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Encouraging the Depressed

If you know someone suffering from depression, you might try some of the fol-
lowing suggestions. Not every idea will be appropriate for every person, but the
ones that are suitable will offer more hope than you can imagine.
*Pray consistently. Don’t take personal responsi- lawn, pick up groceries, watch the children, or vac-
bility for a depressed person. Rather, keep taking that uum the house. These routine activities are often
person’s burden to God. overwhelming to someone struggling in depression’s
sticky web.
*Stay connected. This isn’t always easy, espe-
cially when a person’s depression drags on. But a few *Show up with goodies. I’ll never forget the
minutes of focused listening and comforting is like “sunshine basket” a friend gave me during my depres-
concentrated love that will permeate your loved one’s sion. It was stuffed with sugarless gum, mints, pot-
life. Send occasional cards and notes that communi- pourri, a paperback book, a decorating magazine, and
cate, “I’m thinking of you.” a daily devotional guide.

*Suggest a thorough medical checkup. If medi- *Explore simple joys. Take a walk with your
cation is appropriate, you might help monitor any side friend. Point out flowers, sunrises, sunsets, clouds,
effects. It’s often frightening to take mood-altering and indigo blue skies. A depressed person can be
medications. blind to beauty.

*Suggest sound, competent Christian counsel- *Speak wisely. Don’t ever tell a depressed per-
ing. Medication can work wonders. Yet without son, “You shouldn’t feel like that.” It doesn’t help,
counseling, it can mask problems. If you don’t know and the person likely has been repeating that same
any counselors, speak with your pastor or call a de- litany for weeks.
pendable ministry.

*Seek practical ways to help. Mow your friend’s Rhonda Reese

Copyright 2006 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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