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Words that Prophet Kacou Philippe pronounced from Katadji, his village, on 8
July 2021.

1 Words that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I have addressed from my village,

on July 8, 2021, to Ivory Coast and to Africa and to all those who have
the love of God in our generation.
2 Today is July 8, 2021. And on the occasion of April 24, 2021, despite
the Covid-19, the missionaries Cesar Esparza, Jhon Durán and Wilfredo
Hernan from Mexico and Bolivia came here, to see me. I consecrated them
according to the order of the Angel and the Lamb of April 24, 1993 and
they went back in peace.
3 And after that, as the inhabitants of Ivory Coast know that I, Prophet
Kacou Philippe, I will never lie, they therefore attributed to me a false
prophecy that they fabricated and spread everywhere, saying that I would
have said that Ahab would die in the Hague. But I never said that.
4 All of you inhabitants of Ivory Coast, all of your prognosticators,
political analysts whom you call prophets have each already prophesied
lies. And you want me, Prophet Kacou Philippe, to be a liar like them. Yet,
we are not the same. The last time I watched television was seventeen
years ago. And when Ahab was the president of the Republic and had lost
his father, someone who had discovered that I did not know about it was
surprised and asked me if I was here in Ivory Coast. I answered him: "Yes,
I am here in Ivory Coast but I am a prophet". And he didn't say anything.
5 Why do you resent that there is at least one true God, one true Holy
Spirit and one true prophet? And why must there not be at least one true
prophet on the earth? When your African countries go to the world cup
and they get eliminated, must all the countries of the earth also be
eliminated? Shouldn't there be a winner? You inhabitants of Ivory Coast,
what is this satanism and black witchcraft that you have? You are troubled
to know that at the last judgement, I Prophet Kacou Philippe, I will be
your judge and the judge of all those who have lived on the earth in my
time. You are in fear and you seek relief and yet that is what will happen.
6 Be deaf to my word, you wicked men, sons of Belial, slaves of money,
workers of sin, but God will tear off your refuge and transpierce your
peace forever; you will die in your misery. God will turn the whole earth
into hell. I call upon you all the woes that happened only to others. I go to
war against the doctors who treat you. I have established hell on the earth
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and dogs will eat you. I call upon you wild animals with deadly bites. You Kacou 122: Israel faced with Kacou 135: Prayer of Prophet Kacou
have the forest but you will go hungry. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon Philippe
Kacou 123: Prophecy on Israel and the Kacou 136: Vision of Prophet Kacou
7 I call locusts on your plantations. One woe will pass and another woe nations Philippe on Islam and Judaism
will come. All kinds of difficulties will come upon you, especially you Kacou 124: Kacou Philippe, prophet Kacou 137: God visiting Latin
Ivory Coast. The earth will shake all over Africa, Europe, America and of the Jews America
Asia. The oceans will rush and chase Africans. Tornadoes will terrify you. Kacou 125: Suffering and prison Kacou 138: The North Star of
Your houses will go into the depths of the ocean and fish will swim in Kacou 126: Plea before the trial of Matthew 25:6
your streets. June 3, 2016 Kacou 139: Oracles of Prophet Kacou
Kacou 127: Kacou Philippe, prisoner Philippe on the religions of Asia
8 By the shouts of the muezzins, the bells of the churches, the singings of Christ Kacou 140: Judgments on the religions
and recitations of verses in your temples, churches and mosques, you have Kacou 128: The census of the of Asia.
offered the whole earth to Satan who did not create it. And the wrath of churches and mosques Kacou 141: God loves China and Asia
God is upon you all to punish you until you are all destroyed. I once asked Kacou 129: The curse of Ham and the Kacou 142: The evidence of
a Christian, "Sir, whose cock crowed when Apostle Peter denied the Lord black race Redemption
Jesus?" And he answered: "Was I there?" And I said to him: "So you were Kacou 130: Thus the Angel spoke to Kacou 143: Oracles of Prophet Kacou
me Philippe on homosexuality
not there and you have the same prophet as Peter?" So you were not with Kacou 131: The three satanic religions Kacou 144: The demystification of the
Bilal and Khadija but Mahomet is your prophet? You do not know Arjuna of Revelation 16:13 Quran and Islam.
and Shariputra but Krishna and Buddha are your teachers of light? Kacou 132: A vision of the Bride of Kacou 145: Islam or the crab nebula
9 Be Satan's agents but one day you will give an account to God. As for Christ Kacou 146: The present
me, know that until my death, I will never give a false prophecy because Kacou 133: Why the ladder of Jacob in commandment of God for mankind
the Angel of God who appeared to me on April 24, 1993 walks before me. the vision of 1993? Kacou 147: My Angel shall go before
Kacou 134: Letter to the African heads you, my name is in him
Do you know that I was a reference during the 2011 crisis and that I even of state and their peoples
deserve the honours of the State of Ivory Coast? But from now on, you
and your military will no longer be able to ask my disciples: "What does
Kacou Philippe say?"
10 And you say that my Message comes from myself and not from God. NB: All these booklets are available in written and audio formats and in
Words that people read or listen and are delivered and healed, you say that application for mobile phones.
they are words of man? If you were of the time of Moses, you would say
that it was Moses himself who wrote the Ten Commandments on Mount
Sinai through his great education at Pharaoh's.
11 And all of you who fight me, when you have to speak about me, Prophet
Kacou Philippe, introduce yourselves first by saying: "I, so and so, in my
quality of this and that, and in virtue of my divine mandate received on
such and such a date, I am going to speak to you about Kacou Philippe".
But if you know that you are chased in your dreams, that a force comes to
immobilise and suffocate you in your sleep, that you eat in your dreams,
that you fly in your dreams, that you have sex in your dreams, then if
people are speaking about Kacou Philippe, you must keep quiet. If you
have once put your mouth to the genitals of a man or a woman, then if
people are speaking about Kacou Philippe, you must keep quiet.
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Kacou 58: The meaning of the Kacou 88: A new Gospel 12 God is visiting Africa and I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I am the door of
restitution Kacou 89: The mystery of the darnel the paradise before your eyes. And from all the corners of the world,
Kacou 59: The meaning of Message of Kacou 90: The anticipated vision
of the hour Kacou 91: God remembers Israel
people believe in me and are saved. Despite the heat, diseases and difficult
Kacou 60: The film of the last Kacou 92: Prophetic acts conditions in Africa, some white people come here from Asia, Europe and
judgment Kacou 93: The saints’ faith America because of Salvation but you prefer to go and worship Satan in
Kacou 61: The mystery of the Kacou 94: Judgment on Haiti your temples, churches and mosques. What is destined for you will go to
infallibility Kacou 95: On the wings of the eagles other people. You know? God is sovereign. It is written that 144,000 will
Kacou 62: Who are you Sir? Kacou 96: The reign of the Son of come from the twelve tribes of Israel but many Arabs, Europeans and
Kacou 63: Moses and the Ethiopian man
woman Kacou 97: The Spirit of the composer
Americans living in Israel with the Jews and who cry at the gay parades
Kacou 64: Interpretation of the two Kacou 98: Getting used to God! in Jerusalem will believe in Elijah and Moses and will take the place of
visions Kacou 99: The boat of Tarshish their Jewish masters and they will be counted among the 144,000.
Kacou 65: The keys that turn in the Kacou 100: From death to life 13 But all of you who have loved my day, I announce to you that the time
heaven Kacou 101: The Christian paganism! has now come for me, Prophet Kacou Philippe, to go to every nation on
Kacou 66: Refusing to progress Kacou 102: The current events earth where they will accept to receive me. The only obstacles now are the
Kacou 67: God visits Africa Kacou 103: Prophetic dispensation
Kacou 68: The new order Kacou 104: The importance of a
measures of the Covid-19 disease and maybe, the State of Ivory Coast.
Kacou 69: The cloud that sets things prophet 14 I am aware that everyone hates me but there are people on the earth
Kacou 70: The ministry under the tent Kacou 105: Kacou Philippe and the who have loved my day and who rejoice in my Light. I will travel only
Kacou 71: The steps of the worship prophets once to each nation. The hour has now come for me to give all the people
service Kacou 106: Interpretation of two of the earth the opportunity to see with their own eyes a true prophet of
Kacou 72: Instructions on dreams God. They did not see Isaiah, Jeremiah but they will see Kacou Philippe.
evangelisation Kacou 107: The prophetic faith
Kacou 73: Soul sellers Kacou 108: The evangelisation
15 And secondly, I must travel to legitimise by consecration, with my own
Kacou 74: Shibboleth or the impact of Kacou 109: Refusing the test of one’s hands, the ministries of the disciples that God has given to me. My
the blood time disciples must be consecrated as you saw it here in Ivory Coast on May
Kacou 75: We have seen his star Kacou 110: The original seed 29, 2021. Those who are found worthy, I will consecrate them.
Kacou 76: A grace granted to Africa Kacou 111: The God of the restitution 16 Well, now I am going to talk about a type of spiritual manifestation
Kacou 77: The seven mountains of Kacou 112: Stay in the line which has started to happen in the Message, in several countries, since this
Revelation 17 Kacou 113: Salvation in simplicity
Kacou 78: The signs of his coming Kacou 114: The goal of the ministry
year 2021 after Kacou 146. This is so that you may be warned and know
Kacou 79: Visa denial and prohibition under the tent what to do. One of them dates from May 2, 2021 in Abidjan. On that day,
to travel Kacou 115: If you are Christian, then during the public confession, the confession of Brother Madison Cooper,
Kacou 80: Does a prophet speak for who is your prophet? a Brother from Liberia, was obscure. The leader asked him if he had not
another prophet? Kacou 116: Thus saith Jehovah! committed adultery. Brother Cooper had not finished saying "No" when
Kacou 81: The false christs and the Kacou 117: Who are the judges of the he lost consciousness and collapsed violently in the room. Yet, he had
false prophets of Matthew 24:24 nations?
Kacou 82: They be blessed ! Kacou 118: Standing on the pyramid
cheated on his wife with seven women. And Apostle Yanick, who told me
Kacou 83: The rider of the white horse Kacou 119: Prophecy on Israel and what happened, was quite astonished. He said, "Prophet, in all my life I
Kacou 84: The manifestation of the America have never seen what happened. He fell as dead. We were all scared."
two seeds Kacou 120: Kacou Philippe and the 17 Another manifestation took place in Burkina Faso. This is outside Ivory
Kacou 85: A prophet’s reward time of Noah Coast. The Church is universal and until the rapture, every action of God
Kacou 86: On top of the pyramid Kacou 121: Who do you say that I am? for the Church will always be universal. And the dead and the living, the
Kacou 87: The Urim Thummim
whites and blacks, the Africans, Europeans, Americans and Asians, we
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will all reach perfection at the same time. And Preacher Bagtenga of LIST OF CHAPTERS Kacou 29: The voices of discrepancy
Burkina Faso spoke to me and said, "Prophet, the public confession, (Available in written and audio formats) Kacou 30: The unknown tongue
Kacou 31: Vision of Daniel on the end
prayers and songs went well. Everything was going well but as soon as I of times
Kacou 1: This is the voice of Matthew
went up to the pulpit to preach, I forgot everything, I felt weak. My tongue 25: 6 Kacou 32: Purified, made white and
became heavy in my mouth, I could not speak. And I came down from the Kacou 2: Pronounce the judgment refined
pulpit in a hurry." And since that day, this preacher is afraid to go to the Kacou 3: A prophet from God Kacou 33: Revelation on the book of
pulpit. Kacou 4: The seven Church ages and Esther
18 And another manifestation occurred on Sunday May 30, 2021 at the the seven seals Kacou 34: To what then were you
Kacou 5: The fulfilment of the baptised?
assembly of Divo in Ivory Coast. It is an assembly that I visited in March Kacou 35: The four prophetic of Mark
prophecy of Matthew 25:6
2016, just before my imprisonment. And on May 30, 2021, the pastor of Kacou 6: Revelation on the prophecy 13:35
Divo had to bless the engagement of a Brother who is considered a rebel of Matthew 25: 6 Kacou 36: The visions of the river
by his assembly in Abidjan. The pastor of Divo had not informed anyone, Kacou 7: Comparison between Darby Chebar and Patmos
neither his elders, nor his assembly, not even his wife. And yet, everything and Louis Segond Kacou 37: Interpretation of a dream
that involves an assembly must first receive the agreement of the elders Kacou 8: The ecumenical meeting Kacou 38: Les principles of divine
Kacou 9: Woman’s ministry healing
and then the agreement of the assembly. Kacou 39: The Branhamist papacy
Kacou 10: Revelation on the sons of
19 Brother Maoué Jules, pastor of Divo, was an evangelical pastor. He had the devil according Daniel 11
believed in the midnight Cry in 2008 and since 2019, because of his great Kacou 11: Speak now! Kacou 40: The war of Armagedon
missionary work, I had established him as an overseer and supervisor of Kacou 12: Church and State Kacou 41: The mystery of the four
the pastors of a region. Kacou 13: Preaching on Islam beasts that you have seen
20 And on May 30, 2021, this valiant pastor was in the pulpit and had even Kacou 14: The baptism of the Holy Kacou 42: History confirms the
Spirit revelation
given the preaching of the day. And now he was about to bless the Kacou 43: The unveiling of the final
Kacou 15: What God expects from us
engagement when suddenly, he could not hear his own voice and asked if Kacou 16: Call to evangelisation deception according to 1 Kings 19:11-
the congregation could hear him. Then he began to lose the use of his Kacou 17: The public confession 13
voice, then became weak and a deacon came to ask him if it was not wise Kacou 18: Questions and answers first Kacou 44: The Holy Communion
to stop, but the pastor did not stop. Then he became even weaker and could part Kacou 45: The place of the four
not speak. Then the fiancée, a young Sister seized by the Spirit of God, Kacou 19: Questions and answers ministries of Ephesians 4:11
second and last part Kacou 46: Precepts on the priesthood
went to the platform, turned the pulpit around and laid her hands on the Kacou 47: Philippe and the Ethiopian
Kacou 20: The transfer of spirits
pastor and prayed over his head. Kacou 21: Predestination Eunuch
21 The young Sister laid her hands on him and prayed over his head and Kacou 22: the experience of the Kacou 48: Lord, teach us to pray!
then, returning to her seat, she said to the assembly: "Have you seen Jordan Kacou 49: Epistle to the Shulamite
him?... His time has not yet come." And from her seat, she continued to Kacou 23: The revelation on the Kacou 50: The order in the Church
prophesy about the pastor. And she ended by saying: "You saw him here. original sin Kacou 51: Epistle to the Bride of
Kacou 24: Revelation on the tree of Christ
He is my son, ... I am the one, the only one, the only true prophet. I am in Kacou 52: The battle of the mind
this man called Kacou Philippe." The congregation was quiet, seized by Kacou 25: Why ten virgins in Matthew Kacou 53: The seven dimensions
fear. 25:6? Kacou 54: Commentary on Isaiah 30
22 But despite this, after the manifestation, the pastor put the pulpit back Kacou 26: has God really said? Kacou 55: Separation from disbelief
to its place and wanted to continue up to the blessing if a Brother in the Kacou 27: The passage of the children Kacou 56: You shall overcome the
assembly had not stopped him. But what would have happened when the of the devil through the Flood graven images of gold covering
Kacou 28: Revelation versus theology Kacou 57: The altar of Acts 19:19
pastor would have started praying for the couple? Be careful. There is an
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from God, whatever he tells you, throw it into the bin and don't watch his angel who descended on April 24, 1993 and who has not yet ascended to
videos anymore even if you have nothing to do. Heaven.
76 And when I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, was watching the video of a 23 Whether it is prophecies, speaking in tongues, ... all the spiritual
religious leader, at night in a dream, I was lost in darkness in a district of manifestations in this Midnight Cry Message are clear, precise and fast
brigands while the religious people watch the same videos and rejoice regardless of the country. They are not branhamist and evangelical
because they are sons of darkness. When a member of Islam, Christianity, disorders during which people shout without speaking, move everything
Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, Taoism, around them and deacons run in all directions.
Shintoism or Sikhism talks about God, there is a great ray of darkness 24 Now, let's consider the manifestation that happened in Divo. The words
around him. are correct. And if you find the manifestation strange, know that there is
77 I speak to you by revelation, in virtue of the call and commission of one and same Spirit but different manifestations and operations. When I
April 24, 1993. In matters of God, either you follow the living prophet of spoke with the pastor, he did not know that the young Sister had laid hands
your time or you stay at home. After hearing me, never go to a church, on him and prayed over his head, he even firmly denied it until he saw the
temple or mosque again. Do not close the way of Heaven to yourself. video. And when he had seen the video, he couldn't accept that and he had
78 And if it is not for a good reason, if you give or transfer a video of a taken some pills to cheer himself up.
Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or Hindu leader to a person or when you talk 25 And when I spoke with the Sister, she too did not know that she had
about a religion, a holy book like the Bible, the Quran or the Bhagavad- been to the pulpit on the platform and had touched the pastor or
Gita to someone, when you preach Jesus of Nazareth, Mahomet, Krishna prophesied. She did not know that she had laid hands on the pastor at the
or Buddha to someone, in the eyes of God, it is an act of witchcraft, it is pulpit and prayed over his head and left the pastor when she had finished
as if you are pushing that person towards the black hole of hell. And he everything. O, how terrible it is to go against God. How can a young Sister
that has ears to hear, let him hear. go to the platform, turn the pulpit around and lay hands on the pastor at
the pulpit? Look at how in pictures 2 and 3, the Sister is holding the head
of the mighty pastor in her two hands and praying over his head. Before
God, man is nothing. Look at picture 4, the Sister is shouting at the
To get other free booklets in English, please call the numbers below
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powerful pastor who has become unconscious. It is a deacon who holds
Give this booklet to a parent, friend or any other person. the pastor to prevent him from falling. And another deacon wanted to stop
the Sister but a force pushed his hand away.
+1 (704) 7778581 (USA) +233551447440 (Ghana) +231777774099 (Liberia) 26 And after the manifestation, in photo 5, the pastor asks the deacons
+2348036529233 (Nigeria) +22577777577 (Ivory Coast) what is going on and where the microphone is. It is a terrible scene that
+353892542615 / +353894662727 (Ireland)
goes beyond the human dimension. And when the Sister also saw the
Matth25v6 Editions: video, she was astonished and was asking for forgiveness. Likewise,
coming to himself, Brother Madison Cooper thought that he was in
Liberia. It was the presence of the angel of God. And this is what we are
getting into now. And many who had seen the video told me that if the
Brothers and Sisters saw the video, it could scare them and some who live
in sin would no longer come to the service.
27 Know that a preacher in the pulpit has all the authority of God and no
evil spirit can lay hands on him. The pastor could say once to the Sister:
"Satan, I command you to leave this Sister in the name of Jesus Christ".
And that Sister would be delivered at once. But here the pastor was
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unconscious and without strength. He did not know that the Sister had laid you are attached to the videos of religious men, for example. In the
hands on him and prayed over his head. That is why he had rearranged the spiritual, there is God and Satan. And on earth there are also two groups.
pulpit and continued. It was in the video that he had seen everything that A first group that sees during the day and a second group that sees during
had happened. the night. And in a revelation in 1993, I had seen that darkness covered
28 Be careful. During the public confession, a Brother, Sister or the leader the districts of the religions of the earth.
will ask you a question and you will not know that at this very moment, it 71 And it was revealed to me that in the constellations of stars, black holes
is the Angel of April 24, 1993 who is asking you the question. You will represented religions, international organisations and political parties
talk to the prophet or a disciple with arrogance and contempt and you will according to the type of black holes. There are millions of black holes
not know that at this very moment it is the Angel of April 24, 1993 that already discovered. And it is established that there must be white holes but
you are talking to. God said to Israel: "Behold, I send an angel before thee, none has been discovered yet. Astrophysicists do not know that white
... Be careful in his presence, for my name is in him". This angel judged holes appear and disappear when they become black holes.
the camp of Israel and fought against any nation that came against Moses 72 And the first black hole known to mankind is the black hole in the Swan
and Israel. constellation. Now the swan carries Hinduism. And Hinduism is
29 What we are seeing could be the signal for a great action of the Holy considered to be the world's first religion. And at the entrance to each
Spirit that will place the Church in a new dimension which will reveal that black hole is a halo, a circle of light. And the halo of light is a deity. But
God is the same God of the prophets of the Old Testament. We are under it is the gateway to darkness and hell. And a black hole destroys and
the grace, but you remember how in Acts 5, the Angel of God smote devours any star or object that comes near it.
Ananias and Sapphira and in Acts 12, before the crowd, an Angel of God 73 When you often watch the video of a religious leader on the internet,
smote King Herod and King Herod fell dead instantly. It seems that we you will be possessed by divination and you will see dreams every night
are at the door of this dispensation. Perhaps this is the time when God will or dreams that come true and often dead relatives because it is as if you
establish His reign on the earth as He did in the past in Israel with Moses, are in the religion of that religious leader. And the dead relatives are the
Elijah and the prophets. members of those religions. And their words have the anointing of Satan.
30 I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, since 2002, I have pronounced the judgment And when you listen to them, you receive a power of possession that binds
and the change of life but the execution of the sentences belongs to the you to them like an invisible elastic cord so that your soul will find it
Angel of April 24, 1993. And these sentences and their executions are not difficult to flee from them because a force draws you to them.
only for those who believe but also for anyone who will stand against this 74 And in a dream, you will try with all your strength to run away from
Message. The demons of divination are all-powerful against those who the devil but you will not succeed because a satanic power will slow you
believe in them to push them down in their churches but the true Holy down. Instead of moving at the speed of thought like an angel, you will be
Spirit is All-Powerful everywhere on the earth. And the unbelievers must heavy. This is the revelation that I am trying to express as much as I can.
know that the God of Prophet Kacou Philippe is the Master of the universe, That is why, until you die, you will never forget that the television, the
and the Almighty God from eternity to eternity. A holy spirit who is only computer and the telephone in your hands will remain the graven images
powerful in his church is a demon. of gold-covering of Kacou 56. You must know that the internet is the new
31 A religious debate or confrontation is a confrontation between two universal field of the greatest battle ever fought. And you must take heed
deities. And the time comes when the supernatural must be present to to yourself because of Salvation.
make the difference. If the supernatural is not involved and it is only a 75 You cannot burn religious books and leave the churches, temples and
debate of ideas then it is possible that it is a scene between two agents of mosques of religious leaders and still be watching their videos on the
Satan. A prophet full of power who makes his followers fall in his church internet. Things that will not bring you anything but divination demons,
cannot be powerless against an enemy who seeks to destroy him. The you must separate yourself from them. When someone is not a prophet-
strength of a world champion is not on his own supporters or on the people messenger from God with a call, a commission and an authentic Message
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66 When a Brother comes to the Message with a wife, if the two separate of his country. And a God who was Almighty in history or in a holy book,
and receive baptism, if he is a good Brother who has kept himself pure and He must still be Almighty if He is not dead.
who testifies of the Message, the assembly can help him dower his wife if 32 Notice that an evangelical or Branhamist holy spirit would have never
after seven months, he does not manage to dower his wife. Let a Brother condemned the act of the pastor but it is always to the poor church member
who is heartless and insensitive to the suffering of a Brother or Sister not that the prophecies and the preachings are directed. But in the True
be a pastor of an assembly. When a Brother or Sister does not have a Church, the Holy Spirit is double-edged. He cuts both the preacher and the
solution to his or her problem, he or she can write to the group of his or church member. He cuts the camp of Israel and the camp of the nations.
her country. And when a Brother wants to go and open an assembly, don't And it is this God who commissioned me and sent me on April 24, 1993.
stop him and say, "Lead the souls here first". 33 Whether it is Zeus, Baal, Dagon, Baal-Zebub or Adramelech, every
67 It happens that some faithful abandon their assemblies because the god is all-powerful within the nation or religion that worships him. But
preaching they hear is so weak that they feel it is not the midnight Cry. the Lord Jesus Christ, the Almighty God, who appeared to me on April
When a pastor or a preacher gives weak preaching, the solution is not to 24, 1993, is the supreme God who rules over the gods of the churches,
abandon the assembly but to find someone who has the gift and who can mosques and Hindu and Buddhist temples, and He will prove it by all
do it properly. And if you are not satisfied with a preaching, it is your means.
right to report it even to the group of your country so that a solution can 34 Now, if during the service, a Brother in the pulpit is struck, the deacons
be found. It is the right of every Brother or Sister to say what is wrong in will take him out and carry him away and the congregation will decide
his or her assembly. And the pastor's or apostle's advocates must keep whether to end the service or continue the service. And you must not watch
quiet. the video of Divo and say: "Oh, that's terrible, I don't want to have any
68 And now I will close with dreams. Dreams are meant to bring you responsibility in the assembly". You can be afraid of the presence of God
closer to the perfect will of God but most of them are the work of but you must never abandon the truth of your time.
divination. And divination is the power of the fifth dimension which is the 35 Ananias and Sapphira who sold their land and brought a part of the sale
region of Satan and the religions. And these dreams that you see and which died, struck by the angel while the ungodly and the sellers of the temple
come to pass the next day, it happens everywhere to any member of Islam, are at peace in their synagogues, churches, temples and mosques and
Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Confucianism, religions but the Christians did not abandon the truth of their time. Ananias
Taoism, Shintoism and Sikhism. Regardless of the race, the continent or and Sapphira would have never died that way if they had stayed in their
religion, Satan is the same everywhere. And it is a prophet who can get Pharisee, Essene, Herodian, Zealot, Ashkenazi or Sephardic temple.
you out of there. That is why the spirit of religion does not like living 36 And when there is a spiritual manifestation, it is not a sin to look at
prophets. Since the foundation of the world, the members of religions have what is going on, but the right conduct is to look at yourself, with your
always hated living prophets. And yet, if it is not by a living prophet from head bowed. Don't wait for the deacon to tell you that. When God is
God, no man on earth can know that watching the video of an evangelical present, it is time to pray. When the spiritual manifestations start to
pastor without a good reason is satanic. happen, you must also start to pray and say, "Lord Jesus Christ, you
69 Now, it can happen that you have the same dream over and over again promised that these things will happen in your Church. We believe it. But
and you don't understand the meaning and that dream goes on and on. It let this be a blessing to us."
is God who tells you something in a language that you do not understand 37 Now when a prophecy is given, the assembly will analyse it and decide.
and He repeats it to you. In this case, you must necessarily look for the If the assembly feels that it was the work of a demon and the one who
one who understands the language of God, that is, a prophet to interpret it prophesied feels frustrated, it is a sign that it was really the work of a
for you. demon. A man cannot defend a gift or a revelation from God. For
70 And in dreams, seeing dead relatives is either because of the shadow everything that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I have preached or revealed
of death over you, or because of your contact with the fifth dimension if since 2002, if someone wants to dispute with me or calls me a false
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prophet, it does not belong to me to defend it but it belongs to the Angel 61 And up to Kacou 146, I have defined for this generation what is sin and
of April 24, 1993 to defend it. what is not sin. And I said that an act on the line of demarcation is not a
38 When there is a spiritual manifestation: Whether it is a vision, a sin, therefore it does not come to confession but not doing it is better.
prophecy, speaking in tongues or other, remain calm. Apart from the Mouth-to-mouth with your wife and television are on the line of
deacons, no one should quiet down or hinder a spiritual manifestation. If demarcation. You can give or receive HIV, hepatitis or other diseases by
necessary, a deacon can ask a Brother to help him. The domain of spiritual mouth-to-mouth, especially if you have just brushed your teeth. As for
manifestations is very delicate. And after a manifestation, if you do not television, you can have it and play interviews, debates and other videos
know which spirit has manifested himself, keep your comments to of the Message for your home and visitors.
yourself and pass it on to the apostles. After Kacou 146, the time may have 62 And you, my apostles, pastors and preachers, be my imitators. I who
come when God will establish Himself in His Church and do justice to the was a worker on a construction site, who am I? And I know that the way
ungodly pastors and disciples. I receive the fool who comes to me is the way God will receive me. And
39 The signs that we have started to see since this month of May 2021 therefore, the way the apostle, the pastor or the preacher receives, listens,
worry us. I do not wish that one day, one of us falls and dies; but if it and treats the fool who comes to him, that is how God will treat him. And
happens that a disciple, pastor or church member collapses in the pulpit or when I write to you, even if you answer me the next day, you do not have
in the assembly, whatever the reason, you will take him to the hospital and to apologise.
take care of him. The rest is between him and God. 63 A preacher who discloses a confession at the baptism must be deposed.
40 It is written that, not a pastor, a monk or an imam but the son of man When someone has confessed at the baptism or during the public
who is the prophet has the power on the earth to forgive sins. And I confession, you must not talk about his or her confession in any situation
explained to you in Kacou 146 that the ministry of Matthew 25:6 is the or when solving a problem. But when one of you confesses, after the
day of Yom Kippur of the dispensation of the nations. It is the day of service, some Brothers can talk with him and help him because the
atonement, purification, reparation and reconciliation with God. First, the difficulties that he is facing, another Brother has faced them before.
day of Rosh Hashanah, which is the day of judgement, then ten days of 64 When a Brother is exposed for having marriage talks with a Sister who
repentance and change of life and finally the day of Yom Kippur, the day is not yet seven months in the Message or who does not have her name in
of great forgiveness and atonement. And it is the only day when the high the group of marriage, know that he is a predator who must be removed
priest of Israel goes into the holy of holies where the ark of the covenant from the flock. And his sanction will be at least seven months out of the
is located to meet God. And the high priest of Israel had a long rope tied assembly. Speaking of the Message, you shall never answer insults with
to his foot. And if he didn't come out alive, this rope was pulled to get his insults even if the insult is against you, the Prophet or the Message. When
body out. a matter opposes a Brother or a Sister to a pagan and the Brother has
41 And now the terrible hour of judgment may have come, beginning with confessed, he will go and ask for forgiveness from the pagan if he is wrong
the house of God. The hour when people will fall and never be able to in the matter. When someone accepts the Message and responds to the
stand on their feet again. To attend a service or go to the pulpit with a spirit call, the preacher must not lay hands on him for prayer.
of hypocrisy or with an unconfessed sin is a challenge to the Angel of 65 Still in the sense of Kacou 146, a pastor can intervene as a witness in a
April 24, 1993. To go to the pulpit with a sin, or if you are in the pulpit to contract, in a sale or any other business involving some Brothers. But if
preach a false doctrine, that is a challenge to the Angel of April 24, 1993. he receives money for this business, he is deposed. A woman who has an
Do not challenge the angel. Prophet Balaam challenged the Angel in intrauterine device or contraceptive implant in her body can be baptised
Numbers 22. And in Numbers 31 Prophet Balaam was killed because of and remove it later because the family planning in God is abstinence
that. This Angel was walking with Paul and Paul said that many of his during ovulation. Concerning surrogate mothers, I have prayed to know if
disciples were sick and many had died. What is it? MY ANGEL SHALL it is good or bad but God has not yet answered me.
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in reality, it was an angel of God who carried out the mission by taking 42 And with the public confession, the Church of the nations has passed
the prophet as a cover. the level where the spiritual gifts would say, "Do not hide your sins!
56 God said to Israel, "Behold, I send an angel before you, ... Be careful Confess them! Make yourselves holy!" No, the Holy Spirit has passed this
in his presence, and hearken unto his voice; do not provoke him; for he level. This is above the miracles and resurrection of the dead. And William
will not forgive your transgressions, for my name is in him." It is this Branham said that he saw great miracles in his ministry but the greatest
Angel who went before Moses and it is this Angel who has been walking thing he wished to see was the presence of God in the Church, to the point
before me since April 24, 1993 to accomplish this mission. that the sinner would be afraid to come near for fear of being denounced
57 In Morocco, a woman was resting in her car and the sky opened up and or struck to death.
she saw Moses and the prophets, and she saw god-men walking in the sky 43 The Church is at the stage where the one who sits in the assembly
behind the clouds. She saw among them a black man and the vision without confessing is challenging the Angel of April 24, 1993. The Church
disappeared. And the day she came across the midnight Cry, she believed is at the stage where the one who has to confess is not allowed to go to the
because of this vision. What is it? It is the Angel of April 24, 1993, who pulpit. If he does so, he is challenging the Angel of April 24, 1993. And
goes ahead of me in the field of mission. any person who speaks, insults or blasphemes against the Message, against
58 Brother Kitione from Fiji wrote to me and said, "I had a vision in 2014. Prophet Kacou Philippe or against you because of the Message is
I saw the sunset, then it was night, and then chariots and horses of fire challenging the Angel of April 24, 1993. And the Angel will choose his
came down from the sky and took me and went up with me to heaven. From place, his way and his time to answer this challenge.
that day on, I understood that the time of William Branham had passed. 44 And if such a situation happens to a Brother or Sister as in the case of
And I never went to church again since that day in 2014. I prayed and Brother Madison Cooper, he will leave the assembly and the service will
fasted at home. And in 2021, the vision came true, I discovered the continue. Even if he is a preacher, he will leave and the congregation must
midnight Cry and I believed." What is it? It is the Angel of April 24, 1993, hear him in the next service. And if he says that he has no confession and
who goes ahead of me on the field of mission. commits himself to continue in the ministry, his wife will testify again
59 When I was told that believers in Fiji were asking for baptism, I said, before the congregation that her husband is worthy of the responsibility.
"Do those Kodak and Fiji marks still exist?" And I was told, "No prophet, But also, out of fear, you must not refuse to take responsibilities in your
they are not photographers. Fiji is a country of 300 islands in the South assembly. In the Message, refusing to take a responsibility when you can
Pacific of Oceania. These are the ends of the world." How can people do so is a sin. I say this because Apostle Bi Djo told me that when the
believe in such a distant land which I don't even know exists? What is it? Brothers of Divo saw what had happened to their brave pastor, they were
It is the Angel of April 24, 1993 walking before me on the field of mission. all afraid and several of them wanted to give up their responsibilities in
60 And when the Message reaches Fiji and the farthest lands of Oceania the assembly and others were deepening their confession of sins.
and the world, now is the time when the camp must be purified. Never 45 Seventeen years ago, the Angel of judgement was three metres away
choose the option of hiding sins or leaving the Message. Regardless of the from us. Ten years ago, He was two metres from us. And now he is less
sanctions, stay in the camp, in the presence of God until the end of your than a metre from us, ready to establish Himself among us and even in us.
life on earth. Live well according to the commandment of Kacou 146. And And the deceivers had to come so that the camp would first be purified.
in relation to Kacou 146:192, in addition to the apostles Aman Martin and Before this hour, many incompetent plagiarists had come and all had
Yanick Aka, there is Apostle Hugo Ze Da Costa and a fourth person. And failed. But now God has allowed more cunning plagiarists and imitators
know that since April 24, 2021 and forever, I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I to come against us to separate the wheat from the darnel so that God does
no longer want to receive offerings or tithe of tithes from anyone. Your not strike the sons of the devil dead here in the middle of the service.
tithes and offerings are for your assemblies who will know what is Before Canaan, Korah and Dathan and Abiram were already dead. And
necessary to be done for the Message with them. before the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the upper room, Judas was already
dead. And that's what happened here.
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46 And in our time God raised up from Brazil a 64-year-old man named tells you: this revelation exists since 2002. When you say, "All religions
Toninho Rezende claiming to be the drunken prophet of Kacou 104:30 including Christianity are of the devil", the system of the heaven tells you:
and the prophet who is to come for Latin America according to Kacou this revelation exists since 2002. And when Satan offers you revelations
137:15. He considers himself as Caleb and me as Joshua. He calls me: such as: "Adam has no navel" or "Adam and Eve were black", you have to
"My leader". In the walk of Israel toward Canaan, the most formidable make your choice.
opponent of Israel was Balaam. Balaam was not against Moses and Israel. 52 But all of you who have believed in me, never abandon this Message
Balaam did not insult or curse Moses and Israel like the prophets of the which is the narrow way to Heaven. Do not accept counterfeits and the
Jebusites, Africans, Hivites and Girgashites. broad and peaceful roads of the seducers and plagiarists and imitators.
47 According to Toninho's doctrine, smoking, drinking, women pastors Leave the churches of Dante Gebel, Guillermo Maldonado, Carlos
and all forms of sin condemned here are allowed. And he had seduced 57 Enrique Luna, Maria Luisa, Estevam Hernandes, Romildo Ribeiro Soares,
believers of the Midnight Cry, all enemies of the public confession. That Silas Malafaia, Valdemiro Santiago and Edir Macedo. Those are Satan's
is, 24 Brazilians, 21 Mozambicans, 8 Zimbabweans, two South Africans, roads to hell. They have healed and delivered millions of people. It is true.
one Congolese and one Malawian. And those among them who realised But they are all servants of Satan according to Matthew 7:21 and they lead
that Toninho was a seducer and wanted to return to the Message, I refused you to hell.
to let them return. And even if you leave the Message and come back 53 And being in this Message, even if you feel like you are a son of the
according to Kacou 143:67, your readmission to the Message will depend devil, keep walking. Out of five baptisms, four baptised can be delivered
on the decision in the group of your country. and one is not delivered but nothing says that the delivered or the
48 Be honest so that God may not cast you out of here. The Christian, undelivered one is a son of the devil. And if the four were not delivered,
Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist leaders are all pig farmers. And all those they would be lost one after the other after their baptism. And if everyone
who leave the Message and go to pig farmers, are ungodly, hypocrites, was delivered after baptism, there would be no pastor and no public
wicked and enemies of the public confession, they have no right to come confession. You are a child of God because you have believed in the living
back here even if they repent. prophet of your time.
49 In Latin America, during baptisms, Apostle Lucio May told the women 54 Salvation is very simple. Before the mission on earth, every prophet is
he baptised to hide their adulteries from their husbands. And it was when in the presence of God with the elect of his generation. And before the
God cast him out of the Message that these women revealed their ministry on the earth begins, the elect start to be born. The prophet is also
adulteries to their husbands. And where is Lucio May today? Where are born. And God allows Satan to scatter and hide the elect all over the earth.
all those who have left us? What have they become? Nothing! And you, Satan hides them in different continents, different nations, different
be honest with God so that their fate does not happen to you. families, different languages, different races, in different political systems
50 The plagiarists of my Message had risen in great numbers. One rises and parties, social classes. Satan establishes difficult conditions of access
and disappears. Another rises and disappears. And I said to one of them: through racism, apartheid, political regimes, hardships of life and
When you want to create a user name or an e-mail address and the system especially caste systems, sects and religions.
tells you that it already exists, leave it. When you say, "The original sin 55 And concerning the prophet, God says to Satan, "I allow you to put him
was a sexual act", the system in heaven says, this revelation exists since in difficult conditions but do not touch his life". And then the prophet is
1933. born into a miserable family and Satan prevents him from having the
51 When you say, "The Bible is a history book" or "The Bible does not necessary abilities for the mission. And when the signal is given, the
save", the system of the heaven tells you: This revelation exists since prophet has to gather all the elect from the four corners of the earth before
2002. When you say, "I am the prophet of Matthew 25:6" the system of he dies. Then he dies and goes to God and says, "O God, all those that
the heaven tells you: this revelation exists since 2002. When you say, "The You have given me, I have gathered them all and none of them is lost." But
public confession must be back in the Church" the system of the heaven
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