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. CHAPTER va Grosine REMARKS ‘The 2003 NPA document only provides general guidelines, for its implementation at the central and regional levels and will have to be adjusted to the local situation. ‘The 2003 NPA document is a guideline for formulating National Development Programs {PROPENAS), Regional Development Programs (PROPEDA) and Strategic Plans of government agencies at central and regional levels, as well as social organizations concerned with older person. | wer ora ro nen eB) Hrererences Abikusno N. Empowerment of the elderly in the informal sector: elderly businesses in ‘south Jakarta, Proceeding of the World Health Organization Symposium on Ageing and Health. Kobe (Japan) 10-13 November 1998. Abikusno N. (Ed. English version) 1999. Manual on Older Person IEC Material development using Social Cultural and Operation Research (SCOR) Technique. Jakarta: RI State Ministry of Population/ National Family Planning Coordinating Board in cooperation with UNFPA. Abikusno N. (Ed. 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