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Adroit Skillful and clever resourceful.

Embody 1. To give definite or concrete from too.

2. To incorporate.
Foible A miner weakness in character.

Fugitive 1. Passing away quickly; not lasting long.

2. Fleeing.
Irrepressible Incapable of being restrained or controlled.

Keen 1. Very strong; intense.

2. Having or showing mental quickness.
3. Very sensitive.
4. Piercing; cutting.
Legacy 1. Something handed down from the past as
from an ancestor.
2. Money or property left to someone in a
Nuance A slight variation in meaning; expression, color, or
Repertoire A list of artistic works, such as plays, operas, or
songs, that a performer or group is prepared to
Stark 1. Utter; complete; absolute.
2. Bleak; desolate; barren.
3. Harsh; grim.
Arrogant Feeling or showing an overbearing pride or self-
importance; conceited; haughty.
Cavalier Showing a haughty or disdainful disregard for,
sometimes in a free and easy manner.
Condescending Showing a snobbish or superior attitude.

Contemptuous Showing disdain or contempt; scornful.

Ebullient 1. Very enthusiastic.

2. Boiling; bubbling.
Egocentric Interested only in one’s own needs or affairs; self-
Haughty Having or showing greats pride in oneself and
scorn for others.
Pompous Characterized by undue dignity or self-importance.

Unpretentious Modest; simple; plain.

Waspish Easily irritated or annoyed; badly- tempered.

Adjunct Something added, but to hear and decide a case by
judicial procedure.
Aggregate Gathered together into a whole; total.

Congregate To gather in a crown or mass; assemble.

Egregious Remarkably bad or offensive; flagrant.

Enjoin 1. To direct, order, or urge with authority.

2. To prohibit; forbid.
Gregarious 1. Fond of the company of others; sociable.
2. Living in flocks or groups.
Injunction 1. A command order.
2. A court order required or prohibited.
Juncture The act of joining or the state of being joined. A
point at which two things are joined.

Junta A group, usually made of military officers, that

rules a country after the overthrow of the
Segregate 1. To set apart from others; isolate.
2. To impose the separation of a specific
group from the rest of society.

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