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FMP Presentation based on Research

By Oliver and Kian Oliver’s Work

Kian's Work
What is the purpose of researching for music video production?

Researching for music video production can be beneficial in multiple ways, like
further understanding of the artists you are going to use and the music
genre/how to fit the style of the song and what it depicts. By researching you
can also discover similar songs and see how they dress or act (how they play the
role of the character in the song).
Another benefit of research is that it can open your mind to new ideas for the
future and how you could improve on later projects
How does research benefit the Music
Video project?

Researching before making a music video is very important and can really help with your
understanding of you target audience and what other artists/bands they listen to. Websites
such as IMVDb can help you find what fans of other artists are in to and what target
demographic that artist is popular with.

Research can also give you plenty of ideas for

your music video such as locations, visuals,
and Props. Research can be found pretty
much everywhere. From books, websites,
voting polls, newspapers, surveys, TV programs
and many other places
Production Research

 Production research is important when it comes to the production side of things, It contains important
information like roles, scouting locations for filming. From this you can also understand requirements for
the production such as lighting, camera positioning and the equipment incorporated to make this a
successful production.
 e.g. If you were to film in a field that is for the public the you could do a recce of the area to find good
spots for shots, or camera placement. This will help you further understand how much equipment is
required and the crew size needed.
Market Research

Research based around targeting the audience of which you

are trying to present this to, this can be divided into;
Demographics - “Demographic analysis, the study of a
population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex.” –
(Hayes, A. (2021) Demographics Definition.)
Psychographics – “Psychographics is the qualitative
methodology of studying consumers based on psychological
characteristics and traits such as values, desires, goals,
interests, and lifestyle choices.” – (Revella, A.
(2021) Psychographic Marketing: Examples + Psychographic
Profiles | Hotjar Blog.)
Content Research

Content research is research that helps you better

understand details involved in the type of subject
you are trying to produce or present. This is mainly
used when analysing other works/content by people
to try to incorporate ideas in your work or expand
their idea.
Quantitative Research:

Quantitative research is when you collect and analyse numerical data. This can be used in any
kind of research such as votes, polls, surveys and more.

There are four types of Quantitative Research: Descriptive, Correlational, Casual Comparative and
Experimental Research.

-Descriptive Research: A type of research that is used to describe the characteristics of a topic.
-Correlational Research: a non-experimental research method which studies the relationship
between two variables.
-Causal/Comparative Research: Research designs used to examine potential causes for observed
differences found among existing groups.
-Experimental Research: A research design to establish the existence of a cause and effect
relationship between two variables.
Qualitative Research:

Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data to understand

concepts, opinions or experiences.

Some qualitative research methods could include:

-Case Study Research
-Narrative Research
-Record Keeping
-One-To-One Interviews
-Focus Groups
Primary & Secondary Research

Primary information is any information you have gathered yourself, this can be done
by reading creating a questionnaire and sending it out for people to complete or
by going around taking a survey etc..

Secondary Information is any information you get from other peoples work, an
online article or previously published work, this can further include Wiki sites or
webpages you may find related to the subject published by someone else.
Reference Page

 Hayes, A. (2021) Dem ographics Definition. Available at:
,What%20Are%20Demographics%3F,and%20death%20rates%2C%20and%20more (Accessed:

 Revella, A. (2021) Psychographic Marketing: Examples + Psychographic Profiles | Hotjar Blog.

Available at: (Accessed:

 Research on music artists:

Anon, 2020. The nature and purpose of research in the Creative Media Industries.
Valentinemedia. Available at:
(Accessed: April 6, 2022).

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