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Celeste kila dice:

bsmeee, hello
steph dice:
Celeste kila dice:
i have a question about the guild support, do we have to ask you to be in?
steph dice:
I do not know what is happening with the guild support
I told the GMs we needed to sort some extra characters out etc and they did not
get back to me
then then removed the thread from the V section but published the event
so I am not sure even they know what is happening
Celeste kila dice:
the delete of the thread surpreised me a bit, i would have nver imagined
they would just delete it out of the blue :/
not to mention the notice of the event, it' a paraodx
steph dice:
hmmm I hope to speak to them later today
Celeste kila dice:
i wanted to make a thread, but as no-one else is asking on the forum of it i
didnt :/ i dont want to screw up anything
steph dice:
As soon as I speak to the GMs I will find out
and then get back to you
I just wish they would delay it a couple of weeks
Celeste kila dice:
yep it was all made in a rush, they could have easily waited one week to
gather more people, and they should have included qulan server as well,
they fell kind of betrayed by webzen because they weren't even taken into
acount :/ can you say that to gm's too?
steph dice:
I have been saying ot to the GMs on a weekly basis
Celeste kila dice:
i hope the delay is related to that otherwise tulan players will be flaming on
the forum
well bsme, i have to go to work :/ ill be checking the forum to see if gms say
anything about the guild support
steph dice:
thanks Celeste I will hopefully catch you later
Celeste kila dice:
see you too dijo (08:N8 a.m.):
have a good one at work

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