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Macbeth Vocabulary

Use context clues to figure out the
meaning of each of the following
1. abhor (verb)
My sister abhors cats to the point that she
has nightmares about them.
a) adore
b) loathe or dislike very strongly
c) own
d) take care of
2. abjure (verb)
She was forced to abjure her Christian
beliefs and embrace her husband’s
Muslim faith.
a) renounce, deny
b) practice
c) teach
d) forget
3. augment (verb)
Do not sign this document as it will
augment tensions between the two
a) erase
b) cancel
c) decrease, reduce
d) increase in size
4. benediction (noun)
My beloved son, before you leave, I would
like to give you my benediction.
a) curse
b) expression of good wishes, blessing
c) disapproval
d) bills
5. blanched (verb)
When she saw the spider on her bed, she
blanched in fear and couldn’t move.
a) turned white
b) rejoiced
c) smiled broadly
d) jumped
6. brandish (verb)
The man brandished a gun, and that’s
when the officers fired and wounded

a) drop
b) conceal
c) throw away
d) wave in the air
7. bounteous (adjective)
As farmers, we never lacked anything
because of the bounteous land my
parents inherited from their ancestors.
a) dry
b) generous
c) barren
d) desolate
8. chalice: a metal cup, like the one
used in the Catholic church
Which picture shows a chalice?
a) b) c)
9. chastise (verb)
The mother chastised her son for crossing
the street without looking by sending
him to his room.
a) blame
b) compliment
c) embarrass
d) punish
10. cistern (noun): reservoir, like one
used to store water
Which picture shows a cistern?
A. B. C.
11. clamorous (adjective)
The officers had to use tear gas to
disperse the clamorous crowd.
a) peaceful
b) non-violent
c) silent
d) noisy
12. consort (noun)
The king being too young, he could only
govern in consort with more mature
a) associate, cohort
b) opponent
c) rival
d) critic
13. corporal (adjective)
Corporal punishment of children used
to be tolerated but not anymore.
a) gentle
b) capital
c) unnecessary
d) bodily
14. dauntless (adjective)
The dauntless David faced the giant
Goliath with just a sling and a stone.
a) fearful
b) intimidated
c) lonely
d) fearless
15. desolate (adjective)
All my friends are gone and I feel bored
and desolate.
a) great
b) angry
c) alone
d) inspired

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