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The backbone of email marketing strategy lies within catchy subject lines for
emails and letters. Before you put a question mark on my statement, let me
clarify why I said so. Well, on daily basis you receive emails from different
companies, which are trying to convince you about the features and uses of their
products and services. Agree? How many of you actually open those emails and
read till the last word? Hardly 5%? Correct?

The reason these emails are directed towards the trash folder in a flash, even
before they are opened is because the subject lines give a clear idea that this
email is nothing but SPAM. You must have experienced a great degree of
frustration because you do not know wha t kind of strategy you should practise in
order to make your target customers actually read your email?

The solution to this lies in creating subject lines , which are influential enough to
actually jump off the monitor screen and which hold the readers from their
collars, compelling them to direct full attention towards her.

Many people believe that a good email subject line is similar to a news paper
headline; if it is boring, readers will never read what is below the caption and if
otherwise, then the details will be read with much interest. If the subject line is
short, pertinent and conveys directly the pros of the offer, it is likely that the
email will be read and in some cases reacted. Therefore, whenever you are
carrying out an email marketing campaign, make sure the subject line sells t he
rest of your message.

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