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Aiding Surivival

 Social bonds increase chances of survival

o Keeping attachments with children served as powerful survival impulse
o Adults who formed attachments more likely to come together to reproduce, stay together,
nurture offspring
 Cooperation in groups increase survival
o Solo combat not more effective or toughest predators
o Those who forged in groups gained better protection from enemies.
o Predominate genes to those who felt the need to belong to survive and reproduce
o Result: innately social creature- every society on earth belongs to some group

Wanting to Belong
 The need to belong runs deep through our consciousness
o Much time is spent thinking about actual and hoped for relationships
o Forming relationships= joy
o A factor of happiness is satisfying relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners.

Acting to Increase Social Acceptance

 Self-esteem is a measure of how valued and accepted people feel.
 People’s social behavior tends to have the aim of increasing social acceptance and inclusion.
 Rejection is avoided by adherence to a group to make acceptable impressions.
 Behavior is closely monitored to gain friendship and esteem.
 Countless dollars are spent on clothes, cosmetics, and fitness aids all with the purpose of

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