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Domain & File Names: 

Choose your site domain name that contains words from your primary keyword phrase.
Your domain name should also be easy to spell and easy to remember. You keyword
phrase also should in many cases go in your file name. Read this thread Keywords in the
URL from SEO Chat Forum.
For example I use the file name seo-techniques.html for this page.
2. Keyword Phrases: 
1. Use keywords that are being searched for. You can check your keyword phrases
with either theSearch Term Suggestion Tool or the Overture Keyword Popularity
Tool to find out how often they are being searched. You can also look at Google
AdWords Keyword Suggestions for suggestions for different keyword phrases.
2. Add keyword synonyms to your content.
3. Put the keyword phrases in the <title>keyword phrase</title> .
4. Insert the keyword phrases in a <h1>keyword phrase</h1> tag at the beginning
of your page. Keyword synonyms should be put in your h2 & h3 tags. The h1, h2,
h3 tags are used for titles and subtitles in articles.
5. Make sure you use your keyword phrases from the page you are linking to, in your
anchor text on the site map. i.e. SEO Techniques.
3. Keyword Density: 
Keyword density is a very important part of search engine optimization. Keyword density is
the percent that your keyword or keyword phrase are of your web page text. You may
want to look that your competition to see what keyword density they are using. To high a
keyword density will be considered search engine spam and can get you blacklisted.
Your keywords should be toward the top of your page and your keyword phrase be in
either every paragraph or every second paragraph depending on your paragraph length.
4. Bad Techniques:
Bad search engine optimization techniques can get you blacklisted from a search engine.
Some techniques that are considered spam are cloaking, invisible text, tiny text, identical
pages, doorway pages, refresh tags, link farms, filling comment tags with keyword phrases
only, keyword phrases in the author tag, keyword density to high, mirror pages and mirror
While these techniques might work to give you a higher ranking for short time in the long
run they will hurt you.
Google has a good article on Google information for webmasters that is very imformative if
you are considering Getting a SEO Company to so work on your website.
5. Title & Meta Description Tag: 
Construction of your title tag is one of the most important things you need to do. Each
page should have a different title with 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning.
When search engine results are displayed the title is the first thing people see.
Below the title is a description which will be either be taken from your meta name
description content="Description phrase" or from the first sentence on at page. You
description should also have 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning as so should
your first sentence. You should have a different title, description and first sentence on each
page. You many also what to try shorter titles with only one keyword or keyword phrase as
this will raise you keyword relevance. Also you can consider putting your domain name at
the very end of the title.
6. Meta Keywords Tag:
The meta keywords tag is not as relevant as it used to be and some say Google doesn't
ever look at it anymore, but put it in anyway. It is as follows, <meta name="keywords"
content="keywords,go,here" /> and put in it all your keywords and keyword phrases. This
tag should be different for each page.
7. Author & Robots Tags:
The Author Tag should contain the name of the company that owns the site. This tag will
help you get a #1 position for your company's name.
<meta name="author" content="Solutions with Service" />
Use a generic Robots Tag on all pages that you want indexed. This instructs the robots to
crawl the page. The following is the generic robots tag.
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
8. Quality Content: 
Quality content will bring people back and as people always want to tell others about a
good thing it will get you forward links from other sites. Your content should be written
with your keyword phrases in mind
9. Quantity Content: 
The more the better. Just remember your content will need to be both quantity and
10. Changing Content: 
You can do this by hand or with a script. For example you can have a php script that draws
five paragraphs from a pool of twenty paragraphs when the content is different each time
the php page is accessed. shows a sample of php script that
will do this.
11. Avoid Dynamic URLs:
Are you pages via php, asp, or cf? Some search engines may have a problem indexing
them. Create static pages whenever possible. Avoid symbols in your URLs like the "?" that
you will often find in php, asp or cf pages.
Static pages are the best but if you have a db driven site, make sure the menu and site
map like go to inventory.cfm not inventory.cfm?vn=0 .
12. Frames:
Many search engines can't follow frame links. Make sure you provide an alternative
method for the search engines to enter and index your site. For more information
read Search Engines and Frames.
13. Site Map:
A good menu system is really a site map. A well constructed menu system that is on each
page and contains a link to very page on the website is all you need.
14. Site Themes:
All of the top 3 search engines look for site themes or a common topic when they crawl a
website. If your site is about one specific topic you will rank better than if you have more
than one theme or topic on your site. By using similar keyword phrases in each page the
search engines will detect a theme this will be to your advantage.
15. Site Design:
You may think, what does site design have to with search engine optimization. Well if your
website has a bad color scheme that is hard to read, is not organized, is a cheesy looking
site, then all your site optimization has been a waste of time. Make your site attractive to
the viewer, make things easy to find, have you graphic header and menu bar the same
place on each page.
These things will keep your visitors on the site and bring them back. A well optimized site
with a high search engine results position that is ugly and is hard find information on, will
not keep the visitors your optimization has brought to the site.
Use W3C Link Checker to make sure all your page links are good. If you have broken links
on your site this can effect the ranking you are given.
Put a proper doctype on each page. If you don't have a proper doctype on each page
Internet Exployer will go into quirks mode and display it different.
Use The W3C Markup Validate Service to verify that your pages are Validate HTML or
XHTML code. The W3C validation will verify that your HTML or XHTML is not broken. This
validation show you any broken code that could cause your webpages from displaying
properly in all the different browsers and browser versions.
16. Separate Content & Presentation:
Put all your presentation code into Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS). This separates the
presentation from the content and makes your html files up to 50% smaller. It is reported
that the search engine bots prefer this and the more content you have compared to
presentation in your file, the better you get rated. Read why tables for markup are
stupid for an overview.
17. Robots.txt File:
While this file is not really required it should be included so that the search engine bots
don't get 404 errors when they look for it. Just include the following 2 lines and drop it in
the root.
User-agent: *

The Secret of Effective SEO

SEO Tips & Techniques

Important: This e-book is distributed by the author, SEOLP and the authorized distributors. You

cannot modify or distribute this e-book or any part of it in any way without the consent of the


© 2010 1Introduction

I've written this SEO guide for those who already know the basics but want to

know more advanced techniques. While I've put most (if not all) of my

experience into it, I tried to keep the report short and to the point. This guide

includes some theory, some techniques, some tips and a step by step SEO

process that I personally follow to rank fro keywords with 10M+ competition. It's

powerful so use it with caution ;) 21. Before You Start SEO

Before you start doing SEO, there are some important things to always keep in


• Keywords. Remember that it all starts with keywords. Do a proper keyword

research before you put your time and effort (and sometimes money) into

SEO. Preferably, you should test your target keywords with PPC to make sure

there's traffic you expect and if it's a good traffic (if it converts). Also keep in

mind that you should target one keyword per page unless they are very tightly


• Content is key in SEO. So what if you do a great job to rank a page with

crappy content and the visitors immediately click the back button after seeing

your site. Google tracks the CTR and time spent on your site and if these

indicators are very low, you will not hold on to your rankings for long. Worse

yet, if your site looks spammy, the folks from Google may manually remove

your site from their index at all. On the other hand, if your content is great,

people will naturally link to you, thus increasing your rankings even more

without you having to do anything. What you should strive for is to be better
than your competitors on the first page of Google by providing better content

than they do. I can't stress enough the importance of this. If you don't have

good content, don't even start SEO. 32. What is SEO?

I'll assume that you know what is SEO (otherwise you wouldn't have found this

report) and make it quick, if just to be sure that we're on the same page.

Search Engine Optimization is a method of manipulating search engine results to

rank your pages higher and get more traffic. While most experts categorize SEO

to black hat and white hat (sometimes gray hat), I would argue that all SEO is

equal. The difference is how you get back-links – whether you spam or not. In

this report I will not teach you to spam and stick to what is called white hat SEO

(with a little bit of grey hat for that extra flavor ;))

There's on page SEO and off page SEO. The former is what you do on your

website to increase your rankings (that is, your content and site structure), the

latter is link building.

3.On Page SEO

There are just a few elements of on page SEO, and they arguably have little

influence to your rankings (as opposed to back-links), however they are so easy

to implement that there's no reason not to. These are the musts to have on your


Page title – make sure to have your keyword in the title while also making it

attractive to the user. There's no use of a listing if nobody's gonna click it. Think

of it as an ad headline.

Meta description – while it doesn't have a direct impact on your rankings, it's

important to have an attractive description because that's what the users will see.

In other words, it's your ad. Make sure to have the keyword here too, otherwise

the search engines will not display it.

H1 heading – make sure to have the keyword in the heading (<h1> tag) 4because structurally it tells what the page is about and it makes easier for the

search engines to understand what your page is about. While you can rank a

page relatively easy even without h1 tags, let's not make it harder than it has to


The content – make sure to mention the keyword in your content. The rule of

thumb is to let the copy flow naturally without worrying about keyword density. If

you are worried, include the keyword near the beginning of the content, once or

twice in the middle (depending on the length) and near the end.

Website Structure – your website must have a logical structure and has to be

easy to navigate. A quick and dirty solution without having to worry about it is

using Wordpress. Here are some guidelines for your site's structure:

• Identify categories. Preferably they should be keywords (use a keyword tool

for ideas). Each category should be listed in a sidebar or a menu.

• If there are a lot of categories and it makes sense, you can have subcategories. However, try to
limit the level to 1 (i.e. Sub-categories without

further sub-categories within them).

• A currently opened category should list all pages under it. If there are too

many pages to list, implement pagination. The links to the pages must have

the target keywords as anchor text.

• The most important pages should be listed in the menu or sidebar on every

page of the site. That way you make use the ranking power of the site itself to

increase the rankings of those pages.

• Always link back to the home page with the main keyword as anchor text (as

opposed to “Home” - unless you want to rank for the keyword “home”).

Age of your domain – this is perhaps the most significant on-page SEO factor

that can help with your rankings by itself. The website's age is one of the most

important factors that Google takes into account as well as it allows you to be

more aggressive with link building. So when starting a new site, look for old

domain on auction. There are several domain auctions out there (Go Daddy
Auctions, Snapnames, Pool, Namejet – to name a few). And there are thousands 5upon thousands of expired domains in different niches that you can buy for as

little as $10. I recommend doing this for any new project you do as it will help

your SEO a lot.

4. Off Page SEO (Link Building)

Now this is where the magic happens. If we take the on page SEO for granted,

all SEO can be summed up into getting as many quality links as needed. As

such, all SEO tips and techniques come down to link building.

But first, let me define what is a quality back-link. There are 2 important factors

as far as votes for your page (i.e. links from other sites):

1. Importance

2. Relevance

An important note is that at least as of writing this relevance is not that important

of a factor and links that are considered important, still help your ranking

regardless of the relevance of the page they're on. However, many experts

believe that Google is moving towards relevance and it makes sense to aim for

relevant back-links. Another reason why it makes sense is that you're likely to get

more direct traffic from relevant sites than irrelevant.

The importance of a page is simply defined by PageRank. The higher it is, the

more important the page is. Note that there's a common misconception to

assume a home page PageRank of a site to be the PageRank of the whole site.

There's no such thing and every single page has its own PageRank. So just

because you get a link from a random page without a PR on a site with a high

home page PR, doesn't mean you get any benefit from it. That doesn't mean that

you don't get it either, but you should always look for the PR of that particular

page and not other pages.

Also, keep in mind that the PR you see in Google Toolbar, is not an actual PR

and is rather a snapshot of the actual PR at some time in the past. This 6snapshot is updated every few months. That means a page with a PR may have

a different PR in reality, and more importantly, a page without a PR may actually

have one.

Here are the guidelines you must follow when getting backlinks:

• Never SPAM. Nobody likes spammers and you should not be one when

building links. While technically only e-mail spam is illegal, that doesn't mean

you should spam forums, blogs and other sites. If a website doesn't want to

have your links – don't push them.

• Make sure the page has a PR. However, even if it doesn't, still consider

getting the link as it may have a PR in the future. A rule of thumb here is to

consider where in the hierarchy of the website the page is. If it's a page linked

from the home page, for example, it's likely that it does have a PR and is

important. On the other hand, if the page is some obscure page that is hard to

find without having its url, you should probably not bother with it.

• Pay attention to other outgoing links. Your link shares the PR with other

outgoing links on the same page, so the less of them there are, the better.

Avoid pages with 100s of outgoing links, as you will get little benefit from them

and Google might consider it a link farm (a “bad neighborhood”) and in

extreme cases decrease your rankings by a notch rather than increasing

them. However, don't worry too much about it as bad incoming links rarely

have significant negative influence (otherwise anyone would be able to

sabotage their competitors by simply building some bad links for them).

• Try to get links closer to the top of the page (preferably in-content) rather

than the footer or sidebar. While it doesn't have such a huge impact, it can

have a slightly better effect.

Where to Get Backlinks?

Here are most of the places you need to know:

• You can get some, what I call, “filler links” (links of lower quality) from article 7directories, Web 2.0 sites, social bookmarks, blog comments, forum posts,

classified ads, press releases, videos, etc. But again, don't spam. To be safe,

stick to just article directories. All of these sites give you only low importance

back-links so it's natural to post low quality content. However if you do so, you

end up spamming. That's a big no-no and the benefit you get is little. Instead,

you should use these sites to market your site, but that's a subject for another


• Use your other sites! I can't believe how often this method is overlooked but it

is. To tell you a secret, I've grown to have so many sites that I can rank for

most keywords I want just by linking back from them. Linking to yourself is

natural thing to do and even Google agrees with that. An important point to

note is that if you create sites for SEO purposes (and you should do it ;))

you should use different hosts/IPs as much as possible. Google “seo

hosting” for more information.

• You can buy high PR links. Keep in mind that this is considered as a no-no by

Google and they recommend against it as well as may ban your site if they

catch you. On the other hand, you can buy links for traffic and nobody can

enforce the site that sells you the link to use the nofollow attribute. If you can

get both, traffic and SEO benefit, why not!

• You can exchange links. If you do it, use the 3 way exchange. That is, you get

someone to link to you, but instead of linking back to them from the same site,

you link from another. This is to avoid the reciprocal linking which search

engines de-value. Keep in mind that like buying links, exchanging links is also


• Buy other websites. If you don't have other websites yourself, buy them. While

high traffic websites are expensive, you can find some low traffic websites with

a good PR that would sell for cheap.

• Buy expired domains. You don't even have to buy a whole website, just a
domain with age and PR is even cheaper and will have the same effect once

you rebuild the site. You can retain the PR of an expired domain if you rebuild 8it as soon as you get it transferred to you. This is a very advanced technique

so I suggest you to find more information about buying domains if you decide

to try doing it.

• Guest posting can be a great source for high quality links as well as traffic.

There are many high profile blogs in any niche and many of them are more

than welcome to publish guest posts. You can find them on Google by

searching for “write for us”, “guest post” and similar phrases. The key to keep

in mind here is the quality of the content you can provide them.

• Release a free Wordpress theme. You don't have to know anything about

design, just pay someone to do it and include your link in the footer. Submit

the theme to several theme directories you can find on Google. Now anyone

who uses it will automatically give you a back-link. You can release any theme

or script this way but the reason I've chosen Wordpress themes is because

the use of WP is growing every day and there are thousands of people looking

for free themes – it's a great way to get potentially thousands of decent quality

links. The only limitation is that you can only do it with web design/marketing

related sites.

• For more tips check out 95. Step-by-Step SEO

All this theory is great, but how on earth do you implement it? Let me break down

my SEO process in simple steps:

1. Choose the keyword and publish the content on your website

2. Make sure the on page SEO is right (chapter 3)

3. Submit a few articles to article directories to get some “filler” back-links, submit

your site to RSS directories (if your site has an RSS feed)

4. Get one quality back-link using one of the methods form chapter 4 and see
what effect it has (may have to wait a week or so to see it)

5. Get more “filler” backlinks (best to optimize it with all those blog networks and

similar link building services)

6. Get quality links one by one and monitor the results until you get the desired

position (#1 probably). To get an idea of how many and what PR links you will

need, you can research your competition to see what links they have using a

tool like Market Samurai or SEO Elite

7. Once you're in the position you want just continue to build “filler” links and

don't get any more quality links unless you fall lower (in other words, be

efficient with your resources and avoid over-optimization).

Usually if the keyword has a relatively easy competition (500k or so) just a

couple of high quality links will get you to the first page (yes, it's that easy when

you do it right). For higher competition, you just have to keep building high quality

links and be patient. 106. Closing Word

So that's about it. I've tried to make this report as short and to the point as

possible and basically condense all I know about SEO to these few pages. I

hope it helps you in your SEO endeavors. Good luck! 11

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