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Marketing of Services

Project on:



ROLL #41


The banks primarily deal in services and therefore, the formulation of product mix
is required to be in the face of changing business environment conditions. Of
course the public sector commercial banks have launched a number of policies and
programs for the development of backward regions and welfare of the weaker
sections of the society but at the same time it is also right to mention that their
development-oriented welfare programs are not optimal to the national socio-
economic requirements. A proportional contraction in the number of customers is
found affecting the business of public sector commercial banks. The changing
psychology, the increasing expectation, the rising income, the changing lifestyles,
the increasing domination of foreign bans and the changing needs and
requirements of the customers at large make it essential that they innovate their
service mix and make them of worked class. The development of new generic
product, especially when the business environment is regulated is found a difficult
task. However, it is pertinent that banks formulate a package in tune with the
changing business conditions. Against this background, we find it significant that
the banking organizations minify, magnify, combine and modify their service mix.
In the formulation of service mix, the banks can follow two guidelines, first is
related to the processing of product to market needs and the second is concerned
with the processing of market needs to product. In the first process, the needs to the
target market are anticipated and visualized and therefore, we expect the prices
likely to be productive. In the second process, the banks react to the expressed
needs and therefore we consider it reactive. It is essential that every product is
measured up to the accepted technical standards. This is because no consumer
would buy a product, which contains technical faults. Technical perfection in
service is meant prompt delivery, quick disposal, and presentation of right data,
right filing, proper documentation or so. If computers start disobeying, the
command and the customers get wrong facts, the use of technology would be a
minus point, and you don’t have any excuse for your faults.
Marketing aims not only offering but also at creating\innovating the
services\schemes found new to the competitors vis-a vis- to the customers. The
enhanced customer patronage would be a reward to the bank. The additional
attractions, the product attractiveness would be a plus point of your mix, which
would help you in many ways. This makes it essential that the banking
organizations are sincere to the innovations process and try to enrich their
peripheral services much earlier than the competitors. We also find the product
portfolio of the banks. While formulating the services mix, it is also pertinent that
the bank professionals make possible affair synchronization of core and peripheral
services. To be more specific, the peripheral services need an intensive care since
the core services are found by and large the same. Innovating the peripheral
services thus appears to be an important functional responsibility of marketing
professionals. We can’t deny the fact that if the foreign banks have been getting a
positive response; the credibility goes to their innovative peripheral services.
Thus, the formulation of product mix is found to be a difficult task that requires
world-class professionalism.


Promotion mix includes advertising, publicity, sales promotion, word – of – mouth

promotion, personal selling and telemarketing. Each of these services needs to be
applied in different degree. These components can be useful in the banking
business in the following ways:

Advertising is paid form of communication. Banking organizations use this
component of the promotion mix with motto of informing, sensing and persuading
the customers. While advertising it is essential to be aware of key decision making
areas so that instrumentally helps banks at micro and macro levels.

Finalizing the budget:

This is related to the formulation of the budget for advertisement. The bank
professionals, senior executives and even the policy planners are found to be
involved in the process. The business of a bank determines the scale of the
advertisement budget. In addition, the intensity of competition also plays a decisive
role since in the majority of cases; we find a increase in the budget due to a change
in the competitor’s strategy.
Selecting a suitable vehicle:
There are a number of devices to advertise, such as broad cast media, telecast
media and print media. In the face of the budgetary provisions, it is necessary to
select a suitable vehicle. For promoting the banking business, the print media is
found to be economic as well as effective.

Making possible creative:

The advertising professionals bear the responsibility of making the appeals,
slogans and messages more creative. Here, creative means making the
advertisement programs distinct to the competitive organizations, which are active
in influencing the impulse of the customers and successful in informing and
sensing the customers. This requires an in-depth knowledge of the receiving
capacity of the target market for which the advertisements are designed.

Testing the effectiveness:

It bears an analogous significance that our advertisements are effective in
influencing the impulse of customers by energizing persuasion. For making the
process effective, it is essential to test the effectiveness before launching of the
commercial advertisements.

Instrumentality of branch managers:

At micro level, a branch manager bears the responsibility of advertising locally so
that the messages reach the target audience.

Characters and themes:

At apex level it is also important that while advertising the senior executives watch
the process minutely and select events, characters having a regional orientation.
The popular characters and sensational moments are likely to be impact generating.
The theme for appeals and messages also needs due attention. Of course, they have
a legitimate right of advertising but it is not meant that like the goods
manufacturing organizations, the service generating organizations also start
making invasion on culture. It is necessary to regulate a bias to gender, profession,
region or so.
Public relations:
In the banking services the effectiveness of public Relations is found in high
magnitude. It is in this context that difference is found in designing of the mix for
promoting the banking services.

The telemarketing is a process of promoting the business with the help of
sophisticated communication network. Telemarketing is found instrumental in
advertising the banking services and the banking organizations can use this tool of
the promotion mix both for advertising and selling. This minimizes the dependence
of banking organizations on sales people and just a counter or center as listed in the
call numbers may service multi- dimensional services.
Telemarketing is likely to play an incremental role in marketing the banking
services. The leading foreign banks and even some of the private sector
commercial banks have been found promoting telemarketing and they have been
getting positive results for their efforts.

Word-Of- Mouth:

Much communication about the banking services actually takes place by word- of-
mouth information, which is also known as word- of- mouth promotion. The oral
publicity plays an important role in eliminating the negative comments and
improving the services. This also helps the banker to know the feedback, which
may simplify the task of improving the quality of services. This component of
promotion mix is not to influence budget adversely or generate additional financial
burden. By improving the quality of services and by offering small gifts to the
word- of- mouth promoters, bankers can get more business command in their area.
The above facts make it clear that such kind of promotion is influenced by a
number of factors. The most dominating factor is the quality of services offered.
The bank professionals, the frontline staff and the senior executives should realize
that degeneration in quality would make this tool effective.

In the formulation of marketing mix, the pricing decisions occupy a place of

outstanding significance. The pricing decisions include the decisions related to
interest and fee or commission charged by banks. Pricing decisions are found
instrumental in motivating or influencing the target market. The RBI regulates the
rate of interest and the Indian Banks’ Association controls other charges. In our
country, the price mix is more important because the banking organizations are
also supposed to sub serve the interests of the weaker sections and the backward
regions. Also in making the pricing decisions, the Government Of India
instrumentalists or commands everything as a shadow policy maker. This also
complicates the price mix for banking sector.
Pricing policy of a bank is considered important for raising the number of
customers vis-à-vis the accretion of deposits. Also the quality of service provided
has direct relationship with the fees charged. Thus while deciding the price mix
customer services rank the top position. Banks also have to take the value
satisfaction variable in to consideration. The value and satisfaction cannot be
quantified in terms of money since it differs from person to person. Keeping in
view the level of satisfaction of a particular segment, the banks have to frame the
pricing strategies.
The banking organizations are required to frame two- fold strategies. First, the
strategy is concerned with interest and fee charged and the second strategy is
related to the interest paid. Since both the strategies throw a vice- versa impact, it
is important that banks attempt to establish a correlation between two. It is
essential that both the buyers as well as the sellers have feeling of winning.


Sophisticated technologies no doubt, inject life and strength to our efficiency but
the instrumentality of sophisticated technologies start turning sour id the human
resources are not managed in a right fashion. We can’t deny the fact that if foreign
banks are performing fantastically; it is not only due to the sophisticated
information technologies they use but the result of a fair synchronization of new
information technologies and a team of personally committed employees. The
moment they witness lack of productive human resources even the new generation
of information technologies would hardly produce the desired results. In addition
to the professional excellence, the employees working in the foreign banks are
generally value- based. Thus we accept the fact that generation of efficiency is
substantially influenced by the quality of human resources. The quality for banking
sector is an aggregation of all the properties, which are found essential for
generating the efficiency and projecting a fair image. Even efficiency essentially is
supported by ethical dimension, humanity and humanism.
The development of human resources makes the ways for the formation of human
capital. Human resources can be developed through education, training and by
psychological tests. Even incentives can inject efficiency and can motivate people
for productive and qualitative work.


Flow of activities: all the major activities of banks follow RBI guidelines. There
has to be adherence to certain rules and principles in the banking operations. The
activities have been segregated into various departments accordingly.
Standardization: banks have got standardized procedures got typical transactions.
In fact not only all the branches of a single-bank, but all the banks have some
standardization in them. This is because of the rules they are subject to. Besides
this, each of the banks has its standard forms, documentations etc. Standardization
saves a lot of time behind individual transaction.
Customization: There are specialty counters at each branch to deal with customers
of a particular scheme. Besides this the customers can select their deposit period
among the available alternatives.
Number of stores: numbers of steps are usually specified and a specific pattern is
followed to minimize time taken.
Simplicity: in banks various functions are segregated. Separate counters exist
with clear indication. Thus a customer wanting to deposit money goes to
‘deposits’ counter and does not mingle elsewhere. This makes procedures not only
simple but consume less time. Besides instruction boards in national boards in
national and regional language help the customers further.
Customer involvement: ATM does not involve any bank employees. Besides,
during usual bank transactions, there is definite customer involvement at some or
the other place because of the money matters and signature requires.


The physical evidences include signage, reports, punch lines, other tangibles,
employee’s dress code etc. The company’s financial reports are issued to the
customers to emphasis or credibility. Even some of the banks follow a dress code
for their internal customers. This helps the customers to feel the ease and comfort
Signage: each and every bank has its logo by which a person can identify the
company. Thus such signages are significant for creating visualization and
corporate identity.
Tangibles: banks give pens, writing pads to the internal customers. Even the
passbooks, chequebooks, etc reduce the inherent intangibility of services.
Punch lines: punch lines or the corporate statement depict the philosophy and
attitude of the bank. Banks have influential punch lines to attract the customers.
Banking marketing consists of identifying the most profitable markets now
and in future, assessing the present and future needs of customers, setting business
development goals, making plans-all in the context of changing environment.


There are four distinctive characteristics of service, which create challenges and
opportunities. They are commonly known as the four I’s namely:

1. Intangibility
2. Inconsistency
3. Inseparability
4. Inventory.
1.) Intangibility

It is that characteristics of a service indicating that it has no physical attributes

that a person may feel, hear, taste before they buy it.
For example, a person who is new to a bank and wants to open up an account in
the bank cannot feel or taste it and ascertain whether the bank is good or bad
before opening an account. He has to experience it, feel how the service is, how
humbly do people or the staff members behave with him, is his money invested or
put in a safe account or not. It is only then he would come to know about the
services. This could be done only from the ‘trust’ that he would have built up, as
these things cannot be inspected before the use. Therefore, most banks now a days,
indulge in “tangibilizing the intangibles” i.e. they provide tangible clues to the
prospective customers like the different awards that they have received for their
superior services, their annual records, etc. this helps the customers in selecting the
banks more easily.

2.) Inconsistency

It refers to variability or heterogeneity. In case of a bank, a new customer or a

rarely going customer may not get the same type of service as a regular customer
may get. This may be the case because the staff members know the person well as
he comes often but they don’t know that person who does not come in again and
Also another point for inconsistency is that there is variability in the service
delivered by different people, that is services delivered differs from people to
people. Like in case of a bank, different staff members would provide different
services. In the bank, a person may have lot of work and may not attend to a
customer .On the other hand, some other person with the same work may attend
him with great enthusiasm. In order to tackle this inconsistency aspect, adequate
training and motivation must be provided to the employees. This will result in
higher number of customers for the bank, higher profits and subsequently lower
retention rate.
Eg. “PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK” prides itself for providing “crown of quality
for customer who is the king” and is an ISO 9002 certified bank. Thus, they will
have to ensure that their service quality level is always consistent and up to the
mark to meet the tall expectations of their customers.

3.) Inseparability

Inseparability is that characteristics of a service indicating that it cannot be

separated from creator-seller of the product. Many services are created, delivered
and consumed simultaneously through interaction between customers and service
producers. This is a source of major limitation for the bank. But technology has in
a big way helped the banks to cope with this problem.

Production of services, when it comes to banks can be performed in the following

3 ways:

(i) Co- production: In this case both the service provider and the customer work
together to produce services. When a customer wants to withdraw cash from the
banking premises, then both the customer and the service provider needs to be
(ii) Isolated production: It is that part of service that is done outside to an
organization. Eg. Tele-Banking.

(iii) Self Service production: In this case, the customer uses the equipments of the
service providers and self serves it. Eg. ATM.

4.) Inventory

Inventory relates to the perishable characteristics of the service marketing. If a

customer starts his day at eight in the morning and ends it at four, but if bank is
open only from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, then one might not be able
to attend it. The demand for banking services also fluctuates by day and hour. The
day before the holiday, weekend, most Mondays and Saturdays, pension and salary
days are heavier than normal banking hours. So service faces a lot of problem from
inventory as it cannot be stored, saved and then used later.


Electronic banking, also known as electronic funds transfer (EFT), is simply the
use of electronic means to transfer funds directly from one account to another,
rather than by cheque or cash. You can use electronic funds transfer to:

 Have your paycheck deposited directly into your bank or credit union checking

 Withdraw money from your checking account from an ATM machine with a
personal identification number (PIN), at your convenience, day or night.

 Instruct your bank or credit union to automatically pay certain monthly bills
from your account, such as your auto loan or your mortgage payment.

 Have the bank or credit union transfer funds each month from your checking
account to your mutual fund account.

 Have your government social security benefits check or your tax refund
deposited directly into your checking account.

 Buy groceries, gasoline and other purchases at the point-of-sale, using a check
card rather than cash, credit or a personal check.

 Use a smart card with a prepaid amount of money embedded in it for use
instead of cash at a pay phone, expressway road toll, or on college campuses at
the library's photocopy machine or bookstores.
 Use your computer and personal finance software to coordinate your total
personal financial management process, integrating data and activities related
to your income, spending, saving, investing, recordkeeping, bill-paying and
taxes, along with basic financial analysis and decision making.


Internet Banking lets you handle many banking transactions via your personal
computer. For instance, you may use your computer to view your account balance,
request transfers between accounts, and pay bills electronically.

Internet banking system and method in which a personal computer is connected by

a network service provider directly to a host computer system of a bank such that
customer service requests can be processed automatically without need for
intervention by customer service representatives. The system is capable of
distinguishing between those customer service requests which are capable of
automated fulfillment and those requests which require handling by a customer
service representative. The system is integrated with the host computer system of
the bank so that the remote banking customer can access other automated services
of the bank. The method of the invention includes the steps of inputting a customer
banking request from among a menu of banking requests at a remote personnel
computer; transmitting the banking requests to a host computer over a network;
receiving the request at the host computer; identifying the type of customer
banking request received; automatic logging of the service request, comparing the
received request to a stored table of request types, each of the request types having
an attribute to indicate whether the request type is capable of being fulfilled by a
customer service representative or by an automated system; and, depending upon
the attribute, directing the request either to a queue for handling by a customer
service representative or to a queue for processing by an automated system.


An unattended electronic machine in a public place, connected to a data system

and related equipment and activated by a bank customer to obtain cash
withdrawals and other banking services. Also called automatic teller machine,
cash machine; also called money machine.

An automated teller machine or automatic teller machine (ATM) is an

electronic computerized telecommunications device that allows a financial
institution's customers to directly use a secure method of communication to access
their bank accounts, order or make cash withdrawals (or cash advances using a
credit card) and check their account balances without the need for a human bank
teller (or cashier in the UK). Many ATMs also allow people to deposit cash or
cheques, transfer money between their bank accounts, top up their mobile phones'
pre-paid accounts or even buy postage stamps.

On most modern ATMs, the customer identifies him or herself by inserting a

plastic card with a magnetic stripe or a plastic smartcard with a chip that contains
his or her account number. The customer then verifies their identity by entering a
passcode, often referred to as a PIN (Personal Identification Number) of four or
more digits. Upon successful entry of the PIN, the customer may perform a

If the number is entered incorrectly several times in a row (usually three attempts
per card insertion), some ATMs will attempt retain the card as a security
precaution to prevent an unauthorized user from discovering the PIN by
guesswork. Captured cards are often destroyed if the ATM owner is not the card
issuing bank, as non-customer's identities cannot be reliably confirmed.

The Indian market today has approximately more than 25,000 ATM’s.

Undertaking a host of banking related services including financial transactions
from the convenience of customers chosen place anywhere across the GLOBE and
any time of date and night has now been made possible by introducing on-line
Telebanking services. By dialing the given Telebanking number through a landline
or a mobile from anywhere, the customer can access his account and by following
the user-friendly menu, entire banking can be done through Interactive Voice
Response (IVR) system. With sufficient numbers of hunting lines made available,
customer call will hardly fail. The system is bi-lingual and has following facilities

 Automatic balance voice out for the default account.

 Balance inquiry and transaction inquiry in all

 Inquiry of all term deposit account

 Statement of account by Fax, e-mail or ordinary mail.

 Cheque book request

 Stop payment which is on-line and instantaneous

 Transfer of funds with CBS which is automatic and instantaneous

 Utility Bill Payments

 Renewal of term deposit which is automatic and instantaneous

 Voice out of last five transactions.


A smart card usually contains an embedded 8-bit microprocessor (a kind of

computer chip). The microprocessor is under a contact pad on one side of the card.
Think of the microprocessor as replacing the usual magnetic stripe present on a
credit card or debit card.
The microprocessor on the smart card is there for security. The host computer and
card reader actually "talk" to the microprocessor. The microprocessor enforces
access to the data on the card.
The chips in these cards are capable of many kinds of transactions. For example, a
person could make purchases from their credit account, debit account or from a
stored account value that's reload able. The enhanced memory and processing
capacity of the smart card is many times that of traditional magnetic-stripe cards
and can accommodate several different applications on a single card. It can also
hold identification information, which means no more shuffling through cards in
the wallet to find the right one -- the Smart Card will be the only one needed.

Smart cards can also be used with a smart card reader attachment to a personal
computer to authenticate a user.
Smart cards are much more popular in Europe than in the U.S. In Europe the
health insurance and banking industries use smart cards extensively. Every
German citizen has a smart card for health insurance. Even though smart cards
have been around in their modern form for at least a decade, they are just starting
to take off in the U.S.


Debit cards are also known as check cards. Debit cards look like credit cards or
ATM (automated teller machine) cards, but operate like cash or a personal check.
Debit cards are different from credit cards. While a credit card is a way to "pay
later," a debit card is a way to "pay now." When you use a debit card, your money
is quickly deducted from your checking or savings account.

Debit cards are accepted at many locations, including grocery stores, retail stores,
gasoline stations, and restaurants. You can use your card anywhere merchants
display your card's brand name or logo. They offer an alternative to carrying a
checkbook or cash.


 An e-Cheque is the electronic version or representation of paper cheque.

 The Information and Legal Framework on the E-Cheque is the same as that
of the paper cheque’s.
 It can now be used in place of paper cheques to do any and all remote
 An E-cheque work the same way a cheque does, the cheque writer "writes"
the e-Cheque using one of many types of electronic devices and "gives" the e-
Cheque to the payee electronically. The payee "deposits" the Electronic Cheque
receives credit, and the payee's bank "clears" the e-Cheque to the paying bank.
The paying bank validates the e-Cheque and then "charges" the check writer's
account for the check


 Direct Deposit

 Electronic Bill Payment

 Electronic Check Conversion

 Cash Value Stored, Etc.


For Banks:

Price- In the long run a bank can save on money by not paying for tellers or for
managing branches. Plus, it's cheaper to make transactions over the Internet.

Customer Base- The Internet allows banks to reach a whole new market- and a
well off one too, because there are no geographic boundaries with the Internet. The
Internet also provides a level playing field for small banks who want to add to their
customer base.

Efficiency- Banks can become more efficient than they already are by providing
Internet access for their customers. The Internet provides the bank with an almost
paper less system.

Customer Service and Satisfaction- Banking on the Internet not only allow the
customer to have a full range of services available to them but it also allows them
some services not offered at any of the branches. The person does not have to go to
a branch where that service may or may not be offer. A person can print of
information, forms, and applications via the Internet and be able to search for
information efficiently instead of waiting in line and asking a teller. With more
better and faster options a bank will surly be able to create better customer
relations and satisfaction.
Image- A bank seems more state of the art to a customer if they offer Internet
access. A person may not want to use Internet banking but having the service
available gives a person the feeling that their bank is on the cutting image.

For Customers:

Bill Pay: Bill Pay is a service offered through Internet banking that allows the
customer to set up bill payments to just about anyone. Customer can select the
person or company whom he wants to make a payment and Bill Pay will withdraw
the money from his account and send the payee a paper check or an electronic

Other Important Facilities: E- banking gives customer the control over nearly
every aspect of managing his bank accounts. Besides the Customers can, Buy and
Sell Securities, Check Stock Market Information, Check Currency Rates, Check
Balances, See which checks are cleared, Transfer Money, View Transaction
History and avoid going to an actual bank. The best benefit is that Internet banking
is free. At many banks the customer doesn't have to maintain a required minimum
balance. The second big benefit is better interest rates for the customer.
The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the
first to receive an 'in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to
set up a bank in the private sector, as part of the RBI's liberalization of the Indian
Banking Industry in 1994. The bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name
of 'HDFC Bank Limited', with its registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank
commenced operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995.

HDFC Bank's mission is to be a World-Class Indian Bank. The objective is to

build sound customer franchises across distinct businesses so as to be the preferred
provider of banking services for target retail and wholesale customer segments,
and to achieve healthy growth in profitability, consistent with the bank's risk
appetite. The bank is committed to maintain the highest level of ethical standards,
professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance. HDFC
Bank's business philosophy is based on four core values - Operational Excellence,
Customer Focus, Product Leadership and People.

HDFC Bank is headquartered in Mumbai. The Bank at present has an enviable

network of 1,506 branches spread in 635 cities across India. All branches are
linked on an online real-time basis. Customers in over 500 locations are also
serviced through Telephone Banking. The Bank's expansion plans take into
account the need to have a presence in all major industrial and commercial centres
where its corporate customers are located as well as the need to build a strong retail
customer base for both deposits and loan products. Being a clearing/settlement
bank to various leading stock exchanges, the Bank has branches in the centres
where the NSE/BSE have a strong and active member base.
The Bank also has 3,573 networked ATMs across these cities. Moreover, HDFC
Bank's ATM network can be accessed by all domestic and international
Visa/MasterCard, Visa Electron/Maestro, Plus/Cirrus and American Express
Credit/Charge cardholders.

HDFC Bank operates in a highly automated environment in terms of information
technology and communication systems. All the bank's branches have online
connectivity, which enables the bank to offer speedy funds transfer facilities to its
customers. Multi-branch access is also provided to retail customers through the
branch network and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs).

The Bank has made substantial efforts and investments in acquiring the best
technology available internationally, to build the infrastructure for a world class
bank. The Bank's business is supported by scalable and robust systems which
ensure that our clients always get the finest services we offer.

The Bank has prioritised its engagement in technology and the internet as one of its
key goals and has already made significant progress in web-enabling its core
businesses. In each of its businesses, the Bank has succeeded in leveraging its
market position, expertise and technology to create a competitive advantage and
build market share.


Loan Product Deposit Product Investment & Insurance

 Auto Loan  Saving a/c  Mutual Fund

 Loan Against  Current a/c  Bonds
Security  Fixed deposit  Knowledge Centre
 Loan Against  Demat a/c  Insurance
Property  Safe Deposit  General and Health
 Personal loan Lockers Insurance
 Credit card  Equity and
 2-wheeler loan Derivatives
 Commercial  Mudra Gold Bar
vehicles finance
 Home loans
 Retail business
 Tractor loan
 Working Capital
 Construction
Equipment Finance
 Health Care
 Education Loan
 Gold Loan

Cards Payment Services Access To Bank

 Credit Card  NetSafe  NetBanking

 Debit Card  Merchant  OneView
 Prepaid Card  Prepaid Refill  InstaAlert
 Billpay MobileBanking
 Visa Billpay  ATM
 InstaPay  Phone Banking
--------------------------------  DirectPay  Email Statements
Forex Services  VisaMoney  Branch Network
-------------------------------- Transfer
 Product & Services  e–Monies
 Trade Services Electronic
 Forex service Funds Transfer
Branch Locater  Online Payment
 RBI Guidelines of Direct Tax

HDFC BANK business strategy emphasizes the following:

 Increase market share in India’s expanding banking and financial

services industry by following a disciplined growth strategy focusing on
quality and not on quantity and delivering high quality customer service.

 Leverage our technology platform and open scalable systems to deliver more
products to more customers and to control operating costs.

 Maintain current high standards for asset quality through disciplined credit
risk management.

 Develop innovative products and services that attract the targeted

customers and address inefficiencies in the Indian financial sector.

 Continue to develop products and services that reduce bank’s cost of funds.

 Focus on high earnings growth with low volatility.

In the era of globalization each and every sector faced the stiff competition
from their rivals. And world also converted into the flat from the globe. After the
policy of liberalization and RBI initiatives to take the step for the private sector
banks, more and more changes are taking the part into it. And there are create
competition between the private sector banks and public sector bank.

Private sector banks are today used the latest technology for the different
transaction of day to day banking life. As we know that Information Technology
plays the vital role in the each and every industries and gives the optimum return
from the limited resources. Banks are service industries and today IT gives the
innovative Technology application to Banking industries. HDFC BANK is the
leader in the industries and today IT and HDFC BANK together combined they
reached the sky. New technology changed the mind of the customers and changed
the queue concept from the history banking transaction. Today there are
different channels are available for the banking transactions.

We can see that the how technology gives the best results in the below diagram.
There are drastically changes seen in the use of Internet banking, in a year 2001
(2%) and in the year 2009 ( 45%).

This type of technology gives the freedom to retail customers.

Centralized Processing Units Derived Economies of Scale

Electronic Straight Through Reduced Transaction Cost


Data Warehousing , CRM Improve cost efficiency, Cross

Innovative Technology Application Provide new or superior

HDFC BANK is the very consistent player in the New private sector banks. New
private sector banks to withstand the competition from public sector banks came up
with innovative products and superior service.
From all of this, we have learnt that information technology has empowered
customers and businesses with information needed to make better investment
decisions. At the same time, technology is allowing banks to offer new products,
operate more efficiently, raise productivity, expand geographically and compete
globally. A more efficient, productive banking industry is providing services of
greater quality and value.

E-banking has become a necessary survival weapon and is fundamentally changing

the banking industry worldwide. To day, the click of the mouse offers customers
banking services at a much lower cost and also empowers them with
unprecedented freedom in choosing vendors for their financial service needs. No
country today has a choice whether to implement E-banking or not given the global
and competitive nature of the economy. The invasion of banking by technology has
created an information age and commoditization of banking services. Banks have
come to realize that survival in the new e-economy depends on delivering some or
all of their banking services on the Internet while continuing to support their
traditional infrastructure.

The rise of E-banking is redefining business relationships and the most successful
banks will be those that can truly strengthen their relationship with their customers.

Without any doubt, the international scope of E-banking provides new growth
perspectives and Internet business is a catalyst for new technologies and new
business processes. With rapid advances in telecommunication systems and digital
technology, E-banking has become a strategic weapon for banks to remain
profitable. It has been transformed beyond what anyone could have foreseen 25
years ago.

Two years ago, E-banking was a strategic advantage, nowadays; it is a business

reality, if not a necessity.

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