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Module 1: The Female Voice Reemergence- back to an original place

A Low Art Lavish- giving or using a large amount of

Foxiness -shrewdness as demonstrated by being
skilled in deception. craftiness, cunning, guile, Insurrection- a usually violent attempt to take
slyness, wiliness, craft. astuteness, control of a govt.
perspicaciousness, perspicacity, shrewdness -
intelligence manifested by being astute (as in Shrewd- having or showing an ability to
business dealings) understand things and to make good judgements
Genteel- having an aristocratic quality or flavor :
stylish; of or relating to the gentry or upper class
Unscrupulousness- not honest or fair, illegal
Indolent- not liking to work or be active
Jeering- to shout insulting words at someone
Stumbled- trip or momentarily lose one's balance;
Preposterous- very foolish or silly almost fall
Fumbling- to search for something by reaching or - to fall into sin or waywardness; to make
touching w/ your fingers in an awkward or clumsy an error : blunder; to come to an obstacle to belief
Fiery- easily provoked,irritable. a fiery temper.
Minstrel- a musical entertainer in the middle ages
-having or showing a lot of strong and
Edifying- to teach in a way that improves the mind angry emotion.
or character
Declawed- to permanently remove the claws
-instructive or informative in a way that
improves the mind or character Vitality- a lively or energetic quality
Withered- to become dry and weak

Module 2: Love in a Strange Place Liege- having the right to feudal allegiance or
service; obligated to render feudal allegiance and
Silk service
Tunic-a simple slip-on garment made with or Affluent- having a large amount of money and
without sleeves and usually knee-length or owning many expensive things
longer, belted at the waist, and worn as an
Ostentation- an unnecessary display of wealth,
under or outer garment by men and women
knowledge that is able to attract
of ancient Greece and Rome
Boisterous- very noisy & active in a lively way
Inperceptibly-in a way that is so slight,
gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived. Rickshaw- a light two-wheeled hooded vehicle
drawn by one or more people, used chiefly in
Inexorably- in a way that is impossible to
Asian countries.
stop or prevent.
Nouveau riche- is a term, usually derogatory, to
Voyage- a course or period of traveling by
describe those whose wealth has been acquired
other than land routes
within their own generation, rather than by familial
Module 3: Samurai Daughters
Dusk- the state or period of partial darkness
Strangeness of Beauty between day and night; the dark part of twilight
Warring (war)- a conflict carried on by force of Eaves- the part of a roof that meets or overhangs
arms, as between nations or between parties the walls of a building.
within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.
Frivolity- lack of seriousness; lightheartedness.
Besieged- surround (a place) with armed forces in
Mundane- dull and ordinary; lacking interest or
order to capture it or force its surrender; lay siege
Bustled- to move or go in a busy or hurried way
Obsolete- no longer used by anyone
Reneged- to refuse to do something that you
promised or agreed to
Banquet-a formal dinner for many people usually
to celebrate a special event
Discretion- the quality of having or showing
discernment or good judgment :the quality of
being discreet :circumspection; especially Unit 6
:cautious reserve in speech.
Module 1: The Self
2.ability to make responsible decisions.
The Valley of Amazement
Futile- incapable of producing any useful result;
pointless. Amputated- cut off (a limb), typically by surgical
Oohed- utter such an exclamation.
Animosity- a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or
Bafflement- to confuse, bewilder, or perplex, enmity that tends to display itself in action
revulsion- a strong feeling of repugnance,
Lacquered- any of various resinous varnishes, distaste, or dislike
especially a resinous varnish obtained from a
Japanese tree, Rhus verniciflua, used to produce - the act of drawing something back or
a highly polished, lustrous surface on wood or the away
gist- the substance or essence of a speech or
- Lacquered is used to describe things that have text.
been coated or sprayed with (lacquer- a
Courtesan- a prostitute, especially one with
protective coating consisting of a resin, cellulose
wealthy or upper-class clients.
ester, or both, dissolved in a volatile solvent,
sometimes with pigment added. ) - a courtier, which means a person who
attends the court of a monarch or other powerful
Fiddlehead- are the furled fronds of a young fern,
harvested for use as a vegetable.
Manifesto- a public declaration of policy and aims,
Astonishment- overpowering wonder or surprise;
especially one issued before an election by a
political party or candidate
Ardent- intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic;
Surplus- something that remains above what is
used or needed.; an amount, quantity, etc.,
Cooed- to utter or imitate the soft, murmuring greater than needed.
sound characteristic of doves.
Blob- a drop of a thick liquid or other viscous
- To talk fondly or amorously in murmurs substance.
Haughty- disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully
arrogant; supercilious
The Good Body
Stupefied- make (someone) unable to think or feel
Vanquish- defeat thoroughly; to defeat in any
properly; shock
contest or conflict
Exquisite- extremely beautiful and, typically,
Purge- rid (someone) of an unwanted feeling,
memory, or condition, typically giving a sense of
cathartic release; an abrupt or violent removal of
a group of people from an organization or place.
Module 4: The Colonizer’s Tounge
Scrawny- excessively thin; lean; scraggy
Omnipresent- widely or constantly encountered;
Profundity- deep insight; great depth of common or widespread; present everywhere at
knowledge or thought; great depth or intensity of the same time.
a state, quality, or emotion.
Neurosis- A psychological state characterized by
Resounding- unmistakable; emphatic. excessive anxiety or insecurity without evidence
Complicity- the state of being an accomplice; of neurologic or other organic disease, sometimes
partnership or involvement in wrongdoing accompanied by defensive or immature

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