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Recombinant DNA Technology

Divya and Vishnu
What Is Recombinant DNA?
 Recombinant DNA is a form of DNA that does not exist
naturally, which is created by combining DNA sequences that
would not normally occur together.
 In terms of genetic modification, recombinant DNA (rDNA)
is introduced through the addition of relevant DNA into an
existing organismal DNA.
 such as the plasmids of bacteria, to code for a specific
purpose, such as antibiotic resistance.
Steps involve in preparation of Recombinant DNA..

 Identification of desired Gene.

 Isolation of Foreign DNA.
 Formation of Chimeric – DNA.
 Insertion of Chimeric DNA in host Cell.
 Selection of recombinant DNA.
 Gene Cloning.
Tools Required for R-DNA technology..

 Vectors

 Restriction Enzymes

 Other Enzymes as. Ligases

Flow chart Of R-DNA
Flow Chart
R-DNA Technology

Prepare DNA Isolate desired

Vector Gene

Cut DNA and modify Modify As per requirement

Join with DNA


Chimeric DNA Formed

Transformed bacterial Cell

Selection of Transformed
bacterial cell

Mass Culture of
bacterial cell

Extraction and purification

of Products
Action Of Restriction Enzymes
 X1 X2 X3 X4

 Action of Restriction Enzymes

 X1 X2 X3 X4
Reverse Transcription method.

• Formation of chimeric DNA:-

In formation of Chimeric DNA both foreign DNA
and linear Plasmid DNA are Mixed and Association
Between them takes place by Hydrogen bonding at
Ends. These occurs two kinds of end formation after
treatment with Restriction Enzymes.
Cohesive End legation
Blunt End Legation
Insertion of Chimeric DNA in Host Cell.
Selection of recombinant DNA.
Thank you very Much………….

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