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Week 3

This week I had started to email my contributors to confirm a time

and date with my interviewees this was so I knew that I was able to
film them and so I knew what time and day I needed to book out the
equipment that was needed to film the documentary.

I then started to fill out my call sheets for my interviews and risk
assessment sheets this was so that I was aware of what I had to
watch out for when I was filming on the location I was filming on and
this was so I was covered if I got injured.

Then I had started to fill out my production schedule for February it

was also so I knew what days I was filming and what days I was not
filming and it also lets me know how long I have left to filmy

At the end of the week I then had started to type up the questions
that I had needed for my interviews and the questions that I had
needed for the vox pops this is so I knew what I had to ask during the
interview and so I was sure that I had covered what I wanted to ask
in the interview and in the vox pops.

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