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Evaluation or texts

My feature
My documentary that I had made was about stereotyping and how people stereotyped to
the way that they are dressed, how it has affected people’s lives and how stop and search
plays a role in it. I showed that the documentary that I had made was about stereotyping
and about stop and search by having interviews with a sociology teacher to give information
about stereotyping. I had also showed this in my vox pops by asking in people questions
about what they thought about stop and search. This was to show the audience who has
been stop and searched and what main ethnicities are stereotyped.
Below is a link to my documentary.

Old text
This documentary that I have picked to compare my feature to is about a band who play
racist songs, the bands is called four skins. I decided to use this documentary because this
documentary came down on a side about music being raciest. I had also decided to use this
because it talks about different type of people like skin heads which links to my
documentary. This documentary shows that it is about raciest songs because it mainly
focuses on how people have reacted to their songs with images of burnt down houses. It
also tells the audience some of the lyrics so they get an idea of what the some of the lyrics
Below is a link to the documentary

New text
The new documentary that I had picked is about stop and search. This is where young man
who is twenty nine years of ages and has never been stopped and search in his life. In this
documentary he goes around investigating how easy it is to get stopped and searched for
being a black male.
The presenter has used vox pops with young youths who talk about stop and search which
show a young side of the documentary. The presenter also goes to other place such as
Durham, Nottingham and Norwich this is so that he can see hat areas people are most
stopped and searched. He also does it so he can see what types of people are stopped in
these areas.
Below is a link to this documentary.
My feature
My documentary is on stereotyping is different to the two other types of texts that I
compared in pre-production when I was doing textual analysis. While I was looking at the
textual analysis I had found a documentary that sort of related to my documentary this is
because it fitted in with my which was called ‘stop and search me’. The feature that I had
made was unique because I was not able to find a documentary that was on the topic of
The content of my text featured were
 What stereotyping is?
 Why people are stereotyped and why is around?
To answer these questions I had got interview with experts who have the knowledge on the
topic. The people who I had interviewed were a company owner who had been stopped and
searched regularly by the police and a youth subcultures teacher who spoke about dress

Company Owner

Sociology Teacher

I had also included vox pops in my documentary this was so that I could get a view from
people to see what they thought about stereotyping.
Below are pictures of the people who I done some of my vox pops with.

Old text
This documentary is very different to my documentary in terms of the content because it is
about skin heads that have made a band who have sung racist songs. This is very different
from my documentary because it my documentary talks about stereotyping and how stop
and search play a part init.
The content of this documentary was about;
 skin heads
 Music
The documentary showed what it was about with interviews with john peel who works on
radio one and peter Bradley who is the institute for contemporary studies.

Below are some pictures of interviewees.


They also had vox pops to show people’s views on both sides of the documentary. My vox
pops were similar to this because I wanted to find out what peoples view where.
Below are some pictures to show this.

New text
The stop and search me documentary is very similar to my documentary. It relates to my
documentary because it contains information about stop and search and how young black
people are more likely to be stopped and searched by the police.
The content of this documentary was about;
 Why black people are more likely to be stopped and searched in most parts of the
The documentary showed that it was about stop and search by using lots of vox pops in the
documentary. The vox pops were to show what targeted audience was it shows that it was
young people as the people who were in the vox pops were young.
Below are pictures to show this.

Vox pops
Mode of Address
My feature
The mode of address that my feature was set in was informal. It connotes this by;
 Language was appropriate for my targeted audience.
 I also played a role in my own feature
The tone of language that I had used was appropriate for my targeted audience to watch
this was because it was informal. It also did not contain any foul language but it did contain
some slang so it related to the targeted audience so they stayed locked in to my feature.

I also used locations so it set the mode of address during the interview for example I used an
office to set the scene the sociology teacher. This connoted that she was language was
formal so that the audience saw that the information that was being given was good
information so they would pay attention. When I
Below are some pictures that show this.

Picture of sociology Picture of business owner

teacher an office which outside which connotes
connotes where she what environment he works
works. in.

To set the mode of address I had to decided show it by the way I dressed and to be on the
streets most of the time. The way that I had dressed through the whole of my documentary
was to look like a normal person on the streets. I dressed informal when I was going into
the shops when I was filming. This was so that I could get a clear view of how the shops
reacted to me. I also did this so that the audience was able to see how people reacted to a
certain dress type. Then had dressed formal to show how a change of dress changes how
people act to you.
I filmed on the streets so that I was able to relate to my target audience as they would
spend time on the streets socialising with their friends, an example of this is when I went to
do my vox pops and when I was going into the shops to see how they reacted to the way
that I was dressed.
Old text
This documentary is reasonably old and the mode of address of this is very different to my
own feature. The mode of address in this documentary is quite formal. It connotes this by
the presenter wearing a suit. It also show this by the tone of his voice as it is very upper
class and very formal. This is different to my documentary as I used an informal tone
throughout so that the targeted audience (16-24) year olds could clearly understand what
was being said.

The presenter would not be very appealing to my feature as he spoke formally, wore a suit
and was old. I feel that the target audience would have found him uninteresting because of
this and I they wouldn’t have paid attention throughout the documentary.
By the presenter being old, upper class and speaking formally this indicates that the
documentary would be for upper class and old people who are highly educated.
Below is a picture that shows this.

Picture of the presenter

New text
This documentary is very modern. The mode of address in this documentary is informal
because he shows statistics that is easy for the audience to read. Another way that it shows
that the documentary is in formal by the way that he dresses. This relates to my
documentary because I had dressed informal and the tone of language that I had used was
informal. This documentary would also appeal to my targeted audience because it is very
current and relates to teenagers at this time in moment.

The similar aspects that my documentary and this documentary are;

 Informal language
 age groups
 locations
The locations that were used in this documentary were very informal, as it shows the
presenter on urban streets and estates in London. This shows us who the most targeted
stereotypes are and where they are found.
Below is a picture of this.

Locations that appeal to the

targeted audience
My feature
My feature contained a reasonable amount of conventions such as;
 Archive footage
 Graphics
 Music
 Voice over
 Interviewees
 Sign in and sign out
 Vox pops
The conventions that I had used were needed to give the target audience more information
and to entertain them.

I used the archive footage to entertain them and to link things up. I done this was so it
flowed well into the next thing that I would be talking about. i also used archive footage
because it had related to what I was talking about in the voice over. E.g. I had used the
‘Mitchell Brothers - routine check’ when I was talking about stop and search this was
because the song was about stop and search so it relates to what I was talking about.

Archive footage of the

Mitchell Brothers made it
look personal to the
audience because he was
talking to the camera.

I used the graphics so that the target audiences were able to see who was the presenter was
so that they knew my name. An example that connotes this is when Introduce myself during
the sign on.
Below is a picture of this.


The music that I had used in the documentary was used so that I could also entertain the
targeted audience and to link it with the next thing that I would be talking about. E.g. i used
‘KRS – sound of the police’ because it linked into the interview that was next which was with
the company owner of Mr big.

I also used the voice overs to show my targeted audience what I was doing at the time and
to give them information on the topic. An example of this is at the start of the documentary
over the montage. This was so I could explain the topic the audience.
I used the sign in and sign out to tell the audience what my feature would be talking about
and I used the sign out to tell the audience what I had found out. An example of when this is
used is at the beginning and at the end of my documentary.
Below is a picture of this.

Sign in and
sign out

The interviews were used so that I was able to give my audience information about the topic
form experts. An example of this was when I went to the interview with the sociology
teacher and the with the company owner.

Graphics at the
beginning of the

I decided to use vox pops to get a view from people on the streets to hear their side of the
topic. This was so that was able to show views form people who are form different
The questions I decided to ask in the vox pops were;
 What they thought of stereotyping?
 Who they would feel safe around with a picture?
 What do they thought of stop and search?
 If they had ever been stopped and searched by the police?
When I asked the question who would you feel safe around I gave them a picture that they
was able to hold. This was so that they had something to do during the vox pops.
Below is a picture of this.

Picture of the vox pops

with people who have
the picture in their
Old text
This documentary has some similar conventions in the documentary. E.g. vox pops,
interviews, graphics, archive footage and voice overs. The things that were different to my
documentary were that it did not have a sign on or sign out, no music to entertain the
audience. I think that this was because they did not have the technology to film these parts.
Here are some pictures to show this

Here is a picture of the graphics.

This clearly shows who is talking.

Here is a picture of the archive

footage. This is used to make
the audience see what really
happened and so they felt

Here is a picture of the interview

that was in the documentary.
This is used to give the audience
expert information.

The voice overs were used give the audience some information to describe what was
happening in the clip. It was also used to give facts to the audience so they learnt something
while they were watching the documentary. There was also a lot of vox pops this was so
that it could show peoples personal views.
New text
This documentary used lots of conventions such as vox pops with teenagers, sign on, sign
out, graphics and voice overs. This documentary did not contain any interviews were as
mine did.
The similarities that my documentary and this documentary had were;
 Graphics
 Sign in and sign out
 Voice overs
 music
 Vox pops
 Voice overs

The music that was used was very similar to mine because both of the documentaries had
RnB music which appealed to the target audience to keep them locked in to the
documentary that they would be watching.

The graphics that were used in this documentary were used effectively as they had graphics
that were like a small interview. This was different from my documentary because I only had
graphics that introduced the person who was in the interview.
Below is a picture of this.

New text documentary


It also included vox pops with a group of teenagers which was similar to a discussion with
them. This was a good idea because it gave a group of people’s views at one time, although
mine only had a vox pop with only one person at a time
Below is a picture of this.

As you can see in the picture

only has one person in the shot
this shows that it is a more
personal answer.
The sign in a sign out was very strong in this documentary about ‘stop and search me’
because it gave the audience lots of information and what the documentary was going to be
about. The presenter also looked like he really wanted to find things out because he was
interested in the topic.

New text documentary

My documentary did not have a very strong sign in and sign out off. I don’t think that it was
very strong because it did not explain and conclude the topic very well.
Below is a picture of this.

Style and Form

My feature
The style and form that I wanted my documentary look like a music video. This is because
music videos are fast movements but also has lots of camera shots and angles (e.g. long
shot, mid-shot, two shot, low angle, high angle, straight on and side on). I used a range of
shots so that it varied throughout my documentary so it was made it interesting for the
audience to watch.
I wanted my documentary to look like a music video because it would relate to my targeted
audience as they were people who were aged 16 – 24 year olds and would most likely be
into music. The I had decided to use certain types of music so that it related to what I was
talking about e.g. when I was going into the shops I used ‘Lethal b – police on my back’ this
was because I was going into shops while a security guard was behind me which related
back to the song.
I feel that the form of my documentary that I had made was very hyper as is it was fast but
contained lots of information at the same time. This is show when I start to walk into shops
where my music was very fast which seemed like a chase to find something out. I feel that
this worked well because it related to the targeted audience in terms of music and it also
looked like a music video which was how I wanted it to look like.
The language that I used my documentary had some slang. This was so that it related to my
targeted audience.
Old text
The style that I think this documentary was calm and slow. I feel that this came across to
because its targeted audience was educated people who were more upper class were as my
documentary came across more fast so that young people this is so it related to the them
more instead of elder people.
The camera movements show that this documentary is for elder educated people this is
because elder people have more time so that they are able to watch the documentary.
It is also shown in the language that is used because it is very formal so if a young teenager
was to watch this documentary was to watch this they would get bored. This does not relate
to my documentary because it is faster so it keeps the targeted audience locked into the

New text
The style of this documentary is like a mission. This is because comes across to the targeted
audience like the presenter is on a mission to get stopped and search. The presenter shows
this when he signs on to the documentary, He also uses lots of face expressions that show
this. My documentary relates to this because I also use hand gestures to show that it is bad
what happens when a person walks into a shop.
Here is a picture below to show this

This is a picture that shows

his face expressions which
show that he is serious.

As you can see I have also

used hand jesters instead
of facial expressions.

The language that is used in this documentary is formal because he is on a mission to find
out why black people are mostly likely to be stopped and searched. This is also so that all
ages of people are able to watch this documentary. It is also shown in his vox pops as he
goes up to a group of people to find out information which also give him a bit of personality
because he goes up to a group of people which shows he is sociable.
My documentary is different to the new documentary this is because I did not go up to a
group of people to find out information about something as I was just finding their own view
on the topic.
Below are some pictures of this.
Pictures of vox

My feature
I feel that my documentary used the technology very well. I think this because I was able to
do shots of me walking in to shops. This was very effective because it showed the audience
what happens when a certain culture or gender walks into a shop and how people reacted
to them.
Below are some examples of this.

Here is a picture of me
walking out of the shop.

I also think that my feature’s editing was also tight so there was no extra footage that was
not needed in my documentary. But I do not feel that the sound levels were not that good
this is because some of the sound levels were loud at some parts and low the other parts I
think that I could have improved this by using better headphones.

I think that I had used the technology well because the technology was not very good but I
got the documentary filmed and every shot that I had needed. I feel that the camera I used
was well because it was good quality so I could have improved it by having a better camera
throughout the whole documentary so the shots were clear.
Below is an example of this.

The footage is very clear

as you can see.
Old text
The technology that had been used in this documentary was not as good as the equipment
that I have at this time. This was obvious as the camera quality was poor and the visibility of
the presenter. The equipment is not good that was used in this documentary this is because
it an old documentary so the technology that is used is not a recent as the technology that is
used to this date.
Below is a picture of this.

This picture shows that it is old.

My features technology has no similarities, this is

because I was able to use new technology that has been
bought out unlike the old text documentary that was used was old because u was able to
see from the quality and sound of the whole documentary.
The graphics that were used in this documentary looked similar to mine but they were not
very clear, again this is due to the technology that I was using was better than the
technology that was used in this documentary because I had new technology.
Below is a picture of this.

New text
The technology that has been used in this documentary is very good, this is most likely
because it has been produced by the BBC so they will have better technology. The footage
that the camera picked up was good because it looked like it was in high definition (HD) so
the footage came out clearer because it had more mega pixels then the camera I had used.
Below is a picture of this.

The sound in this documentary was clear and you could hear the information very clear,
again this documentary had better sound because they had better equipment that they
used this was because they had the money so they could buy top quality equipment.
Below is a picture of the camera that they probably used and the camera that I had used.

Here is a picture of the camera that

they probably used on the left and
on the right is a picture of the
camera that I used.

As you can see the camera that is

more expensive and more

The sound was clearer than mine because the might have had a microphone on the
presenter that picked up the sound or they either had used a boom mic with a extender
pole so they were able to get close to the sound without being in the shot

Here is a picture of a rode mic that I

had used throughout the whole

Here is a picture of the mic that they

probably used in the documentary.

As you can see in this picture you

will be able to get closer to the
sound without the person being in
the shot.

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