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Rules and Regulations

1. The contest consists of 8 problems of varying difficulties. On solving a problem the

contestant will be awarded points as per its difficulty, so if u solve problem no. n u get
n^2 points for that.

Problem 1- 1 point
Problem 2- 4 points
Problem 3- 9 points
Problem 4- 16 points
Problem 5- 25 points
Problem 6- 36 points
Problem 7- 49 points
Problem 8- 64 points

2. Ties will be resolved on the basis of time.

3. A contestant can use C++ or Java for his submission.

4. A contestant can make only one submission for a problem. If your solution does not give
the correct output in the given time limit 0 points will be awarded for that problem.

5. The time limit for solving each problem is 2.5s in C++ and 5s in java (considering the
slow I/O in case of java) unless otherwise stated in the problem statement. (Time limit
here refers to the total time taken by your program to execute and give the output).

6. Each solution (source code) to a problem must be mailed as an attachment to from your ntu email ID. The subject must be of the form
<problem number> : <language>. Let’s say you submit a code for problem 3 in C++. The
subject of the mail will be 3 : C++.

7. Contestants must not cheat; all ideas for any code submitted must be the contestant's

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