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Maybe you’ve just recently experienced a break up, and you are asking yourself “how can I win

my ex back”? You will want to get your ex back immediately, and it is common for those who
have gone through this experience. I can tell you this. It is absolutely possible to get your ex

You probably find yourself in a very emotional state and depressed as well. You may be
wondering what you should do or what do you need to do. You are feeling like contacting your
ex or begging him/her to come back to you. if you are going to do this or you are already doing
this, you are wrong. That will make the situation even worse.

What you need to do right now is to do opposite of what you are feeling to do. If you are feeling
like calling your ex, do not try to. If you are feeling like staying inside and isolate yourself,
don’t. You will feel lonely and make you feel pain more.

Try to follow the following steps and move on and you will know the answer of how to get your
ex back.

Step 1 – How to win your ex back: Accept the breakup

You need to realize that break up is happening. Tell yourself that you are strong, you will try to
calm down yourself and you will be fine. Only when you accept, you will find the best solution
to move on to next step. Once you accept, you will feel lesser tension and eliminate your stress.
In this kind of situation, both parties need some time to take a break and also give time to
consider the relationship. If love between two of you are strong enough, definitely, your ex
wouldn’t want to end the relationship so abruptly.

Step 2 – How to win your ex back: Analyse the situation

Think about what actually caused the breakup. Though you can’t change the past that happened,
you can learn the lessons from the experiences. Breakup can cause from the single situation or
from behaviors that your ex couldn’t stand anymore. You have to fully understand the situation
clearly what went wrong from the very first so that you will be able to know how to handle the
situation and in the long run in your life, this type of situation will never happen to you anymore.

Step 3 - How to win your ex back: Do not contact your ex

Do not try to make contact with your ex anymore right this moment. You ought to cut
communication off with him or her in order to give a good thinking. This may seem a little bit
odd but by doing so, you are actually showing that you have already moved on and you are doing
fine. When you do not contact your ex, that will allow him or her to think about your value.
Normally people will appreciate one’s value when that person is not around anymore. Then, that
will make your ex miss you and he or she will realize how important you are to them.

Step 4 - How to get back with my ex: Plan Ahead for the Get Together
When you have completed above steps, you can start planning on when you should meet, where
you should meet and what you should tell when you meet up again.  This will give better idea of
whether your ex still loves you and know if there is any chance that you and your ex will be able
to get back together.

Step 5 – How to win your ex back: Be yourself

There was really a reason why you and your ex had a relationship. Your ex did like you for what
you were. That’s why he or she did love you. So be yourself and let your ex recall the memory of
why love you in the first place. Renewed self impression of your own self will surely rub off on
your ex.

How to win your ex back? This can be more challenging but following above steps is obviously
a good start of trying to get your ex back.

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