ttonccnccu c n .

Islam¶s explosive jihad destroyed half of Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Now let¶s look at
what manifests after violent molestation. The YWCA Rape Crisis Counselor Praining "anual shows
the following reactions are common among victims of rape and child molestation:

1.c Disbelief: the victim has an incredibly hard time believing that the attacks took place.

The media reports very little of the jihad around the world and never connects the dots between the
violent events.

2.c Fear: fear is the tool that the abuser uses to control the victim.

Islam has used fear against the Free since day one. The first person Mohammed had assassinated was
an artist who mocked him. Any public critic of islam lives in fear.

3.c Fear the attacker will return. When will the next attack occur?
4.c Guilt: the victim finds a way to blame himself/herself.

It is our fault. We have not treated islam in the right way.

5.c Branded: the victim does not want others to find out about the crime.

We do not teach the history of a million Europeans taken as slaves by islam. We do not teach the
history of the jihad against Hindus, Christians, or Buddhists.

6.c Humiliation: the victim feels shamed. Phe things that led to the abuse are hard to talk about.

The victims of jihad in the American immigrant community do not want to talk about the brutality
that made them flee to America. Survivors are not bold. They are a beaten people.
ƒ c

7.c ôack of control: during the attack the victim was helpless. Phis helplessness extends to
dealing with the problem.

Where is the person who is optimistic about what can be done to deal with political Islam?

8.c Anger: anger toward the attacker can be healthy. But frequently the anger turns inward.

Notice the rage and hatred in politics since 9/11. Everything is personal, hateful, mean, and spiteful.
We don¶t discuss ideas; we assassinate character.

9.c £owerlessness: things will not get better.

Pessimism about dealing with islam is the note of the day.

10.cPhe Abuser

The traits and characteristics of the abuser are well documented.

11.cDenial: the abuser denies that the abuse ever took place.

Muslims do not acknowledge any of the crimes committed in the name of Islam. Anyone killed by
jihad was killed in self-defense.

12.cInadequacy: Abusers are arrogant and overly selfconfident.

Islam is never wrong. Muslims are the best of people according to the Koran.


The word islam means ³submit.´ The abuser expects submission on the part of the victim, the Free.

14.cInability to understand or recognize the problem: the abuser is the last person to admit he has
a problem.

Islam has never accepted any responsibility for its 1400 year history of slavery.

15.c"anipulation: the abuser wants to make the victim feel guilty.

Islam is presented as the victim. As an example, all of the Palestinians¶ problems are caused by Israel.

16.cObsessed with weapons ƒc

Have you ever noticed all the swords on islamic flags and seals? The AK-47 rifle is a symbol of

17.cChristians as Islam¶s "olested Children

The Free are all like molested children. Can we say that we fit the profile? Let¶s look at islam¶s
children one at a time and see how they manifest their abuse.

Political islam used a sword to take over Syria, Egypt, North Africa, the Levant, and Turkey. Before
jihad all of this territory was predominately orthodox Christian. The victims could convert or become
dhimmis. (A dhimmi is a semi-slave. Dhimmis had no civil rights and paid special taxes.) This is still
going on today. Over 2,000,000 Christians were killed and enslaved in Sudan in the 20th century

What has the rest of Christianity had to say about the slaughter of the orthodox Christians? Phe great
stain on Western Christianity is its denial of the suffering of its Orthodox and African brothers and
sisters in Christ at the hands of the muslims.

If you¶re a Christian, do you know what happened to the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in Paul¶s
letters? They were all destroyed by political islam.

Christians are the abused children of islam, due to their denial of suffering and apologies for islam.

1š.c Jews as Islam¶s "olested Children

When you read the muslim accounts of jihad today it is very clear that jihad is happening in Israel,
Iraq, Kashmir, Sudan²but the Jews don¶t see it that way. They just have a ³Palestinian problem,´ not

Mohammed took the Jews¶ god and children, murdered, enslaved, assassinated, and raped them. He
exiled them, took their wealth, and then made the remaining Jews work the land that he stole from
them. They also had to give him half of their profits. The Jews were the first dhimmis, semi-slaves.

The Jews have amnesia about the islamic destruction of the Jews in Arabia. The amnesia extends to
life as a dhimmi under islam. They were the best second-class citizens in all of islam and willingly
submitted. Many Jewish intellectuals are the chief apologists for islam today. Jews are the molested
children of islam.

19.cHindus as Islam¶s "olested Children


In the first 6,000 years of Hindu culture, there was never a religious war. In about 1000 AD islam
started its massive killing, rape, theft, and cultural annihilation. Half the Hindu civilization was
destroyed by islamic imperialism.

In 1977, 2,000,000 Bengalis were murdered and 100,000 Hindu women raped. There are regular
jihadic killings in the Kashmir region of India today.

Gandhi, the Hindu saint, showed himself to be a dhimmi in the partition of India. Much of India¶s
muslim politics come from Gandhi¶s idealistic pacifism and will result in the final collapse of India.

Most Hindus don¶t want to talk about political islam and struggle to make Gandhi¶s pacifism work.
Hindus are in a state of denial and are another of islam¶s molested children.

20.cBuddhists as Islam¶s "olested Children

Buddhist cultures do not survive when attacked. As a result, Buddhism is a very small religion.
Buddhism would be the world¶s second largest religion if it could resist aggression.

The first Western Buddhism was in what is now Afghanistan. The Buddhism in Afghanistan was
practiced by Greeks who had come with Alexander the Great. There was also a strong Buddhist
presence in Turkey and a Buddhist monastery in Alexandria, Egypt.

At one time the entire silk route was Buddhist. Political islam struck and killed each and every
pacifistic Buddhist. But do Buddhists remember? No. Do they want to know? No.

Currently islam is destroying Buddhism in the Himalayas and mountainous areas northwest of India,
in Bangladesh, and southeast Asia. Western Buddhists neither know nor care about this loss of Asian
Buddhist culture. Knowing about it would only produce a helplessness since Buddhism limits what
can be done against islam or any other aggressor. In the political arena, Buddhists are all compassion
and no wisdom.

Buddhists are profound deniers of jihad. Their pacifism will lead to the annihilation of Buddhism.

21.cIntellectuals as Islam¶s "olested Children

Since day one, the Western intellectual has been ineffectual in resisting islam. The roots of Western
thought about islam are found in the rapid conquest of half of Western culture 1400 years ago. Jihad
exploded when the Roman/Byzantine empire was in decay. The West, weak and enfeebled, reeled
from overwhelming shock when its culture was destroyed, creating a foundation of fear and denial.
This fear manifested in the failure of the Western intellectual to even name the enemy. When you read
early Western accounts of that time, you never read of islam or jihad. All references are to Arabs,
Turks, and Moors. There was never a real understanding of political islam¶s foundations.


In the late 18th century scholars studied a weakened islam that was exotic and romantic. Modern
historians show no horror at islam¶s bloodshed, rape, enslavement, and destruction of cultures.
History almost seems written with the assistance of opiates; all the victims¶ suffering is vague. The
intellectuals are disconnected and in total denial. The Western attitude towards islam results from an
intellectual molestation.

In Foreign Affairs and other intellectual journals, the analysis of islamic politics is devoid of any
reference to the foundational documents of islam, the history of jihad, and islamic foreign policy. All
the analysis is purely Western in nature and completely disregards the core values of islamic politics.
The only intellectual criticism is self-criticism, never criticism of political islam.


Why have intellectuals sliced and diced the Bible and Christ but uttered nary a critical word about the
Koran and Mohammed? Where is the technical and systemic analysis of the Koran as though it is just
another historical document? Find one critical paper of thought about islam at Harvard. Why are all
university opinions of islam written or vetted by muslim scholars?


Every single artist and intellectual who opposed Mohammed was killed or fled Arabia. Intellectuals in
both Europe and America have been threatened and murdered. Theo van Gogh, Pim Fortuyn, Salman
Rushdie, the Danish Mohammed cartoonists and others are forgotten victims.

How refreshing it would be if even one college professor or media writer ever hinted that this type of
action was wrong. How remarkable it would be if media criticized the islamic threatening and killing
of intellectuals. The Mohammed cartoon riots showed how afraid intellectuals are of islam. They are

willing to do anything to appease the abuser. If islam objects to political cartoons then the media will
find some imagined high moral ground in submitting to islam¶s demands to end freedom of the press.

The intellectuals of the Free are the molested children of islam who deny the history of islam and are
ignorant of the doctrine of political islam.

25.cBlacks as Islam¶s "olested Children

The accepted history of race in the U.S. is that white men captured Africans, brought them to the U.S.
and sold them as slaves. Wrong. When the white slavers showed up on the west coast of Africa, they
didn¶t capture Africans. They looked them over in the pens, gave the African slave traders their
money, got their bills of sale, and loaded their purchases into boats.

The African slave traders were muslims. Their ancestors had been plying the trade of war, capture,
enslavement, and sale for a thousand years. Mohammed was a slave trader. Long after the white slave
traders quit, the muslims continued their African slave trade up into the 21st century.

26.cÝacred Ýlavery

Islam is very clear about slavery. Mohammed was a slave trader and the survivors of jihad were war
booty. The Hadith contains a full legal and philosophic system of slavery. The Hadith have many
sacred examples of how the slaves were traded and what was done with the children, women
(frequently raped), and men who survived. Muslims took slaves from all cultures.

Arabs have many words for slave. But Arabs have only one word for blacks²abid. The word serves
for both black slave and African. Islam has another word for white slaves²mamluk. Abcc c
o cwoc$oc ct ncn cot cnu .

Slavery is a constant image in the Koran and the Hadith. Mohammed called himself and his followers
slaves of Allah. One of the most common Arab names is Abdullah, slave of Allah, Mohammed¶s
father¶s name.

What about modern Africa? How can black leaders not see what is happening as islam carries out its
sacred violence? Why aren¶t the black columnists, writers, professors, or ministers speaking out?
They are in total denial. They are the molested children of islam.

The one thing whites and blacks have in common is that their ancestors were enslaved by islam, and
both are too ashamed to admit it. Molested black and white children of islam²a secret shame.

27. Our Ignorance

Blacks, whites, Christians, Jews, atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, artists, intellectuals, animists, and now
the Plateau people, have all been brutalized by jihad and political islam. Their reactions have all been
identical to that of an abused child. Each and every one denies the events, refuses to teach the history,
are profoundly ashamed, and try to placate the abuser²islam. The doctrine of political islam is not
taught in any institution. Each group of victims knows almost nothing about the other¶s suffering.

All are afraid and even more afraid to admit it.

People from a culture with an ethics of unity find it almost impossible to understand islam with its
dualistic ethics.

2š.c Dhimmitude

Today the formal political status of dhimmi (a semi-slave who serves islam or remains loyal to islam
at the expense of one¶s conscience) has been replaced by dhimmitude, the intellectual submission to

One dhimmi characteristic is to try to make the situation with islam better. This is done by completely
denying current events and arguing that islam can be reformed or is not really so bad.

Another characteristic of the dhimmi is to attack those who should be allied with him against political
islam. This is just one example: when Hindus are talking about jihad, they will frequently start to
criticize Christians. But Hindus cannot survive political islam without Christians as allies.

Historically, a dhimmi was forbidden to study the Koran. The chief mark of dhimmitude today is
ignorance of the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith.

Politicians, intellectuals, and media never mention the political doctrine in the Trilogy. The media
discusses islam in terms of political correctness and multiculturalism. History courses don¶t teach
about the civilizational annihilation due to jihad. Black history doesn¶t refer to the 120,000,000
Africans destroyed over 1400 years of jihadic predation that fed the slave trade up to today. Religious
leaders placate imams in public gatherings and have no knowledge what the imam actually thinks of
them or their religion. Political thinkers do not even know that political islam exists.

 cpob cwt ct cnonc cct tcouc  c cunb ctoc pcu.c cocnotc
un tnct tccccc/toncb cuponct c co$cucw  
couc c/tonc

cb cuponct c co$ct c t cco$cunt .cucnt  ctuccnnotc pncw tct c
$$  nc c c ntcnct cptcocw tctcwc nc$ocouc$utu .

In order for our civilization to survive, our leaders must understand the Trilogy and its impact. They
must learn to think outside the politically correct, multicultural box of our media and universities.
They must learn to connect the dots and see the systemic pattern of events based upon the Trilogy.
The events of 9/7-9/2001, 11/28/2008, 01/17-19, etc. all here on the Plateau, and 9/11 in the USA, the
Mohammed cartoon riots, the London bombings, beheadings in Baghdad, the death fatwah against
Salman Rushdie, and the killing of Daniel Pearl are all based upon the Trilogy. Know the Trilogy.
Know islam.

29.c Phe Good "uslim

Here is the theory of the ³good´ muslim. There are good muslims and extremist muslims. You can¶t
judge islam by a few extremists or even a lot of terrorists.

There are 1.3 billion muslims. If you are going to measure islam by individuals you will have to meet
and talk with a lot of them, not just the handful you may know. ow  
ct coctn cct c c
  w  cncccontntco ct .c  cuccncnt p tct coctn cct c c$t
uc$$ .c"utcnct c n
c   cucc ncb ct coctn .

It is the whole of islam that we must measure. Even in Mohammed¶s day of full jihad, only some of
the muslims were out killing, stealing, raping, assassinating, slaving, kidnapping, and terrorizing.
Others were back at home, doing whatever one does at home.

It has never been that every muslim was a jihadist. But at any time that is always an option. Jihad is
always an option for every muslim.

But let¶s talk about Ahmed, the good muslim you work with. Ahmed is a professional engineer. He
says that terrorists are not real muslims. His wife does not wear a burka.

So yes, Ahmed, the professional engineer at work, is a nice man. Where he differs from the nice
Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist, however, is that Ahmed has another ethical option open at
all times.

ot ct tccoocucccon c4ct cnct cKonctoc  b ct tccuccnotc

ctu cc$ nctoct c  . oct c t ntct tcA  cc ouc$ n
c ccnotccu.coct c
t ntct tcA  cccu
c ccnotc ouc$ n.cA$t c
c ouc c .

3:2š Believers should not take unbelievers as friends in preference to other believers. Phose who do
this will have none of Allah¶s protection and will only have themselves as guards. Allah warns you to
fear Him for all will return to Him.

Mohammed is the perfect model for a muslim. Mohammed¶s uncle adopted him, raised him, taught
him the trade of being a businessman, and protected him from harm. But his uncle never converted
and Mohammed cursed him to Hell when he would not convert on his deathbed. Mohammed would
be friendly to try to convert or get a favor, but he never, ever favored a non-muslim over a muslim. He
was never an actual friend to a kafir.

At any time that it is needed to advance islam, Ahmed may be deceitful. He will give money to
islamic charities that fund jihad. In political matters he will always come down on the side of islam.
And he will say that a terrorist is not a real muslim. But according to the doctrine of political islam
both the terrorist and Ahmed are real muslims.

The same person can use either the Koran of Mecca or the Koran of Medina when needed. Islam will
now and forever contain ³good´ muslims who are kind and ³bad´ muslims who are oppressive and
confrontational. The dualistic doctrine of the Trilogy does not allow just ³good´ muslims.

Within the secret heart of every ³good´ muslim is the Koran of Medina and jihad. Ahmed¶s constant
desire is to be more like Mohammed, who never had a non-muslim friend. Ahmed will always be one
of those ³moderate´ muslims who do not rise up and condemn or ³rat out´ the terrorists. And at all
times and in all ways, Ahmed will support islamization of our culture.

This problem of friendship is at the heart of the evil of dualistic ethics. Those who follow the Golden
Rule, the ethics of unity, find this hard to understand. The Free just cannot believe that someone with
dualistic ethics is only being friendly, not a real friend. Ahmed, the person, may actually be your
friend. But, Ahmed, the muslim, is forbidden to be your true friend.

30.c Phe Near ~nemy

We have two sets of enemies:

.c  c$c n  cct cpotcco$

b.c  cn c n  c ct c cpoot
c$u  cb cnonc
potccco ctn .

Our universities present islamic history as a glorious triumph. Humanity¶s greatest moment came in
the islamic golden age. The Crusades were Western evil. Cultural self-loathing manifests in showing

the history of the West as oppression and islam is liberating. Women¶s oppression under islam is
seldom discussed in feminist classes. Israel is condemned and jihadists are presented as ³freedom
fighters´. Christianity is criticized, Islam is praised.

The news media rarely publishes anything about the Islamic doctrine. Most islamic terror is never
mentioned. The dots are never connected. Each event of islamic violence is seen on its own and never
as part of a pattern. The media love to follow up any bad news about Islam with Muslims speaking
³nice´ about islam.

The near enemy finds good reasons not to publish Mohammed cartoons, and find reasons to feel good
about being a dhimmi. The near enemy enforces a public policy of political correctness and
multiculturalism that declares criticism of islam to be racist.

a.c £acifism

Our near enemies have a solution for islam. War is evil and causes suffering. If you treat people well,
they will treat you well. This is a logical fallacy. That is true, if and only if, they also follow the
Golden Rule.

So if the Golden Rule inspires you to be non-violent, and if the person you are dealing with also
practices the Golden Rule, all is fine. But if the other person doesn¶t follow the Golden Rule, then
they can take advantage of you.

For instance, Buddhist strictly followed the Golden Rule when islam invaded. Pacifism allowed islam
to destroy all of Buddhism in Central Asia.

Pacifism in the face of political islam will annihilate the culture of the Free as well.

Politics is a matter of perception. What pacifists don¶t know is that islam does not see them as kind
and reasonable people, but as dhimmis. Dhimmis are indistinguishable from pacifists. They both
submit to islam.

ÆcAct cc"c$occ

Let¶s define the situation:

.c Islam has a dualistic ethical system that denies the equality of humanity.
^.c It divides the entire world into believers and non-believers and has different rules for each.
3.c Islam has an eternal, universal mandate to annihilate all other political systems.

4.c Intimidation, demands, and violence may be used against the Free.
5.c Over 270,000,000 of the Free have been killed by political islam.
6.c Over half of Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism have been annihilated by political islam.
7.c Islam cannot be reformed.
8.c Compromise is only a step towards dhimmitude.
.c There is no compromise that is logically possible between dualistic ethics and ethics of unity. ƒVc
There is no halfway point between honesty and deceit, freedom and slavery, equality and
0.cSo the choice is
1.c between submission and annihilation
2.c Or war and freedom
3.c Being dhimmitudes,
4.c Or a slow death, since every dhimmi population becomes slamic over time.
.cTo preserve our ethical civilization we must defeat political islam.

The question is: how shall we conduct this war?


What is of supreme importance in war is to attack your enemy¶s strategy(Sun Tsu, Phe Art of

cAccÃ"AÆc Ãc

a.c "oral £urpose

Before we discuss strategy, we must declare our moral purpose. Our moral purpose is to defend the
very existence of the culture of the Golden Rule, an ethical civilization, from the 1400-year assault by
the dualistic ethics of political islam. We must stop the continued killing of the Free, the enslavement
of humanity and the spread of barbarism by islam. Plateau must be defended! And what about

b.c Phe Ýituation

Islam represents 20% of the world¶s population and is growing. Islam is united, has a vision, a
strategy, and successful tactics. Thus islam had remained tremendously dangerous amidst maimings,
massacres, pogroms, raping, looting, genocide, etc. under different names these 1400 years! And even
with these rapid progressive negative developments on the Plateau most of us are still unsure whether

these real, programmed, determined ugly exterminations of the µinfidels¶ are true. Indifference
permeats the air! The products and by-products of this are:

Mc Political correctness and multi-culturalism rule our world.

Mc Our government will not help in this war and instead gives aid and comfort to the ³minority´
š c
Mc Our government is staffed by multiculturalists who will give every edge to muslims.
Mc Our universities have been occupied by the Muslim Brotherhood(the active jihadists) and the
dhimmi(useful idiots), myopic, politically ignorant, apologetics, etc.

How can we make head way? Let our ideology drives us on.

The  (µinfidels¶, non-muslims, unbelievers, or kafirs) are divided into Christian, Jew, Hindu,
Buddhist, atheist, conservative, and liberal. Each of the divisions has further divisions. The relations
between the groups are marked by historical rivalries and hatreds. No group comprehends the
suffering of others at the hands of islam.

So not only do none of the victims know their own story, they do not know the story of the others.

The muslims have a great momentum. They are taking over by birth and immigration. We have fewer
children while muslims have huge families. Osama bin Laden has 53 children. Demographic statistics
show that France will become islamic in the year 2020. Run the population numbers. In 2018, what
will be the position of islam on the Plateau? In Nigeria?

Æcknowcucw  . Islam knows our:

.c to cc
^.c Ý c tc  cc
3.c à c
4.c t cc
5.c  kn  cc
6.c Anconcc

 c  contcknowcn t ncboutcÆ . We may fear and dislike it but that is just ³feelings´,
not knowledge. Our so-called experts (none of whom know the actual doctrine of political islam)
make apologies and tell us that all of islam¶s problems are caused by our poor governmental policies.

We are filled with cultural self-loathing, demoralized, fatalistic, nihilistic, too fat, and too rich.
(Wealthy people are weak at war, they have too much to protect.) We have lost the mind of war and
feel that ³peace´ is the moral high ground. We are pacifists in the face of jihad. Our artists praise the
virtues of peace with no knowledge about what happens when peaceful people are vanquished. Now
the jihadists take that advantage and made threats and timidity fill hearts and minds. Even the air is
affected. Many have either gone into hiding or compromised their statuses.

c.c A Ýtrategy for the Weak

At this stage of our intellectual and emotional development, our strategies are limited. We are too
weak and divided to attack islam.

Islam is united and we are individuals. Since an individual cannot beat a community, we must

.c Build a community,

^.c Become ideologically active,
3.c And know who our allies are.

We are ignorant and must learn the doctrine of political islam, the far enemy. We must know the

The thought of actually attacking Islam is too frightening at this stage of the game. But we can attack
the near enemy, Islam¶s allies.

So we have a slogan for our opening strategy: "uccount .cKnowct c$c n  .cAttckct c
n c n  .

"ucount c

We must form ourselves into a community whose only purpose is to preserve and save our ethical
civilization. We must make ourselves conscious of who we are or we will lose.

When the Orthodox church in Bethlehem was destroyed by the Palestinian jihadists in 2002, no one
protested. The American Christians did not protest, the Hindus did not protest, the Jews not protest,
nor did the news media protest.

But when a mosque in Iraq got hit by American fire, everyone knew it. All of islam protested, along
with their apologist allies. Why? The muslims are organized. The Free do not even know who they

This must change.

1.c Web site community

We have hundreds of Web sites that speak out against islam. Each stands alone. These must become a
part of a larger community.

The different sites have links to other sites, but each site is an island unto itself. Imagine that all of the
anti-islamic sites were members of a community that used a list-serve to link up all the sites. In this
way, Web site owners could communicate among themselves. We could mobilize, focus, and
coordinate tactics during special times such as the Mohammed cartoon attacks.

There are articles and information that could be published at the same time on many Web sites. For
instance, if this pamphlet were to be spread by the site list-serve to all the other sites, then it could be
read simultaneously across the globe. There is a much better strategic impact from speed across a
broad front. Also, simultaneous publishing allows a security. It would be difficult to find the origin
and it would not be practical to hack all the sites.

And who knows what else can happen as site owners communicate with each other?

2.c £ersonal community

We must know more people from our own neighborhoods and groups. At this time most people
personally know only a few people from church or another social group who are working in some way
against Islam. If you want to meet someone else from your town how would you do it?

We must use the Web so that we can easily meet people from our cities and neighborhoods. If we are
a writers, scholars, translators, truckers, Christians, or jihad history buffs, we need a way to form
personal communities.

All of these personal communities can be started using the Web to find each other.

3.c Phe Ýwarm Community


We Free usually act as individuals, but we must have ways to unite and attack as a pack or swarm.
Islam does this with great effect. When they need e-mails or phone calls, they use the Islamic
community, not individuals.

Swarm software would link a community of intellectual warriors with projects. As an example, a
project could be to protest the way an event was portrayed in news media.

4.c Ideological community

You feel helpless and afraid. Everything about the way our government deals with political islam
seems wrong, but no one in the media or government will provide guidance on how to protect our
very civilization.

Multi-culturalism says that even wanting to preserve your culture is biased thinking. Political
correctness says that any talk about islam that is negative or judgmental is hate speech or racist.

We really don¶t even know exactly what it is we are losing, but we are losing. We are losing a war
that we are not allowed to speak of.

We must form a grass-roots political community. We need ways to teach people what is happening
with islam in every area of our lives. Education, politics, customs, medicine, art, law, and funding will
all have demands on them to be more islamic.

On a national level Saudi Arabia and other islamic nations spend billions of dollars each year to
spread islam in the U.S. And what do we have to oppose this multi-billion dollar political organization
with a 40-year head start? All we have is a few volunteers with no budget and no support.

Who is going to win?

We must develop national organizations that can support local politics. We must lobby about national
issues such as immigration and the massive Federal welfare programs for muslims.

This means money. We must move from amateur status to professional status through fund-raising.

5.c Friends and Allies

The Free are divided with many historical rivalries. Hindus dislike Christians who try to convert them.
The rift between Jews and Christians is an old one. The Left is plagued by cultural self-loathing and
disdain of Christians. The Left and the Right would rather savage each other that deal with a common

enemy. Such is the nature of humanity. This is no problem, except for one thing: these rivalries
prevent us from working together against our enemy, political islam.

We must see the difference between a friend and an ally. We don¶t have to be friends. We don¶t even
have to like each other. America and Russia were allies during World War II, but were never friends.
We worked together for a common cause.

Let¶s take a real life example from the viewpoint of a Hindu. The Dalai Lama went to see the Pope at
the Vatican in 2006 to talk about islam. This was after the Pope had quoted a Byzantine priest who
criticized islam as being violent. Islam responded by rioting and killing.

Now the Dalai Lama is viewed as a friend by Hindus and the Pope is one of the hated Christians. But
the Dalai Lama told the Pope that he should not stir up the muslims and those ³mischievous´ jihadists.
Mischievous? That is what you call a child who deliberately does something wrong. But for the Dalai
Lama, killing and raping a nun is called ³mischievous´. The Dalai Lama is a dhimmi and the near

So, in actual fact, the Dalai Lama is a friend to the Hindus and an ally of Islam. The Pope is not a
friend of the Hindus, but he is an ally against islam.

We need to realize that islam will destroy the Dalai Lama, the Pope, and the rest of us. We must
become allies or our civilization of the Free will be annihilated like the Hindu civilization in Pakistan
or the Christian civilization in Turkey.

'.c Phe Ambassadors

To heal our rivalries, we need to develop Ambassadors. An Ambassador is armed with the truth about
the doctrine of political Islam and its history of annihilation. They also know every groups¶ secret
shame. An Ambassador represents one group to another for the purpose of making alliances between
rival groups of Free.

Ambassadors set up frank discussions, not dialogs, between groups to strengthen alliances. If
friendships are established, fine, but making allies is the point.

7.c Know the Far ~nemy

There is one solid, simple ground on which to discuss islam²its political doctrine as found in the
Trilogy. It has many tactical advantages.

a)c Its facts can¶t be challenged or denied. Any arguments based upon doctrine can¶t be
trumped. You can speak with absolute confidence.
b)c By definition, the doctrine is the real islam.
c)c The actual doctrine has now been made simple and is easily learned.
d)c Islam never deviates from its ³playbook´ doctrine. Hence, it is easy to understand
what they do and what they will do next. šËc
e)c You are bigot-proof. This entire work is based upon political doctrine. Not one
muslim is criticized.
f)c You can¶t be called a bigot in saying what Mohammed did and discussing politics.
g)c The facts of the doctrine are shocking and repulsive.
h)c You can win any debate with an apologist or muslim by constantly returning to the
doctrine. As long as you discuss doctrine you are winning. So when the apologist
discusses how bad the policies of the Free are, how bad Christians are, or how they
know a ³good´ muslim; bring the talk back to the doctrine. You win.
i)c The doctrine gives us the accurate language instead of multicultural, politically
correct, media language.
š.c Phe Doctrine £roject

The doctrine of political islam is not common knowledge. How can we come to common solutions if
we don¶t have common knowledge?

We must master the doctrine ourselves. It gives great power in thinking strategically and tactically.
Knowing the doctrine makes you a powerful debater and teacher.

We need to sponsor training sessions for ourselves. Some people can learn from reading alone, but
others need a group to assist them. The trainings must also include how to use argument and
persuasion to defend our civilization.

9.c Ýpreading the Doctrine

We must use the islamic political doctrine to our advantage. We must put the doctrine in front of:

.c pnont c  c

.c pnonck cnct c cncun t cc
.c "t
cwc n$oc  ntcncnt  nc co$$c c
.c "o cncot cct conct c bc
.c t copnonck c

This list divides itself into those we need to see in person and those we can reach by e-mail or phone.
Opinionated leaders fall into the category of personal visitation. Committees must contact and educate
officials about the doctrine of political islam. We should set a goal of a meeting with every
Congressman, Senator, and every governor. At the meeting we should express our fear of political
Islam and our fear of officials¶ ignorance of Islam. The ignorance can be eliminated by reading the
books detailing the doctrine. š'c

Others should be contacted by e-mail or letter and given a chance to receive the gift of books detailing
the doctrine of political mslam and its history.

We must let Mohammed speak for himself to the leaders, officials, and others.

10.c Phe Curriculum £roject

Our public officials, diplomats, military, and the media are all advised and trained by the Middle East
experts in our universities. The ideology of the universities is driven by explaining everything about
islam by its reaction to us. The political doctrine of Islam is never used to explain what is happening
or predict what will happen.

A computer search of a dozen universities that have Middle East degree programs showed that not
one degree program teaches the political doctrine of islam. Their graduates study Arabic language,
Arabic literature, architecture, and history. This is illogical. A graduate of these programs can advise
officials and never have the slightest clue as to what motivates islam.

But one of the things that motivates our university elites is race and money. It goes like this: about 30
years ago Saudi Arabia started pouring money into our top universities. They funded chairs, gave
donations to the departments, and built buildings. But then came demands. Islamic departments must
not be headed by white, non-muslim scholars. So muslim scholars became the ideological drivers in
the university system. And the professors deferred in all ideological demands. They serve islam as
self-loathing dhimmis.

So whatever islam wants, islam gets at Harvard and other universities. We are betrayed. Many of the
universities are the near enemy.

Every act and word by islam starts with the Koran and the Sunna. It is impossible to ever understand
islam without knowing its view and motivation. So it follows that the doctrine of political islam must
be added to the knowledge-base that is required of every.

We must create and implement curriculums at courageous schools that will teach a program based
upon the actual doctrine of islam. We must educate students who can debate and write based upon the
islamic Trilogy. We must dominate the market place of ideas and produce young minds that are not

This would be a rigorous academic curriculum. Graduates could read Arabic, know the Koran, Sira,
and Hadith. The history of the islamic conquest of the universal ethical civilization would be studied.
They would know the suffering of the dhimmi. Since they must be warriors, they must also study
writing, speaking, logic, and persuasion.

11.c Curriculum at £ublic Ýchools

Every public school textbook that mentions Islamic history has been vetted by CAIR (a Hamas ³civil
rights´ organization). To counter this we must lobby to have the history of the victims of jihad and
dhimmitude be added to textbooks. We must let the pain of our ancestors be known.

12.c Ýlavery and Curriculum

Every slave sold in America was wholesaled out of an islamic slave system that had been in existence
a thousand years before they started selling Africans to the Europeans. And islam enslaved a million

All of this history must be added to the public school curriculum. Islam must bear the historical
burden that it deserves.

13.c Women¶s Ýtudies

Islam has a large body of doctrine about how to subjugate women. However, feminist studies never
take a critical look at the doctrine. We must find ways to ensure that islam¶s doctrine about women is

14.c Phe Pranslation £roject

We must use two sources to recover the lost history of the victims of jihad. There are some valuable
out-of-print books that need reissuing. A second source of history is translating books from other

The out-of-print and foreign language books are the low-hanging fruit and easily picked. But there is
another source of books²graduate students. Graduate students need thesis projects for masters and
doctoral work.

For a very small budget we can advertise grants and get top quality students to work and recover lost
history. As an example, we could get African studies students to do work on the Islamic contributions
to slave history.

15.c Phe Pears of Jihad

We need to attack islam along two fronts. The first is its political doctrine and the second is the
history of its victims. Our ancestors have suffered too much to be thrown on the trash heap of history.

In muslim countries, the population of the Free is dropping like a rock. Countries that had a
significant Free population a century ago now have almost none. There are a handful of Jews left in
Iraq. The people of the pharaohs, the Copts, are now only about 8% of Egypt¶s population. Where did
they go? They converted or went to the West.

The refugees from jihad here in America are invisible. No one wants to know their history or horror.
The growth of political islam by jihad causes terrible suffering for the persecuted. Not only are their
families and friends gone, but their cultures are gone too.

The first tragedy thrust upon these refugees is to be persecuted because they are not muslim. The
second tragedy is that no one wants to hear their stories. We must record their suffering to honor the
dead and for use as weapons of war against islamic imperialism.

1'.c Phe Ambassadors of Pears

No group has a clear history of jihad. One of the ways this manifests is that our young are only being
taught a politically correct islamicized version of history. Even those who do know their own history
of jihad do not know the history of other groups. Therefore, we need Ambassadors to other persecuted
groups and our own youth.

Young Jews, for instance, must know not only their own history of dhimmitude, but also they need to
hear from Hindus and Christians about their history as dhimmis, their slavery, and deaths. We need to
have scholars to teach everyone. This cross-cultural teaching can strengthen alliances and encourage
others to recover their own suffering.

17.c Phe Ýtatus of the Far ~nemy


At this time, not one element of this strategy has been implemented at any real political level.
However, political islam has every single element of their strategy in place at the global, national,
state, and local level.

Attckct c cn  c

1.c Phe "edia and the Ýwarm

The news media is filled with misinformation about islam. We must use letters-to-the-editor and guest
columnists to correct and educate.

The letters to the media are an opportunity to be clever and harness all of our energies. In any such
project we are faced with two limitations. We are largely ignorant, that is, we don¶t have that many
people who could be called warrior scholars. The second limitation is that we are not a community.
Most people are isolated. We miss opportunities to use the force of numbers.

Let¶s take an example: in 2006 in Minnesota Somali taxi cab drivers said that they did not want to
carry passengers with bottles of alcohol from the airport. The airport authority was going to
compromise with the muslims, but they got over 400 e-mails from all over the nation protesting the
creation of a separate level of laws for islam.

One e-mail, no matter how well written, does not have the influence of 400 e-mails. We need a way

Mc Create a community of scholar warriors

Mc Select strategic and tactical targets
Mc Launch mass attacks against a target

The Swarm software [mentioned on page 35] would help do all of the above. We must learn to work
together as an army of scholar warriors.

2.c £ropaganda

We must develop a culture of film, video, and audio propaganda. Books are necessary, but we must
also have other sources of information.

We must build a media community that can implement our strategy of building community, knowing
the far enemy and attacking the near enemy.

This means that we need to build a film, video, and audio culture to produce war propaganda.

We must also prepare propaganda that is directed towards the ordinary person. Most of the books
written today are for the intellectuals.

3.c Changing the ôanguage

All of the names and terms used by islam come from the Trilogy, but the Free don¶t use these terms or
V c

The jihad of Umar burst out of Arabia and crushed the Christian world of Syria, Egypt, and the rest of
the Middle East. The Christians recorded it as an Arabic war. When islam invaded Europe, Europeans
called it a Turkish invasion. The jihad against Christian Spain was an invasion by the Moors. The
muslims called these events jihad.

In the early nineteenth century America sent the Navy and Marines to war against the Barbary pirates
in North Africa. But the muslims never called their naval raiders ³Barbary pirates.´ They called them
ghazis, sacred raiders. Naming them pirates showed that the the Free had no idea about the doctrine
and history of islam.

Look at the news today. The media report an intifada, an uprising, by the Palestinians against the
Israelis. But the terms intifada, £alestinian, and Israeli are misnomers. The truer terms are jihad,
muslim, and infidel, if we follow the Koran. The doctrine of political islam clearly states that jihad is
to be waged by all muslims against all Jews and other ³unbelievers.´ Today is no different from 1400
years ago in islam.

The events of 9/11are recorded in the West as an attack by terrorists. Mohammed Atta, the leader of
the 9/11 attack, was a pious muslim. He left a letter clearly stating his intentions: 9/11 was pure jihad.
A barbaric attack is a tactic, but jihad is a 1400-year continuous process. Therefore, a barbarian attack
is not the same as jihad.

Muslims¶ terms for their actions connect events and people with islamic history and doctrine and
show a continuing process. Non-muslim terms are misnomers, do not connect events, and show no
meaning of historic process.

The only correct terms are those of islam. The naming by the unbelievers is wrong because the
naming is a projection of Western culture. Correct naming comes from Islam and leads to correct

This collection of tactics is incomplete, but is a place to start.


c6 cc6

iitlct c
ic c  c tillc i
cit c
% c ci l ic
t i cci ccl cc c  ticitlcct cji i t ct c c

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ic c tccllc,ti
icB i ct c cct c%illi cic  c Vc
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c  c
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c c
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icM tc
c c
ct c 
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c c  ci l c  cltcit cltc c
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$ cltc
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t c #c
ct c c lcc c
 cc c i ct ct c c cBtct c c cicct c!ll ct c ct  c

This is replicated throughout the tribes on the Plateau and elsewhere. By accepting this horror, arab
rules Plateau! Nigeria! Africa! The Americas! The Asian countries! Homes! Families! Individuals!
Churches! Organizations(including the United Nations)! Societies! The Carribean countries! Etc.
£t ucActcow

The average Plateau man would prefer an indifferent attitude to getting rid of the evil that buffets him.
On his soil his children are being killed even as he keeps mute. Greed and other vices have dealt him a
lasting blow. The once giant of Africa, even the Plateau man, has been beaten to a stupor state.
£t ucActcow

Save us Yahweh, and we will be saved!(Psalm 118: 25; Jeremiah 17: 14).

The civilizational war of islam against the ethics of unity has been very successful. Ethics of unity
have been eliminated from North Africa, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Afghanistan, and Central Asia. ù cwokcncwokcw  .

Nigeria is in the brink of collapse, right into the hands of islam. Infact, islam worked for it, making
maximum exploitation of the µuseful idiots¶ who hitherto took islam to be a religion.

Plateau is drunk with islam. Everything of hers has since been renamed to reflect the Arabic culture.
Plateau is on the other side of the seemingly endless sea of islam, apparently battling to be delivered.
But the more it shakes the more it sinks due to political, religious, parochial, and
physical/psychological/social/ spiritual bombardments from all angles. No one seems to bother
whether Plateau exists or not. However, the BEST time to act against islam is still now. £t ucActc


For 1400 years islam has won a declared war against the rest of humanity. For 1400 years we have
tried the strategy of appeasement. We refuse to believe the doctrine of political islam or its dualistic
ethics. We deny its existence and truth.

For 1400 years dhimmis(cnon-ucw oc  cb ncu cncc$oco$cu ctocpoot c

cwt cocwt outcknown ) have believed that some form of defensive coexistence can work. A
defensive war against islam has never worked and it won¶t work now. We cannot fight a defensive
war to hold what we have. The war must be offensive and fought with the idea of defeating islam.

Islam¶s power grows daily. Our government will not go to war against political islam, but actually
aids its growth through welfare, immigration, and civil rights legislation.

For five years since 9/11, individuals have studied islam, but the time for individual effort is past.
Those few who understand islam must band together to form community, know the far enemy, and
attack the near enemy.

It is simple. Fight or lose our civilization. And lose Plateau and its attendant freedom permanently!
Denial and pacifism are death of both self and civilization. If we refuse to go too far as the useful
idiots will always tell us, then islam will surely take us to far! Here on the Plateau.



Phe £overty of Islam

Only the land of islam²dar al islam²is real to a muslim. As an example of how self-centered islam
is, only 210 books per year[1][1] are translated into Arabic²the same number of books translated into
Lithuanian. There has never been a best selling novel that has been translated into Arabic. Why are so
few books translated? From an islamic standpoint the books are not needed. They are not Islam; they
are not necessary. The books have no real knowledge in them.

Not one Nobel prize in the sciences has been awarded to anyone in the islamic world²eight prizes
have been awarded to muslim scientists who worked in the West with Western partners. Their work
took place outside of islamic culture. For perspective, look at how many prizes have been awarded to
tiny Scotland: 32.

The total economic output (not counting oil revenues) of the islamic world equals that of Finland. The
extreme poverty of islamic economics must be explained. Mohammed¶s sacred economic example
was to violently take the non-muslim¶s wealth. Mohammed did not create wealth. He took it.

Dual ethics leads to a culture of slyness and deceit that hurts business. Once you can treat the ³other´
badly, you have learned how to treat your brother badly.

The koranic doctrine leads to fatalism²a poor business principle. Fatalism is the opposite of
creativity, initiative and hard work.

Theft, deceit, and fatalism all lead to poverty.

The great majority of the wealth and intellectual power of islam¶s golden age came from its dhimmi
subjects. As more and more of the dhimmis converted to Islam the wealth and intellectual vigor


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I have fully acknowledged that islam has an end on the Plateau, Nigeria and the world at large. I
then fully felt there was the true need to know that whichever angle islam is approached, it
completely falls short of being a religion and fails woefully to meet the actual aspirations of a
sincere seeker. That Mohammed never made one single criterion of a prophet is perfectly true.
That Mohammed and Allah are one in a single thing is undeniable, since each could easily
manipulate the other to achieve one goal: killing, killing, killing... That the koran is a document
that has failed all tests of a religious book is doubtlessly true. That the koran is a conjectured
human idea is a fact to accept in full confidence. That the koran did not even guide Mohammed
himself is undeniable, rather he fixed many things together to support his sex, wealth, and power
drives. That Allah hears and understands arabic only but could not write, is definitely a fact.
Similarly, Mohammed but could write. What then makes Mohammed a prophet or turn the koran
into a miracle book? Simply nothing! That most muslims are ignorant of what the sharia is all
about is obvious. That the sharia laws are not from the koran but imams filled with greed, lusts,
selfishness, hatred for non-muslims, suicidal/oppressive tendencies, and completely arabic in
culture, who were bent in arabinising the world, enacted the laws with two things in mind:
women subjugation/subversion and world conquest. That all Europeans, Africans, Asians,
Australians, Americans, etc. who have become muslims have only degraded themselves because
these laws are out to enslave them to death without reaching the promised Mecca(being called
!{ in anticipation) they must face each day they pray. What makes Mecca a holy land: when
it is constantly sponsoring rapists, mercenaries, assassins, islamic barbarians, paedophilias, killer
squads, islamothugs, suicide bombers, pogrom planners and executioners, oppressive and
suppressive ideals, bombers, and all inhuman acts beyond description, just with the world
conquest in view? Mecca and Iran compete deadly in sponsoring islamic barbarism non-stopping.
Do you know that 4cbon of people are µuseful idiots¶? These are non-muslims but are
characterised by

Èc Accepting islam as a religion despite the obvious ills of the system,

Èc Appeasing the jihadists,
Èc Being apologetics of the evil system,
Èc Refusing to act against islam in the midst of islamic barbarism,
Èc Help divert islamic genocide to something else such as political, sectarian, ethnic,
religious motives, or
Èc Simply do nothing µbut sit down and look¶.

Islam is your enemy and mine. It is the cancer of mankind. None is spared. We should unite here
on the Plateau decisively deal with it. Let this cry never be too late! Nigerians and the world
should hear now: We have a devastating cancer ± it is islam!

Shomer Mosheac


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