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An Open Letter for FPI

If it is proven that those who attacked HKBP congregation and stabbed the pastor
there are FPI members, there will be no reason for govt not to air the firm statement that
FPI is forbidden organization, like PKI (Indonesia Communism Party) was.
It is very urgent. Why? Many devout Muslims in my place really condemn every
harsh action done by FPI. They say, “People like FPI members practice syahadat only in
mouth!”. FPI clearly does not represent the real face of Islam (religion of peace). I just
worry that every time FPI brutally destroys and attacks a particular group of people or
place, Islamophobia will spread much and much faster in Indonesia. Islam will be feared
of by all non-Muslims, and all Muslims will be labeled as a community of hyena that
always in the need of sucking blood, destroying everything, and hating peacefulness.
I respect FPI members as a human being and I respect their spirit and humanity.
What I condemn is their deed that jeopardizes our own religion. Even Imam Hasan al-
Banna, the founder of Ikhwanul Muslimin whom I’m sure is highly respected too by all
FPI members, once condemned the action of ‘Misr al-Fatah Party members that destroy a
café and everything inside. Imam al-Banna denounced such a brutal action and approach,
but also reminded the govt to look upon the objective substance that called on those
fellows to conduct such a brutal action.
I know that FPI wants to practice amar makruf nahy munkar (call on good deed
and prevent evil deed). It is highly respected in Islam. So don’t be trapped in amar
munkar li nahy munkar (call on evil deed to prevent evil deed).

Jl. KH. Hasyim Asyari II / 1303A Malang, East Java 65119

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