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Color of Purple Lent Service for Kids

Big Idea: Colors can have special meanings to us.

Bible Verse: “ And when they had mocked him, they took
off the purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then
they led him out to crucify him.” Mark 15:20

Materials: Artificial flowers: lilac, violet, amethyst; purple

box of dye or material, cut out paper flowers

Music Selections: God's Kids Worship: A Basket of Easter

Songs, Split-Track DVD (any songs from DVD)

Message: How many of you have heard the saying, Roses

are red and violets are blue? Is that true? Really, a violet is
simply violet…just like its name. Did you know that there are
several shades of colors that all stand for the color purple?
Here is a Violet (show flower). Has anyone ever tried to
grow a Violet? It is a special flower that you cannot give too
much water, or it will begin to look sick. A Violet will
continue to have lots of blooms as you remove the old ones.
They normally, do pretty well on their own and do not need
a lot of attention.

Here is another flower… a Lilac. Isn’t this beautiful? Lilacs

live for hundreds of years! They give off a beautiful aroma.
Mmmm! Smell this one. (Pass around…..Spray flower with
some air freshener or perfume). A Lilac does really well
growing in the shade.
An amethyst (show flower) is a shrubby perennial that has
beautiful flowers on it. A perennial is a flower that will come
back after it has died, and after a long cold winter. It is
beautiful for a hanging basket. Some people like to hang
what you call a hanging basket outside their homes to
display these flowers.

In the Bible, the color purple had a special meaning. It

meant royalty. It was a sign of wealth. Since purple cloth
was expensive, it was worn by those who had wealth and
power. It was very costly to purchase purple dye to soak
material, and make it purple. (Show a box of dye or purple

After the soldiers had mocked Jesus, they took off his purple
robe and placed him back into his own clothes. They were
making fun of him, because they did not believe in who he
really was. They did not really believe in his great power.
Jesus did not get angry with them, but He gave off a sweet
aroma like the Lilac flower. He had a good attitude. How is
your attitude when things go wrong or when you are
mistreated? Do you give off a stinky aroma or a sweet one?
Just like the Violet flower, Jesus kept blooming in kindness
even, when the officers accused him of telling lies.

The solders hung Jesus on a cross to die. It must have been

so painful for Him to have done that just for us. He died for
the sins of the whole world. However, like the amethyst that
comes back after a long cold winter, Jesus rose from the
grave after three days. What a beautiful thing He did for us.
We can bloom like flowers, and let off a lovely aroma to
those around us when things do not go our way and when
things get difficult. If we continue to bloom for Him, one
day, we will rise to meet him in the air and be with him

Small Group or Large Group Discussion Questions:

1. How can you bloom for Jesus?
2. How can we show others that we love Jesus?
3. What feelings do you have when others treat you
4. What can we do about wrong feelings that we have
toward others?
5. Why is it important that we let off a sweet aroma?

Application: Pass around a basket of artificial flowers to all

the kids. Go around the room, and have each child take out
a flower. Encourage them to share how they can be more
like Jesus this week.

Bible Memory Game: Write the verse on paper cut out

flowers (one word per flower) Using sticky tac, place on a
dry erase board all mixed up. Have the kids see how fast
they can put the words to the verse in order. Say the verse
together several times.
Lesson Game: Write the flowers Lilac and Violet on paper
flowers. Draw a tic-tac-toe board on a dry erase board. Ask
the questions and have the kids play the game using the
flowers. You will need to make several flowers of each kind.
1. What kind of aroma does a Lilac give off?

2. How many years does a Lilac live?

3. What kind of weather does the Lilac like to grow in?

4. How can we be like a Lilac?

5. How much attention does a Violet need?

7. What color is a Violet?

6. How much water does a Violet need?

7. How much does a Violet bloom?

8. What can we do to be like a Violet?

9. How was Jesus like an Amethyst?

10. What did the soldiers do to Jesus’ robe?

11. Why do you think they did this?
12. What kind of person was Jesus?
13. What did the solders nail Jesus to?
14. How many days did Jesus lie in the grave?
15. When did Jesus come back to life?
16. What does Jesus want to do for all of us?

Prayer: God, we thank you for your great love to us. Thank
you for your plan of salvation that we can know you, and
live for you every day. Help us to be careful of our attitudes
with others, and in the way we respond to unkind remarks
that we may hear. Thank you for dying on the cross for my
sins. Help me to live for you, and share your great love with
others. In Jesus name, Amen.
© Jeanne McIntosh March, 2010. All rights

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