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Research Essay

Research is a key part in creating our music video because it helps us develop our
idea and helps us to create the music video in the first place. Since I have started
this project all I have done is research for every piece of work I have done for this
project so far.

Primary Research
(Form plus Dec 07th 2022) “Primary research is a type of research design in which
the researcher is directly involved in the Data Collection Process. In other words,
the researcher gathers relevant data samples directly instead of depending on
already existing data with regards to the research context.” For my music video I
have done a questionnaire to find out what people like and dislike for a music video
so that I can get a better idea of what I could use I this video to make it more
appealing and interesting for people to watch so that they like it and come back for
more. In this questionnaire I included things like what type of music video do you
like such as narrative and I even asked if they knew any of these artists and the
artists where in the same genre as the artist that I have chosen.

Secondary Research
( May 5th, 2021) “While primary research involves active participation
from the researcher themselves, secondary research involves the summary or
synthesis of data and literature that has been organized and published by others.
When doing secondary research, researchers use and analyze data from primary
research sources. “I used secondary research in my music video project because. To
research some of the ideas had for the video I had to see what it looked like
another videos, such as I want to add animations and make trippy style music video
so on YouTube, I watched music videos from Iann Dior and Machine Gun Kelly to
see how they incorporated these styles and factors into their music video. I did
some music video analysis on the song Bangarang by skrillex because he uses
some cool animations in the video, also the video does not have a relationship with
the lyrics and my music video is going to be a mixture of both it will have a
relationship with and without the lyrics, so I wanted to see how a music video
looked without a relationship because a lot of music videos now have a relationship
with lyrics. In the music video that goes with my song choice Let You it has a scene
where they play Russian roulette with a pistol, but they have it in a circus setting
with circus costumes. I have taken inspiration from this, and I am going to do a
Russian Roulette but in the style of the Mafia round a table I am pub. I am going to
have a 60s theme around this part because it suits the Russian mafia style more, I
taken inspirations for the costumes and locations of this scene from the film
Godfather because it films the theme really, we’ll and it is one of my favorite films.

Market research
(Investopedia Sept 10th, 2021) “Market research is the process of determining the
viability of a new service or product through research conducted directly with
potential customers. Market research allows a company to discover the target
market and get opinions and other feedback from consumers about their interest
in the product or service.” I have done a questionnaire about our music video to
help find our target audience, in the survey I have questions such as “what do you
like to see in music videos?” and I gave options such as animations, special effects
and song being played by the band, and I asked this question to see if people
would like to see animations in the music video. I also asked if people liked a music
video with or without a relationship to the lyrics to see if people had a preference
and I would try to add more of that one to the video. I looked at a website called
YouGov and this website allows me to look up my artist of choice and I can see all
kinds of statistics about their fan base such as, if they are millennial or Gen X and I
can see if they voted to leave or to stay in the EU. There was also a section below
that said other interests of people that have liked this artist and there was things
like location, food and other artists. This helped me choose some of my locations
and some cultural references in my video, I also looked at some of the music
videos from the artists that came up such as Machine Gun Kelly and The Weeknd.

Content research

(Published by Linda Hegarty, 03 Jul 2009) “Content analysis is a research

method which allows the qualitative data collected in research to be
analysed systematically and reliably so that generalizations can be made
from them in relation to the categories of interest to the researcher.” For
content research I did lyric analysis on my song of choice Let You by Iann
Dior, for this analysis I went through the lyrics and I highlighted it and wrote
what this meant how this made me fell, this also helped me come up with my
ideas for what I was going to film for some of the scenes. I also did song
analysis on the song Bangarang by Skrillex and saw that he had used
animations and special effects on his video just like what I want to do in my,
music video so this video also gave me inspiration and it helped me with
some of the questions on my questionnaire to see if people would like to see
it in my music video. For this analysis in did the three methods of analysis
Deconstruct, Interpretation and link. This helps with analysis and helped me
because Deconstruct is who it was made and produced by an what awards
the music video won, and for Interpretation you talk about the narrative such
as in this music video I talked about the story of the children robbing the ice
cream van and how this impacted on the because it shows them in the future
robbing banks and I explained how this music video held a message and
delivered it strongly through the video. Finally, I had link which h was how it
linked to my, music video and it linked to my music video because I want a
message in my music video and I want a narrative, so I explained about how
this music video linked to what I wanted in my music video. “Content analysis
is a widely used method in communication research and is particularly popular in
media and popular culture studies”

Production Research

(Published on 03 May 2013) “The purpose of production

research is to gather information on the content of production related
issues. The methods of production research could be primary research; this
means researching via books and setting up focus groups to gather people's
opinions.” Production research is any form of research that goes into the
creation of the product, such as for my music video I had to look into
locations and equipment that I can use for my music video. For some scenes
I needed to find a place that we can use for the shot of the Russian roulette
scene, for this scene we wanted to film in an old pub to really fit the time and
so it looks like we had a flashback, so I had to find some local pubs that could
be possible filming locations for this shot. For the equipment we need a good
camera so that we can get the shots that we want in the detail that we want
so I looked into the X70 Sony camera to use for this project because it is
available for us to use, and it can get the shots that we want. We also want
costumes and props to use so we had to look for places that sold the
costumes and props that we wanted at the best and cheapest possible price,
we also looked around to see if we could get any for free such as the prop
cupboard for costumes and props.

Qualitative research

Qualitative research helps me find more personal answers about my target

audience so that I know what to include in my music video so that it can
attract to the right type of people, and we can get the best possible results.
Such as in my questionnaire I asked questions such as “who is your favourite
artists?”(by L Busetto in 2020) “Qualitative research is defined as “the study of
the nature of phenomena”, including “their quality, different manifestations,
the context in which they appear or the perspectives from which they can be
perceived”, but excluding “their range, frequency and place in an objectively
determined chain of cause and effect”. Quantitative research is more
numerical answers for example in my questionnaire is had questions such as
“How old are you?” this helped me find my target audience so that I could
find locations and could get inspired for scenes that I can shoot in my music.
“Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical
data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test
causal relationships, and generalize results to wider populations”. (By Pritha
Bhandari 4th April 2022).


In conclusion, research is very helpful in creating an form of media and is

important for everyone to get inspired. Inspiration is the most beneficial tool
that comes from researching because from my personal experience this has
helped me develop my idea to where it is now and will help me develop more
ideas in the future to come for my music video.


Primary research -

Secondary research -

Market research -
Content research -

Production Research -

Qualitative research -

Quantitative research -

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