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Synonym Causative Incubation Mode of Period of S/S Complications Diagnostic Tests Medical Nursing
Agent Period Transmission Communicability Management Management
Lockjaw Clostridium Developm Spores may be Spores may Trismus Pneumonia C. tetani Antibiotics and Maintenance of
Tetani ent of the introduced remain viable (lung antibodies are drainage are the airway
initial through for many years infection) and sometimes carried out in
Prevention of the
symptoms contaminated in the other detectable in the hospital complications of
of tetanus puncture environment. infections serum while the respiratory
ranges wounds, fractures - samples but patient is dysfunction, such
from two lacerations, broken bones may result monitored for as atelectasis
days to burns or due to from waning any signs of
two contaminated spasms or past compromised Treatment of
months, injected convulsions immunization breathing autonomic nervous
but it's ‘street drugs’. breathing muscles dysfunction, such
commonly Tetanus can problems as cardiac
within 14 result from coma Administration dysrhythmias
days of minor wounds of anti-toxin
injury. considered drugs. Maintenance of
too trivial for skin integrity
Compliance with
consultation. the prescribed

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