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Essay Sentence Outline

Subject: Favorite Pet

Focused topic: a dog

Thesis statement: A dog would make a great pet for me because dogs are very loyal,
they are easy to train, and they are good company.

First Body Paragraph - Major Point 1

Topic Sentence: One of the great things about a dog is that they are extremely loyal.

Supporting Detail 1a: Dogs are always happy to see you when you come home from
school or work.

Expanded Detail: My friend Elise's dog goes crazy whenever she comes home.

Expanded Detail: She runs to the door while wagging her tail, jumping up, and turning
around in circles.

Supporting Detail 1b: Dogs also seem to be in a good mood, which can really cheer a
person up.

Expanded Detail: Unlike some people, dogs don't get mad or yell and complain.

Expanded Detail: It doesn't seem to matter to them if your room's not clean or you've
gotten a bad grade on a test.

Supporting Detail 1c: Dogs just seem to love you no matter what, and they will also
usually play with you when you're feeling bored.

Expanded Detail: You can play fetch and wrestle with a dog.

Expanded Detail: And when you're done, a dog will come and sit beside you to make
you feel loved.

Concluding Sentence: A dog will be there for you when you need him, something a
guinea pig or snake can never be expected to do.

Second Body Paragraph - Major Point 2

Topic Sentence: Another wonderful characteristic of a dog is that they can be trained to
do things.

Supporting Detail 2a: A dog can learn basic commands.

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